German Judges Intimidated - House Warrant Executed on Weimar Judge for Political Reasons

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Sorry I paraphrased what you said wrongly. I was probably thinking more along the line that because systems are corrupt, the burden falls on those who aren't corrupt to make up for lost tax revenues due to corruption. There are leechers and parasites that suck the life dry out of the hardworking people. And I hate that we can't do anything about it.
There are always "parasites". And something can be done. The unions pushed the US to have 90% marginal tax rates, capital controls ect. and this lead to the golden age of capitalism, when a man with no education could afford a family, a house, a car, yearly holiday, healthcare and to send his kids to school. Things can be done.
I can see where money is a convenient way to engage in commerce and very easy to use as payment for taxes. Without money, it is very inconvenient to trade goods and services for other goods and services, lacking the portability and wide acceptability and the stability of value. But I fail to understand why taxes would provide a value guarantee to money.
Bitcoin will become worthless the moment people decide not to buy it. Taxation makes guarantees that can never happen.
A monetary economy started well when notes were guaranteed by precious metals, which has value by virtue of their scarcity. But with it being abused by the use of fiat currency, the backing by precious metals has been replaced by the implied guarantee that you will not be killed by the US military. That has turned the monetary system into a quasi-scam where mickey mouse money is used for trading, as acceptance of the mickey mouse money is enforced by a feared hegemon.
This is emotional. "Feared hegemon" is also making sure cartel don't enslave you and take everything you have. Grow up.
Extortion is also a cost of doing business. And it is a burden. If only the government were not corrupt, I would not see taxation as extortion.
Without taxes you have no society, nor money. Also they are collectively decided. Grow up.
Hongkong developed very well in a low taxation environment with full employment and services were not lacking. It was because government was efficient and not corrupt. I suppose Singapore operates on that same model. While these are small states, it is beyond proof of concept nonetheless. Compared to countries with very high taxes, it would be reasonable for people living in a low tax environment paired with efficient and effective government to see high taxation as a burden.

I have yet to see low taxation being associated with high unemployment and hostile regulations.
I doubt you have looked very hard.
I think the real difference is how corruption is kept under control. You can have a low taxation environment and see people have a low quality of life, just as you can have a high taxation environment with similar poor outcomes. I can probably use Papua New Guinea as an example of the former, and California as an example of the latter.
California has a high standard of living. Papua New Guinea has no relationship to our societies. Nordic countries have a very high tax rates, and the highest quality of living in the world.
Yes, and that's why free trade does not serve the people well. Since the world is so large already, there really is no compelling reason to continue with free trade. In a smaller more local economy, there is enough economies of scale that can be mustered to keep the cost of production low enough, and there are enough competitors to keep business honest with their margins. And there would be enough work from all sectors from agriculture to manufacturing to services to keep people gainfully employed and to accumulate savings and capital.

Capital is corrupt. Unions as well. Trust is important in a system that seeks to serve all. That trust is lost, and the economy suffers.
Capital is not corrupt. It is doing what it naturally does. It must be kept in check like a predatory beast, if a lion kills and eats a zebra, it's not corrupt, it is simply acting in its nature.

Trust is the result not the effect. Would you trust a killer and a rapist with legal immunity ? No. Trust is the result of effective policing and regulation.


Mar 29, 2016
There are always "parasites". And something can be done. The unions pushed the US to have 90% marginal tax rates, capital controls ect. and this lead to the golden age of capitalism, when a man with no education could afford a family, a house, a car, yearly holiday, healthcare and to send his kids to school. Things can be done.

Bitcoin will become worthless the moment people decide not to buy it. Taxation makes guarantees that can never happen.

This is emotional. "Feared hegemon" is also making sure cartel don't enslave you and take everything you have. Grow up.

Without taxes you have no society, nor money. Also they are collectively decided. Grow up.

I doubt you have looked very hard.

California has a high standard of living. Papua New Guinea has no relationship to our societies. Nordic countries have a very high tax rates, and the highest quality of living in the world.

Capital is not corrupt. It is doing what it naturally does. It must be kept in check like a predatory beast, if a lion kills and eats a zebra, it's not corrupt, it is simply acting in its nature.

