Help With Healing After 1 Year Of Carnivore


Apr 30, 2015
Do you live in apt in a city? In the country? In other words, what does the EMF situation look like for you?


Aug 5, 2019
Yes. Eat fruits and roots, one or both with your protein. I believe you are still 100 gr over in protein than the recommended amounts. Use lean meat and less fat and more carbs.

I'm working my way down to around 100g of protein on normal days, and maybe 115-120 when I train for football or workout (light calisthenics at home)


Jun 20, 2019
There is a lot to absorb Peat info wise but I am also concerned with excess phosphate. You may want to get most of your protein from dairy, milk and cheese until you can regain a calcium to phosphate ratio. There is a way to introduce milk if you are intolerant. Less trytophan too. Believe me, meat was so frigging simple compared to this woe, but it was way wrong. Non of those advocates for it understand that meat may be fully nutritious but in the wrong balance.
Phosphate, activation, and aging.


Aug 5, 2019
There is a lot to absorb Peat info wise but I am also concerned with excess phosphate. You may want to get most of your protein from dairy, milk and cheese until you can regain a calcium to phosphate ratio. There is a way to introduce milk if you are intolerant. Less trytophan too. Believe me, meat was so frigging simple compared to this woe, but it was way wrong. Non of those advocates for it understand that meat may be fully nutritious but in the wrong balance.
Phosphate, activation, and aging.

Actually makes sense, because I was aging too fast due to high intake of muscle meat.

I think if ever again I try the carnivore, will be with way more gelatin than muscle, and including some organ meats, eggshells and honey


Jun 20, 2019
Actually makes sense, because I was aging too fast due to high intake of muscle meat.

I think if ever again I try the carnivore, will be with way more gelatin than muscle, and including some organ meats, eggshells and honey
If you live in northern latitude seasonal carnivore could work if you store up D in summer. Why would you catabolize your body though, what appeals to you about being carnivore? Is it the group hype, the simplicity, I am curious as Peat is not far off eating all animal except for adding fruits and roots. And milk is a superfood mal-aligned by some erroneous modern dogma. Meat is just too growth hormone. Milk is slimming. Read his Nutrition for Women, free at, it is mis-titled imo. for clarity around hormones. Life is becoming more stressful and sugar is needed to defend against it, otherwise you will run out of adrenals and hypo-thyrodism is an epidemic probably due to blue light toxicity and of course toxic pufas. Mitochondrial health is the ultimate moving target, so life is always about balance that is not static. Embodiment is elusive, male domination keeps us in our brains when we need to integrate our feminine feeling aspects, we run towards authority instead of our intuition. Inner awareness is key, I challenge you to do a practice and see what that shakes up for you. Peat is a springboard to the next paradigm, we need to be ready for what we don't see coming. Inla'kech (I am another you)


Aug 5, 2019
If you live in northern latitude seasonal carnivore could work if you store up D in summer. Why would you catabolize your body though, what appeals to you about being carnivore? Is it the group hype, the simplicity, I am curious as Peat is not far off eating all animal except for adding fruits and roots. And milk is a superfood mal-aligned by some erroneous modern dogma. Meat is just too growth hormone. Milk is slimming. Read his Nutrition for Women, free at, it is mis-titled imo. for clarity around hormones. Life is becoming more stressful and sugar is needed to defend against it, otherwise you will run out of adrenals and hypo-thyrodism is an epidemic probably due to blue light toxicity and of course toxic pufas. Mitochondrial health is the ultimate moving target, so life is always about balance that is not static. Embodiment is elusive, male domination keeps us in our brains when we need to integrate our feminine feeling aspects, we run towards authority instead of our intuition. Inner awareness is key, I challenge you to do a practice and see what that shakes up for you. Peat is a springboard to the next paradigm, we need to be ready for what we don't see coming. Inla'kech (I am another you)

I was in because too much allergies, inflammation, bad digestion etc, first months were great for those issues, but now I'm enjoying the benefits of sugar to came back to that way.

Btw thanks for your words in this thread, helping me to understand more of all of this.


Aug 9, 2019
I am curious as Peat is not far off eating all animal except for adding fruits and roots.
The way I understand it is that RP-inspired nutrition too is high in meat intake (not necessarily muscle meat).

Nose to tail + Dairy (cheese and milk) + Honey + Fruits. That's pretty peaty.

I'm too in recovery from the Carnivore diet. @ExCarniv , I'd suggest taking it slowly and not make drastic diet changes. Keep eating nose2tail, but focus more on gelatin, bone broth. Start adding cheese, milk, and honey in the first stage.
1-2 months into it, then I'd add fruits.


Jun 20, 2019
The way I understand it is that RP-inspired nutrition too is high in meat intake (not necessarily muscle meat).

Nose to tail + Dairy (cheese and milk) + Honey + Fruits. That's pretty peaty.

