
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I posted a few articles several moths ago on various interesting phenomena including the existence of electrical anti-gravity force, the creation of "cosmic" rays by thunderstorms, creation of X-rays by scotch tape, and even nuclear fusion by that same scotch tape. A lot of these phenomena back the idea of electromagnetism as perhaps THE most fundamental force in nature. However, ever since electromagnetism started as a science it has been marred by controversy in regards to its origin and method of propagation. The official version is that electromagnetic waves somehow propagate through completely empty space. The scientific name for this fully empty space is the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) or Absolute Physical Vacuum (APV, as Russian science calls it), and all kinds of paradoxical explanations currently exist to explain away the fact that this empty space is teeming with elementary particles and infinite energy.
Zero-point energy - Wikipedia

Regardless, the main part of the story is that the ZPE does not interact with ordinary particles of matter like the electron or atoms. Somehow, electromagnetic waves magically propagate through "empty" space and atoms quitely sit suspended into nothingness.
Well, this study shows that the ZPE (or "ether", as it used to be called) does in fact interact with elementary particles and exerts a friction force, which causes an atom to lose mass as it is hurtling through space. This is not unlike a tire that slowly gets eroded through the constant friction experienced by rolling on the road.

@pimpnamedraypeat @Such_Saturation

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053601 (2017) - Will a Decaying Atom Feel a Friction Force?
"...When three physicists first discovered through their calculations that a decaying atom moving through the vacuum experiences a friction-like force, they were highly suspicious. The results seemed to go against the laws of physics: The vacuum, by definition, is completely empty space and does not exert friction on objects within it. Further, if true, the results would contradict the principle of relativity, since they would imply that observers in two different reference frames would see the atom moving at different speeds (most observers would see the atom slow down due to friction, but an observer moving with the atom would not).

"...This subtle but important detail allowed the researchers to paint a very different picture of what was going on. As a decaying atom moves through the vacuum, it really does experience some kind of force resembling friction. But a true friction force would cause the atom to slow down, and this is not what's happening."

"...What's really happening is that, since the moving atom loses a tiny bit of mass as it decays, it loses momentum, not velocity. To explain in more detail: Although the vacuum is empty and does not exert any forces on the atom, it still interacts with the atom, and this interaction causes the excited atom to decay. As the moving atom decays to a lower energy state, it emits photons, causing it to lose a little bit of energy corresponding to a certain amount of mass. Since momentum is the product of mass and velocity, the decrease in mass causes the atom to lose a little bit of momentum, just as expected according to the conservation of energy and momentum in special relativity. So while the atom's mass (energy) and momentum decrease, its velocity remains constant."
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Jun 19, 2017
I posted a few articles several moths ago on various interesting phenomena including the existence of electrical anti-gravity force, the creation of "cosmic" rays by thunderstorms, creation of X-rays by scotch tape, and even nuclear fusion by that same scotch tape. A lot of these phenomena back the idea of electromagnetism as perhaps THE most fundamental force in nature. However, ever since electromagnetism started as a science it has been marred by controversy in regards to its origin and method of propagation. The official version is that electromagnetic waves somehow propagate through completely empty space. The scientific name for this fully empty space is the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) or Absolute Physical Vacuum (APV, as Russian science calls it), and all kinds of paradoxical explanations currently exist to explain away the fact that this empty space is teeming with elementary particles and infinite energy.
Zero-point energy - Wikipedia

