Health Puzzle. Seeking Answers


Jun 24, 2023
I am a male in my early twenties whose life has been turned sideways ever since experiencing a dramatic effect from high dose vitamins.

Body: slightly above average height; very skinny my whole life.

Growing up:
- typical middle class American diet. not particularly healthy. we always had junk food in the house.
- always been athletic. soccer, track & field, cross-country.
- severe acne throughout teenage years. Took low to moderate dose of accutane for a short period in high school.
- Never had any medications other than accutane and standard antibiotics once or twice.

Chronic issues:
- Looking back, I can now see that I basically had sleep issues starting in middle school or possibly earlier.
Sparing the details, I can just tell you it was essentially insomnia and it got more severe over time.
I was sleeping on average between 2 and 6 hours, except the weekends and during summer.
- My whole life my mind has been racing, but in a controllable manner. I think I've always been in a high-stress mode, but have just been very used to it.
- I didn't have much interest in mundane socialization. Feeling socially withdrawn despite having friends was just part of who I thought I was.---I'll get back to this.

Health awareness:
- I became interested in health at around age 17. trying to eat cleaner diet, exercise, and learning the basics of supplementation.
- My goal was to improve energy levels, motivation, and attain optimal biological health.

Past few years
I have spent the last 4+ years independently studying various topics including health. Experimenting with various diets and supplements has been a major hobby of mine. I have tried the majority of stuff that is out there or generally talked about in the health sphere. I've never had a bad reaction to any food I've eaten nor any supplement. I've also never felt a good effect from any food or supplement other than one time I definitely felt something from the herb bacopa monnieri and another time I felt something from baking soda that I was unable to reproduce.

Well, recently this has changed...

About 3 months ago I had been doing the following (I apologize if this is not in-line with Peat's work):
consisting of sourdough bread, meat, vegetables.
Bacopa monnieri powder, semi-regularly
random herbal decoctions.
Thiamine HCl 2 grams per day.
Pantethine (fat soluble b5) 450mg ~2x per week.
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid), 1.5 grams per day.
Magnesium, 350 mg per day. (obtained from 5 grams magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate)
Fish oil, ~3 grams per day
Flaxseed oil, ~3 grams per day
(I balanced this out with small amount of sunflower seeds).
Vitamin D3. Taken as 2 doses: 300,000 IU at beginning of month and 300,000 IU at middle of month. (~20,000 IU per day)
Bamboo Extract, for Silica. 1 capsule per day.
Selenium +Vitamin E, 200 mcg and 20 mg. ~4x per week.
Iodine, 1 mg. ~4x per week.
Desiccated beef liver capsules (high quality, non-defatted), 5 per day.
Live baker’s yeast, occasionally
inactive brewers yeast, occasionally.
cold showers.
moderate exercise.
stretching, including neck stretching.

High dose niacin
So whenever I don't have to get up early I tend to end up sleeping during the day and being up at night for some reason. This happened every summer break and also has been that way for the past couple of years that I've been out of school. I never saw it as a serious problem, I thought it was just my natural circadian rhythm, although it did annoy me.
I tried countless times to fix this and never seemed to be able to. But at some point I got very fed-up and basically decided to dedicate all of my effort into it.

One of the theories I came up with was that I could try taking a high dose of niacin in the early morning in order to raise NAD levels because NAD is supposed to be highest in the morning.

The first 3 days I didn't feel great. I was having short-term memory issues, feeling out of it, etc. Then on the fourth day something bizarre happened.

What I Felt
I was taking a hot bath because I didn't feel like doing anything else. I observed an inability to relax and general restlessness and also that I couldn't remember the last time I actually felt relaxed. A bit annoyed at this fact, I went to let the water out and somehow both of my hands were together and pulled some air under the water and it ended up making a really cool sound as tiny air bubbles escaped through my fingers and made it to the surface.

This triggered something within me. It was like some switch was flipped. I felt an immense peace and joy and child-like playfulness. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. My mental clarity became incredible. I felt way more present in my body. It felt like my nervous system had been stuck my whole life and finally loosened up. I had been dealing with GI issues and I felt something changing within my gut like something was being corrected--and shortly after, I had the most perfectly formed stool I had had in years. It felt like my cellular energy increased, but at the same time I felt I could go to sleep--my chronic sleep issues were completely gone. I hadn't felt sleepy like that since a very young age. I walked into the living room and my sense of smell had increased so much that it was as if I was smelling the house for the very first time; my vision was also more crisp.

