General Observations About Taking Thyroid - Thoughts Appreciated


Jul 1, 2013
United States
So, I must have not ordered enough in advance because I am still waiting for my Cynoplus to arrive from Farmacia del nino. Next time I will order two months ahead of time!!

Anyhow, I DO have some cytomel and thiroyd still on hand, so I've been using those according to my needs, which actually is less than I would have expected. When I started taking Cynoplus, I felt great for awhile, although it didn't help with everything. Digestion has still been touchy and eventually I did get appendicitis, but I was likely doomed to get that with my digestive history, and I had been experimenting with Thiroyd prior to that and felt that it did nothing for me.

All this being said, I went back to Cynoplus after the appendicitis (or actually just prior to it's onset, before it had time to work), and felt much better again. The antibiotics also seemed to help with my issues. But, I still have troubles with Cynoplus because I felt great at 1 grain when I started, and then as winter arrived, I had to up it to 1.5 grains and eventually 2 grains. And each time I would feel better temporarily and then things sort of level off and it doesn't seem to work so well - this is what happened last year and one of the reasons I wanted to try a different brand. I hear this happens a lot with people - probably because of the T4.

So now that I don't have Cynoplus left and have been relying on small amounts of Thiroyd and maybe 1/4 of a cytomel tablet throughout the day and I'm actually feeling pretty decent, so long as I drink enough coffee (espresso in my case), which seems to help. I'm experiencing less fluid retention than I would get on the Cynoplus, my energy is pretty decent and I'm not getting all the adrenaline rushes that I used to when I took t3. BUT - and this is a big but - my digestion is worse. So while the lack of fluid retention (and the fact that I can now fully see how beautifully strong my biceps have become without the puffiness around them) is great, but my digestion is worse, despite eating the same sorts of foods. I'm experiencing more bloating than previously.

Now that I have already made this super long, I might as well continue...... this is something I've been wondering about with thyroid supplementation. Taking the T4/T3 combo really helps my digestion throughout the day, but then I have issues at certain times with fluid imbalance (especially fluid in the gut) - it's like my lymph system isn't functioning how it should. Taking less T4 and more T3 and I feel a bit leaner and less fluidy, but my digestion is way more sporadic.

Any thoughts on this?? My eventual goal is to come off the thyroid supplementation entirely - and in fact I never would have started it if it weren't for the amenorrhea and my past history - but in the meantime, I'm happy with this weaning off of so much Cynoplus if I can just get my digestion in check. This is the bane of my existence - digestive issues. I would just like to experience normal healthy digestion and nothing has REALLY helped with that long term. I also hate the fluid retention, which is why I'm loving this new lack of Cynoplus I have. I never used to have this issue with fluid retention until my metabolism kicked the bucket. But all this being warm for me really just means I seems to hold onto more fluid, which I don't love at all. I'm beginning to think any body fat I gained was really just fluid retention.

What have your experiences been with thyroid supplementation?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I hear you Lindsay! I'm just going to commiserate with you. Leave it to me to run out of cynoplus in the depths of winter. My GI has taken a hit from that mistake. On a positive note I've learned a valuable lesson. I'm not complaining because I still feel much better compared to this time last year. My GI has been the bane of my existence too and more than likely a large part of that was a result of long term adherence to crazy diets (paleo, vegan etc.) in the pursuit of health. I have had a couple of several month long stretches with no GI complaints whatsoever since discovering Peat so I'm very hopeful with a bit more time this will completely resolve. My short term plan until my farmacia delivery arrives is to try to find some quality chicken necks and I'll probably refill my zofran script too. Sorry I don't have any useful advice but maybe it helps to know you are not the only one. :P


