High metabolism atracct more women ?


Feb 3, 2020
I believe that very eloquent social skills are more relevant than anything else.

I do however associate those soft skills with relatively good mood and this is very much associated with good bodily functioning. (not too much or too little stress)

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I believe that very eloquent social skills are more relevant than anything else.

I do however associate those soft skills with relatively good mood and this is very much associated with good bodily functioning. (not too much or too little stress)
hi,explicit what you meant by eloquant

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
attracting things is feminine and passive so think about the mindset.

Women are the ones attracting things towards inside them.
hi,if women are attracting,and men are not,what are men,following this logic?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Yes! Boost your metabolic rate high enough and you will start feeling like king Solomon! What woman doesn't want a man who can eat all the food in sight and still stay lean??

Well...not sure if 'frightened' is the right word to use, but men are definitely more respectful towards me than they used to be.

Things that have the biggest effect include:

- Prog/preg/DHEA
- Raw milk and cream
- Free and Easy Wanderer
- Sexual transmutation work

Also, if one is inclined to spirituality and completely ceases to crave the affection of women, they may very well find themselves getting much more affection. Life is strange...
hi neggez,"Also, if one is inclined to spirituality and completely ceases to crave the affection of women, they may very well find themselves getting much more affection. Life is strange..."no disrespect,nice fantaisy,some men of church start to lurk at kids,so "spirituality" and stopping fully interest for womans might have weird outcomes


May 10, 2020
I think a non-starchy diet boosted me a lot, which way I really don't know


Jun 7, 2016
hi,if women are attracting,and men are not,what are men,following this logic?
Well nothing to do with women is logical.

It’s logical to figure out what women want and become that but I don’t know if it’s the best approach.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I believe that very eloquent social skills are more relevant than anything else.

Yeah, but then you'll get told "be more social" until a girl calls you "creepy" for associating with her because she knows you want to have sex with her and she doesn't with you. Then you'll get told you "don't know how to approach women" but no follow-up explains how to approach them the "proper" way. Then you'll get told to approach women "non-sexually' with the goal of getting them to want to have sex with you. Then logic flips and you're told to "transmute" your sexual energy to them, which supposedly is silent brainwashing to make them mindlessly want to **** you merely out of your magical transmutation process which no one can explain of course.

Then some guy says "learn to hold frame and you'll slay the puss" then you try that and end up on a cringe compilation on YouTube or Tik Tok or something, unless maybe you look like some hunk or are tall/dominating in some way (in other words this likely won't work too well if you're not a relatively okay looking guy).

Then some woman says "just be nice" and you're nice and you might make female friends, but that doesn't mean they're actually attracted to you or even like you much. You can just be another "simp" which isn't even an incel-term -- look at how popular that term has become with generation Z/teens/etc. these days. Girls openly acknowledge some of their guy "friends" (they aren't attracted to) as "simps" or such in a tongue-in-cheek, pseudo-mocking kinda way. We have people here even stating that men and women cannot really be friends because it's often either just one-sided (guy puts in more, girl less), or just sexual flow AKA becomes "relationship" more if anything.

Then you make sure NEVER to tell any of this to anyone IRL because -- if you do -- you're doomed. You can't be honest with most people for your own sake.

Then you're told you're an "incel" despite having girls give clear signs of interest to you from afar, that of which no form of social skills are determined yet nor any way pheromones could have some distance-wide effect between countless other people magically either. Then you log off the internet for the day and do this a bit:


Everyone seems to knows how and why, but nobody knows where or when. People talk of theories, but nobody shows the practice or explains it to a fine T.

I don't know if any of you people here have heard of this, but it's something I know of. Take it as you will:

Briffault's law
Briffault is known for what is called Briffault's law: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family.
Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place
In other words it seems women only want two things: a butt-kisser or "simp" somewhat, or a guy who will please her privates/be her object of heavy affection & or lust.

