Finally becoming immune to sunburn, here's how:

Apr 22, 2019
Answer: Eat lots of raw, unpasteurized animal fat. Raw butter, raw cream, raw milk, raw cheese, raw bone marrow, raw eggs, raw animal flesh, any and all of it. Add raw honey with all of these foods to increase their absorption.

I've lived in Florida (the United State closest to the equator) for my entire 29 years of life. The UV index during the summer is regularly 8-10. I've always, always burned after being outside on a hot summer day for more than 4 hours if I don't have any sunblock applied.

Over the past 7 years I have spent many 7-10 hour working days in the sun at outdoor venue. Invariably, I burn regardless of whatever the most recent dietary and/or lifestyle intervention I've been following is. Keto, vegetarian keto, paleo, grape fasting, milk fasting, pizza fasting, salt megadosing, vitamin C megadosing, putting meat up my a**, doesn't matter. Red burn, red burn, meds earned.

BUT the other day I once again found myself in a situation where I would be outside receiving a constant dose of 90 degree, beaming sunlight for 11 hours. No sunblock to start, just monitoring my arms as usual. 7 hours later and the sun is going down and my arms aren't even pink. To be fair, my face was slightly pink, but not burned.

The long short of it is that I think that a tremendous portion of fat lines our body just under the top layers of our skin. This fat and the related lymphatic system is basically our insulation. Unadulterated saturated fat is the lifeblood of this insulating armor. It provides the structure and substance by which we are altogether cleansed, thermally insured, and hydrated by.

Truly I say that over 90% of my dietary changes in the last 2 months have only been to flood myself with all of the aforementioned uncooked fats (alongside a large dose of honey) and it has not only improved my biological insulation, but also every tangible fragment of my conscious reality. 10/10 would recommend getting fat.

Deuteronomy 26:9-11
[9] And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey.
[10] And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God:
[11] And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you.
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Oct 18, 2021
This is great news, but it's not just raw fat. Rendered beef tallow has the same effect. I eat a minimum of 65 grams of fat in the form of tallow daily, and have done so for years. I've definitely seen a similar increased tolerance to solar radiation. Interestingly a couple decades ago when I spent months eating nothing but raw carrot juice, I saw a similar effect. It may simply be that purging the body of PUFA conveys resistance to burning.


May 30, 2018
This is great news, but it's not just raw fat. Rendered beef tallow has the same effect. I eat a minimum of 65 grams of fat in the form of tallow daily, and have done so for years. I've definitely seen a similar increased tolerance to solar radiation. Interestingly a couple decades ago when I spent months eating nothing but raw carrot juice, I saw a similar effect. It may simply be that purging the body of PUFA conveys resistance to burning.
How do you eat your tallow? I haven’t found a palatable way to eat more than a tiny amount. Also doesn’t seem to digest.


Oct 18, 2021
How do you eat your tallow? I haven’t found a palatable way to eat more than a tiny amount. Also doesn’t seem to digest.
I eat mine in little muffins, combined with wheat, calcium, milk, whey and gelatin.

That being said, if you don't find it palatable, it may well be that's not what you need.


Mar 18, 2021
In my experience getting a deep tan by gradually exposing your body over the course of two weeks is the best protection. There is also a protocol on the web, can’t remember what it’s called. It involves alternating x minutes in sunlight y minutes in shade etc.
Saturated fat and carotenoids help too, but flooding myself with fat wouldn’t be my first choice.


Sep 22, 2021
Have you ever tried astaxanthin? Supposedly really helps some people avoid sunburn
Astaxanthin absolutely does help to prevent sunburn and for men that want to increase testo
Have you ever tried astaxanthin? Supposedly really helps some people avoid sunburn
Astaxanthin absolutely does prevent sunburn and for men that want to increase testosterone it can help that also as well as lower estrogen.
Apr 22, 2019
Have you ever tried astaxanthin? Supposedly really helps some people avoid sunburn
I've heard that, yeah. After I wasted money on resveratrol I have since become very skeptical of antioxidants, especially chemically isolated ones. In theory they're supposed to prevent oxygen from getting to cells, which is supposed to make them anti-cancer, yet cancer only comes about when the body is excessively acidic due to the lymphatic system not moving waste properly. I'm sure there's something to be said about astaxanthin preventing sunburn, but I can't see it as a long term choice.
This is great news, but it's not just raw fat. Rendered beef tallow has the same effect. I eat a minimum of 65 grams of fat in the form of tallow daily, and have done so for years. I've definitely seen a similar increased tolerance to solar radiation. Interestingly a couple decades ago when I spent months eating nothing but raw carrot juice, I saw a similar effect. It may simply be that purging the body of PUFA conveys resistance to burning.
Solid, good to hear. I also think stored PUFA has a big part in the sunburn equation.
That being said, if you don't find it palatable, it may well be that's not what you need.
+1 wisdom
In my experience getting a deep tan by gradually exposing your body over the course of two weeks is the best protection. There is also a protocol on the web, can’t remember what it’s called. It involves alternating x minutes in sunlight y minutes in shade etc.
Oh yeah the hard way definitely works too but the problem I always ran into with that was that within a week of getting forcibly tanned, my skin would be right back to a sensitive within a week and it was basically back to square one.