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Blossom said:
I hear you Lindsay! I'm just going to commiserate with you. Leave it to me to run out of cynoplus in the depths of winter. My GI has taken a hit from that mistake. On a positive note I've learned a valuable lesson. I'm not complaining because I still feel much better compared to this time last year. My GI has been the bane of my existence too and more than likely a large part of that was a result of long term adherence to crazy diets (paleo, vegan etc.) in the pursuit of health. I have had a couple of several month long stretches with no GI complaints whatsoever since discovering Peat so I'm very hopeful with a bit more time this will completely resolve. My short term plan until my farmacia delivery arrives is to try to find some quality chicken necks and I'll probably refill my zofran script too. Sorry I don't have any useful advice but maybe it helps to know you are not the only one. :P

I'm with you - thanks for commiserating :) I knew I should have ordered my Cynoplus sooner!! Especially since mail is super slow over the holidays. Do you happen to keep T3 on hand? That's really helped me to get through this whole thing. My digestion wasn't perfect on Cynoplus, but it was better than without it, that's for sure!


Mar 29, 2014
I accidentally ran out of chicken neck stock last night for the first time in months.
Was feeling very slow till I got my fix again in the morning.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
tara said:
I accidentally ran out of chicken neck stock last night for the first time in months.
Was feeling very slow till I got my fix again in the morning.

where do you get chicken necks? a Butcher?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
lindsay said:
Blossom said:
I hear you Lindsay! I'm just going to commiserate with you. Leave it to me to run out of cynoplus in the depths of winter. My GI has taken a hit from that mistake. On a positive note I've learned a valuable lesson. I'm not complaining because I still feel much better compared to this time last year. My GI has been the bane of my existence too and more than likely a large part of that was a result of long term adherence to crazy diets (paleo, vegan etc.) in the pursuit of health. I have had a couple of several month long stretches with no GI complaints whatsoever since discovering Peat so I'm very hopeful with a bit more time this will completely resolve. My short term plan until my farmacia delivery arrives is to try to find some quality chicken necks and I'll probably refill my zofran script too. Sorry I don't have any useful advice but maybe it helps to know you are not the only one. :P

I'm with you - thanks for commiserating :) I knew I should have ordered my Cynoplus sooner!! Especially since mail is super slow over the holidays. Do you happen to keep T3 on hand? That's really helped me to get through this whole thing. My digestion wasn't perfect on Cynoplus, but it was better than without it, that's for sure!
I have 3 cynomels and 2.25 cynopluses that I'm treating like gold. It was a combination the money order thing and getting caught up in some home improvement projects that landed me in this pickle. I just didn't order soon enough and when I did the process of getting and mailing the money order tacked on an extra week before farmacia received my payment.
I did enjoy and benefit from the chicken neck broth before so I'm sure it will see me through this rough patch. I'm just accustomed to the specific reliable results with cynoplus. My plan to refill the zofran has changed because when I went to the pharmacy they wanted $154.00 for 30 pills. Yikes! I suppose that would be my deductible.....Hmmmm, what happened to affordable health care :lol:


Mar 29, 2014
lindsay said:
tara said:
I accidentally ran out of chicken neck stock last night for the first time in months.
Was feeling very slow till I got my fix again in the morning.

where do you get chicken necks? a Butcher?
I've found one butcher with an unreliable source of organic chicken necks, which I prefer and buy when they have them. If I don't get enough of those I just buy regular non-organic ones from cheap bulk butcher or supermarket.
I boil up lots at once for a couple of hours, pour off stock, mash the necks and add more water for a second shorter boiling to get more out of them. I remove as much of the fat as possible from the stock, and freeze it in ice cube trays so I can take a little at a time twice a day for 2-4 weeks.
Don't know what you can get where you are.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
tara said:
I've found one butcher with an unreliable source of organic chicken necks, which I prefer and buy when they have them. If I don't get enough of those I just buy regular non-organic ones from cheap bulk butcher or supermarket.
I boil up lots at once for a couple of hours, pour off stock, mash the necks and add more water for a second shorter boiling to get more out of them. I remove as much of the fat as possible from the stock, and freeze it in ice cube trays so I can take a little at a time twice a day for 2-4 weeks.
Don't know what you can get where you are.