And I'm not even angry to this stuff -- I accept it for the most part. What angers me most is my life story & present-day limitations/hurdles -- I need a new lease on the grid. But at the very least I am trying to point out these "issues" so to speak -- and I am not sugar-coating it. It's not defeatism if it's the truth & relevant for us guys in particular.
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Jun 7, 2016
I’m mentioning this because it’s valuable information.

Elvis Presley allegedly slept with more women than any man and look how he turned out then I was reading about a fellow Australian Errol Flynn who was also very successful with women and he said that he got to a point where he realised that he was making love to the same spirit that they were all the same. Later I read Eros book by Julius Evola and there was this section where he said that women have no soul or they are total soul because their sexual organs are within them and men’s being an extension of him, this has implications. I then found the reference for who realised that and it was Otto Weininger which I read his book sex and character which goes into the whole thing, Otto and coincidently William Blake are the only two philosophers to go into the female character so if men want to understand what they are dealing with and will no longer be disappointed then read sex and character, it’s on archive .org


Sep 15, 2021
United States
This topic is interesting, almost everyone thinks there is a problem (even chads/ people very successful in dating will have some gripe about the opposite sex especially as they get older and more jaded). I wonder what the root issues really are. Of course there is the outside anti natalist pressure so a lot of the friction between the sexes is orchestrated on purpose (feminism).

Here’s a list of things I can think of that hurt the dynamic between men and women:

-Feminism/ women being taught so subvert their feminine nature and pursue male roles and generally behave in a masculine manner. Female roles such as caregiving, mothering, home making being completely devalued and undermined (the irony of feminism).

-Hormonal issues, especially low T in men making them unattractive.

-Porn addiction, making sex with average women seem relatively unappealing (I’m assuming), and lowering the drive to find a mate. I put the hours of video games many young men play in this same category, it’s an addiction that targets males lowering their drive to do other things, prolonging adolescence.

-Prolonged promiscuity where both genders (but especially women) miss their peak fertility window to find and secure a life partner.

-Social media (and delusions about how attractive you are) exacerbating women’s hypergamous nature. I’ve noticed many average and below average people (both sexes) are somewhat delusional and think they should end up with a person who is actually far out of their league.

-Reliance on social media and lack of socialization making everyone awkward and shy, which of course makes dating near impossible.

I don’t know what do you guys think are the big root issues, not just finger pointing to the opposite sex. Maybe thinking there is a huge issue in itself is an issue.


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
Let me put it in a more simple way.

Yes, the high metabolism is (generally) good for everyone. Yes, the "pheromones" can make an experience better with people/social contexts. Yes, people can respond differently depending on energy and such.

But no, I've never witnessed, say, a hideous person suddenly manifesting positiveness in others based on their internal state. I can't tell you any "ugly dudes" who pull (obviously not counting some rare celebrity or something that is exceptional) regardless of how healthy or social they are.

Yeah, my social ability is not so good but the fact that some girls STILL WERE INTERESTED at some points despite this shows it must be innate -- or something more like looks rather than the numerous other factors people attribute to attraction. Maybe there are other things than looks -- I don't know it all -- but to deny that the attraction to another or "love at first sight" concepts are somehow mistakenly perceived is being anti-truth. Metabolism does not extremely affect (adult looks) that much -- so if good metabolism mattered more then I expect to see hideous guys with good metabolisms getting girls and smoking hot stud guys with slower metabolisms dying virgins or at least never getting female attention despite socializing.

Also key in the fact that HOW YOU FEEL can affect how you want to understand or comes to terms with your situation or life circumstances. Obviously an "incel" (in quotes because sometimes they are more "volcel" for sure) with positive mindset will reframe how he sees his state of being rather than one with a negative, depressive and/or angry mindset.

If it matters so many things then either all of these things "magically" just work together for some, or some just have things (like looks) that attracted them to another (meaning health overall, or immediately, however defined, is negligible in attraction to a strong degree).

