Help! Weight Loss Not Working


Jan 3, 2014
Sure, not a problem. I logged it on a thread called 'an almost starch free fat free experiment' (must check that name is correct) . I started by aiming to lower calories from normal non dieting level of approx 2400 to a few hundred less while keeping nutrition up, checking on cronometer. When lowering fat I easily got it to 1800 so tried that for a while seeing as I was there already. Stopped when I gave myself gut pain after 3.5 weeks. So as the title says it was low fat, starch free, but plenty of protein and fruit and sugar. And fat free milk and minerals. When I have access to laptop not smart phone I'll try a screenshot from cronometer there to show food choices.
To answer your other question, I did not gain weight in the first place by peating, I just ate to appetite. This was after years of low carb dieting and other great ideas like hcg. By then my metabolism was terrible and my thyroid at a low. Only when starting peating almost two years later, at a high but stable weight, did I realize that avoiding pufas takes more work than you think. So while I'd been using butter and coconut oil for years I'd certainly been getting more than 4g pufa a day.
Apologies the timeline is all wrong. Back to front. Hope not too confusing.


Apr 2, 2015
natedawggh, it seems like your body might be in defense mode. If that's the case you might have high cortisol and low melatonin.

This means your body might want to store energy for protection. I'm running into a similar issue.

I think light is the solution.

Particularly sungazing. Both dawn and dusk.


Mar 10, 2016
Why can't both of these sentences be true?

Fatloss is calories in, calories out. The calories "out" part is not static though, it can vary based on many things, including the type and ratio of macros. Also, someone said that they stay the same weight eating both 3,000 calories and 2,000 calories. I don't see why something like this couldn't happen. In the 3,000 cal scenario the body could ramp up the metabolism and burn more calories and in the 2,000 calorie scenario the body could slow down the metabolism compensating for the lowered energy intake.

In one of the Politics and Science episodes (I think it was P&S) Ray mentions Russian research on the brain and says the brain can vary tremendously in the amount of calories it burns based on its level of stimulation and that a lot of people don't take that into consideration when they talk about how many calories a person burns. Does anybody know what I'm talking about in regards to this? I think he was also talking about treadmill walking versus a scenic walk outdoors or something... (unless this was all a dream I had... :shock: )

part of it may just be the environment, like the outdoors inspires / requires you to move around a bit in a way treadmills don't require you to; either way, I've heard this study before and always choose to excersize outdoors these days - even if it's just a few minutes, waiting for a bus outdoors rather than walking in a store, taking some sidewalk laps. Etc but this is a very interesting study.


Jun 2, 2016

I have been doing the Peating thing for about three months now. Getting more into it. And restricting fat progressivley along the way. My weight has gone up. And I am not a fat person or a person with lots of weight fluctuations. I do however have a big belly, typical American middle age gut.

I am healthy and in good shape overall. I am not sick or on any prescription meds, my last blood test showed that I was in the lower range on testosterone.

Some of this stuff is controversial, some is not so easy to follow. Sea seemed to make a lot of sense and I am trying to follow that path but not so easy since I travel for work and have a very busy schedule.

This morning I had a strange occurrence for me. I normally have a very stable stomach. But I had a cup of coffee with gelatin mixed in sugar and milk also. I also took my Tyromax transdermally. Scrambled eggs with cheese, glass of OJ, and sourdough toast with butter and organge marmalade. Everything was going fine. About 30 minutes later I had a glass of lowfat milk. Five minutes after that every thing started coming back up. I never vomit, but I sure did this morning. Several times.

Is this normal? I have read somewhere that transitioning to a Peat diet can be rough on your gut. Is this something to be concerned about?

And any ideas on how not to gain weight on this diet would be great also.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Apr 9, 2015

I have been doing the Peating thing for about three months now. Getting more into it. And restricting fat progressivley along the way. My weight has gone up. And I am not a fat person or a person with lots of weight fluctuations. I do however have a big belly, typical American middle age gut.

I am healthy and in good shape overall. I am not sick or on any prescription meds, my last blood test showed that I was in the lower range on testosterone.

Some of this stuff is controversial, some is not so easy to follow. Sea seemed to make a lot of sense and I am trying to follow that path but not so easy since I travel for work and have a very busy schedule.

