Fake Jobs


Jan 15, 2017
There is definitely something to be said about pure isolated diligence. The problem is that diligence while it can become truly reliable, its not always guaranteed success. Unfortunately a lot of people lack diligence, its like they consume oxygen and expect success. Hell some people on this forum, myself includes can't even consume oxygen well yet.

Despite a deep formal education, being a product of trade work for a lot of my life, and being a technical development lead in a small business world, I used to pride myself when people would comment on never seeing such a hard worker. The hours were atrocious by no fault but my own but it produced, and since sleep was difficult as I abused my body(see where this got me) it made it easier to use every waking minute. I kick myself because of it now but there at the time everyone involved in some projects were convinced that hard work leads to honest organic growth. In places this is true, but it cannot be relied upon.

There is absolute value in creative analytical people, not robots that serve to trim processes(and people) for the purpose of a better operating machine. Unfortunately this is never agreed upon today because everyone absolutely has to have a place.

The issue today is that the "complexity" that lies within a large amount of positions or processes is deployed because the added step(s) serve to confuse people who may actually be more intelligent than those doing the deployment. "There has to be a reason I just dont understand yet" is the common thought. This can be seen objectively at all levels and in all sizes and types of business. I can recall working as a product manager in a business that had zero real sucess in a given market for more than a decade. They had a great product but when I came on board I very quickly identified the innappropriate ways the sales teams were "prospecting" new business. One avenue was this long drawn out unengaging waste of time, the other was a short impersonal half-attempt(that someone could probably close same day). After ignoring what my supervisor had labeled as "thats how we do it" and modifying the major prospecting and sales processes, sales average jumped 50 percent almost immediately both in total revenue for the year and doubling the average sale. This lasted less than a year before backlash came in and I moved on. I wasnt actually allowed to do my job.

The point of this was whoever designs these complex pathways likely does so because they lack a true perception of what the situation calls for. The heavy masking of the process shrouds the reality for most of those involved in it and falsely qualifies the process as appropriate for a situation. Because nobody doing their actual job take time to dissect and disprove this complexity it stays in place and complete morons continue on in their positions.


Mar 7, 2017
HaHa inlaw - I know there’s money but it’s the 8 hours bit I struggled with . I owned a fancy burger joint for ten years and the money was good...the hours not so much :tonguewink:

I'm sure you understand that owning a food truck is nothing like running a brick-and-mortar restaurant........not even close.

One is a simple operation, while the other is one of the most difficult businesses to run on the planet. Many people who are wildly successful in other ventures, fold quickly after starting a restaurant.
Nov 21, 2015
The obvious point is that for there to be a fake job, someone has to pay the employee. In a real capitalist profit-seeking business, only a poorly-managed firm would employ non-productive people.

The other side is, many firms such as banks, are creatures of the government. Airlines are too. They exist in bed with government to such an extent that they might as well be government-run, and in those organizations you are more likely to see these types of jobs.

But what takes the cake is in any government organization. DMV, school attendance office, you name it. The military most of all. These are loaded with almost entirely non-productive people who are over-paid by any measure.


Mar 7, 2013
This article from STRIKE! Magazine is a great read on the topic. https://strikemag.org/bull****-jobs/

"In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that, by century's end, technology would have advanced sufficiently that countries like Great Britain or the United States would have achieved a 15-hour work week. There's every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn't happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless. Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound. It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it."


Oct 27, 2013
instead of minimizing jobs & working less hours a week as a collective, there seems to be a driving force towards insuring there is a full time job for every citizen. What comes about from Idle time has always been an threat to power. If the middle class only worked 20 hours a week, a revolution would probably follow soon enough after the partying fizzled away. The only people (as a whole) allowed to have ample free time as adults are people on welfare, whose power & equity are non existent.

There's probably also a difference b/w fake jobs, & useless jobs. I consider useless jobs as jobs that are no longer needed, or those which can be effectively automated. fake jobs both in the corporate & government sectors seems to have manifested from the age old practice of use it or loose it. Prior to choosing freedom over work, I worked as a hr manager for a national theatre chain. I actually got in trouble for effectively going under budget one quarter, and had to make up extra costs the next three quarters to ensure our budget would not be lowered moving forward. I imagine this is taking place in all government sectors, as well as corporations making decent profits.

Unless you love what you do, working 40+ a week is crazy. It's pretty easy to obtain financial freedom. major tech stocks like facebook, google, microsoft, etc, have increased 3x-8x over the last 6 years. I personally don't like feeding the tech demon, so I put my money in property which nets me anywhere from 15-30% depending on the appreciation rate.


Jun 19, 2017
Good post, @mt_dreams .

I actually got in trouble for effectively going under budget one quarter, and had to make up extra costs the next three quarters to ensure our budget would not be lowered moving forward. I imagine this is taking place in all government sectors

I've also experienced this with government grants/contracts.


Jul 3, 2016
Yeah. At least in America, it has become standard for people's first question to be "What'd'YOU do?" There's social pressure to say something back. (other than "F you. None of your beeswax.") As if, we all need to be building for the war effort or some labor nonsense. It's also somewhat illegal to be in your own home during the day. I was walking my dog one day and a cop asked me why I wasn't at work. I just looked back at him blinking. That seemed to make him shrink a bit.
It's the same mentality if you mention something like vitamin K to somebody. "Are you a doctor?" Unauthorized reading, unauthorized looking in the internet. Cheating.
I really love this post LOL! It's the same here in the Netherlands, btw.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
When you create conflict and don't resolve it, when you engage in subterfuge and chicanery and don't build a level of trust among nations, you create fake jobs in the military. Too many soldiers because the war machine wants to keep selling weapons.

When you create sickness and worsen it, you create fake jobs in the hospital. Too many nurses and doctors because too many people are disabled by wrong medicine and false medical methods that worsen conditions, instead of heal and cure.
Personnel costs encompass a third of the entire U.S. military budget including an annual ~$200 billion for retired veterans, much of which dedicated to medical care, such as that for amputees and others injured in combat while abroad.

American neo-conservative politicians readily advocate for veteran's benefits, but partisans from either side gleefully vote for continued bombings and occupations in the Middle-East.
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