Trust is the result not the effect. Would you trust a killer and a rapist with legal immunity ? No. Trust is the result of effective policing and regulation.
No use talking with you when you use replies like GROW UP.

You must be a failed teacher.


Jun 20, 2015
This message below was sent by the corona investigative committee (translated with deepl). Mutigmacher is an association that wants to help and encourage whisteblowers.

Our friends at have set up a donation opportunity for the defense of the judge from Weimar. He has been unjustly accused of bending the law and has been the victim of a house search after he banned testing, masking and spacing in two Weimar schools. To the best of our knowledge, he is the first judge in the world to have taken the mandate for official investigation seriously, to have requested expert opinions and to have made these the basis of his decision. Please support the defense of the Weimar judge and any colleagues affected in the future by making a donation. Together we must defend the independence of our judges!

OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT: Mutigmacher e.V.
IBAN: DE76 7009 3400 0000 0033 36
REASON FOR TRANSFER: Verteidigung Richter

To use paypal click on the paypal button on their website: Spenden - Mutigmacher e.V.

There is a direct paypal link now:

Spenden (


Feb 18, 2016
I'm glad that people are seeing what I also see, but from where I'm at, with my contemporaries, I feel most have been silent - fence sitters. I am the only loud one, but gradually drawing in some fence-sitters. But the people tied in with the institutions - doctors, professors, high caliber consultants in the finance field, seem drawn to the narratives plied by magazines and newspapers sold in airports, and their corresponding websites. They are very loyal to this fenced-in worldview. They have self-censored themselves from sites that do not cater to their worldview. I cannot understand such closed-mindedness. They can read very well. It seems to be their choice to be tucked in to their own world, burying their head to the ground as ostriches.

They are for mass vaccination, drinking the manure the Zionists concoct. The slogan "No one is safe until all is safe." must have a strong control over them.

Normies are almost as bad as wokists, both desire popularity.


Mar 29, 2016
Normies are almost as bad as wokists, both desire popularity.
And we are on the outer fringe. The hope is that the outer fringe eventually becomes the mainstream.

But that applies to fashion more often that not, and with science, I'm not counting on any major shift. The propaganda is the main determinant, and when you finance David Copperfield to the hilt, everyday is a spectacle of smoke and mirrors.


Feb 18, 2016
And we are on the outer fringe. The hope is that the outer fringe eventually becomes the mainstream.

But that applies to fashion more often that not, and with science, I'm not counting on any major shift. The propaganda is the main determinant, and when you finance David Copperfield to the hilt, everyday is a spectacle of smoke and mirrors.
Yep, folks will start to see soon, the great reset is being pushed in, first their is shock and dismay, I don’t think as bezminov said demoralization will happen with Europeans, it’s either they buy into it or revolt, the ruling class are counting on the thunberg generation, the Green Party is gaining huge ground in Germany, this isn’t good.


Jun 20, 2015
They did it again. The house of the judge was searched again. Also the houses of all the expert witnesses were searched, as well as that of the legal solicitor in the lawsuit, plus the house of friends of the judge. Phones, computers, files etc confiscated. Two of these persons happen to be candidates for the coming elections. They are members of the newly founded political party dieBasis. This party was founded by people who are critics of the anti-corona measures. Many of the well-known critics have joined it and some of them even run for office.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
They did it again. The house of the judge was searched again. Also the houses of all the expert witnesses were searched, as well as that of the legal solicitor in the lawsuit, plus the house of friends of the judge. Phones, computers, files etc confiscated. Two of these persons happen to be candidates for the coming elections. They are members of the newly founded political party dieBasis. This party was founded by people who are critics of the anti-corona measures. Many of the well-known critics have joined it and some of them even run for office.
Have you seen this?



May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Social credit system. Chinese style. Alternative media mentioned it.
Can you please let me know the alternative media in Germany? My brother in law lives in Berlin at the moment. I keep sending him information but I think it would help him to see it in German media.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
This is the grand idea, open boarders and geofencing it, you will require passes to enter into certain areas of society, the ruling class need it to protect themselves from the peasant revolt.
Alison Mcdowell covers it really well.
Thank you


Jun 20, 2015
Last edited:




May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
That's a depressing read.
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