Has Ray turned vegan? How is he doing?



mind over matter seems to have limits. someone mentioned that some pro athletes stated they could materialize things from their thoughts and blamed that so called 'ability' on their athletic success. it really is nonsense because for the vast majority of people it's not true. Only Biblical prophets and ancient blessed figures (given miracles) could literally materialize something. I don't think there's a single pro athlete today who materialized anything. the most they could do is materialize themselves training and succeeding and achieving, and then doing the process of dieting and training. it's not a literal materialization as in they believe they can be athletic and muscular and it just happens automatically. the people who heal do it because their metabolic rate allows for it. otherwise there's something supernatural involved.

You speak as if it's 100% matter of fact. Did you read the part I wrote before mentioning mind over matter? Most likely nothing is 100% matter of fact because we will simply learn more in future months, years, decades etc that will either reshape what we know of the subject, or completely rewrite it.

I wasn't talking about materializing things out of thin air initially, although I will now, for I have had so many experiences where my thoughts and words would bring something within minutes or days, or that are connected to something, some call that synchronization, some could call it materializing. I get this so often on a near daily basis that I don't even bank 99% of them in my memory anymore. Things such as, out of the blue remembering a band I used to like over a decade ago named Kiuas. I had not thought of them in over a decade, yet this was a powerful feeling of nostalgia that brought back strong emotions. It's a band nobody around me knows, and this random nostalgic memory of this band prompted me to google them. Oh would you look at that? The band announced their comeback just earlier that very month that I had this nostalgic memory. They disbanded in 2011, around the same time I stopped listening to them and they completely left my conscious thoughts.

Another.. I heard a song in the car that was so catchy to me I sang it all week. 'Big Bad John'. After a week of singing that song aloud, my wife dragged me to the Target that we go to every couple of weeks. Oh there's a new T-Shirt brand that wasn't here when we came just a couple weeks prior. Oh wow they fit me perfectly! This is so unlikely, I'm a big guy, wide shoulders and chest but my waist isn't that large, so I had never found a shirt, let alone an entire brand line, that fit so perfectly before in my life! What's the brand called? Johnnie Big.

There is something 'supernatural' about that. Or perhaps it's actually very natural, but most people are simply blind to it.

You speak as if you know everything as a 100% matter of fact. How do you know the limits of mind over matter? How do you know that for the vast majority of people this is not true? Do you know the beliefs of the vast majority of people? If belief in the subject, whatever it may be, is required, how do you know that the majority of the people both believe in it, and are not affected by that belief? How do you know the vast majority of people simply don't believe in it, or believe it is NOT true, so they manifest said belief of nothing?

Nobody knows the extent of placebo or nocebo, nor do we know the extent our beliefs have over our physical bodies and our reality all-together.

There are crazy stories of people surviving the impossible. A man mauled by a bear, with his guts falling out, stuffing his guts back in and crawling for miles to safety and survive. A woman surviving a fall from thousands of feet high. A Scottish man in WW2 who wore a kilt, played the bagpipes and used a sword to fight all of his battles and lived into old age. It is my belief that these crazy survival stories exist, not just from sheer dumb luck, but mind over matter and absolute sheer belief in survival.

It is my belief that the biggest factor in surviving 'the impossible' is your willpower. Mind over matter. Do you have thoughts like 'Is this it? Is this when I die?' Or do you have absolute unwavering belief when you think "I do not die here, I live, no matter the circumstances".

There's no proof of this of course, it would be illegal to study something that deadly. But everything I've experienced in my life (including a couple near death experiences) has led me to believe this.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
You speak as if it's 100% matter of fact. Did you read the part I wrote before mentioning mind over matter? Most likely nothing is 100% matter of fact because we will simply learn more in future months, years, decades etc that will either reshape what we know of the subject, or completely rewrite it.

I wasn't talking about materializing things out of thin air initially, although I will now, for I have had so many experiences where my thoughts and words would bring something within minutes or days, or that are connected to something, some call that synchronization, some could call it materializing. I get this so often on a near daily basis that I don't even bank 99% of them in my memory anymore. Things such as, out of the blue remembering a band I used to like over a decade ago named Kiuas. I had not thought of them in over a decade, yet this was a powerful feeling of nostalgia that brought back strong emotions. It's a band nobody around me knows, and this random nostalgic memory of this band prompted me to google them. Oh would you look at that? The band announced their comeback just earlier that very month that I had this nostalgic memory. They disbanded in 2011, around the same time I stopped listening to them and they completely left my conscious thoughts.

Another.. I heard a song in the car that was so catchy to me I sang it all week. 'Big Bad John'. After a week of singing that song aloud, my wife dragged me to the Target that we go to every couple of weeks. Oh there's a new T-Shirt brand that wasn't here when we came just a couple weeks prior. Oh wow they fit me perfectly! This is so unlikely, I'm a big guy, wide shoulders and chest but my waist isn't that large, so I had never found a shirt, let alone an entire brand line, that fit so perfectly before in my life! What's the brand called? Johnnie Big.