It was a life-changing moment. The best moment of my life so far.

The next day I took the niacin again and it produced the same exact effect.

This was two to three months ago.

I remember it was either the fifth or sixth day and I was feeling the effect slowly wearing off. And it felt as if I was falling into a half-way coma type state. I would feel less present in my body, my mental clarity decreased, my insomnia would come back completely, the vigor would be lost. I became who I was prior to the niacin experience.

I tried taking more niacin and I don't remember much but I know that it stopped working. And one theory I came across was that niacin reduces ammonia in the body and I was feeling the same as people with mild hyperammonia encephalopathy / hepatic encephalopathy (according to some videos I saw)(also: high serum ammonia can actually put you into a full coma). So anyways I bought some L-arginine and surprisingly it actually either had the same effect as the niacin or it was just prolonging the effect. But it was noticeable.

What I Know So Far
- the niacin stopped working and I've tried it at various dosages and for various prolonged periods of time with no effect.
- the arginine stopped working and I've tried it many ways.
- arginine alpha-keto-glutarate (which is supposed to be highly effective in reducing ammonia) has no effect.
- high dose vitamin C doesn't work and also temporarily damaged my stomach. and I wasn't able to eat for almost a week. Please drink water with your vitamin C.
- I bought like 10 supplements that research suggested may help with ammonia and they didn't do anything.
- I had a special lab test conducted for ammonia and it came back normal. But maybe it is only occurring in my brain/spinal fluid? Some ammonia-producing bacteria?
- CT can showed nothing other than apparently I have a fatty liver. I do not drink. I want to eventually test myself for celiac. Also some research suggests thiamine deficient animals develop fatty liver after the introduction of thiamine supplementation..
- Most of my lab work appears normal. I bought a lot of testing. The only thing was low testosterone, low free testosterone, and high SHBG. I want to buy more testing especially some of the tests Ray Peat recommends.
- I got an IV of acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and it had the same effect as the niacin and arginine. It was 8 grams per hour then 1 gram per hour. Oral NAC has low bioavailability and doesn't have any discernable effect. I will maybe try NACET.
- I have no money left and no job. It is difficult to explain this situation to my doctor and family... Currently applying to private grants for financial relief.

I am starting to think it may have been the combination of high dose thiamine and niacin. I had to take a break from thiamine for a period. I'm about to add it back but with a fat-soluble form.

Also: the part about not feeling very social my whole life, that changed. I felt a type of social motivation that I hadn't felt before. And I've never had a strong desire to have a job and that changed too. I felt I could better manage life. A way to describe it is that it's like my mind/focus is like a laser or pressure washer: pressure washers are useful, but sometime you just need to water the garden. Whatever happened put me into the 'watering the garden' mode.

I want to add that I do not do drugs. I don't even take nootropics. I barely even take herbs. I've never felt anything like this (the 'state change') in my whole life.
Also I remain optimistic that this will get this figured out.

1. General thoughts?
2. Any ideas about how to 'trigger' the state-change? I've tried breathing exercises, bath tub, sauna. Maybe something related to vagus nerve.
3. Advice about how I should approach the whole issue of trying to use my insurance vs just paying out-of-pocket which is psychologically easier for me. I have no experience with any of this.
Apr 1, 2021
Thanks to niacin you realized that living a simple life makes you happier
You finally lived the moment fully without having the need of getting control and I think that experience in the environment decreased your serotonin levels and treated your digestion and insomnia
Happy for you
Note that most supplements work short term and from what I know you need to relax
Niacin helped because increases GABA (relaxes) receptors and facilitated living the experience fully, this same effect you will get if you stay hours in the forest watching trees
If there is one supplement to take it would be thyroid t3. It decreases ammonia, serotonin, brings novelty, eliminates delusion, creates energy, stabilizes all your body.
Cut off all fish oil and pufas, eat easily digestibile diet.