Thanks for this tip!! There is an organic local butcher I will have to check with then - I don't recall if they carry chickens, but if they do, I'm sure they will have the necks!! I actually love chicken broth the most, so if I can get necks, this is a great alternative to thyroid supplementation. I wonder if roasting the chicken necks lightly first will help them the thyroid to dissipate more? It definitely helps with gelatin release.....


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Blossom said:
I have 3 cynomels and 2.25 cynopluses that I'm treating like gold. It was a combination the money order thing and getting caught up in some home improvement projects that landed me in this pickle. I just didn't order soon enough and when I did the process of getting and mailing the money order tacked on an extra week before farmacia received my payment.
I did enjoy and benefit from the chicken neck broth before so I'm sure it will see me through this rough patch. I'm just accustomed to the specific reliable results with cynoplus. My plan to refill the zofran has changed because when I went to the pharmacy they wanted $154.00 for 30 pills. Yikes! I suppose that would be my deductible.....Hmmmm, what happened to affordable health care :lol:

Wow - yikes! I'm fortunate to have a whole bottle of Cytomel on hand. It hasn't worked for me in the past, so I never used it. I'm thinking I will use it more now and just take less Cynoplus when it arrives. I also have a ton of Thiroyd, which I hated and stopped taking. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but I feel OK taking a little of that too. I think it didn't work well for me because of all the T4 (without enough T3), but with the cytomel, it's not so bad - just not my Cynoplus! I've never taken Zofran...... I do, however, wonder about getting an anti-spasmodic for my stomach troubles..... when I was prescribed Zelnorm, they gave me an anti-spasmodic to go along with it - it worked super well to stop the bloating. I wonder what RP would think about those drugs? They were super cheap. Also, for what it's worth, I had been forgetting to take my Ox Bile before meals the past few days. I remembered yesterday and it helped a bit with the digestive issues I was having. Have you tried Ox bile? I don't have a gallbladder, so it's been mighty helpful.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for the suggestions Lindsay! Early on cynomel worked much better for me so I sometimes think as we change and heal our needs change and our bodies respond differently. I think that would explain why Peat always stresses context instead of recommending exact protocols.
I have taken an antispasmodic in the past that was helpful called bentyl and it is considered an anticholinergic. I asked someone who seems to understand pharma meds more than I do and also has an indepth understanding of Peat and was told the bentyl had a similar safety profile as cyproheptadine. It helped me feel more comfortable taking the med when I needed it. It's so great that we have a place where we can dialogue about things that have helped us and get valuable insight and input from others.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Blossom said:
Thanks for the suggestions Lindsay! Early on cynomel worked much better for me so I sometimes think as we change and heal our needs change and our bodies respond differently. I think that would explain why Peat always stresses context instead of recommending exact protocols.
I have taken an antispasmodic in the past that was helpful called bentyl and it is considered an anticholinergic. I asked someone who seems to understand pharma meds more than I do and also has an indepth understanding of Peat and was told the bentyl had a similar safety profile as cyproheptadine. It helped me feel more comfortable taking the med when I needed it. It's so great that we have a place where we can dialogue about things that have helped us and get valuable insight and input from others.

That could definitely be true. I just wish I didn't need all this thyroid stuff, but until I start menstruating again, I feel like I need it. And especially progesterone, which is killing my bank account.

I just looked up Bentyl and that makes sense, since it is used to help patients with IBS. I just wish I could find some normalcy - I either experience one extreme or the other and there's never a happy middle ground :P

And I agree about having a place to dialogue!! One thing that I am convinced of for sure when it comes to digestion is that maintaining proper bacterial equilibrium is key. I did feel better after antibiotics post-appendicitis, but it was short lived. I'm currently making my own antibiotic/immune booster at home - it's ACV infused with raw garlic, onion and some other enzyme veggies. We'll see. I'm also curious about peppermint oil as an antispasmodic, but I need to find a food grade version. A little bit of white wine or vodka definitely helps my stomach calm down, but that's not an all day solution.

