Great Barrington Declaration Is Fraud


Feb 18, 2016
Peat mentioned this lady in a newsletter recently, it’s very impressive what she puts together, she has all the links and systems in chart form for what the ruling class are looking to achieve with covid19, claus schwaub at the world economic forum is a mouth piece for it.

She recently highlights why the Great Barrington Declaration cannot be trusted, I did suspect it was a hegelian dialectic to diffuse the growing movement against the ruling class.

If you look at the networks and research the "experts" are tied into to it’s clear they are part of the ruling class now playing the role of saviors to the growing resentment, whether they know or not it doesn’t really matter.

Sunetra Gupta
I ask you to look at Dr. Gupta’s career in the vaccine industry, especially her recent work in the universal flu vaccine space with Blue Water Vaccines and the media frenzy over the Twindemic. Also note other work being done at Oxford, including by her ex-husband Adrian Hill who is leading their Covid vaccine program with AstraZeneca. Check out her ties to the United Nations and backing of the World Bank’s One Health effort, which I believe will be the linchpin used to control people and nature, all under the pretense of “protection.” The Oxford Martin School, where she is a fellow and has pursued vaccine work, is home to the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Soros’s poverty management program. Oxford is out in the lead on quantum computing and AI and social impact finance through the Said Business School. It is also the parent of the Government Outcomes Lab that has been developing social impact bonds in partnership with the UK Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Perhaps it is unfair to expect Gupta would realize where she fits into this grand puzzle. And yet that doesn’t let clear-eyed dissenters off the hook. It’s imperative now more than ever that we carry out due diligence and examine the Great Barrington Declaration within this larger context.

Martin Kulldorff
For Dr. Kulldorff I would ask you look at the activities of Brigham and Women’s and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospitals (affiliated with Harvard Medical School) where he works in biostatistics and as a professor. Both hospitals were innovators over the past decade in the adoption of electronic health records, which are about to be put on blockchain and linked to wellness “coin” programs. It is notable that Ezekiel Emmanuel, architect of the Affordable Care Act that prominently featured adoption of electronic health records (EHR), is a Harvard Medical School alumnus. Beth Israel has been pursuing cutting edge digital therapies and was among the first hospitals in the nation with 5G and is a partner in the Johnson and Johnson / BARDA Covid trial.

Covid has opened the field for telemedicine waivers in preparation for the Fourth Industrial shift to telepresence labor where medical services can be farmed out across the globe via blockchain credentialing and impact tokens. All of this ties into the Value Based Payment approach refined by Michael Porter at Harvard Business School and used at Beth Israel Deaconess and Brigham and Women’s hospitals where Kulldorff works. The concept was hatched within the business school’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness – very “free market,” eh? No surprise that John Halamka, former Harvard Medical School Professor and pioneer of EHR was Milton Friedman’s research assistant. Also important to recognize the role Harvard Kennedy School has played in setting up data-driven, “smart” city government policies with the support of Michael Bloomberg and incubating social impact bonds here in the United States.

Jay Bhattacharya

Lastly, for Bhattacharya it is useful to recognize that his entire career has been spent in the Bay Area conducting research linking data analytics to the provision of public services. Stanford Medical School embraces the big data approach to healthcare delivery, and Bhattacharya himself promotes the value based payment model. The school receives considerable funding from Chan Zuckerberg as a BioHub, and in 2017 published a paper Harnessing the Power of Data in Health advancing tele-health, wearables, behavioral analytics, and electronic health records. The medical school is a partner in Google’s Project Baseline Covid screening effort.

Bhattacharya has had a long career at RAND. It’s notable that RAND Europe recently carried out an analysis of social prescribing linked to social impact bond finance in the UK for the Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Institute. This relates to his work for Acumen LLC, which carries out, in collaboration with its affiliate the Sphere Institute, government consulting work around social welfare systems, data, and outcomes. He’s also a fellow at the Hoover Institute, which may account for the signers’ White House visit, which Scott Atlas, the president’s advisor on Covid and another Hoover fellow, hosted. Atlas is a former professor of medicine at Stanford and served as a health advisor to the Giuliani and Romney campaigns.


Mar 26, 2014
@Drareg I didn't look into it as thoroughly as this, but did not sign when I saw how little they seemed to be against COVID vaccines.


Feb 18, 2016
@Drareg I didn't look into it as thoroughly as this, but did not sign when I saw how little they seemed to be against COVID vaccines.

It seems they are pro covid immunity licenses also, authoritarianism is rampant in the medical establishment, many of them take the pills they prescribe enhancing the psychotic behavior.
The medical establishment stand to gain the most with mandatory vaccines, how long before other medical procedures are mandatory.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
how long before other medical procedures are mandatory.

They already are in Denmark, as per the emergency COVID-19 law passed. The law does not say only COVID-19 interventions are mandatory. It says ALL medical procedures deemed relevant by the doctors can be enforced against a person's will. It is a very vague law, and it is quite obvious the vagueness is deliberate. Let's see if other countries follow suit.


May 11, 2020
They already are in Denmark, as per the emergency COVID-19 law passed. The law does not say only COVID-19 interventions are mandatory. It says ALL medical procedures deemed relevant by the doctors can be enforced against a person's will. It is a very vague law, and it is quite obvious the vagueness is deliberate. Let's see if other countries follow suit.
Can you give some links and/or further explanation of this?


Feb 18, 2016
They already are in Denmark, as per the emergency COVID-19 law passed. The law does not say only COVID-19 interventions are mandatory. It says ALL medical procedures deemed relevant by the doctors can be enforced against a person's will. It is a very vague law, and it is quite obvious the vagueness is deliberate. Let's see if other countries follow suit.

Skys the limit then, going by the general stupidity and trust the public have in the medical establishment we will see new mandatory "health" requirements in another generation once the indoctrination is in place.
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