German Judges Intimidated - House Warrant Executed on Weimar Judge for Political Reasons


Jun 20, 2015
It's the people from Corona Investigative Committee who publish on this site. I shortened the article a bit.

House Warrant Executed on Weimar Judge for Political Reasons

As 2020News has just learned, the judge at the Weimar District Court, Christian Dettmar, had his house searched today. His office, private premises and car were searched. The judge’s cell phone was confiscated by the police. The judge had made a sensational decision on April 8, 2021, which was very inconvenient for the government’s anti Coronavirus measures policy.

At the suggestion of a mother, the judge had ruled [...] that two Weimar schools were prohibited with immediate effect from requiring students to wear mouth-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), to comply with AHA minimum distances, and/or to participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid tests. At the same time, it had determined that classroom instruction should be maintained (full text of the ruling in German including three expert opinions – English translation will be available soon).

This was the first time that evidence was presented before a German court regarding the scientific reasonableness and necessity of the prescribed anti-Corona measures. The expert witnesses were the hygienist Prof. Dr. med Ines Kappstein, the psychologist Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner and the biologist Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Ulrike Kämmerer.

After examining the factual and legal situation and evaluating the expert opinions, the judge came to the conclusion that the measures he had forbidden posed a present danger to the mental, physical or psychological well-being of the child to such an extent that significant harm could be foreseen with a high degree of certainty in the event of further development without intervention.

He wrote: “…the children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and spiritual well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but, in addition, they are already being harmed. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions. This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity from Article 2 of the Basic Law as well as to the right from Article 6 of the Basic Law to upbringing and care by the parents (also with regard to measures for preventive health care and ‘objects’ to be carried by children)…”


Shortly thereafter, in a similar case, a judge in Leipzig had imposed court costs of € 18,654.00 on a single mother [...]


Feb 18, 2016
It's the people from Corona Investigative Committee who publish on this site. I shortened the article a bit.

House Warrant Executed on Weimar Judge for Political Reasons

As 2020News has just learned, the judge at the Weimar District Court, Christian Dettmar, had his house searched today. His office, private premises and car were searched. The judge’s cell phone was confiscated by the police. The judge had made a sensational decision on April 8, 2021, which was very inconvenient for the government’s anti Coronavirus measures policy.

At the suggestion of a mother, the judge had ruled [...] that two Weimar schools were prohibited with immediate effect from requiring students to wear mouth-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), to comply with AHA minimum distances, and/or to participate in SARS-CoV-2 rapid tests. At the same time, it had determined that classroom instruction should be maintained (full text of the ruling in German including three expert opinions – English translation will be available soon).

This was the first time that evidence was presented before a German court regarding the scientific reasonableness and necessity of the prescribed anti-Corona measures. The expert witnesses were the hygienist Prof. Dr. med Ines Kappstein, the psychologist Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner and the biologist Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Ulrike Kämmerer.

After examining the factual and legal situation and evaluating the expert opinions, the judge came to the conclusion that the measures he had forbidden posed a present danger to the mental, physical or psychological well-being of the child to such an extent that significant harm could be foreseen with a high degree of certainty in the event of further development without intervention.

He wrote: “…the children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and spiritual well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but, in addition, they are already being harmed. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions. This applies in particular to the right to free development of the personality and to physical integrity from Article 2 of the Basic Law as well as to the right from Article 6 of the Basic Law to upbringing and care by the parents (also with regard to measures for preventive health care and ‘objects’ to be carried by children)…”


Shortly thereafter, in a similar case, a judge in Leipzig had imposed court costs of € 18,654.00 on a single mother [...]

This is incredible, it completely undermines the constitution and democracy, we know already they hate the nation state, this is what happens when wealth is in the hands of a small few people.


Mar 12, 2018
this is what happens when wealth is in the hands of a small few people.
This. It‘s too late for income taxes that would cap the accumulation of wealth. Not long read I read an intersting article about it by some German philosopher. Not really applicable but dreams are the fuel of hope.


Sep 6, 2020
This. It‘s too late for income taxes that would cap the accumulation of wealth. Not long read I read an intersting article about it by some German philosopher. Not really applicable but dreams are the fuel of hope.
Only hope is to switch money (BTC, BCH, etc.)


Mar 29, 2016
And how would that possibly be the case?
Loopholes for the rich. Only the middle class get taxed in the end. But the middle class is the bulwark against elitist entitlement. More taxation weakens the middle classes and strengthens the elites.


Mar 29, 2016
A New York judge had her home attacked resulting in the death of her son or husband last year. I saw that as a warning to judges around the country that would interfere with the putsch on-going to turn the country into total Democratic Party control. The election ended with that happening.

