How have we not solved the topic of growing in height ? I find it hard to believe it is just "genetics"



Jun 22, 2021
So I need to buy oversized clothes and wear those for this to work? ?

Did you hang from a pull up bar for minutes at once or in total over the day?
For me - I sleep naked and walk around my house half-naked - I do think this is the ideal scenario for growth

I do think tight cliothes/shoes force the body to stop so It's a very important factor I'd say

Pull up bar I'm only doing 3-5 minutes a day max - a few minutes here and there throughout the day - I think it's best to go slow because it gets more stressful if the body can't catch up

Per your post on the other thread - I should add High DHT is really important - this is what makes the growth more explosive I'd say so per that "chill/androgenic" feeling you get when you eat potatoes if you maintain that androgenic feeling (that you get from DHT is a good sign its working)

When I'm in the androgenic growth state - I feel very chill/relaxed and my clothes and shoes start feeling tighter and instinctively I feel like removing them


Jun 20, 2022
For me - I sleep naked and walk around my house half-naked - I do think this is the ideal scenario for growth

I do think tight cliothes/shoes force the body to stop so It's a very important factor I'd say

Pull up bar I'm only doing 3-5 minutes a day max - a few minutes here and there throughout the day - I think it's best to go slow because it gets more stressful if the body can't catch up

Per your post on the other thread - I should add High DHT is really important - this is what makes the growth more explosive I'd say so per that "chill/androgenic" feeling you get when you eat potatoes if you maintain that androgenic feeling (that you get from DHT is a good sign its working)

When I'm in the androgenic growth state - I feel very chill/relaxed and my clothes and shoes start feeling tighter and instinctively I feel like removing them
How tall are you now?
What’s the most important thing regarding diet when wanting to grow taller?
Eating all day long good?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
For me - I sleep naked and walk around my house half-naked - I do think this is the ideal scenario for growth

I do think tight cliothes/shoes force the body to stop so It's a very important factor I'd say

Pull up bar I'm only doing 3-5 minutes a day max - a few minutes here and there throughout the day - I think it's best to go slow because it gets more stressful if the body can't catch up

Per your post on the other thread - I should add High DHT is really important - this is what makes the growth more explosive I'd say so per that "chill/androgenic" feeling you get when you eat potatoes if you maintain that androgenic feeling (that you get from DHT is a good sign its working)

When I'm in the androgenic growth state - I feel very chill/relaxed and my clothes and shoes start feeling tighter and instinctively I feel like removing them

how are potatoes related to the androgenic feeling? do you prefer potatoes to rice, bread, pasta, sugar etc. what is your current diet like


Jan 28, 2014
"The slaughter changed everything. It happened in two waves. The first came slowly: European settlers brought cattle with them, and those animals competed for land with the wild bison. The second started in the 1870s, after German leather-makers created technology that allowed bison hides to be tanned more efficiently and economically. During 1871 and 1872, an average of 5,000 bison were killed every day, as thousands of hunters poured onto the plains. The slaughter continued until 1889, when only about 85 free-ranging bison remained.

In just a generation, the height of the Native American people who depended on bison dropped by an inch or more, as measured by physical anthropologist Franz Boas, who collected data on the height, gender and age of over 15,000 Native Americans between 1889 and 1919.

Groups that experienced rapid bison extinction had an even more precipitous drop -- children born after the slaughter were up to 2 inches shorter at adulthood than those born before the slaughter, the researchers found. Population declined, as well. And what the researchers called a kind of cultural depression settled on bison-dependent groups."



Feb 22, 2022
"The slaughter changed everything. It happened in two waves. The first came slowly: European settlers brought cattle with them, and those animals competed for land with the wild bison. The second started in the 1870s, after German leather-makers created technology that allowed bison hides to be tanned more efficiently and economically. During 1871 and 1872, an average of 5,000 bison were killed every day, as thousands of hunters poured onto the plains. The slaughter continued until 1889, when only about 85 free-ranging bison remained.

In just a generation, the height of the Native American people who depended on bison dropped by an inch or more, as measured by physical anthropologist Franz Boas, who collected data on the height, gender and age of over 15,000 Native Americans between 1889 and 1919.

Groups that experienced rapid bison extinction had an even more precipitous drop -- children born after the slaughter were up to 2 inches shorter at adulthood than those born before the slaughter, the researchers found. Population declined, as well. And what the researchers called a kind of cultural depression settled on bison-dependent groups."

Very interesting find, thanks. Protein really is one of the biggest factors


Feb 18, 2018
As much as we like to believe we can control everything nutrition related and be more than what we once were, we do also have to accept that there are hard limits on our genes. You can certainly push the ceiling up by eating right, good environment, etc… but none of us are growing to 10ft tall.

I feel like focusing on height outside of just eating to be healthy, thrive, and feel good is itself also a pathological manifestation of our psyche. Height can help confer a masculine security with one self, but it is not the source of where security comes from. That alone is through proper hormonal health and a well developed psyche

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Very interesting find, thanks. Protein really is one of the biggest factors
Is calcium just as big a factor?
Does protein directly build bone mass or is it just via improving metabolism it helps height.
What’s a proper protein amount to maximize both height and muscle growth the bodybuilders like 1g per pound body weight even 1.25g per pound body weight but people here have said it can cause hypothyroidism


Mar 15, 2014
Most height differences between populations are environmental and epigenetic, but some are probably hard genetic.

