Help: Friend of Mine Wakes Up to Pee 4-5x Per Night (10+ years)


Jul 8, 2014
true true. When I had a consult with the Peaty health practitioner, I was almost embarrassed by some of the things I just ignored that were foundational to my health, and I had to humbly acknowledge that indeed, my terrible brain fog kept me from going for simple logical solutions first, and running to popular low effort supplements for years into knowing about Peat!!!

That's why now I suggest a consultation for anyone!

Hindsight definitely has a way of humbling. lol I figure now that we know better, we do better. I’m at the other end of the spectrum. I’m a recovering purest who wanted to recover “naturally.” I wouldn’t touch supplements even though deep down I knew I needed the help of thyroid to break a self-perpetuating cycle I found myself in from following disastrous dietary advice. I spun my wheels for far too long. I almost think I did better when I had brain fog because I couldn’t absorb theories. The times I had to keep rereading sentences because they weren’t registering, I would grow tired and need to nap. In those moments, I didn’t have a chance to overcomplicate healing. One thing I noticed about Ray whenever I wrote him is how his advice was always simple and straightforward. He didn’t give me these long and overly complex answers. Healing was much simpler than my mind believed it to be.


Hindsight definitely has a way of humbling. lol I figure now that we know better, we do better. I’m at the other end of the spectrum. I’m a recovering purest who wanted to recover “naturally.” I wouldn’t touch supplements even though deep down I knew I needed the help of thyroid to break a self-perpetuating cycle I found myself in from following disastrous dietary advice. I spun my wheels for far too long. I almost think I did better when I had brain fog because I couldn’t absorb theories. The times I had to keep rereading sentences because they weren’t registering, I would grow tired and need to nap. In those moments, I didn’t have a chance to overcomplicate healing. One thing I noticed about Ray whenever I wrote him is how his advice was always simple and straightforward. He didn’t give me these long and overly complex answers. Healing was much simpler than my mind believed it to be.
I feel that. The mental suffering is just wild. I’m glad you’re doing better.

Yes! Healing is so simple! Whether we’re going the panacea route with a supplement or with a diet, I think there may be an innate desire that the more esoteric it is, the more likely it must be to fix us — paradoxically complicating first principles like taking tiny doses of t3 and salting food because one’s temps are low.

The “natural” thing affected me for a long time, and affects some family still.


Mar 21, 2014
That’s awesome.

A lot of people who complain about failure of applying Ray’s principles, really don’t look at the nuance of thyroid.

He’s only asking for like 3 mcg’s of t3 for a few years to reverse the low energy state that’s been 90 years in the making.
Did Ray ever specify only 3 Mcg of T3 somewhere?


Did Ray ever specify only 3 Mcg of T3 somewhere?
You would have to do some digging, but he has recommended it that low, and up to 8mcg at most of t3 or t4 ever couple hours

There are studies showing these tiny doses improving hypo within several months. He generally discourages the huge replacement levels (or higher) of thyroid that endocrinologists often can prescribe.


Aug 15, 2015
Bloating and low calcium could cause this. My uncle eats a lot of bread at night and he has this problem. I remembered Peat mention something about food irritating the stomach could increase urination during sleep. So I asked my uncle to try eating bread during the day and eating something easy like milk and honey right before sleep. The milk also provides enough calcium to reduce PTH which helps improve metabolism. Increased metabolism calms things down by keeping estrogen and other bad hormones like serotonin under control.


Mar 21, 2014
You would have to do some digging, but he has recommended it that low, and up to 8mcg at most of t3 or t4 ever couple hours

There are studies showing these tiny doses improving hypo within several months. He generally discourages the huge replacement levels (or higher) of thyroid that endocrinologists often can prescribe.
I thought you were talking about 3 McG a day. But this sounds like you're talking about multiple doses of 3 and up to 8 McG doses at a time?
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