Genuinely surprised this didn't work ;)
Honestly me too. Tissue is supposed to repair tissue! Ah well. It's one less question I have for the universe.


May 1, 2016
Cocoa/Cacao also helps prevent sunburn. Could try large amounts like Spanish Hot Chocolate they have for breakfast, made with whole AND coconut milk and dip (BIO-ENERGETIC) donuts in, and can make it a Mocha with Espresso Powder!


Nov 14, 2013
Honestly me too. Tissue is supposed to repair tissue! Ah well. It's one less question I have for the universe.
It's good to get these things cleared up. Thank you for your service.

Getting back to fats, I'd noticed something similar; years ago I used to eat a lot of olive oil but would burn really easily, when I stopped and just focused on butter to cook everything (along with whole raw milk and cheese) I cope with the sun much better. I'm not immune to burning, but it definitely takes much more exposure before I crisp up.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@Twohandsondeck i had a long period of raw eating,i find most fat cooked or raw unseasoned disgusting or neutral at best,specifially compare to fruits coconut water and honey,the lonely fat that i find enjoyables unseasoned are cooked egg yolk that is still liquid,and raw grass fed grass finished young lamb subcutanous in warm weather
Apr 22, 2019
Cocoa/Cacao also helps prevent sunburn. Could try large amounts like Spanish Hot Chocolate they have for breakfast, made with whole AND coconut milk and dip (BIO-ENERGETIC) donuts in, and can make it a Mocha with Espresso Powder!
This sounds like it could potentially ruin my life on account of addiction lol
Getting back to fats, I'd noticed something similar; years ago I used to eat a lot of olive oil but would burn really easily, when I stopped and just focused on butter to cook everything (along with whole raw milk and cheese) I cope with the sun much better. I'm not immune to burning, but it definitely takes much more exposure before I crisp up.
Nice. Sounds about right. Olive oil is a really acidic cleanser of stored unstable fats. I can see why the internal burn would emphasize the external.
@Twohandsondeck i had a long period of raw eating,i find most fat cooked or raw unseasoned disgusting or neutral at best,specifially compare to fruits coconut water and honey,the lonely fat that i find enjoyables unseasoned are cooked egg yolk that is still liquid,and raw grass fed grass finished young lamb subcutanous in warm weather
Sounds like you might have some excessive bile stored throughout your body. The Aajonus remedy for that is carrot juice. If it turns your skin yellow, that's a good sign. I think the carbohydrates are detoxifying to the stored bile and the eggs are fine with you because they require so little digestive effort.


Jul 8, 2014
Answer: Eat lots of raw, unpasteurized animal fat. Raw butter, raw cream, raw milk, raw cheese, raw bone marrow, raw eggs, raw animal flesh, any and all of it. Add raw honey with all of these foods to increase their absorption.

10/10 would recommend getting fat.

