Green Juices


Jul 24, 2012
If the PUFAs in GJ are so bad why every time I drink one (parsley, celery, romaine, apple) my skin looks visible better, I have no blemishes and my hair grows like crazy (a lot of baby hair after drinking every day GJ for week) ?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Evelynqa, Welcome to the site! :welcome

I do not have any solid answers for you but hopefully someone will chime in with some knowledge.


Jul 22, 2012
One Angle

Evelynqa said:
If the PUFAs in GJ are so bad why every time I drink one (parsley, celery, romaine, apple) my skin looks visible better, I have no blemishes and my hair grows like crazy (a lot of baby hair after drinking every day GJ for week) ?

I don't know either, Evelynga.
But here's some flailing about: :roll:

For starters, the ingredients you mention
wouldn't really seem to be a bad threat in terms of PUFA.
Peat deplores the natural, protective toxicity and the allergenicity (word?) of most above-ground veggies.

He doesn't like the fiber--
just messes up the intestines, digestion=serotonin.
But depending upon the kind of juicer,
you might have some of the fiber removed.

So, maybe not too bad so far.
Peat has said that, in times of famine or scarcity,
humans turned to things for food that weren't ideal
but which do contain some essential nutrients
(even if also containing negative stuff).

So maybe you are getting some important nutrients from that GJ,
and, on balance, not too many bad things....
Just a stab. :)


Jul 24, 2012
You may be right narouz. I know that my diet it's not ideal- homogenized milk (although without added vitamins, but still not raw :( ) organic pasteurized OJ (oranges here are far, far away from perfection) cherries incredibly expensive and most tropical/and even local fruits are unripe. I eat a lot of rice-nutrient poor-have mild sensitivity to potatoes (psoriasis flare-ups) It is not easy...I think that minerals/vitamins in GJ supplement my not-so-ideal diet. But still how is it possible that GJ is "Anti-Hair Food"(according to Roddy) where I'm the walking proof of the opposite... Other than that I love everything about Peat, I just only need to move to tropics and have abundance of amazing fruits and shelfish to choose from...


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
the greens you are juicing are not goitrogens and not that high in PUFA assuming you don't go overboard. You have to remeber though the effects of PUFA are more long term, this is why some people can see benefits with fish oil and nuts/seeds at first.


Jul 22, 2012
The Gradually Devilish PUFA

cliff said:
You have to remeber though the effects of PUFA are more long term, this is why some people can see benefits with fish oil and nuts/seeds at first.

I don't mean to hijack Evelynga's thread,
but just had a thought bounce off of Cliff's response about PUFA dangers occurring long-term...

If PUFAs take a long time to start f**king us up,
then isn't it reasonable to think that
it may take a long time to reverse that f**ked-up-ness...?


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Re: The Gradually Devilish PUFA

narouz said:
it may take a long time to reverse that f**ked-up-ness...?

If you have a high concentration of PUFA stored in your tissues it could potentially take awhile, it takes about 4 years to replace all the fats in your tissues. Following ray's guidelines to minimize free fatty acids can help negate most of the harmful effects of PUFA stored in the tissue.


Jul 22, 2012
And the Hard-to-Remove-Other-Than-Gradually PUFA?

cliff said:
narouz said:
it may take a long time to reverse that f**ked-up-ness...?

If you have a high concentration of PUFA stored in your tissues it could potentially take awhile, it takes about 4 years to replace all the fats in your tissues. Following ray's guidelines to minimize free fatty acids can help negate most of the harmful effects of PUFA stored in the tissue.
(emphasis mine)

Again, not meaning to hijack Evelynga--I will relinquish! :oops:
--but Cliff,
to kinduv try to clarify such a crucial Peat point (if I'm understanding it)... order to minimize those (stored, PUFA-ridden) free fatty acids
getting released back into the bloodstream where they wreak havoc,
doesn't Peat think:
1. we should avoid burning fat as fuel any more than at the naturally occurring and perhaps unavoidable rate
2. let the body process it out gradually, because we always burn some fat, normally?