Regardless, the main part of the story is that the ZPE does not interact with ordinary particles of matter like the electron or atoms. Somehow, electromagnetic waves magically propagate through "empty" space and atoms quitely sit suspended into nothingness.
Well, this study shows that the ZPE (or "ether", as it used to be called) does in fact interact with elementary particles and exerts a friction force, which causes an atom to lose mass as it is hurtling through space. This is not unlike a tire that slowly gets eroded through the constant friction experienced by rolling on the road.
Now, even though the authors admit that the "ether" interacts with the moving atom, so far they manage to get away from the striking conclusion that General Relativity is violated by saying that the speed of the atom is unaffected. The study accounts for the loss of momentum by the lost mass of the decaying atom. However, it could very well be that the atom's speed (and not mass) declined as a result of this friction force, but the authors think this is too sacrilegious to consider because, you know, empty space cannot interact with particles and slow them down. And because, you know, the vacuum is empty by definition (as opposed to by observation, which easily falsifies that definition). Well, that is only true if you believe in empty space. If you don't and you take the evidence at face value, the story is much more interesting and probably threatens the livelihood of the 400,000+ theoretical physicists around the world. And if you do believe in empty space then you'd have to explain how in God's name would empty space interact with matter!! But as you can see, the study is silent on the latter point. You don't have to explain anything if you are a theoretical physicists. The very complexity of the fairy tales you produce is solid "evidence" of truth. The only safer job is weather forecasting :):

@pimpnamedraypeat @Such_Saturation

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053601 (2017) - Will a Decaying Atom Feel a Friction Force?
"...When three physicists first discovered through their calculations that a decaying atom moving through the vacuum experiences a friction-like force, they were highly suspicious. The results seemed to go against the laws of physics: The vacuum, by definition, is completely empty space and does not exert friction on objects within it. Further, if true, the results would contradict the principle of relativity, since they would imply that observers in two different reference frames would see the atom moving at different speeds (most observers would see the atom slow down due to friction, but an observer moving with the atom would not).

"...This subtle but important detail allowed the researchers to paint a very different picture of what was going on. As a decaying atom moves through the vacuum, it really does experience some kind of force resembling friction. But a true friction force would cause the atom to slow down, and this is not what's happening."

"...What's really happening is that, since the moving atom loses a tiny bit of mass as it decays, it loses momentum, not velocity. To explain in more detail: Although the vacuum is empty and does not exert any forces on the atom, it still interacts with the atom, and this interaction causes the excited atom to decay. As the moving atom decays to a lower energy state, it emits photons, causing it to lose a little bit of energy corresponding to a certain amount of mass. Since momentum is the product of mass and velocity, the decrease in mass causes the atom to lose a little bit of momentum, just as expected according to the conservation of energy and momentum in special relativity. So while the atom's mass (energy) and momentum decrease, its velocity remains constant."

Well, it's simple from another viewpoint : Emptiness is Form and Form is Emptiness according to the Heart Sutra, e.g. But it still
threatens the livelihood of the 400,000+ theoretical physicists around the world.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
They are making speculations based on calculations according to a model that is based on Einstein's nonsense of relativity that is contradicting itself, this has been proven by Stephen Crothers member of the EU Electric Universe.
Einstein and his friends did not want the ether to exist, so he came up with a way to hide it with his theory of e=mc2 which is based on a imaginary model and therefore 'vacuum' is also imaginary. You can make infinite models of the universe in the imaginary calculation-space of mathemagicians, as Stephen puts it.


I posted a few articles several moths ago on various interesting phenomena including the existence of electrical anti-gravity force, the creation of "cosmic" rays by thunderstorms, creation of X-rays by scotch tape, and even nuclear fusion by that same scotch tape. A lot of these phenomena back the idea of electromagnetism as perhaps THE most fundamental force in nature. However, ever since electromagnetism started as a science it has been marred by controversy in regards to its origin and method of propagation. The official version is that electromagnetic waves somehow propagate through completely empty space. The scientific name for this fully empty space is the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) or Absolute Physical Vacuum (APV, as Russian science calls it), and all kinds of paradoxical explanations currently exist to explain away the fact that this empty space is teeming with elementary particles and infinite energy.
Zero-point energy - Wikipedia