Do you need a prescription for Bentyl? I am taking a good break from doctors for the time being - at least until I pay off my insurance deductible from the appendicitis.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
An NP I worked with who provided me with scripts of cyproheptadine and zofran strongly encouraged me to go to a doctor she works with back in the fall due to my GI flare up and high WBC count. That doc gave me the Bentyl prescription but sadly beyond that it was a horrible experience. I checked with my Peaty friend before I took the bentyl. I was going through a divorce so I think the flare up was 100% stress related but I was still having the spasms despite not changing a thing with my diet so I took it when the pain would get real intense. That's when I realized fully how much of an impact stress can have on my health. I'm happy with how much better I bounce back these days though. I knew when the spasms started that in the past that would trigger me to not eat enough and I didn't want to go down that metabolism wrecking road again so I just took the med short term until I got through that intensely stressful period. I've also just been trying to practice self compassion to help keep unnecessary stress down.
I do hope you find a solution to your GI issues Lindsay. I know it can be discouraging when things don't seem to be working as they should.


May 23, 2013
lindsay said:
tara said:
I've found one butcher with an unreliable source of organic chicken necks, which I prefer and buy when they have them. If I don't get enough of those I just buy regular non-organic ones from cheap bulk butcher or supermarket.
I boil up lots at once for a couple of hours, pour off stock, mash the necks and add more water for a second shorter boiling to get more out of them. I remove as much of the fat as possible from the stock, and freeze it in ice cube trays so I can take a little at a time twice a day for 2-4 weeks.
Don't know what you can get where you are.

Thanks for this tip!! There is an organic local butcher I will have to check with then - I don't recall if they carry chickens, but if they do, I'm sure they will have the necks!! I actually love chicken broth the most, so if I can get necks, this is a great alternative to thyroid supplementation. I wonder if roasting the chicken necks lightly first will help them the thyroid to dissipate more? It definitely helps with gelatin release.....

Chicken neck sources: ... =82&chn=ps ... B007TKTPAU ... 65009.aspx


Feb 9, 2014
Have you used any of these brands? Do they always come with thyroid intact in these brands?

Philomath said:
lindsay said:
tara said:
I've found one butcher with an unreliable source of organic chicken necks, which I prefer and buy when they have them. If I don't get enough of those I just buy regular non-organic ones from cheap bulk butcher or supermarket.
I boil up lots at once for a couple of hours, pour off stock, mash the necks and add more water for a second shorter boiling to get more out of them. I remove as much of the fat as possible from the stock, and freeze it in ice cube trays so I can take a little at a time twice a day for 2-4 weeks.
Don't know what you can get where you are.

Thanks for this tip!! There is an organic local butcher I will have to check with then - I don't recall if they carry chickens, but if they do, I'm sure they will have the necks!! I actually love chicken broth the most, so if I can get necks, this is a great alternative to thyroid supplementation. I wonder if roasting the chicken necks lightly first will help them the thyroid to dissipate more? It definitely helps with gelatin release.....

Chicken neck sources: ... =82&chn=ps ... B007TKTPAU ... 65009.aspx


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Blossom said:
An NP I worked with who provided me with scripts of cyproheptadine and zofran strongly encouraged me to go to a doctor she works with back in the fall due to my GI flare up and high WBC count. That doc gave me the Bentyl prescription but sadly beyond that it was a horrible experience. I checked with my Peaty friend before I took the bentyl. I was going through a divorce so I think the flare up was 100% stress related but I was still having the spasms despite not changing a thing with my diet so I took it when the pain would get real intense. That's when I realized fully how much of an impact stress can have on my health. I'm happy with how much better I bounce back these days though. I knew when the spasms started that in the past that would trigger me to not eat enough and I didn't want to go down that metabolism wrecking road again so I just took the med short term until I got through that intensely stressful period. I've also just been trying to practice self compassion to help keep unnecessary stress down.
I do hope you find a solution to your GI issues Lindsay. I know it can be discouraging when things don't seem to be working as they should.

