Hey! This Forum Full Of Geniuses Has Helped Deliver Me From Sad Cripple To Super Saiyan


Apr 29, 2018
One person. How many members on the Ray Peat Forum?
A lot of people talk about also using Vit E or androsterone or dhea that way... not to mention taking DHT even though it suppressed their test which is counterproductive. If it was 3 people or less it wouldn’t be an apparent paradigm...


A lot of people talk about also using Vit E or androsterone or dhea that way... not to mention taking DHT even though it suppressed their test which is counterproductive. If it was 3 people or less it wouldn’t be an apparent paradigm...
Best of luck to you.


Aug 11, 2016
Obviously we’re learning about everything (or at least I am) but people here don’t even exercise and want to know how many Iu’s of Vit A to rub on their ballsack or how much Vit D will fix their teeth they don’t brush

I personally exercise 5 times a week and even if I didn't I still have the right to rub my ballsack with vitamins if I wanted to. If you disagree so strongly to what appears to be in contradiction with your beliefs why you even here? :bored:


Apr 29, 2018
I personally exercise 5 times a week and even if I didn't I still have the right to rub my ballsack with vitamins if I wanted to. If you disagree so strongly to what appears to be in contradiction with your beliefs why you even here? :bored:
Is this the Sucking Ray Peat off forum? I'm trying to learn from him while still being healthy


Apr 29, 2018
Honestly you all sound high estrogen you can't take any criticism, especially when it's along of the lines of common sense or preventing people from hurting themselves. What would you say if someone was experimenting with cyanide?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe we should just focus on celebrating @Aaron's success instead of being unduly critical of others @Arrade. I'm pretty sure that's all Lisa meant.
Sorry your thread got off topic @Aaron and congratulations on feeling better. Thanks for sharing your story with the forum.


Aug 11, 2016
Is this the Sucking Ray Peat off forum? I'm trying to learn from him while still being healthy

Luckily I'm the healthiest I've ever been thanks to Haidut and Ray Peat recommendations, they don't have fixed guidelines to diet nor supplements, what people do with their interpretation of their words is beyond them


Apr 29, 2018
Luckily I'm the healthiest I've ever been thanks to Haidut and Ray Peat recommendations, they don't have fixed guidelines to diet nor supplements, what people do with their interpretation of their words is beyond them
Yes I'm describing the people that take his principles to the extreme. Obviously the majority of what they describe I find helpful which is why I'm here. However let's not close our minds and worship them to the point of thinking they're infallible.
@Blossom I'll try not to be rude


Apr 21, 2018
Obviously we’re learning about everything (or at least I am) but people here don’t even exercise and want to know how many Iu’s of Vit A to rub on their ballsack or how much Vit D will fix their teeth they don’t brush

my instagram profile is my username, you let me know how hard you train my friend


Apr 21, 2018
"people here don't even exercise"

> wrong

"but that ain't natty"

> typical holier-than-thou attitude. Are you healthy, somewhat strong, functional, high metabolism, high energy, thick hair, fast nail growth, high drive with your "just eat well" diet? If so, good.

prolactin is a cause for hairloss, and a diet low in vitamins (and minerals, and amino acids, and EFAs) will contribute to factors elevating prolactin, estradiol, and DHT. And hair loss. You may as well sit back and research a bit more on your own.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I've encountered a few isolated Ray Peat concepts over the years but had never explored the full Ray Peat approach, and now that I have, it seems to coincide with every epiphany I've ever had about my own health.

Let me tell you my story. I'm 24 years old, but I've had major health problems since 16 when I suffered from severe acne and depression, the latter of which has followed me through life up until the last year or so (during which I still experienced depression but only in the context of a DUI ordeal).

I felt my health was improving during my first couple of years of college, during which I ate SAD (Standard American Diet) and lifted weights religiously, reaching a fairly shredded 6'5" 250 physique but I experienced a lot of fatigue and productivity issues. Having two botched appendicitis operations did not help with things and this is when I began losing faith in doctors.

In 2015, time off and a big ego while deadlifting resulted in a catastropic lower back injury and my health deteriorated again. For a couple years I could barely get out of bed. I had very little energy and felt hopeless. I developed mild gynecomastia and chronic digestive problems. Modern medicine was useless. Cycles of letrozole and tamoxifen and a marijuana addiction further robbed me of my health. I concluded, mostly from NutritionFacts.org info, that a mostly vegan diet with lots of nut butters, whole grains, and green smoothies would solve my problems. They became far worse. I'm sure I was promoting excess endotoxin, cortisol, estrogen and serotonin and hurting my thyroid, liver, and gut all along.

Despite reinjuring my back in a drunken car wreck in February 2017, my health has slowly returned and I attribute that primarily to a diet much higher in animal protein and lower in whole grains and vegetable oil.

Over the last several months I've become the best physical version of myself I've ever been, and I attribute that to a Ray Peat approach which I've much refined over the last couple of months. Lots of milk, lots of protein with a broad amino acid profile, lots of citrus, PUFA depletion, raw carrots, and the basic Peat supplements (aspirin, niacinimide, biotin, selenium, vitamin E) have been incredibly beneficial. Currently 6'5" 240 12% body fat, deadlifting over 500 pounds and benching 315 for reps with no pain whatsoever. I can even do backflips and back handsprings, which is kind of nuts for a never-athlete of my size. My grape-sized gynecomastia has completely gone away. I look and feel like I'd want to, and it makes me unbelievably happy, even though I am underemployed due to this journey lol.

The scientific knowledge on this forum goes a little too deep for me to contribute just yet, but I look forward to absorbing more and continuing to push the envelope with you fascinating bunch.

Thank you to anyone who reads this, and keep on Peating.

Wow those are some strong lift numbers. Can you speak a little more about your workout regimen, and how long you have been at it? What is your squat? Overhead press? My numbers are similar to yours though recently I have been dialing back the volume significantly because I am worried about excess stress and long term joint function.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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