Regardless, the main part of the story is that the ZPE does not interact with ordinary particles of matter like the electron or atoms. Somehow, electromagnetic waves magically propagate through "empty" space and atoms quitely sit suspended into nothingness.
Well, this study shows that the ZPE (or "ether", as it used to be called) does in fact interact with elementary particles and exerts a friction force, which causes an atom to lose mass as it is hurtling through space. This is not unlike a tire that slowly gets eroded through the constant friction experienced by rolling on the road.
Now, even though the authors admit that the "ether" interacts with the moving atom, so far they manage to get away from the striking conclusion that General Relativity is violated by saying that the speed of the atom is unaffected. The study accounts for the loss of momentum by the lost mass of the decaying atom. However, it could very well be that the atom's speed (and not mass) declined as a result of this friction force, but the authors think this is too sacrilegious to consider because, you know, empty space cannot interact with particles and slow them down. And because, you know, the vacuum is empty by definition (as opposed to by observation, which easily falsifies that definition). Well, that is only true if you believe in empty space. If you don't and you take the evidence at face value, the story is much more interesting and probably threatens the livelihood of the 400,000+ theoretical physicists around the world. And if you do believe in empty space then you'd have to explain how in God's name would empty space interact with matter!! But as you can see, the study is silent on the latter point. You don't have to explain anything if you are a theoretical physicists. The very complexity of the fairy tales you produce is indisputable "evidence" of truth. With a profession like this, I think it's fair to say that only weather forecasting offers more job security:):

@pimpnamedraypeat @Such_Saturation

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053601 (2017) - Will a Decaying Atom Feel a Friction Force?
"...When three physicists first discovered through their calculations that a decaying atom moving through the vacuum experiences a friction-like force, they were highly suspicious. The results seemed to go against the laws of physics: The vacuum, by definition, is completely empty space and does not exert friction on objects within it. Further, if true, the results would contradict the principle of relativity, since they would imply that observers in two different reference frames would see the atom moving at different speeds (most observers would see the atom slow down due to friction, but an observer moving with the atom would not).

"...This subtle but important detail allowed the researchers to paint a very different picture of what was going on. As a decaying atom moves through the vacuum, it really does experience some kind of force resembling friction. But a true friction force would cause the atom to slow down, and this is not what's happening."

"...What's really happening is that, since the moving atom loses a tiny bit of mass as it decays, it loses momentum, not velocity. To explain in more detail: Although the vacuum is empty and does not exert any forces on the atom, it still interacts with the atom, and this interaction causes the excited atom to decay. As the moving atom decays to a lower energy state, it emits photons, causing it to lose a little bit of energy corresponding to a certain amount of mass. Since momentum is the product of mass and velocity, the decrease in mass causes the atom to lose a little bit of momentum, just as expected according to the conservation of energy and momentum in special relativity. So while the atom's mass (energy) and momentum decrease, its velocity remains constant."
Have been waiting for this. It was bound to be revealed.


They are making speculations based on calculations according to a model that is based on Einstein's nonsense of relativity that is contradicting itself, this has been proven by Stephen Crothers member of the EU Electric Universe.
He is taking heaps of criticism for his pursuit.
Dec 25, 2014
@haidut You're on fire mate! @lisaferraro I too, have been waiting for this revival. Einstein and his supporters/followers set psychics back almost 100 years. Sometimes I think on purpose. Perhaps its time to start reading The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein.

The potential of a universe filled with energetic ether is too great to allow it to enter the head of a university student or burgeoning physicist. Instead we must fill their heads with dogma and propaganda. What better way to squelch their curiosity about the universe than to convince them that is a cold, empty, lifeless vacuum...full of black holes and exploding quasars.

I think the universe is full of life and wonder. I think the deception is purposeful. Buckminster Fuller wrote in the G.R.U.N.C.H. of Giants that highly advanced breakaway civilizations exist and that we're purposefully kept in a state of artificial scarity limited technology and limited knowledge.

After seeing the things Tesla was doing more than a century ago and the things he posited (instant manipulation of matter and energy at any point in space to create or destroy at will) I find it hard to believe that things are as they seem. There's just no way we should be using fossil fuels (which is itself another sham, hydrocarbons are created by planets even saturns moons have oil) and dealing with gas prices and pollution and oil wars.

