Has Anyone Actually Tried 1 Cup Of AC For 10 Days Per Month?


Jun 11, 2018
I am guessing the yellowing of teeth comes from either absorbing calcium like you mentioned, or perhaps from killing certain bacteria species in the gut that are producing vit K or some other nutrients that are required.

I took AC daily for a long time and had a little tooth decay. Not sure if it was all the AC, I think it was also the liver I was eating, but perhaps it added to things.

There´s also the possiblility that when the organism is deficient in minerals because of malabsorption, when AC is added, the deficiency worsens and teeth won´t have enough what they need. I tried ocean minerals to turn my teeth white again. I had some success, one of them turned white and shiny, but I stopped the experiement because of muscle problems, that I haven´t figured out what they are caused by.
Nov 21, 2015
I doubt it's safe to take tablespoons of AC daily over a long time.

But taking a tablespoon now and then can be helpful.

Or if you can't get carrot/mushrooms/shoots because you are traveling -- take AC instead. That's what I do.


Mar 7, 2017
Posted this over at the RP email advise depository:

Me: A member on the forum recently posted the following quote that he attributed to you:

"Frolkis, et al. (1989, 1984) found that it extended median and average lifespan of rats, beginning in old age (28 months) by 43% and 34%, respectively, when given in large quantities (equivalent to about a cup per day for humans) for ten days of each month."

Would a cup of activated charcoal in a day be useful for a human, or is there a lower dose that would be just as effective?

Peat: The quote is right, but I recommend using a daily carrot salad for the similar purpose. Because of the phenomenon of persorption of particles, and the ease of contamination of charcoal, I don’t recommend its use except in an emergency.


Apr 30, 2015
Posted this over at the RP email advise depository:

Me: A member on the forum recently posted the following quote that he attributed to you:

Would a cup of activated charcoal in a day be useful for a human, or is there a lower dose that would be just as effective?

Peat: The quote is right, but I recommend using a daily carrot salad for the similar purpose. Because of the phenomenon of persorption of particles, and the ease of contamination of charcoal, I don’t recommend its use except in an emergency.

Interesting...the larger particle size from health natura would take care of the persorption. Not sure on the contamination...can't find anything about that. Maybe that is one of his mysterious "additives" that makes it bad remarks.


Jan 25, 2014
There is a thread about how IV charcoal was used in the 1930s by one doctor, apparently with great success-

IV Charcoal Cures Infections

Since that was injected directly into the bloodstream, it pretty much eliminated any worry about persorbtion of charcoal for me, seeing as much higher amounts used in an IV caused no issues in the most part. A few that did have reactions to massive IV doses seemed to completely recover in 12 hours.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Interesting...the larger particle size from health natura would take care of the persorption. Not sure on the contamination...can't find anything about that. Maybe that is one of his mysterious "additives" that makes it bad remarks.
wouldnt a capsule resolve the problem since the small fine powder stays in the capsule until it reaches the gut at which point it wouldnt matter if its a larger or smaller particle size?
it seems the more expensive the product, the more refined and pharmaceutical grade it is the smaller the particle size becomes...
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