Dec 8, 2016
You don’t need more supplements, more vitamins or any medication

You need more food

Sounds too easy?
Too rudimentary?

It’s not

If you were under eating
Trying to eat clean
Exercising by playing sport
Especially during your teenage years
It can have a profound effect on sleep, mood, thinking, hormones, growth etc

Supplements don’t bring health or wellness
Nutrition does

Supplements are to be used supplementary

Ray Peat spoke often of one dose being therapeutic

Supplements don’t sustain life
Food is life


Jun 24, 2023
Thanks to niacin you realized that living a simple life makes you happier
You finally lived the moment fully without having the need of getting control and I think that experience in the environment decreased your serotonin levels and treated your digestion and insomnia
Happy for you
Note that most supplements work short term and from what I know you need to relax
Niacin helped because increases GABA (relaxes) receptors and facilitated living the experience fully, this same effect you will get if you stay hours in the forest watching trees
If there is one supplement to take it would be thyroid t3. It decreases ammonia, serotonin, brings novelty, eliminates delusion, creates energy, stabilizes all your body.
Cut off all fish oil and pufas, eat easily digestibile diet.
Thanks for the reply.
I've taken grams of GABA before and felt nothing. not sure if that is the same as increasing receptors.
I've taken desiccated thyroid before, even took about half the bottle all at once trying to get an effect because my whole life I've been cold and almost never sweat. I didn't feel anything.

My thyroid was tested recently and it looked very good, but that was while I hadn't been eating for a week. I will test it again in future.
You don’t need more supplements, more vitamins or any medication

You need more food

Sounds too easy?
Too rudimentary?

It’s not

If you were under eating
Trying to eat clean
Exercising by playing sport
Especially during your teenage years
It can have a profound effect on sleep, mood, thinking, hormones, growth etc

Supplements don’t bring health or wellness
Nutrition does

Supplements are to be used supplementary

Ray Peat spoke often of one dose being therapeutic

Supplements don’t sustain life
Food is life
Thanks for the reply.

I am open to the idea that I don't need more supplements, however right now I'm in a period where I am making sure nothing is actually wrong with me and that requires testing and experimenting with various supplement compounds.

Not very long ago I made sure to track my food intake and it was around 2,000 calories. I've tried eating up to 4,000 calories in the past and never felt anything.

Additionally, I want to add that when I was feeling the effect, my sense of hunger was massively more pronounced than typical. It felt like the part of my body involved in sensation had been restored. (sense of hunger, sense of sleep, sense of smell, sense of gravity, sense of physical presence in all my muscles)

Also my sense of temperature. I went out and mowed the yard (and I'm in Texas) and usually I barely sweat--my whole life I've never sweated much--but this time I sweated a ton.

My ability to tolerate resistance exercise also increased.

Please understand that all of this was a night and day difference. It was very pronounced. As I said, it was a life-changing feeling.


May 31, 2018
Thanks for the reply.
I've taken grams of GABA before and felt nothing. not sure if that is the same as increasing receptors.
I've taken desiccated thyroid before, even took about half the bottle all at once trying to get an effect because my whole life I've been cold and almost never sweat. I didn't feel anything.

My thyroid was tested recently and it looked very good, but that was while I hadn't been eating for a week. I will test it again in future.

Thanks for the reply.

I am open to the idea that I don't need more supplements, however right now I'm in a period where I am making sure nothing is actually wrong with me and that requires testing and experimenting with various supplement compounds.

Not very long ago I made sure to track my food intake and it was around 2,000 calories. I've tried eating up to 4,000 calories in the past and never felt anything.

Additionally, I want to add that when I was feeling the effect, my sense of hunger was massively more pronounced than typical. It felt like the part of my body involved in sensation had been restored. (sense of hunger, sense of sleep, sense of smell, sense of gravity, sense of physical presence in all my muscles)

Also my sense of temperature. I went out and mowed the yard (and I'm in Texas) and usually I barely sweat--my whole life I've never sweated much--but this time I sweated a ton.

My ability to tolerate resistance exercise also increased.

Please understand that all of this was a night and day difference. It was very pronounced. As I said, it was a life-changing feeling.