It's just a bad joke all around.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
which is itself another sham, hydrocarbons are created by planets even saturns moons have oil

In case people think you are joking - he is not, the official name of this theory is Abiogenic Theory of Oil.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia

And Saturn moons apparently do have oil, so mainstream science either has to admit dinosaurs (or other organic matter) roamed those planets, or admit that oil is not a fossil fuel.
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Mar 24, 2014
Einstein's relativity theory is an aether theory, bent space means space is something since you can't 'bend' nothing. So the notion that Einstein did away with the aether seems a bit suspect; if he did do away with aether, he immediately replaced it with another one.


Jan 17, 2016
How do I get rich off of this experiment?

If I came up with an Antigravity device wouldn't it be impossible to patent because the explanation of how it works is not based on "sound science"?


Feb 13, 2016
I think the universe is full of life and wonder. I think the deception is purposeful. Buckminster Fuller wrote in the G.R.U.N.C.H. of Giants that highly advanced breakaway civilizations exist and that we're purposefully kept in a state of artificial scarity limited technology and limited knowledge.

I believe this to be a very strong possibility, especially after discovering Peat. Ancient, traditional knowledge is far ahead of Western knowledge in several ways. Maybe Black Panther was inspired by a real civilization...


In case people think you are joking - he is not, the official name of this theory is Abiogenic Theory of Oil.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia

And Saturn moons do indeed have oil, so mainstream science either has to admit dinosaurs (or other organic matter) roamed those planets, or admit that oil is not a fossil fuel. Either admission means public losing faith in "science" and withdrawing funding for good.
Totally amazing. Very cool. Thank you @pimpnamedraypeat and @haidut
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
'Planets' do not have oil, oil is only beneath surfaces, surfaces like the ones under our feet, not up in space. Up in space is nowhere.
Astronomers try to speculate and calculate what is on a 'planet' based on telescopic observations through masses of sky-gas, thinking the lens can really penetrate sky-gasses, like a lens of a microscope can focus on a sample, and believe are able to see directly on it -the surface-.
For example, 'nebula' Andromeda, a swirling 'galaxy'.


Nov 7, 2013
Zero point energy and what used to be known as the ether are not the same, or even related, phenomena. Haidut, you're brilliant, but don't over-extend. Notably, as far as we know, zero point energy is Lorentz invariant, which is precisely what ether was believed to not be.


Nov 7, 2013
They are making speculations based on calculations according to a model that is based on Einstein's nonsense of relativity that is contradicting itself, this has been proven by Stephen Crothers member of the EU Electric Universe.
Einstein and his friends did not want the ether to exist, so he came up with a way to hide it with his theory of e=mc2 which is based on a imaginary model and therefore 'vacuum' is also imaginary. You can make infinite models of the universe in the imaginary calculation-space of mathemagicians, as Stephen puts it.

Ether was refuted experimentally. See Michaelson Morley. At one point, experimental support for ether was seemingly found, and Einstein admitted that if it were replicated, he was indeed very wrong. That experiment was never able to be successfully replicated.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Zero point energy and what used to be known as the ether are not the same, or even related, phenomena. Haidut, you're brilliant, but don't over-extend. Notably, as far as we know, zero point energy is Lorentz invariant, which is precisely what ether was believed to not be.

I am not overextending. ZPE is what Stochastic Electrodynamics (which I have posted about in the past) calls the "active ether" or "free ether".
"...Abstract During most of the nineteenth century the existence of an all-encompassing ether as a substitute for a true void was taken for granted. According to the successful electromagnetic ether theory based upon Maxwellian electrodynamics, the ether was endowed with energy and hence very different from nothingness. Oliver Lodge thought that its energy density was enormous, about 1033 erg cm−3. The active ether of the fin-de-siècle period was in some respects surprisingly similar to the later quantum vacuum, yet it was based fully on classical physics."

"...The point is that by the turn of the nineteenth century few physicists thought of “empty space” as really empty. Rather it was filled with an active ethereal medium. This ether was widely seen as “a perfectly continuous, subtle, incompressible substance pervading all space and penetrating between the molecules of all ordinary matter, which are embedded in it” (Lodge 1883, p. 305). Lorentz and other physicists in the early twentieth century often spoke of the ether as equivalent to a vacuum, but it was a vacuum that was far from nothingness."

