"Happiest" Countries Are Simply Gobbling Up Anti-depressants (SSRI)


May 5, 2015

The Nordic countries also appear to be some of the most "sick" countries. For instance, Finland ranks no. 1 in the world for dementia , Denmark ranks no 1 for several types of cancers.
It all seems to be interconnected ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

The Nordic countries also appear to be some of the most "sick" countries. For instance, Finland ranks no. 1 in the world for dementia , Denmark ranks no 1 for several types of cancers.
It all seems to be interconnected ?

It could be due to their very high fatty fish consumption as well. The lack of sunlight definitely does not help either. But yes, the SSRIs would raise risk for pretty much any cancer.


Sep 9, 2016
I completely agree with androgen therapy. In fact that's what I make my rat do. I believe people underestimate the importance of androgens in mental health and general well-being. It is more important to increase androgens than focus on increasing dopamine for mental stability.
I wonder if I could go to my doctor and say I have gender identity issues and want androgens. He'll say "your already a man", and I'll say "yes but I identify as a big buff man". Full proof.
I wish I could get my hands on a free form testosterone. Unfortunately haidut cannot legally produce it for rats to the best of my knowledge. And I've heard that attaching a keto group to it reduces the potency unlike 11-keto-dht, but I could be wrong. I would not feed my rat classical steroids as the effects are not necessarily the same as normal androgens and I doubt it will enable positive feedback loops. God I wish you can buy testosterone at your local Walgreens right next to the aspirin.
You know exogenous Test or DHT is not that safe either.I have heard Bodybuilders/wrestlers who take exogenous steroids(along with AIs) for trying to be a big buff man tend to die of heart attacks in 40s and 50s. You can always try zinc, BCAA, fat soluble vitamins t0 push endogenous production. Zinc(15 mg ) alone raised my T from 480ish to 620ish( it may not be a significant increase in eyes of some people) .


Apr 13, 2015
You know exogenous Test or DHT is not that safe either.I have heard Bodybuilders/wrestlers who take exogenous steroids(along with AIs) for trying to be a big buff man tend to die of heart attacks in 40s and 50s. You can always try zinc, BCAA, fat soluble vitamins t0 push endogenous production. Zinc(15 mg ) alone raised my T from 480ish to 620ish( it may not be a significant increase in eyes of some people) .

there's a very big difference between the doses bodybuilders take and the small doses in haiduts products. nobody here is recommending steroid cycle doses


Nov 16, 2015
I am also wondering how can a person be allowed to run for office if their mind is not right and they are always on some mind-altering drug? How is it still not a requirement to submit to independent commission to judge mental health? You can get sent to the shrink if you want to buy a truck (in some states) but if you want to be POTUS - nope, be as crazy as you want.

There's a dizzying amount of hypocrisy here. This forum is full of advice on how to supplement/drug your way to better health. However, when it comes to a drug YOU don't think is good, it's a bad thing. Perhaps there are many ways to achieve health/happiness.. not just the Peat approved way.


Sep 28, 2016
You know exogenous Test or DHT is not that safe either.I have heard Bodybuilders/wrestlers who take exogenous steroids(along with AIs) for trying to be a big buff man tend to die of heart attacks in 40s and 50s. You can always try zinc, BCAA, fat soluble vitamins t0 push endogenous production. Zinc(15 mg ) alone raised my T from 480ish to 620ish( it may not be a significant increase in eyes of some people) .
Dosage and substance is very important here. Anabolic steroids are not structurally identical to any androgens, they are synthetic chemicals that have androgenic properties in the body (testosterone attached to something else). This alone increases the risk factor. Also consider that doses are high enough that testosterone increases 10 to 100 fold on a cycle... this actually proves that androgens are remarkably safe as if you increased any other chemical in your body by 100 fold I'm sure you would be dead. As long as you use androgens responsibly they can greatly improve your health. Also be sure to take vitamin k with any androgen as androgens increase calcification dramatically and if you don't have adequate vitamin k then you can suffer from many ailments via soft tissue calcification.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You know exogenous Test or DHT is not that safe either.I have heard Bodybuilders/wrestlers who take exogenous steroids(along with AIs) for trying to be a big buff man tend to die of heart attacks in 40s and 50s. You can always try zinc, BCAA, fat soluble vitamins t0 push endogenous production. Zinc(15 mg ) alone raised my T from 480ish to 620ish( it may not be a significant increase in eyes of some people) .