People, understandably, want to say
"Out Out with Thee! Damned PUFAs!!"
--in other words, get them the hell out of your body FAST!

But, Peat seems to say,
there is no safe FAST way.

(About the closest thing he says to something suggesting how one might accelerate PUFA removal
might be his statements that eating Coconut Oil
--and maybe butter and ruminant-based saturated fats--
sortuv "rinses out" the stored PUFA...?)


Sep 2, 2012
This is an interesting post for me b/c I was just thinking about juicing beets again. I had such good results with this, although I was juicing asparagus with it. Supposedly you shouldn't juice beets alone b/c they have a poweful reaction in the body. I was told not to juice beets b/c of pufa but the amount must be very negligible compared to the benefit,especially since I have so much sat. fat in my diet. Beside the small amount of pufa, can anyone think of a reason not to juice beets or can anyone think of something else that would be good to juice with it? I hate eating beets, I don't enjoy it at all. Does asparagus have a lot of goitrogens?


Aug 28, 2012
milkpsychic said:
This is an interesting post for me b/c I was just thinking about juicing beets again. I had such good results with this, although I was juicing asparagus with it. Supposedly you shouldn't juice beets alone b/c they have a poweful reaction in the body. I was told not to juice beets b/c of pufa but the amount must be very negligible compared to the benefit,especially since I have so much sat. fat in my diet. Beside the small amount of pufa, can anyone think of a reason not to juice beets or can anyone think of something else that would be good to juice with it? I hate eating beets, I don't enjoy it at all. Does asparagus have a lot of goitrogens?

Beets are high in beta-carotene though, so toxic long-term.
Edit: I mean when juiced of course, one beet would not be so high in it along with the fibre etc.
Yes raw asparagus would be quite goitogrenic.


Sep 2, 2012
Oh yeah. forgot about that beta carotene thing but I wonder how long does it take to build up. Could a weekly juicing really be problematic? I did the juicing thing for a long time, close to a year and it really helped me a lot on many levels with energy and other things. Maybe b/c I didn't do every day but just a couple of times per week.


Aug 28, 2012
milkpsychic said:
Oh yeah. forgot about that beta carotene thing but I wonder how long does it take to build up. Could a weekly juicing really be problematic? I did the juicing thing for a long time, close to a year and it really helped me a lot on many levels with energy and other things. Maybe b/c I didn't do every day but just a couple of times per week.

I doubt there would be any problem with a weekly juicing. There is definitely some benefit to juicing, even intensive juicing, but also downsides.


Feb 9, 2013
I literally juiced the ***t out of greens for almost 15 years, and I can tell you, green vegetable juice isn't healthy. It's extremely harsh on the digestive system, especially if you don't dilute it properly. If you do juice greens, make each glass no more than 2 ounces of green juice, or else you're just going to end up with inflammation and gastritis for a number of hours afterwards.

Take a close look at every big-time green juicer. Virtually all of them have poor color in their faces, and often have freezing cold hands, and/or can't handle the cold at all. Dr. Robert Young's "pH Miracle" diet. should be called the "Pale Face Diet", because everyone on it looks like s**t.

I came across a site a number of years ago, that introduced me to the anti-nutrients in vegetables. Started paying more attention to how I felt with vegetables, especially green juices, in my diet. Turns out, that info was right on the money.


Nov 30, 2012
Juicing can't improve your skin; this is a myth. I don't know how old you are but there are other ways to enhance your skin besides guzzling juice. Washing your face with a ph balanced cleanser and lightly exfoliating with a Clarisonic will probably achieve a similar effect.

I echo what everyone else has already said, especially that the PUFAs will gradually build up. At that point, you won't look or feel that young anymore and will scramble about to figure out what's caused you to age badly. Juicing enthusiasts are often in to plastic surgery and anti aging regimens.

