Hair Loss, Grogginess And More - Where The Heck Do I Start?


Jan 15, 2017
So long story made long: I want to get my hair density back, diffuse thinner.

175lbs, lean with an easy ability to get completely "shredded":
Weight training lover
Lowish stress job - prior to this very high-stress, very long hours. Career change allowed this.
No sexual dysfunction, currently doing nofap/nojac unless its an actual female

I started shedding hair the beginning of July, 2016. It came after years of horrible anti-nutrition, basically living for calories only. I had started a somewhat conservative cut to get beach ready, and after 6 weeks, my hair started falling. It has since started to regrow but then fall out again. If I didn't style my hair how I do, you would DEFINITELY be able to tell. Most people dont know but I lose about 70 alone from just the top each day.

Here's what I know.
My body temp, even since childhood has been lower than 98.6
I am, and kinda sorta intolerant to cold(esp my feet and hands)
My hair and skin are generally bright, soft and clear.
The sides of my hair(tightly cropped) grow quite fast, the top is whats nonstop shedding - but its super healthy which makes no sense.

Bloodwork in august(2 months into shed)
Per my physician who is no longer my physician:
D level "fine"
B12 level "a little high"
iron level "fine"
"thyroid" - "fine"
cholesterol 130 - HDL of 70

Waking temp 97.2
Temp maybe rises .5 degrees after breakfast, stays somewhat low all day
Temp 6 hours after waking might get as high as 98.2
My sleep is groggy and I have yet to wake up and feel rested since this started

What I have done(starting end of august)
Eliminated grains
No gluten
Fruits and vegs(tons really, mainly making most of my carb intake) - lots of oranges, some apples, grapes, watermelon
Kept starches to really only - potato, rice, honey
Lean proteins, a mix really(grass fed beef, occasional chicken and turkey, whole eggs) a quest bar here and there
Lots of bone broth from oxtail
Coconut oil
Extra gelatin
Limited dairy(kefir, yogurt i enjoy)
Sleep a ton
limited caffeine

Supplemented - ADEK, zinc, p5p, no flush niacin(horrible reaction to regular), b complex, magnesium, manganese, vitamin k, a bit of iodine(added in later, probably december). Added each after 2-3 weeks to assess any issue associated with them. All have had no change whatsoever.
Added beta-alanine for workout

Just recently
Trimmed workouts(5 days a week) to whatever I can get done in 80 min
No preworkout products

I need help, I have no idea what my next step should be. I am considering adding in taurine, or lysine and seeing how that goes, frankly I feel like its "gotta be this thing or that" but then its addressed and no change.

Taking all input - thanks so much for reading this thread and for any input. I have scoured and tried to put a bunch of separate threads together but I am just unsure on what to do.


Aug 6, 2015
I have read raypeatforum, longecity, and immortalhair and the work by Dave Asprey for over 3 years now.

I have also reached a conclusion it's impossible to give out advice on what to do.


Jan 15, 2017
I did have a headache for a couple periods, maybe a two week period in octoberish then one other but that was followed by a cold.

No reaction really to any of those foods really that I can think of.

Why do you ask of those?


May 3, 2015
You could try adding sweet potato, seafood, ripe (spotty) bananas, mangos, 100mg aspirin and black coffee with sugar.

Maybe try removing apples, grapes, rice, potatoes and some of the supplements.

Just do 1 change every 3 days and assess. If things are worse then go back. If things are better then lock it in!

Improvements are cumulative.


Jan 15, 2017
My posts are taking a while to be approved since im new, they do retropost though. I replied earlier too

Thanks so far guys. Does the coffee need to be caffeienated? Im trying to eliminate it as best i can for a couple weeks.

I am also going to be probably doing complete gym rest as well. A total reset that i do once a year, just walking, warming up a muscle group lightly then stretching - nothing heavy.

Hey richie, so a hair cycle should in theory take 2-3 possibly 4 weeks meaning whats falling now was likly from 1 month ago. Do you think 3 days is good enough to gauge?


Jun 16, 2014
Be careful with no flush niacin, it lowers cholesterol a lot, and your cholesterol is already very low. With low cholesterol your body won't be able to convert into steroids. RP suggests niacinamide, not niacin!


Jan 15, 2017
So after really being chilled today(ambient temp of mid 40s, plenty warm) I took my temp after getring home walking the mall browsing some winter sales - 95.4 just before i got in the shower.

How can i jack this metabolism up?