- 3rd world countries eating very little animal protein
- 3rd world countries and 1st world Asia eating much less beef/ruminant meat
- 3rd world countries and 1st world Asia eating very little calcium (dairy)
- 3rd world countries drinking polluted water (parasites)
- 3rd world countries eating too few general calories
- Poor people being physically overworked. Same probably applies for non-physical/career stress
- Holland being tall (Gouda cheese is a rare K2 source, and the Dutch were mysteriously average height back in the 1800s)
- Indians embracing hard vegetarianism

- 2nd gen immigrants in the west being not as tall (even assuming complete 'westernization' of dietary habits, which is itself untrue, the height gap takes at least two generations to fully close, see haidut's rat study: Protein Quality, Not Genes, Determine Male Height)

hard genetic:
- southern Europeans being shorter than northern Europeans, and even north Africans (early farmer dwarfism, plus they have less Indoeuropean ancestry)
- Middle Indians being shorter than South Indians (early farmer dwarfism)
- South Chinese being shorter than North Chinese (early farmer dwarfism)
- Mongolians, and other Siberians, being shorter than all Chinese despite eating more beef and dairy (cold dwarfism)
- Central Americans being shorter than other South Americans (early farmer dwarfism)
- British being shorter than mainland Euros (island dwarfism)
- Japanese being shorter than mainland EAsians (island dwarfism)
- Mbutu Pygmies being shorter than Bantu Africans (forest dwarfism)
- South Sudanese being extremely tall (steppe pastoral gigantism)
- Indoeuropeans being tall (steppe pastoral gigantism)
- Comanches being taller than other N.Americans (lack of farmer dwarfism, + steppe pastoral gigantism)
- Selknam being taller than other S.Americans (lack of farmer dwarfism, + steppe gigantism)
- Balkanites being taller than other euros, even way back in the 1800s (no idea why, just a genetic fluke)
- Samoans/other Polynesians being tall (lack of early farmer dwarfism, lack of island dwarfism due to being newcomers, and due to the island being very resource rich)

What you'll notice is that forest/island people tend to be shorter. The exception is the Samoans, only because they've only been on an island for 3000 years, whereas Brits have island ancestry going back over 10,000 years, and the Japanese well over 20,000. Additionally, Samoa gets an abundance of both sunlight and rain, it is paradise as far as food is concerned. There is no dry season and no cold season.

People from warmer climates look shorter at first glance, but this is because the earliest farming cultures (where extreme competition for food happened) could only arise in somewhat warm places--the shortness has nothing to do with the hot climate itself, hence the many exceptions to this rule. Ancestries which started farming first, AKA those which hit resource limitations first, tend to be shorter.

Plains/steppe people tend to be taller. Even when milk was not consumed (Comanche).
I have a very complicated theory about this: I think that pastoral lifestyle leads to social alienation, due to the great distance between people. This alienation makes them less willing to share. Which of course makes them more prone to violence and genocide when their way of life is disrupted by natural downturns.
In the event of a natural disaster that lessens resources, a Plains person might try to kill his neighbor tribe to take their resources to make up for the deficit, whereas a farming commune person might try to "spread it thin" so that everyone shares in the deficit and gets a bit less. The latter would select for shorter genes, and a high population, as short people do better on less food. The former would suffer no height drop, but would suffer a large population drop.

The Mongoloid people living in very cold climates of Siberia/Canada are short, much shorter than their southern cousins. This is probably a result of two pressures. A wider, more lateral body decreases the SurfaceArea:Volume ratio, preserving heat. Also, there was probably a lot less food (as a result of much colder weather) and they hit resource limitations faster. Europe is nowhere near this cold, and has winters similar to central China.
A lot of this is unrelated to the OP topic but I was in the mood
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Mar 15, 2014
Does protein directly build bone mass or is it just via improving metabolism it helps height.
blood type Os need to eat flesh meals in order to secrete Alkaline Phosphatase, which makes it easier to absorb calcium.
O blood also has higher stomach acid and is more common in primitive, non-agricultural populations (both of these things are proxies for eating more meat)
blood type O.png

Notice how blood type O is geographically "peripheral". The many invasions which started from the interior of Asia happened due to people adapting to less flesh, or at least lighter types of flesh (fish, dairy, etc as opposed to game meat) which allowed sustenance of a larger number of people (which is what led to said invasions in the first place)

Contrarily, there is a study on Jehova's witnesses, (a Christian group which has a large amount of vegetarians), showing that the vegetarian children actually ended up taller.
However, this study does not control for natural sorting and self-selection. It could easily be the case that blood type Os tended to eat meat (due to a physiological need and craving), while blood types A/B tended to be more veg because they had less of such a craving. A/B types would also grow taller in the absence of meat, explaining their taller heights.

Both me and my father are South Indian, and we both have blood type O. He craved meat as a teenager and started eating (tiny) amounts of it but could never get enough. I craved it as a kid and started eating it in childhood, but was limited to only chicken and seafood. He ended up slightly under 5'5" (there were other general 3rd world factors aside from the lack of meat which pushed his height down), while I ended up 5'10". It also seems that the ethnicities with the highest amount of O in Britain (Scotland, northern Ireland) also have a noticeably lower average height than the southern English, despite eating similar amounts of meat.

Anyway, the point of my post is to say that there is a specific phenotype (blood type is one part of this phenotype but there are other unknown parts) which requires animal flesh in order to reach its height potential. While other phenotypes may be able to "get by" on just milk and lentils and still grow to 6'2", while seeing almost no benefit from added meat consumption.
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