I'm too in recovery from the Carnivore diet. @ExCarniv , I'd suggest taking it slowly and not make drastic diet changes. Keep eating nose2tail, but focus more on gelatin, bone broth. Start adding cheese, milk, and honey in the first stage.
1-2 months into it, then I'd add fruits.


Aug 5, 2019
The way I understand it is that RP-inspired nutrition too is high in meat intake (not necessarily muscle meat).

Nose to tail + Dairy (cheese and milk) + Honey + Fruits. That's pretty peaty.

I'm too in recovery from the Carnivore diet. @ExCarniv , I'd suggest taking it slowly and not make drastic diet changes. Keep eating nose2tail, but focus more on gelatin, bone broth. Start adding cheese, milk, and honey in the first stage.
1-2 months into it, then I'd add fruits.

I'm "Peating" since a couple months, reduced the meat to 200g a day, seems good enough to cover protein requirements and micronutrients and vitamins.

Then I eat gelatin, cheese, honey, coffee, cane sugar, milk, orange juice, potatoes, white rice (once or twice a week when I need more calories), occasionally chocolate and ice cream, carrot salad every other day, liver once per week and white fish/shellfish once per week too.

Definitely started to have a bit better sleep when I take gelatin right before bed and my body is getting used to eat less muscle meat.
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I am an ex-carnivore, but before this, I am also an ex-peater!
I needed carnivore to recover from Peating, but I have found out why!

I have a triple issue of gluten - casein - oxalate.

So now I am carnivore with low oxalate foods. White rice some fruits and sulfur veggies. Check sulfur if you were not eating eggs, and folate but also B12, B1, B2... and P5P was needed for me along with biotine, well all the Bs! This is important in case of oxalate issues. I had dumping during carnivore and still do which is good as I get rid of the stores. The main signs are cloudy urine, urgency to pee, having to pee at night, gritty eyes or itching, and white plaque in the mouth. Those signs are not always present, not all the time, and not always together, Also other inflamations and tendons or skin rashes... Also flue like pains and pains felt in the bones.

I would advise you to take a hair test to check your minerals.... TEI or ARL lab.


Oct 28, 2019
I had exactly the same problem from carnivore. I think it's depletion of several minerals.

Tried about every supplement under the sun.

For me I have started sleeping better since supplementing magnesium, zinc and an electrolyte powder called dioralyte. I tried magnesium on and off a few times thinking it didn't make any difference but I have since found out it can take several months to recover from depleted levels. Since sticking with it I have seen steady improvement. Usually sleep about 6 hours now.

I also got improvement from dropping my protein and fat down to about 100g each and carbs up to 400g.


Aug 5, 2019
I also got improvement from dropping my protein and fat down to about 100g each and carbs up to 400g.

Yes, for me worked up my carbs to 400-500g some days, I have better sleep now with more calories, carbs and lift weights helped too to get better sleep.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Well, a dog is carnivore even when given some rice or eating your berries and plums in the garden!

I am an omnivore with an animal based diet, as I have not even gone one with rice ATM. I just let my instinct do it, and i just see what plants I go on eating daily and which not and are left to go bland... so i don't buy them again.

Also maybe some animals are themselves depleted, like in Mg, and this creates the problem. I have grass fed lamb and fish and good eggs and honey, I eat local and organic.


Nov 20, 2017

Coming from the same experience (did a fat/carnivore diet): Vegetable juicers from a masticating juicer. Bell peppers are my staple--at least one big cup per day--but I'll juice other things irregularly. Completely helped. You'll see improvements in hair and skin over time.

Well-cooked vegetables as Ray Peat and Doctor Gerson suggest (among others).

Fruits. Buy a bag of oranges every week and squeeze a few in the morning. Fresh OJ and store-bought OJ is not the same! Dates, etc. Whatever fruits others recommend and you like. There are some to avoid so do a bit of research.

Basic animal foods: Cheese--that you are not allergic to--, lactose-free milk, eggs, meat, shell fish, sea food. I want to stress this post from Danny Roddy on Facebook: The Danny Roddy Weblog. This specific cheese is one of the few cheese I can eat without issues because it does not contain any extra additives that I am allergic to. I think it's important to stress that just because you have a bad reaction to cheese, doesn't mean it's the cheese. It could be the additives.

Voila. You have a diet that is satisfying and will get you back on track.

Staples for calories include well-cooked potatoes and dairy. Everything else is moderate portion amounts. Think of the old American diet saying (if you are American, explanation here for those who are not) "meat and potatoes"--the basics, or the essence. We say that because meat and potatoes make up the essence of a good diet.

Meat. Potatoes (well-cooked). Vegetables (also well-cooked), vegetable juices. Animal foods. Fruits, fruit juices. Then add extra stuff that people suggest too: Aspirin, gelatin, niacin. You've got the basics.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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