This morning I had a strange occurrence for me. I normally have a very stable stomach. But I had a cup of coffee with gelatin mixed in sugar and milk also. I also took my Tyromax transdermally. Scrambled eggs with cheese, glass of OJ, and sourdough toast with butter and organge marmalade. Everything was going fine. About 30 minutes later I had a glass of lowfat milk. Five minutes after that every thing started coming back up. I never vomit, but I sure did this morning. Several times.

Is this normal? I have read somewhere that transitioning to a Peat diet can be rough on your gut. Is this something to be concerned about?

And any ideas on how not to gain weight on this diet would be great also.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

I got this vomiting thing too, it's the gelatin I'm pretty sure. When I cut it out all my vomiting episodes went away. My gut is still messed up though I'm pretty sure as I suffer from acne which followed the vomiting episodes and has no left.

For weight loss I would just stick to low fat.


Jun 2, 2016
Thanks Eire24. I am tempted to think that is the case with me also. Funny thing is I have been taking the gelatin for a few months now. Not in huge quantities. And never had a reaction until today.

If this is the case is there any thing you know of to deal with this?


Mar 10, 2016
I'm a thin Peat-er.
My methods are low-fat, mild phjysical movement built into my day (not "excersize"), and a low-liquid diet. That means no OJ and not much milk, instead, cheese and oranges, some coffee for caffeine. Good luck


Mar 29, 2014
I never vomit, but I sure did this morning. Several times.

Is this normal?
If it's a one off, it could just be a random exposure to some pathogens your gut wanted to throw out.
If it's a pattern, it wouldn't seem great - it's worth looking to change.

As first aid, in case it's unfriendly bugs, you could try some activated charcoal.


Apr 9, 2015
Thanks Eire24. I am tempted to think that is the case with me also. Funny thing is I have been taking the gelatin for a few months now. Not in huge quantities. And never had a reaction until today.

If this is the case is there any thing you know of to deal with this?

I was the same, took gelatin for months with no bad reaction and then all of a sudden it happened.

To deal with it I just cut it out, I'm not sure what else you could do? Maybe activated charcoal or cascara to clear the gut? I'm pretty sure my gut is still messed up from it? I am tempted to try an anti biotic but also see the horror stories that come from taking them


Jun 2, 2016
Thanks guys I am going to watch it closely. Hopefully it was a one time thing. It seems like such an important part of the process. I hope I dont have to quit it.


Jun 2, 2016
Well another day has gone by and I re started my gelatin. And no problems so far. I still need to observe for a few more days.

I have noticed another occurence is my appetitie is starting to get lower. Not able to finish meals. Anyone ever notice this?



Sep 20, 2015
Well another day has gone by and I re started my gelatin. And no problems so far. I still need to observe for a few more days.

I have noticed another occurence is my appetitie is starting to get lower. Not able to finish meals. Anyone ever notice this?

yes, I've noticed that, but have figured it's probably just old age. Lack of libido is alien to my experience tho.


Jun 2, 2016
Well its been a few days and no more vomiting. So I guess it was not the gelatin at least not for me. I am feeling good and staying active. In fact I had an interesting event. There is a physical outdoor activity that I do every month or so that requires a lot of energy and is stressful on the body. It takes all day and usually afterward I am totally and completely exhausted taking the next day to recover.

I was able to do that activity yesterday and even though I was very tired afterward. I felt great and still had energy. This was quite a revelation to me. I believe I need to keep going on this path.

On the weight gain no real progress. Still at or around my peak weight.

James IV

While superhuman may be a bit inflammatory for some of the more sensitive folks around here, he is basically correct. Fat loss is about calorie balance.
If you take your caloric intake low enough, you will lose weight. I've worked with enough fitness competitors to know this is true. How low you need to go will be dictated by many many factors, like dieting history, daily stress, environment, light exposure, exercise output, etc.

Personally, I would not reccomend "trying" to lose weight. I thinks it's better to eat intuitively with a diet based on real foods, disregarding macros.

However, if you are set on getting lean quickly, you can cut calories and use caffiene until you reach your goal. Then SLOWLY reverse diet back to a level of maintenance calories you are comfortable with. It's not a fun process, but it works.


Jun 2, 2016

Thanks for the input. Are you saying that caffeine will help you lose weight? If so how do you use it? I am drinking 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day now. And it does not appear to affect my weight either way.

If you have some ideas maybe you could help me a little.

Nov 21, 2015
I'm wondering if all sugar no starch is a valid approach...Ray says that eating a lot of fructose can raise your metabolism 50%...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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