Nobody here believes I am healthy -- I am probably one of (if not the) craziest, most off the rails posters in the history of this forum to date.

But experience trumps theory, right? It may sound better to be hopeful for other things, but false hope is worse, I think, than the uncomfortable and tough to cope with truths.

If we all believe everything in theory can be changed for the better then why would the world or humanity keep seemingly getting worse? Are people just choosing to open the can of worms, or are they just actors without serious choices, in the unfolding of more wretchedness or balance disruptions in the animalistic ebbs and flows?

Seriously if all it took was to be "healthy" (and that being postulated as a CHOICE) then what real number of men would CHOOSE less health?

That would consequently mean less good experience in life and less of the benefits out of it (supposedly). I do not choose bad things -- I only want the best of things in the best of ways.

But the fact that I am in a miserable place despite not wanting to be tells me people cannot really control most of the biggest factors in what influences our lives, health and outcomes.

Not even just with sex/romance and looks but the whole net across. Life just works out like a dream for some, whereas like torture for others. You can't tell me this is fair, right? Yet who will do anything about it?

Not me, not you and not even Ray himself. He points out how the "channel" through which energy dictates results, but never makes any means to fix the stratum or structure as a whole but merely the way "transmissions" can work. Not that this isn't good but it does not address the very things I am rambling on about here.

No, I want something done about unfairness, but nobody can help this. Nobody is going to tell me why I had to suffer as an impressionable kid growing up while I had relatives living the high life. I don't care if there was more or less "health" behind it -- I was the one who got the poor deal on life from the start.

Now I have to spend every waking moment worrying about how to "fix" myself when the whole damned world around me is broken but happier. You think this is anger or depression but deep down you might be inclined to see this is the dark reality. And yet I live on to work hard in a world where I have received so little, expected of me to bring so much to the table for robot people who are seemingly soulless but obviously successful when it comes to the dog eat dog world I have (partially) excluded myself from.
do you fap?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Yeah, but then you'll get told "be more social" until a girl calls you "creepy" for associating with her because she knows you want to have sex with her and she doesn't with you. Then you'll get told you "don't know how to approach women" but no follow-up explains how to approach them the "proper" way. Then you'll get told to approach women "non-sexually' with the goal of getting them to want to have sex with you. Then logic flips and you're told to "transmute" your sexual energy to them, which supposedly is silent brainwashing to make them mindlessly want to **** you merely out of your magical transmutation process which no one can explain of course.

Then some guy says "learn to hold frame and you'll slay the puss" then you try that and end up on a cringe compilation on YouTube or Tik Tok or something, unless maybe you look like some hunk or are tall/dominating in some way (in other words this likely won't work too well if you're not a relatively okay looking guy).

Then some woman says "just be nice" and you're nice and you might make female friends, but that doesn't mean they're actually attracted to you or even like you much. You can just be another "simp" which isn't even an incel-term -- look at how popular that term has become with generation Z/teens/etc. these days. Girls openly acknowledge some of their guy "friends" (they aren't attracted to) as "simps" or such in a tongue-in-cheek, pseudo-mocking kinda way. We have people here even stating that men and women cannot really be friends because it's often either just one-sided (guy puts in more, girl less), or just sexual flow AKA becomes "relationship" more if anything.

Then you make sure NEVER to tell any of this to anyone IRL because -- if you do -- you're doomed. You can't be honest with most people for your own sake.

Then you're told you're an "incel" despite having girls give clear signs of interest to you from afar, that of which no form of social skills are determined yet nor any way pheromones could have some distance-wide effect between countless other people magically either. Then you log off the internet for the day and do this a bit:


Everyone seems to knows how and why, but nobody knows where or when. People talk of theories, but nobody shows the practice or explains it to a fine T.