Peato Diet

Feb 16, 2013
Evelynqa said:
If the PUFAs in GJ are so bad why every time I drink one (parsley, celery, romaine, apple) my skin looks visible better, I have no blemishes and my hair grows like crazy (a lot of baby hair after drinking every day GJ for week) ?

True. I sometimes make a couple of pints of vege juice (apple, lemon, celery, cucumber and spinach) before bed and always notice in the morning how clear my skin is. Perhaps it hydrates at a deeper level.

Im putting Ray Peats theories to the test but one of the last things i want to let go of is vege juicing because i can almost instantly feel and see a difference when i drink it. Perhaps once or twice a week is OK to avoid accumulation of toxins (as im trying to understand it from a Peat view).


Jan 22, 2013
From my experience, juicing is just not worth the time and effort for the most part, except for wheatgrass...its just so packed with unique nutrition that its worth it. All other
vegetables provide only menial amounts of minerals that can be gotten from other sources, are expensive, annoying, don't taste good...and really people just do it because its supposed to be good for them but really the benefit people get from juicing is from avoiding worse things and/or actually getting becoming hydrated with quality water, unless its wheatgrass, which unlike other veg, is very high in choline, also iodine and Vitamin C, making it worth it in my opinion.
Green Juices will not harm you and are not toxic...unless the fact that you believe you must have them and waste time and money and effort consuming them which leads to stress reactions and mental tripping. If you can't secure calcium from any other source, then alfalfa juice comes into play as well...but other than that all other veg are basically a waste of time! (Im not saying they don't contain nutrition, but its not particularly unique, and getting that nutrition from vegetables instead of other sources is just less enjoyable and generally a waste of money)


Aug 28, 2012
pboy said:
From my experience, juicing is just not worth the time and effort for the most part, except for wheatgrass...its just so packed with unique nutrition that its worth it. All other
vegetables provide only menial amounts of minerals that can be gotten from other sources, are expensive, annoying, don't taste good...and really people just do it because its supposed to be good for them but really the benefit people get from juicing is from avoiding worse things and/or actually getting becoming hydrated with quality water, unless its wheatgrass, which unlike other veg, is very high in choline, also iodine and Vitamin C, making it worth it in my opinion.
Green Juices will not harm you and are not toxic...unless the fact that you believe you must have them and waste time and money and effort consuming them which leads to stress reactions and mental tripping. If you can't secure calcium from any other source, then alfalfa juice comes into play as well...but other than that all other veg are basically a waste of time! (Im not saying they don't contain nutrition, but its not particularly unique, and getting that nutrition from vegetables instead of other sources is just less enjoyable and generally a waste of money)

All the WGA in wheatgrass should be avoided, not rejoiced. It is actually toxic for that every reason. Alfalfa juice is similarly toxic.
Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts contain approximately 1.5% canavanine, a substance which, when fed to monkeys, causes a severe lupus erythematosus-like syndrome. (In humans, lupus is an autoimmune disease.) Canavanine is an analog for the amino acid arginine, and takes its place when incorporated into proteins. However, alfalfa that is cooked by autoclaving (i.e., subjected to pressure-cooking) doesn't induce this effect [Malinow 1982, Malinow 1984].
Note here that the monkeys were fed semi-purified diets, with a canavanine content of 1-2%, versus a typical canavanine content of 1.5% (dry weight--that is, when completely dehydrated) for alfalfa sprouts [Malinow 1982]. Thus, although it would be very difficult for a human to eat enough fresh alfalfa sprouts to ingest even 1% canavanine, individuals should be aware of the potential risks, and consume (or not consume) alfalfa sprouts accordingly. (In particular, those rawists who juice sprouts should probably strictly limit or avoid the consumption of alfalfa sprout juice, due to the concentration effect that results from juicing.)
and thats just one of the reasons. Yes I've heard vegans try to refute that with a very weak argument. ... d-1g.shtml

I would let the vegans stick with their unhealthy diets and not incorporate any of their 'healty' ideas inot our own lifestyle.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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