How To Begin, Raise And Monitor T3


Jun 14, 2017
I have been taking T3 for a few weeks now to see if it will help with my fatigue and depression. I have not noticed any improvements and might even feel worse from it. I have been dividing my 25mcg tabs into 4 and have worked up to 4 times per day. What should I be looking for in temperature and pulse. Now my temps are from 97.6 to 98.6 and pulse from 60 to 80 but mostly in the high 60s / low 70s. What are the hyper signs to look for? And what are the ideal signs?
male, age 71, 160lbs, 6'1"
DHEAS (Saliva) 3.4 ng/mL 2-23 (Age Dependent)

Cortisol (Saliva) 5.1 ng/mL 3.7-9.5 (morning)

Cortisol (Saliva) 2.0 ng/mL 1.2-3.0 (noon)

Cortisol (Saliva) 1.3 ng/mL 0.6-1.9 (evening)

Cortisol (Saliva) 1.9 H ng/mL 0.4-1.0 (night)

Free T4 (Blood Spot)* 1.3 ng/dL 0.7-2.5

Free T3 (Blood Spot) 3.6 pg/mL 2.5-6.5

TSH (Blood Spot) 4.1 H µU/mL 0.5-3.0

TPOab (Blood Spot)* 54 IU/mL 0-150 (70-150 borderline)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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