You might want to look into raising Nitric Oxide as most of those things you took all did this. I can feel "heavy", clouded, anxious, etc etc and a bit of NO raised is like it all lifting. Works most of the time.

Also, look into your body being acidic, esp since you said you had an issue with Vit C (I can't take it in any form w/o itching and getting an acidic stomach). Both a family member and I take baking soda and it's like some nights you feel this massive release in your whole system. It also helps you poop.


Jun 24, 2023
@HeyThere Interesting. A month ago I had some Beet powder crystals and I used the whole bottle up within 2 weeks. I took quite a large amount a few times, but never felt anything from it. Also I've used sauna which dilates my blood vessels---that is due to nitric oxide right? Sauna doesn't make me feel better or worse.

As for the body being acidic: my blood tests do not indicate this, but I will try backing soda some more.

Also here is an update.

I've been taking the fat-soluble b1 allithiamine. Started with small dose and quickly ramped up to higher. No effect so far.


May 31, 2018
@HeyThere Interesting. A month ago I had some Beet powder crystals and I used the whole bottle up within 2 weeks. I took quite a large amount a few times, but never felt anything from it. Also I've used sauna which dilates my blood vessels---that is due to nitric oxide right? Sauna doesn't make me feel better or worse.

As for the body being acidic: my blood tests do not indicate this, but I will try backing soda some more.

Also here is an update.

I've been taking the fat-soluble b1 allithiamine. Started with small dose and quickly ramped up to higher. No effect so far.

I use minute amounts of L-Citrulline and sometimes L-Ornithine to raise Nitric Oxide. If the beet powder didn't give you a sense of relief, than it's probably something else that happened. So interesting. Am following this thread if anyone has idea.

And not blood acidic, the gut.


Jun 24, 2023
Here is an updated version of my post (containing all the critical details)
List of things I've tried and felt nothing from:
Infrared sauna
16 grams thiamine hcl within 4 hour period
20 grams niacin within 5 hour period
High doses of various amino acids: ornithine, arginine, glutamine, glutamate, taurine, glycine, histidine
Magnesium threonate and other forms
CoQ10 +PQQ
Acetyl l-carnitine and carnitine tartrate.
1 gram allithiamine.
5 grams of sulbutiamine (produced nausea)
Nicotine (enough to cause nausea)
Very high dose picamilon.
High dose GABA (slight sedation?)
10+ grams of methionine (induced vomiting after an hour or so)
10+ grams of n-acetylcysteine/NAC
6 grams or so of l-cysteine----combined with vitamin C to theoretically prevent cystine formation.
Low and high dose methylene blue
Prolonged fasting up to 4 or 5 days
Agmatine sulfate
Melatonin (slight sedation); low and very high dose.
Several grams of vitamin c
300,000 IU vitamin D
Grams of phenylalanine
Grams of tyrosine
Grams of tryptophan
Grams of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG)
Fish oil and flaxseed oil
Krill oil (felt improved dreaming)
Shiitake +maitake (felt improved dreaming)
DMAE bitartrate
b5/pantothenic acid and pantethine (felt improved dreaming)
100 mg b6/P5P
High dose b12 of various forms
1 gram b2/riboflavin
Grams of niacinamide
Probiotics (including "high meat" and dairy kefir)
Live brewers yeast and inactive brewers yeast
Mucuna pruriens
High dose oral NADH
Beef liver and other organs
Lamb brain
Cod liver oil, including very high dose
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Turmeric curcuminoids
20 mg DHEA
Quercetin w/ bromelain

Bacopa monnieri and rosemary seem to help my memory.
High dose methyl folate made me feel weird maybe a bit spaced out. Didn't try it long-term.

I've tried many herbs but usually I am not very consistent with taking them.

I recently tried a gram or so of theanine with a gram of phenibut and it put me to sleep. This is probably getting into the territory of dangerously high gaba. I don't yet know the effect of either one of these in isolation.

What stands out to me is that I don't feel an effect from much stuff including caffeine, nicotine, oral NAC, alpha-gpc, sulbutiamine. I have felt ephedrine hcl (increases heart rate).

