Eye Floaters - Anyone Else On Here Have Them?


Sep 13, 2012
Retinal detachment can be prevented at least in a lot of cases by not wearing your distance lenses while looking at screens for prolonged periods. It usually is the result of high myopia as the eye ball is elongating.


Apr 8, 2020
I just started supplementing small doses of Riboflavin powder (I drink A LOT of espresso and get a decent amount there as well). That being said, I have never had real eye problems - this is the biggest eye problem I can think of. I am a photographer and have a good eye for even manual focusing through my lens. If anything, I am slightly far-sighted. However, I am definitely hypothyroid and am stress-intolerant. I think they might have started when I ran out of Cynoplus. I need to learn to like Liver. I have tried and tried and tried and I hate all of it. Got some new beef liver recently. I think I will try cooking it this week - it needs to become a weekly habit. I realize I am lacking so much by not eating weekly liver and oysters. Thanks you for your 2C :)
This post is from Apr 23, 2016. Not sure you still active here.
If you are, can you give a update about this? does it help?
Apr 1, 2021
Had them for 20 years.
They appeared at around 25, after a period of intense mental efforts.
Peating seems to have reduced them, but not completely.

An eye specialist won't be able to help ( done and tried).
Thank you so much for this advice! I tried distance gazing and it cleared my eye floaters in only minutes!


Jul 13, 2014
So I've recently noticed (while out riding cruising on my bicycle it became apparent), that I have eye floaters. For those of you who have them, I'm sure you know what they are - like little squiggles (which I first mistook for hair on my sunglasses) that kind of float past your eyes on a regular basis, especially in bright light.

I don't wear glasses and have always had very good eye sight, except when I used to work at the Apple Retail store staring at bright screens all day. But now my vision is good and sharp, though I would categorize my eyes as being very sensitive to bright light. But these darn eye floaters are a nuisance.

Any ideas what causes them and if they can go away? I am on a mission to find a way to incorporate liver into my diet (I REALLY dislike the stuff and don't digest it well), but in the meantime, I've ordered some Retinol to supplement. I get a decent amount of Vitamin A in my diet from high fat dairy and eggs, but I think I may need a little more? Just a note, I rarely get headaches or migraines, so I am guessing this is just vision related.

Thoughts greatly appreciated. I'm guessing I should also plan a visit to an eye doctor in the future......

View: https://twitter.com/PeytonElroy/status/1649816353145249793?t=5d943wy5qdQM4dtnyGHmRQ&s=19


Jan 9, 2019
There are some eyedrops availbale since some years even against dry eyes that use fractions of castor oil. And its been touted to help with all kinds of eye issues for even longer. Question is: why? What component brings effects and what mechanisms are involved?
i would be very cautious of items which are not sterile going into the eye ( Recalled Eye Drops Lead to More Deaths, Removals of Eyes ). I wonder if there is a sterilized castor oil? on the other hand honey for eyes seems to be an effective healer, they DO have sterile honey for therapeutic use, like packing wounds, may be worth a try, it makes sense that the sugar in honey would also energize the cells of the eye and give nutrition and help osmotically like baking soda would for floaters.
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