There is something 'supernatural' about that. Or perhaps it's actually very natural, but most people are simply blind to it.

You speak as if you know everything as a 100% matter of fact. How do you know the limits of mind over matter? How do you know that for the vast majority of people this is not true? Do you know the beliefs of the vast majority of people? If belief in the subject, whatever it may be, is required, how do you know that the majority of the people both believe in it, and are not affected by that belief? How do you know the vast majority of people simply don't believe in it, or believe it is NOT true, so they manifest said belief of nothing?

Nobody knows the extent of placebo or nocebo, nor do we know the extent our beliefs have over our physical bodies and our reality all-together.

There are crazy stories of people surviving the impossible. A man mauled by a bear, with his guts falling out, stuffing his guts back in and crawling for miles to safety and survive. A woman surviving a fall from thousands of feet high. A Scottish man in WW2 who wore a kilt, played the bagpipes and used a sword to fight all of his battles and lived into old age. It is my belief that these crazy survival stories exist, not just from sheer dumb luck, but mind over matter and absolute sheer belief in survival.

It is my belief that the biggest factor in surviving 'the impossible' is your willpower. Mind over matter. Do you have thoughts like 'Is this it? Is this when I die?' Or do you have absolute unwavering belief when you think "I do not die here, I live, no matter the circumstances".

There's no proof of this of course, it would be illegal to study something that deadly. But everything I've experienced in my life (including a couple near death experiences) has led me to believe this.

those examples of people surviving would have to be because it was logical for them to survive with their metabolism or an angelic or supernatural figure for instance saved them from the fall. the reason we know mind over matter has limits is because you never for example, we've never seen someone do things like fly or achieve crazy feats of strength. We've heard stories of it, and those were Biblical figures directly blessed by God, they didn't simply believe to achieve. We've never seen someone do the impossible just from materialization. And even the blessed Biblical figures were still human and had limits. There's never been an irl superman like figure for instance even though there's probably been mental people who believed they had Superman like abilities.

I think that if you physiologically crave meat, you should eat it. I specifically crave meat, and very rarely crave eggs. It is not about protein alone, or even the "quality" of protein, but something else regarding the texture of the protein--which is why I will crave beef over chicken for example.

I think that some people, specifically Americans, are out of tune with physiological cravings, and are more prone to overeating meat because it "tastes good" or "they're used to it"

I also think that a lot of people, 3rd worlders in general and specifically Indians, have the same problem in an opposite direction--being pushed to eat vegetarian food due to poverty and in the latter's case, sociopolitical dogma (though this dogma is growing outside of India as well).

The best option would be to introduce a child to as wide an array of foods as possible and just let them eat what they like.

I don't drink that much milk nowadays, but I'm also on more of a standard diet (just the low PUFA version). Roughly 2 cups a day. I used to do high milk+sugar back in college, and during those times I wasn't craving meat quite as much.

toxic enzyme cheeses: I haven't noticed a huge problem from enzymes themselves, however pizza gives me sluggish feelings, probably due to high gluten (many "artisanal" pizza and european breads are very high gluten)

I've never read that study and would be interested if you could find it.

Mongols are not tall.
View attachment 41005
Despite having meat consumption similar to the US, and specifically beef consumption also similar, as well as higher dairy consumption than the rest of Asia, Mongols are shorter than the Chinese. This makes them one of the few "guaranteed" short people on the planet, as their relatively shorter height simply cannot be blamed on nutrition, nor even on epigenetic momentum from said nutrition. Probably the cold climate of Siberia made them shorter due to lack of resources/need to conserve body heat.

vitamin D is not something that is equally necessary for everyone: African People Aren't Vitamin D Deficient

the genghis khan descendants are those mongols or something else? I thought they had something special. are russians tall? why would a cold climate cause someone to be shorter?
did you read about fructose effects on calcium, phosphorus and bone mass


Mar 15, 2014
the genghis khan descendants are those mongols or something else? I thought they had something special. are russians tall? why would a cold climate cause someone to be shorter?
did you read about fructose effects on calcium, phosphorus and bone mass
The Mongols left behind far fewer descendants than most think. Mongol paternal chromosomes are mostly haplogroup C2, and these were all over Northeast Asia prior to the Mongol invasions. Tall height in Northern China is due to local ancestry (Manchu, Dongyi) and maybe provincial differences in food consumption.

Cold climates cause shortness by 1) lack of food and 2) encouraging lateral growth to trap body heat.

Europe isn't that cold, it's similar to South Korea or Shandong. Siberia is MUCH colder than Europe.


Feb 25, 2015
@Ritchie i was inspired and intrigued after hearing rays points about lowering protein and also reading your posts about it. Im consuming 40-50g a day now and have been for 2 months and it feels good. Muscles have not been hampered and im cutting and weigt training 6 times a week so its really cool. Also the freedom to est food now is just amaazing. How is it going for you and how long have you been doing it?
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