Key aspects of what I am experiencing:
- very dysregulated sleep-wake cycle
- trouble falling asleep
- sleep duration is sometimes 10+ hours
- constant mild tension in my head
- never feel relaxed; nervous system always on edge, but I don't feel anxiety much
- I do not feel depressed, but I severely lack motivation and do not feel pleasure (known as anhedonia).
- I feel halfway in a coma; senses don't work well, my mind feels like it has tunnel vision in a bad way.
(this makes me have trouble driving).
- OCD tendencies
- I am capable of focusing on things but often lack the drive to
- low mental and physical energy (I can do cardio, but lifting heavy weights is nearly impossible)
- barely feel a sense of hunger, thirst, sleepiness.
- I am very skinny (and have been my whole life) but do not look emaciated
- most of my life I have felt disconnected and had trouble connecting with people
- did well in school without trying hard. Scored in top 5% on the SAT exam.
- used to feel cold all the time but recently this improved
- GI problems. I feel disconnected from my gut. Infirm stool. Abdomen is sensitive when touched.
- weird memory problems. including very poor ability to access autobiographical memory and memory in general.
- inability to manage life like having a job
- no social motivation
- never been diagnosed with anything; never had any medications (other than antibiotics as a child and one round of low dose accutane)
- did sports in school and it always stood out that I didn't sweat much.
- severe acne in school.
- had a seizure when I was 18 or 19. Had another seizure at 22. I am currently 23.
- one time I started hallucinating due to a prolonged period of lack of restful sleep.
- my face feels heavy
- I have trouble putting expression into my voice when I talk
- moderate tinnitus.

I took, on average, 2 grams of thiamine hcl per day for a few weeks along with other supplements. Then I added in high dose niacin----about 1 gram taken in the morning. The first 3 days I felt "spacey" then the 4th day is when I had the experience where in an instant my whole mind and body relaxed and my mental ability improved and I felt joy and an increase in my senses including sense of hunger and I felt sleepy for like the first time in my life (it felt).

- mental tunnel vision was gone; mental space expanded where I was able to hold more in my head.
- much improved access to my memory
- felt more present in my body.
- lifting heavy weights became possible
- a general vigor and confidence
- nervous system no longer "stuck".
- ability to feel sleepy restored.
- cellular energy increased (it felt).
- I was able to sweat a normal amount
- my face no longer felt heavy and I had a newfound ability to put expression into my voice.
- It changed my life and felt like I was able to have a job for once.

The 5th day when I took the niacin it had the exact same effect.

When it started to wear off I tried taking more and it didn't do anything.

My research showed that niacin may reduce ammonia levels and high ammonia causes encephalopathy. And I read somewhere that l-arginine may reduce ammonia levels too, so that same day I got some and took it and it had the same effect as the niacin. Then the l-arginine stopped having an effect.

It is now 4 months later and the only major clue I've gotten since then is that an IV infusion of n-acetylcysteine (NAC), at 8 grams in one hour, appears to have the same effect but I've only gotten it once.

Recently I have been able to lift heavy weights and went from 10 pound dumbbells to 20 pounds.

Because of this, I have one theory that I had an NAD dysfunction that was causing a leaky blood-brain barrier. This allowed a high amount of niacin to enter my brain/nervous system, but then the niacin healed my blood-brain barrier so less niacin is able to enter now. The niacin continues to affect my bodily NAD levels, but stops having a pronounced effect on my mind because of this.

[Ibrahim WW, Sayed RH, Kandil EA, Wadie W. Niacin mitigates blood-brain barrier tight junctional proteins dysregulation and cerebral inflammation in ketamine rat model of psychosis: Role of GPR109A receptor. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2022 Dec 20;119:110583. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2022.110583. Epub 2022 Jun 9. PMID: 35690118.]

Hyperammonemia encephalopathy.

A special blood test to determine serum level of ammonia didn't find an elevation. Also many nutraceuticals theorized to lower ammonia did nothing.

I stopped taking fish oil and flaxseed oil around the time when I first started niacin. The omega-3s could have been an important contributing factor. Additionally it is theorized, based on in-vitro studies, that PUFAs like ALA DHA and EPA influence enzymes in a way that increases NAD.

My bloodwork shows normal:
CRP, ESR, cholesterol, liver enzymes, iron, ferritin, homocysteine, insulin sensitivity, prolactin, estradiol, and DHEA-s.