My temp really rises .5 to .7 after a good breakfast and really only gets to 97.4-6 during the day. Tonight after a seriously salty meal and a bit of haagen daaz it got up to 98.6 but thats in sweats under covers with a furnace of a female next to me watching a movie.

Also point taken on the no flush, ill have to divide up a capsule of the regular and start super low.


Jun 16, 2015
I would think you need to get your temp up first. That's pretty low. I started out really low like that coming from lots of cardio (triathlon) and then intermittent fasting (worst thing I've ever done), and probably more drinking than I should be doing. What I found is that my liver may have been having difficulties. It took quite a while to get my temps up into the 98's reliably. Gelatin definitely helped, which it seems you are doing. But taking sugar quite frequently throughout the day helped a lot. I take orange juice and gelatin-based fruit snacks about every half hour at least. You can just sip the OJ. The idea is to keep a continuous supply of sugar since it may be your liver is not storing glycogen, so you can't keep your temps up. The cold extremities are symptoms of adrenaline and the stress hormones which happens when you lack glycogen. The second I start to get cold hands and feet I hit the sugar in the form of OJ, and also aspirin, which brings me to...

You might try aspirin. I started with baby aspirin and found my temp would rise considerably within 30 min. It should help glycogen storage. Taurine also might help, but I personally have difficulty with figuring out dosage on that. For me, a small dose, around 0.5g seems best, but different people have different results.

I also suspect from reading your diet that you're deficient in calcium. Calcium is a huge booster of metabolism, especially the calcium to phosphate ratio. It takes some work to monitor, but getting your calcium and specifically your calcium to phosphate ratio up, and seeing if you can't help provide more sugar until your liver gets better at storing glycogen can help. Your protein sources (muscle meats) are high in phosphate, so I would prefer dairy and shellfish. Getting a high calcium to phosphate ratio will suppress PTH, allowing your metabolism to rise.

Endotoxin also burdens the liver, so you might try daily carrot salad or activated charcoal to relieve that burden.


Jan 15, 2017
The fruit snacks are a great idea, easier to carry too.

I have been doing a carrot at night before bed for a couple of weeks. Should i bump up more?

I probably have 3-4 bone broth cups a day, 2 of those have more gelatin added in.

I try to mix everything with every meal. A protein has a gelatin with it. Any carb if not a fruit has fruit as treat after it.

Taurine actually just came today along with some lysine, so i will start with taurine and add in lysine after a few days if all stays ok.

Do you think since i blend my spinach, berries and banana and basically take a good sip each hour that i should be doing anything else?

Also, ive been starting and ending my day with raw honey, coconut oil and broth. Its nice and easy and quality calories

What form of calcium should i be trying? I fear heavy dairy may be giving me a bit of an allergy - there was a period of some hair regrowth that went away again so im somewhat scared of it. I read about the eggshells, is there any other good form?

I appreciate everyone input so far. I frankly never considered building my physique could have such a horrible consequence.


Jul 29, 2014
Calcium carbonate powder will fill in if you don't want to deal with the eggshells. Eggshells are just calcium carbonate.


Dec 16, 2016
I have one question that seems to be untouched on this thread... how many calories are you currently eating daily?

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
Cyproheptadine for a couple of weeks to a month. Small dose progesterone a few times per week. Your diet should improve thyroid function. Drop all starches. Check for allergies. Stop working out, go for long walks instead. Good quality charcoal or carrot salad/bamboo shoots.
Sep 4, 2016
If you are cold maybe you have inadequate pressure arterial CO2 - so not enough O2 getting to the cells for efficient metabolism. This can happen if you are working out a lot (esp. cardio) and mouth-breathing while doing it. Low CO2 leads to a depressed Bohr Effect.

James IV

Less workouts, way less. Eat whatever you are craving, even starch. Eat variety. Just make things yourself. Don't avoid animal fat. Go tanning naked.


Jan 15, 2017
Guys thanks all for the responses. I dont know how to multiquote but ill just replay line by line.

What kind of time frame should i look for the the start of changes? Its been probably 3months of the newish diet, maybe more.

Grenade - im between 2200 and 2500 per day. Enough that im slowly getting less lean.

Pet peeve - how often with the carrot? Ive been doing one before bed.

Buteyko - would that manifest itself in my finger tips? They are cold, but the nail beds are for sure pink.

James IV and pet peeve- ive been gym free for about 10 days. Its killing me but its a good rest. If i were to hit some weights, what kind of length and frequency. Im skinny guy that normally weighs 145 untrained.. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks a ton everyone
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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