While large doses of T could possibly affect the heart due to conversion into estrogen, DHT is about as safe as it gets. It is not a coincidence that both T and DHT are used clinically while the variety of poisonous derivatives that bodybuilders inject are not.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You know exogenous Test or DHT is not that safe either.I have heard Bodybuilders/wrestlers who take exogenous steroids(along with AIs) for trying to be a big buff man tend to die of heart attacks in 40s and 50s. You can always try zinc, BCAA, fat soluble vitamins t0 push endogenous production. Zinc(15 mg ) alone raised my T from 480ish to 620ish( it may not be a significant increase in eyes of some people) .

T and DHT should not be lumped together with AAS, IMO. There is a reason clinical studies use T or DHT and not one of the scary varieties bodybuilders inject with. Keep in mind that many of the AAS can kill you if not used carefully. I am not sure DHT has a known LED50. T can get people in trouble but a lot less so than synthetic steroids and only when truly abused. Nobody needs a dose of 100mg daily IM to achieve better health. The discussions in all the threads and the advice from Peat always focused on using physiological doses and usually have a not-to-exceed dose provided as well. Of course, nobody should be using steroid without first consulting with their doctor, but to draw a parallel between T/DHT and the toxic stuff developed for performance enhancement is a bit far fetched.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
There's a dizzying amount of hypocrisy here. This forum is full of advice on how to supplement/drug your way to better health. However, when it comes to a drug YOU don't think is good, it's a bad thing. Perhaps there are many ways to achieve health/happiness.. not just the Peat approved way.

Boy, did that strike a nerve! A post that was not really directed at anyone specifically...and was simply about people getting tested for sanity before taking high office. Not whether they should or should not be taking drugs or supplements.
Speaking of which, do you mind pointing out what drug/supplement discussed on the forum makes people lose their minds and/or turn into serial killers like the SSRIs do? And what does Peat have to do with the simple biochemical fact about what serotonin does to a person's brain?
SSRI increase risk of violent crime
Many psychiatric drugs are useless, cause learned helplessness


Aug 15, 2015
I have been to Denmark and Norway and in general they were nice people but they don't like to talk much. They reminded me of new yorkers who like the fast pace.

The last two days, I upped my coffee from 5 cups to 10 cups (about 1200 mg caffeine) and I feel the effect of caffeine is very strong at creating positive hormone profile. I eat all the Korean food with no stomach issues at all. And the stress from overworking with highly competitive people seems nonexistent.


Dec 18, 2015
My generation is weaker than the ones before, and if millennials moved back in time a few centuries, we would get laughed at and destroyed.

I've thought in these terms as well - I think it's clear that man in the late 19th century was a lot cleverer than we are at present...


Sep 28, 2016
Boy, did that strike a nerve! A post that was not really directed at anyone specifically...and was simply about people getting tested for sanity before taking high office. Not whether they should or should not be taking drugs or supplements.
Speaking of which, do you mind pointing out what drug/supplement discussed on the forum makes people lose their minds and/or turn into serial killers like the SSRIs do? And what does Peat have to do with the simple biochemical fact about what serotonin does to a person's brain?
SSRI increase risk of violent crime
Many psychiatric drugs are useless, cause learned helplessness
BCAA's and tryosine at every meal makes me lose my mind...but in a good way lol. God I think my testosterone shot up to zues levels on this combo.

There's a dizzying amount of hypocrisy here. This forum is full of advice on how to supplement/drug your way to better health. However, when it comes to a drug YOU don't think is good, it's a bad thing. Perhaps there are many ways to achieve health/happiness.. not just the Peat approved way.
The body is very adaptable and can survive in many terrible conditions but can only thrive in a few. I doubt there are many ways to achieve health, there are not even many ways to achieve happiness. You can supplement or drug your way to better health or you can simply eat better, the supplemention is required for those who still rely on the Western diet and live a civilized life. If you work outside all day, eat a high carb, high gelatinous (bone marrow, liver, etc), high variety diet then you will be in pristine health and will not need supplementation. Unfortunately the modern day life style is about as healthy as snorting cow ***t so people need some extra help. Also there is no hypocrisy here we are simoly saying some drugs are good and some are bad and you should probably take the good ones... where is the hypocritical statement?


Sep 9, 2016
Also be sure to take vitamin k with any androgen as androgens increase calcification dramatically and if you don't have adequate vitamin k then you can suffer from many ailments via soft tissue calcification.
You nailed down the main point.


Sep 28, 2016
How could you possibly know this?
Cultures that utilize this typically have great health. Also light is one of the most important aspect of mental and physical health not just via vitamin d (lowers prolactin, serotonin, etc). A high carb diet optimizes hormonal health and what not, and gelatinous foods balance amino acid profiles which balance neurotransmitter profiles..