But low testosterone, low free testosterone, and high cortisol.
And high SHBG, FSH, and moderately high LH.

I was also doing 10 minute cold showers 4 months ago but the weather started getting too warm for that.

I should also note that I've been experiencing this most of my life. But the sleep issues have just been the past 10 years maybe.

Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this


Feb 3, 2020
How’s is your thyroid function? (Labs?; underarm temperature and pulse)

Reading that list of supplements alone gives me stress symptoms - cannot imagine taking these enormous amounts. That’s an enormous punch that your body takes one the chin so to say.

More is not better in 99% of cases and likely makes everything worse, but I was in a similar situation where I‘d do anything (often also very stupid and dangerous stuff retrospectively) to feel better.


Jun 24, 2023
@youngsinatra I have t4 and tsh but they are from when I had a serious injury going on at the time so don't know how useful it is.

T4, free. 1.5 ng/dL (range: 0.9 - 1.7)
TSH. 0.36 uIU/mL (range: 0.27 - 4.20)

underarm temp right now: 97 F.
sublingual temp: typically averages around 96.7. Right now is 98 F.

pulse fluctuates between 60 and 130. I can't really give a better answer than that.


Jun 24, 2023
@Runenight201 probably on average 1500 calories right now. The problem is I don't know if I should be eating more or less or fasting longer or less. Do I listen to my body, give my gut a break, or just force feed myself? I've tried both ends of that and tend to try to stick in the middle.


Feb 18, 2018
@Runenight201 probably on average 1500 calories right now. The problem is I don't know if I should be eating more or less or fasting longer or less. Do I listen to my body, give my gut a break, or just force feed myself? I've tried both ends of that and tend to try to stick in the middle.

What's you're height and weight and those 1500 calories consist of what?


Jun 24, 2023
@Runenight201 130 lb. 5' 11". eating beef patties, salmon, vegetables, fruit, coconut flakes, cheese. I add a bit of glucose powder to my food sometimes.


Feb 18, 2018
@Runenight201 130 lb. 5' 11". eating beef patties, salmon, vegetables, fruit, coconut flakes, cheese. I add a bit of glucose powder to my food sometimes.

Do whatever you want to do on the supplement side, but if you don't sort out your digestion and eat more calories, you're not going to improve. That's way too low for someone of your height.

Add in some starch with your beef patties, either potatoes or rice. That alone could add another 500 calories a day. As you caloric intake starts to increase, your weight and energy should as well. You should probably be shooting for 2500-3000 calories a day consistently, but you'll need to ramp your way up there slowly since you've acclimated to 1500


Jun 24, 2023
@Runenight201 Not eating much has been the norm for my whole life. This affected structural development. Lifetime max weight is 135 lb, with an average around 125 during adulthood.
You have inspired an idea that I can use gradual weight gain—through muscle building—to gauge whether I am eating enough.


Jun 24, 2023
@LLight Problems with secretin can be related to the pancreas. Something I may do in the future is test serum amylase and lipase to see if I catch anything abnormal.


Feb 18, 2018
@Runenight201 Not eating much has been the norm for my whole life. This affected structural development. Lifetime max weight is 135 lb, with an average around 125 during adulthood.
You have inspired an idea that I can use gradual weight gain—through muscle building—to gauge whether I am eating enough.

For sure it’s going to take some time to adjust to a new set point. Everything in your physiology is accustomed to where you’re at, but if you can reset that set point to a higher caloric intake, this should increase your metabolism and help you maintain a healthier weight. Definitely keep the quality animal sources of nutrition in there. Glucose/insulin is super anabolic, so putting a starch in there is going to support your muscle building tremendously.


Oct 6, 2020
I can relate to alot of stuff youve mentioned and i made a similar observation when experimenting. im glad that theres someone else trying to reach and make that good feeling a baseline. You ve mentioned high dose IV NAC. It is not realy peaty from what i recollect however NAC seems to be used relatively well in fungal/mold related issues. Have you considered that angle?


i am also not sure if i missed it but have you tried l-ornithin for ammonia? i always sleep better/deeper on it however regular use might lead to less of an effect over time and chronic use would require l-arginine supplementation if memory serves me correctly.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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