"...Peter Rowlands, a biographer of Lodge, comments: “The infinite energy density of the zero-point vacuum field fluctuations is almost indistinguishable from the infinite elasticity of the universal ethereal medium” (Rowlands 1990, p. 285). Lodge was indeed an enthusiastic protagonist of the active Victorian ether, which he considered incompressible and a reservoir of an immense amount of energy. This energy was not directly testable, but it could be calculated. In one such calculation, dating from 1907, he estimated the minimum etherial energy density to be “something like ten-thousand-million times that of platinum.”"

"...Although not more than a curiosity, it is worth pointing out that the linear dimension of Lodge’s ether happened to be in the same range as what would later become known as the Planck length."

"...The analogy between some forms of the classical ether and the presently discussed vacuum energy has not been lost on modern physicists, who sometimes refer to the resurrection or “transmogrification” of the ether (Sciama 1978). Even before the discovery of the cosmic microwave background, Robert Dicke at Princeton University wrote: “One suspects that, with empty space having so many properties, all that had been accomplished in destroying the ether was a semantic trick. The ether had been renamed the vacuum” (Dicke 1959). According to Paul Davies (1982, p. 582), late-nineteenth century physicists “would surely have been gratified to learn that in its modern quantum form, the ether has materialised at last.” Similarly referring to the role of virtual particles in modern quantum field theory, Nobel laureate FrankWilczek suggests that the ether—“renamed and only thinly disguised”—plays a most important role in physics (Wilczek 1999; see also Barone 2004)."

The Weight of the Vacuum
"...In a lecture of 1909 at Columbia University, Max Planck said: "In place of the so-called free ether there is now substituted the absolute vacuum,...I believe it follows as a consequence that no physical properties can be consistently ascribed to the absolute vacuum."

19th Natural Philosophy Alliance Proceedings
"...However, there is another logical explanation for the lack of fringe shifts in the Michelson-Morley experiment. The absence of the fringes may mean that the Earth apparently has no motion relative to the ether of light-carrying medium. This was a problem in 1905. But if we now exchange the old ether concept for the actual Zero Point Energy (ZPE) which is known to fill the cosmos, and through which light propagates, we can obtain a satisfactory answer to the fringe shift problem. This option first became available through Planck's work, in 1911, but did not really emerge until 1962."

I am not alleging full conspiracy. Simply, at the time the ether experiment was done only so much could be proven. And that single experiment was used to decide conclusively the absence of ether and thus set physics on the wrong course for the next 100 years. It is not the first time this is happening in science. The hypothesis of saturated fat causing heart disease was based on a single shoddy study from the 1970s and once it was accepted as true, over the years it became too "expensive" in terms of scientific reputation capital to even think about refuting or replicating it. Same withPUFA - because they are "essential" (again, based on a single study from the 1930s) all sorts of things are taken for granted in medicine, yet nobody has tried to replicate the original study. There is nothing unnatural about wanting some type of closure so that scientific efforts (and limited budget) can be spent on the most promising ideas. However, when a few seminal studies are so incompetent or directly fraudulent, it poisons the field for decades to come. And when all of these single-study, world-course-setting events happen to benefit massive financial interests, I get very very suspicious. Call me paranoid if you want, but I know what I see :):

Both Planck and Maxwell thought that the ether and its electromagnetic properties give rise to gravity. Maxwell, and especially Tesla, went even further and postulated that mass exists because of this "gravity", not the other way around as Einstein claims. The Casimir effect is a very good illustration of how this "gravity" force comes about - i.e. the partial shielding from ether/ZPE effects when two bodies come close together.

From the first link above.
"...This is a remarkable anticipation, not only of the zero-point energy of quantum theory some 50 years later (Chap. 4), but also of attempts by some modern unified field theorists to account for gravitational interactions as a Casimir-type byproduct of electromagnetic zero-point fields."

"...The original idea for such a theory is usually credited to in Sakharov (1968). In its most compelling form it has been developed under the name “stochastic electrodynamics” by Haisch et al. (1994)."