The new Supreme Court judges stood by and allowed the change in government. They were cowed into submission with their silence. They will soon be joined by 4 more justices in a case of packing the courts, which would only formalize the total control of the Supreme Court by Zion.

Germany has long been under the control of Zion, ever since Germany lost WWII. The judge did a brave act. He is a hero. He will likely become a martyr also. And be made an example of.

This is how Zion has expanded its control. After Zion was kicked out of Spain when it was the empire. Zion made a strategic retreat to England. Zion came to control the aristocracy in England and became the power behind the throne in the 17th century. Zion used the English throne to engage in plunder of Africa and China, trading in slaves and in opium grown in India, while carting away the crown jewels of China to England. In the 19th Century, Zion came to control the world press- a very strategic move, as if an immortal golem guided it. In the 20th Century, it leveraged its media power to destroy the German people by instigating the two world wars. In the process, it secured a base in Israel. Statehood was just an excuse. It also consolidated the war intelligence agencies under its command and took control of the CIA and MI6, as well as its own Mossad. With such powers, it was easy to intimidate and make the world submit to its designs. In the 21st century, it was ripe for Zion to swoop in for total formal control of the US, to extinguish any hope for the US to re-establish its founders' vision of a better world - with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. First came 9/11. Now, COVID-19.

It would be another century before Zion can bring down China. In this century, Russia can fall easily back into Zion's orbit, with Iran not too far behind.

The German judge is just a nuisance. Like a bee or fly to be swatted down.
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2021
Loopholes for the rich. Only the middle class get taxed in the end. But the middle class is the bulwark against elitist entitlement. More taxation weakens the middle classes and strengthens the elites.
And what exactely is the loophole? Tax evasion?

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Loopholes for the rich. Only the middle class get taxed in the end. But the middle class is the bulwark against elitist entitlement. More taxation weakens the middle classes and strengthens the elites.
Market naturally concentrates wealth. Market only works if there is downward redistribution. Just because the rich avoid taxes it means nothing. Your claim is ridiculous, taxes clearly move resources downwards.


Mar 29, 2016
Market naturally concentrates wealth. Market only works if there is downward redistribution. Just because the rich avoid taxes it means nothing. Your claim is ridiculous, taxes clearly move resources downwards.
What market are you talking about?

You've never heard of the lobbying system? You only know about filing taxes the middle class way. Why is the tax code so complicated? It's because it is filled with special exemptions for corporations and special industries.

One of the things lobbyists do is to get tax breaks for their rich clients.

You're being vague when you talk about markets. Perhaps you're referring to the tax base of people paying taxes.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
What market are you talking about?

You've never heard of the lobbying system? You only know about filing taxes the middle class way. Why is the tax code so complicated? It's because it is filled with special exemptions for corporations and special industries.

One of the things lobbyists do is to get tax breaks for their rich clients.

You're being vague when you talk about markets. Perhaps you're referring to the tax base of people paying taxes.
Just because a system is corrupt does not mean it is useless. Also, markets in general concentrate wealth, it's a mathematical certainty.


Mar 12, 2018
Ha! Income taxes are a vehicle used for the accumulation of wealth.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear. He argued to disallow the accumulation of wealth to avoid a few super-rich people who would have too much power. See this article, it's in German: Interview - „Wir müssen den Reichtum abschaffen!“

The headline reads: We must abolish the wealth.

It used to be in the past the other way round: Rich people would pay more taxes and not less. That's kind of absurd today. Communal aspects won't be considered. The rich didn't get rich by doing it alone.


Mar 29, 2016
Just because a system is corrupt does not mean it is useless. Also, markets in general concentrate wealth, it's a mathematical certainty.
Explain what you mean rather than talk like a guru that's trying to enlighten his disciples with vague mumblings filled with ambiguity.


Aug 11, 2020
Mass media is the most dangerous weapon on earth. It's a perfect setup system. No nuclear bomb could reach this kind of destruction.

One thing is for sure. We are in war. The bad news is, most people are supporting everything mass media tells them. We somehow have to organize us and chop the snakes head. A small group of people sacrified their lifes to safe the world between 1933 to 1945 by trying to kill the leader. Unfortunately they had no success. But we could do it better. The 2nd bad news is, they are in every country this time.


Mar 12, 2018
Yeah, in every country. It's like a disease (which is not covid).

And it's not obvious, at least for those following MSM. It's a kind of twisted, wicked war. I understand everyone who reads the bible thinking of revelations.
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