I don't know if any of you people here have heard of this, but it's something I know of. Take it as you will:

In other words it seems women only want two things: a butt-kisser or "simp" somewhat, or a guy who will please her privates/be her object of heavy affection & or lust.

And I'm not even angry to this stuff -- I accept it for the most part. What angers me most is my life story & present-day limitations/hurdles -- I need a new lease on the grid. But at the very least I am trying to point out these "issues" so to speak -- and I am not sugar-coating it. It's not defeatism if it's the truth & relevant for us guys in particular.
hi,many peoples men and women give explicit relevants explanations on which men characteristics women appreciate,if you dont experiment while having these characteristics you wont know how relevant these claims were.some things are subtles and require a very nuanced explicit long explanations ,and you wont sease some of these explanations to their just sense up until you will experience it your self.it is simple,there is no "right way" to talk to womens,some womens will have bad reactions even with an exellent approach.reach a state of fullness,quietude,power,emotional resilience,and you will speak intuitivly with out ruminating about how peoples are gonna perceive it,and your power/quietude/emotional resilience/enthusiasm will manifest in your tons of voices,in your gesture,in your speech,and you will please lot more womans,and even when you wont please them as much as you would like,you wont worry about if your behavior was appropriate with this very woman,because you will have the quietude to not be bother by these worries.and these women criteria to choose men are not an issue,they are a blessing for women and men,the state in wich men feel the best physically and mentally,is also the state in wich women appreciate them the most,so women criteria to pick men is actually one of the cause some men will try to reach a more desirable state to women,and by doing it some will feel far greater than before,independently of the succes they finally had with the women they had interest for
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Aug 9, 2019
I'm still far from optimal health, but peating and high-carb diet reduced my anxiety a lot and negative self-talk that it resulted in me feeling better about myself, having higher self-esteem, and that gave me courage to put myself out there. My success with women improved immensely since peating, due to the factors explained above.
And I'm not even high T, as I struggle with low Test.
But only time I really see increased in your-face attraction, much more than baseline levels, is when on nofap / semen retention.That stuff is powerful.
I suppose the ideal for a man is high androgens and low stress hormones. That will make him attractive and approachable.
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Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I would like @Hans to explain this
I haven't read through the thread and I haven't seen studies on this, so this will just be a few thoughts.
A higher metabolism correlates with higher androgens and lower stress hormones. This leads to better mood, more confidence, better posture, higher energy, being witty, better pheromones, better neurotransmitter ratios, etc., and all of that can improve your attraction.


Nov 6, 2021
Colorado Springs
The only thing that doubled or tripled how many women were giving me looks as I was passing by them was smoking organic cigarettes. I stopped smoking because it made me feel gross but it really does work as an androgen booster and anti aromatase. If I wanted the same effect I think I'll just try to take straight DHT but I'm concerned that would increase my libido too much.


May 10, 2020
I haven't read through the thread and I haven't seen studies on this, so this will just be a few thoughts.
A higher metabolism correlates with higher androgens and lower stress hormones. This leads to better mood, more confidence, better posture, higher energy, being witty, better pheromones, better neurotransmitter ratios, etc., and all of that can improve your attraction.
hey Hans, is there a difference in a body trained at the gym and a body trained with movements that simulated reality? explosive, fast... and strong


Jun 25, 2017
I definitely notice huge changes in how people treat me according to my hormone status and metabolic rate. With a low metabolism, I might as well be invisible socially. No one even glances at me or greets me. When it's high or I'm very androgenic, I get a range of responses. The men are either respectful if they're less androgenic or somewhat standoffish or rude if they're more androgenic but lacking in confidence. The androgenic and confident ones treat me like a friend. Like we're part of some secret "bro" club, haha. Women range from being intimidated but stealing glances while playing with their hair, to overt choosing signals like strong eye contact and smiles or they become hostile if they're older or apparently estrogen dominant. The calmness of a high androgen state seems to drive them crazy.
What were you eating in either case?
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