"...In a postscript to an 1864 article titled “A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field,” Maxwell (1864), Maxwell even wondered whether the electromagnetic ether might in some way be responsible for the force of gravitation. His idea seemed to be that by “screening” each other from a portion of this energetic medium, massive bodies might be driven together as if they were accelerating under the influence of a new force. After noting that the energy of the ether is everywhere positive, and attempting to obtain a lower limit on its density, he concluded."
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Dec 25, 2014
I believe this to be a very strong possibility, especially after discovering Peat. Ancient, traditional knowledge is far ahead of Western knowledge in several ways. Maybe Black Panther was inspired by a real civilization...

Yes, there were many ancient civilizations with more advanced engineering than we have today.

Dec 25, 2014
Ether was refuted experimentally. See Michaelson Morley. At one point, experimental support for ether was seemingly found, and Einstein admitted that if it were replicated, he was indeed very wrong. That experiment was never able to be successfully replicated.

Peat already discussed this

"I had been interested in N.A. Kozyrev's ideas about energy and time when I read Michael Polanyi's description of the actual Michaelson-Morley experiment, and Dayton Miller's subsequent years of measurement of the ether drift effect; the physics texts and courses of the time were simply lying about it, the way biology texts and courses lied about Darwin and Lamarck.

Some other important observations that I think connect local physics to astrophysics are: Dror Sadeh's experiments with a cesium clock on a truck synchronized with one at the bureau of standards; N.A. Kozyrev's planetary observations and experiments; Helmut Schulz's laser-crystal-electron beam experiments; Halton Arp's galaxy pictures. Frederick Soddy, long before anyone had measured the "cosmic background radiation" and presented it as proof of a Big Bang, had suggested that cosmic rays were newly born atoms, and predicted that microwave energy produced by these constantly renewing atoms would be detectable.

I see physics, since the quantum innovation, as a way of preserving the subjective idealism that was being challenged in other areas of culture. I.e., religious philosophy, blended with some engineering.

J.L. Anderson, "Non-Poisson Distributions Observed During Counting of Certain Carbon-14 Labeled (Sub) Monolayers," Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 4 (1972). (Shows that the decay rate of Carbon-14 is influenced by the local atomic environment.)
Non-Poisson distributions observed during counting of certain carbon-14-labeled organic (sub)monolayers
John Lynde Anderson
J. Phys. Chem., 1972, 76 (24), pp 3603–3612"

- Ray Peat, 1/19/15​

That the ether exists is a surety. If light is a wave what is vibrating? Vibrations in air and water travel in compression waves.

Vibrations in solid travel in shear waves, perpendicular to direction of propagation (like a snake).

And since the light waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation, that must mean that whatever is vibrating is solid....Or crystaline

From louis hissink:

S-Waves [shear waves] are periodic undulations in an elastic solid in which particle motion is at right angles to the direction of propagation. These waves cannot travel through gases or liquids.​

Raleigh waves are surficial waves no deeper than one wavelength in the material, and are similar to S-Waves and occur on solids.

Ocean waves are presently interpreted as Raleigh Waves. Except that a Tsunami could hardly be described as a Raleigh Wave. And if water is a liquid a problem exists.

S-Waves are propagated via elastic media that is one physical object. So what’s going on with ocean waves.

Gerald Pollack has re-discovered that water exists in four physical phases, solid, liquid, gas and liquid crystal, the latter phase being colloquially described as EZ-Water or Exclusion Zone Water where protons and particulate matter are expelled by water in contact with hydrophilic boundary conditions. EZ water is contrasted from bulk water in that it has an ice-like molecular structure that behaves as an elastic liquid crustal. Bulk water has no crystalline structure and thus cannot propagate S-Waves.​

There's a deep untapped connection between the liquid crystal gel research going on in biology and the plasma universe research going on in physics.

I believe the ether is a crystal which is why it can support the s-wave movement of light. The ether turns into visible 'ponderable' matter when perturbed by spinning vortices which deflect light and electromagnetic waves like a spinning dreidel


We are just standing waves in the ether

Phycisist nobel laureate Robert Laughlin has this to say on the supposed non existance of the ether

"It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo."
Glass is a crystal is it not.
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