I was recently thinking about a similar experience I had the year just after my spine collapsed. My doctor at the time had me following a high-fat, WAPF inspired diet, and my cravings for dairy were insane so the majority of my calories came from raw dairy, including high vitamin butter oil. For the first time in my life, my skin didn’t burn, and it’s quite fair—my profile pic (I’m in the black dress) was taken during a time I was outdoors year-round climbing mountains. I didn’t get fat following the diet, though—I actually weighed more following a low-fat, fruitarian diet. I find it difficult to put on fat with dairy. Not only does my skin love butterfat, but my bones, too. I had some crazy regenerating going on during that time, what with all the protein, calcium and fat soluble vitamins I was flooding my body with. Testing showed my bone density improved by 50%. I’ve gone back to a similar way of eating and so far, my experience is matching my previous one. With all the raw, creamy milk, cheese and ice cream I’m having, healing has never tasted so good. Hehe.
Apr 22, 2019
I was recently thinking about a similar experience I had the year just after my spine collapsed. My doctor at the time had me following a high-fat, WAPF inspired diet, and my cravings for dairy were insane so the majority of my calories came from raw dairy, including high vitamin butter oil. For the first time in my life, my skin didn’t burn, and it’s quite fair—my profile pic (I’m in the black dress) was taken during a time I was outdoors year-round climbing mountains. I didn’t get fat following the diet, though—I actually weighed more following a low-fat, fruitarian diet. I find it difficult to put on fat with dairy. Not only does my skin love butterfat, but my bones, too. I had some crazy regenerating going on during that time, what with all the protein, calcium and fat soluble vitamins I was flooding my body with. Testing showed my bone density improved by 50%. I’ve gone back to a similar way of eating and so far, my experience is matching my previous one. With all the raw, creamy milk, cheese and ice cream I’m having, healing has never tasted so good. Hehe.
Right on! I'm often thankful that the road to health actually tastes good, too. One of the first things I noticed about all of the extra fat was that my body actually felt as though it had a foundation for once, like the wind wasn't going to blow me over lol. I have realized that I won't gain much weight unless I'm combining 3 or more foods together at the same meal. For instance, cheese + honey + milk or egg + butter + honey, etc. I read a remark from Aajonus Vonderplanitz that any monodiet will cause weight loss, regardless of what food is being consumed. I've found that to be true in all of my experiences, whether it's grapes, milk, or eggs.


May 10, 2018
I was recently thinking about a similar experience I had the year just after my spine collapsed. My doctor at the time had me following a high-fat, WAPF inspired diet, and my cravings for dairy were insane so the majority of my calories came from raw dairy, including high vitamin butter oil. For the first time in my life, my skin didn’t burn, and it’s quite fair—my profile pic (I’m in the black dress) was taken during a time I was outdoors year-round climbing mountains. I didn’t get fat following the diet, though—I actually weighed more following a low-fat, fruitarian diet. I find it difficult to put on fat with dairy. Not only does my skin love butterfat, but my bones, too. I had some crazy regenerating going on during that time, what with all the protein, calcium and fat soluble vitamins I was flooding my body with. Testing showed my bone density improved by 50%. I’ve gone back to a similar way of eating and so far, my experience is matching my previous one. With all the raw, creamy milk, cheese and ice cream I’m having, healing has never tasted so good. Hehe.
great post, thanks. I’m about to really ramp up my calcium instals. Would be keen to do a bone density scan before and after about 6-12 months to see if it’s made an improvement. What test/scan did you use for bone density?


Feb 7, 2017
Answer: Eat lots of raw, unpasteurized animal fat. Raw butter, raw cream, raw milk, raw cheese, raw bone marrow, raw eggs, raw animal flesh, any and all of it. Add raw honey with all of these foods to increase their absorption.

I've lived in Florida (the United State closest to the equator) for my entire 29 years of life. The UV index during the summer is regularly 8-10. I've always, always burned after being outside on a hot summer day for more than 4 hours if I don't have any sunblock applied.

Over the past 7 years I have spent many 7-10 hour working days in the sun at outdoor venue. Invariably, I burn regardless of whatever the most recent dietary and/or lifestyle intervention I've been following is. Keto, vegetarian keto, paleo, grape fasting, milk fasting, pizza fasting, salt megadosing, vitamin C megadosing, putting meat up my a**, doesn't matter. Red burn, red burn, meds earned.

BUT the other day I once again found myself in a situation where I would be outside receiving a constant dose of 90 degree, beaming sunlight for 11 hours. No sunblock to start, just monitoring my arms as usual. 7 hours later and the sun is going down and my arms aren't even pink. To be fair, my face was slightly pink, but not burned.

The long short of it is that I think that a tremendous portion of fat lines our body just under the top layers of our skin. This fat and the related lymphatic system is basically our insulation. Unadulterated saturated fat is the lifeblood of this insulating armor. It provides the structure and substance by which we are altogether cleansed, thermally insured, and hydrated by.

Truly I say that over 90% of my dietary changes in the last 2 months have only been to flood myself with all of the aforementioned uncooked fats (alongside a large dose of honey) and it has not only improved my biological insulation, but also every tangible fragment of my conscious reality. 10/10 would recommend getting fat.

Deuteronomy 26:9-11
[9] And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey.
[10] And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God:
[11] And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you.
I live in South Florida and I don't burn either.

For me it was the basics here: cutting out pufa, Calcium to Phosphorus ratio 2 to 1, liver, fresh fruits, etc. Really boring, day to day stuff, that sorted out a ton of other things as well.


Oct 4, 2019
getting the uva light before uvb light works since it preconditions the skin for uvb
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