Aug 26, 2016
For Norway, omega 3 has been pushed quite heavily here (lots of local fish oil producers etc.). I don't think fatty fish in itself is a huge problem, noone I know eats that every day (in olden times hired farm workers would specify in contract that salmon should be served max once per week). Winter depression is common. Also, anti-depressants are dispensed by GPs, with very low threshold, so no need to swing by psychiatric institutions...


Sep 9, 2015
I see what you're saying, but I think your conflating 'things that people mistakenly think will make them happy' and 'things that actually make them happy'. And then in the end meaning and happiness are two sides of the same coin.

Or maybe I'm just too married to the term happiness since Matthieu Ricard's book Happiness makes me so happy.

At the risk of beating a horse to death :)

No I am saying things that make you happy and things that make your life meaningful have overlap, but happiness and meaning are distinct concepts and there are many things that give you meaning (and prevent suicide as a consequence) but do not increase levels of happiness.


Aug 9, 2013
It would also be reasonable to conclude that their sense of happiness is derived from the drugs. In reality, it’s more likely that the availability of prescription antidepressants is yet another byproduct of Scandinavian-style government and culture. Universal health care means all citizens have access to mental health treatment. As the Guardian notes, Denmark records all mental health treatment in the Danish Psychiatric Research Register, giving scientists a wealth of data to work with. That data estimates that 38 percent of Danish women and 32% percent of Danish men will receive mental health treatment at some point during their lives. "

I don't think that's a logical conclusions, unless they have more data in the research? For example, in Britain you are rarely offered anti-depressants without psychological counselling. They would need to know how much counselling

Further, the fact that 38 per cent of Women/32% of men get mental health treatment doesn't tell you much. It could say more about their social attitude to mental health treatment (ie not a stigma), or the fact that due to universal health care the people who ACTUALLY NEED mental healthcare get it, instead of having to worry about not having insurance! I tell you what, if I lived in an run down area in America, had a broken family, no job, no education or prospect of jobs, and friends getting murdered, I'd for sure need mental health care... but wouldn't get it from anywhere.

Maybe the Scandinavian excellent treatment of psychological issues is the reason for their happiness. Due to cheap flights, I've spent time in Denmark and Sweden a lot, and you meet a ton of Scandies travelling the world, and they are generally very healthy looking physically (and attractive), and lovely people.


Aug 9, 2013
One thing from coming from the UK with Universal Health Care (and then excellent private schemes which you are offered at a very affordable rate when you work for large companies, partly due to the interaction of the private schemes with the NHS facilities), we don't see advertising for

I'm always amazed when in the States about how big the Pharmacies are and how much medicine there is. And how much advertising there is for pharmaceuticals. Maybe we have advertising legislation here stopping ads for pharma drugs - never thought about it!

Happiness must be made up of 1000s of variables. To try to reduce it down to a couple of factors is ridiculous.

In Summer Scandinavia is very warm and sunny despite being high Latitudes.

But If I had to come up with one thing, it would be their summer breaks - Why Swedes Take At Least 5 Weeks Of Vacation

eg Danish GDP is very high, they have high taxes, free education, they have lond summer breaks when everyone has fun and spends time outside, they have shorter working weeks (32 hours apparently - ie work isn't everything, and yet they have 8th highest GDP, just a bit behind US), they have $20 an hour minimum wage... hmmmm ... OMG They're commies! And they're happy!

I'm thinking there's a political angle to this scientific study ;)


Nov 16, 2015
Boy, did that strike a nerve! A post that was not really directed at anyone specifically...and was simply about people getting tested for sanity before taking high office. Not whether they should or should not be taking drugs or supplements.
Speaking of which, do you mind pointing out what drug/supplement discussed on the forum makes people lose their minds and/or turn into serial killers like the SSRIs do? And what does Peat have to do with the simple biochemical fact about what serotonin does to a person's brain?
SSRI increase risk of violent crime
Many psychiatric drugs are useless, cause learned helplessness
You did strike a nerve. That's true. I read the entire thread and you later speak on Clinton's mental health.. so I made a not too big logical leap to determine you were referencing her. I'm so tired of the anti-Clinton/pro Trump rhetoric on this site. I never said the supps or drugs mentioned here have that affect, simply that demeaning someone for taking something you don't support is hypocritical. In the end all people are looking to feel better and can only make decisions about what they can take to achieve that based on the info available to them. Not everyone, especially not people with high profile/powerful positions, have the time to biohack or obsess about nutrition and health.
And really how objective could a mental health test really be? It's better to determine if one is stable by their actions and how they perform in their day to day lives.
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