Did you receive your Cynoplus yet Blossom?? I still had not received mine, so I checked the shipping status and they tried to deliver it 2 weeks ago, but I never got the note on my door (I guess you have to sign for it). So I'm going to pick it up at the post office today. Just in case you haven't got it, I would check your shipping tracking numbers!! I was getting worried - glad I checked because it will get sent back to Mexico after today otherwise!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks Lindsay! No, I haven't received mine yet. I will track it today and see what the status on delivery looks like. I'm so glad to hear you caught that before your delivery was returned.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Blossom said:
Thanks Lindsay! No, I haven't received mine yet. I will track it today and see what the status on delivery looks like. I'm so glad to hear you caught that before your delivery was returned.

Hope this bit of info. is of help!! I jumped out the door this morning to get to the Post Office - I just never got the little delivery slip the mail person left. Just track the link for the USPS tracking - once it has left Mexico, this tracking number is what to use!


Jul 22, 2012
The super slowness of Farmacia, like month-and-a-half-slow, does suck.
But if you really need T4/T3 pronto
try that PimPom (sp?) site many use here
if you will take NDT.
They are SuperPronto!
Like one week to 10 days max.

I have used CynoPlus for a long time
but tried switching to the PimPom (or whatever it is) brand--"Greater" I think?--
and it seemed to work about the same or better.

Sorry if this is redundant...I didn't thoroughly read entire thread.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
narouz said:
The super slowness of Farmacia, like month-and-a-half-slow, does suck.
But if you really need T4/T3 pronto
try that PimPom (sp?) site many use here
if you will take NDT.
They are SuperPronto!
Like one week to 10 days max.

I have used CynoPlus for a long time
but tried switching to the PimPom (or whatever it is) brand--"Greater" I think?--
and it seemed to work about the same or better.

Sorry if this is redundant...I didn't thoroughly read entire thread.

Thanks for your input! Yes, I actually switched to Thiroyd for a few months for the price point and prompt shipping..... But, I felt terrible on Thiroyd. Haven't tried their other brands though - maybe I will look into it! I've been quite happy with Cynoplus - I just need to balance the T4/T3 ratios. When I ran out of Cynoplus (or had like 1 pill left and spread it out over 4 days), I noticed I felt really good taking less Cynoplus and more t3..... that didn't last long once I was entirely reliant upon T3 and a little Thiroyd. So I think it's important to not overload the system with T4, but rather find a good balance with T3. It's always a work in progress.


Jul 22, 2012
lindsay said:
narouz said:
The super slowness of Farmacia, like month-and-a-half-slow, does suck.
But if you really need T4/T3 pronto
try that PimPom (sp?) site many use here
if you will take NDT.
They are SuperPronto!
Like one week to 10 days max.

I have used CynoPlus for a long time
but tried switching to the PimPom (or whatever it is) brand--"Greater" I think?--
and it seemed to work about the same or better.

Sorry if this is redundant...I didn't thoroughly read entire thread.

Thanks for your input! Yes, I actually switched to Thiroyd for a few months for the price point and prompt shipping..... But, I felt terrible on Thiroyd. Haven't tried their other brands though - maybe I will look into it! I've been quite happy with Cynoplus - I just need to balance the T4/T3 ratios. When I ran out of Cynoplus (or had like 1 pill left and spread it out over 4 days), I noticed I felt really good taking less Cynoplus and more t3..... that didn't last long once I was entirely reliant upon T3 and a little Thiroyd. So I think it's important to not overload the system with T4, but rather find a good balance with T3. It's always a work in progress.

Yeah, I know.
Then you throw into the mix
that it is not always the fault of the thyroid supplements
but rather, possibly,
that our bodies are changing over time
under the effects of a Peat diet.
Oops. I mean under the effects of The Peat LifeStyle. :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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