How To Cleanse & Heal Appendicitis Naturally? I Feel Like I'm On Brink Of Death

Jan 24, 2014
Nicholas said:
i couldn't agree with you more. it makes more sense to consider acid/enzymes than to consider calcification, in my opinion. assessing whether you chew your food well enough is the first thing to try if one suspects low stomach acid/enzymes. bacteria balance is a massively important issue, in my experience, too. which, of course, is related to how well you're breaking down your food. balancing bacteria, mitigating endotoxin, has a lot to do with consistency and meeting the demands of the body, but it also has to do with the foods you choose to eat. for example, the only reason i eat a little bit of vegetables is because it balances my digestion for some reason. same thing with the specific starches i choose to eat and my avoidance of excess fruit. sometimes an assumed "liver glycogen" issue or "hypoglycemia" could simply be an inability to break down your food. being temporarily hypoglycemic and eating frequently is how you get out of hypoglycemia and how you replenish glycogen - but considerations of acid/enzymes and balancing your bacteria have to also be considered.

Hi Nicholas....we've both come to many similar conclusions. I've developed the habit of eating instinctively and for me that means my diet changes seasonally. I naturally move away from cold foods such as yogurt, although I still eat ice cream. Also, certain fruits become unappealing during the fall and winter. I tend to drink less milk in favor of more cooked vegetables and bone broth. I also crave more eggs.

My point in getting involved in this conversation is that while I do believe that decalcifying and methylation are VERY important, I think there are more (better/safer) ways to achieve this.

Methylation issues can be caused by many things, chronic gut infections, nutritional deficiencies, parasites and heavy metal toxicities (mercury and fluoride come to mind) are just a few. All of these could affect the way the body is using calcium. I think it's important to address the myriads of underlying causes.

My own personal experience: I ate a ketogenic diet for three years. During that time I drank no milk/yogurt/ice cream etc. However my kidneys became very painful and colicky. Blood tests showed lowish kidney function and my energy/sleep/mood completely tanked. My diet consisted of LOTS of meat, leafy greens and PUFA (butter and coconut oil were in there too). I also developed a painful, stiff crunchy neck. X-rays from the chiropractor revealed heavy calcification and the doc said there was nothing I could do about it....just a natural part of "aging". I also became insanely insulin resistant despite having NO sugar or grains in my diet....I had to ask myself how does this happen? I don't know what my calcium intake was back then because I wasn't tracking anything, but I'm guessing that my oxalates were through the roof!

After finding Peat and changing my diet, I noticed what appeared to be SAND in my urine. It started about 6 months in and lasted for a couple months. My kidneys were no longer painful or going in to spasms, my labs were normal and I felt waaaay better, so I went with it. The pain and loud crunching in my neck has also melted away over the last two years, so I have to believe that dairy is not so evil and the many other factors that I've been addressing have been helping my body to actually heal. The human body is awesome that way.

At any rate, I gathered that the OP was suggesting a high meat diet with 100 gms of carbohydrate and hemp oil, among other things. I applaud his enthusiasm and self-experimentation. However, I think doing this long term would raise cortisol and I don't think that combining lots of meat and PUFA oils is gonna be good for the kidneys which is something he is concerned about. This is only my opinion based on my own ongoing experiment :2cents

MORE magnesium is always good.....

One more thought: I'm not advocating PUFA oil ingestion, but would a whole food source instead of oils work? If not, why not?

Also, how come the peeps doing this experiment aren't sharing here openly? Why the Private Messages with the OP? We're all curious here....


Feb 12, 2015
thebigpeatowski said:
post 119371 The area you describe is very near your appendix, so I would be paying close attention. My appendix ruptured 5 years ago, I was a big bread eater back then, but the feeling you describe sounds VERY familiar :shock:

Damn it seems like the pain is happening around appendix area. Could be appendicitis or appendicolith.

How would you suggest to fix this issue? Hopefully not surgery, I can't afford that. Something more natural and accessible would be nice. I think appendicolith can be fixed by upping magnesium and sodium intake, but I don't know how to fix appendicitis. A website suggests castor oil to clear blockage off appendix, but it's PUFA. This might need to be separated into different thread. It's very off-tangent from OP topic.
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Feb 12, 2015
thebigpeatowski said:
post 119610 Hi Strongbad....looking at the diagram on the link below, does this seem like the specific location where you feel the discomfort??? If so, PLEASE DON'T IGNORE IT like I did.

I do apologize for the hijack, but this issue is very important...near and dear to my heart for sure.

The pain is actually located a lot lower than McBurney's point.

If you look at the 2nd picture ( the pain is located parallel along Inguinal ligament line, very close to the right side of urinary bladder. When I say "right side" it's from my perspective as the victim looking at the location of his organ.

The 2nd picture of this page illustrates the location of Inguinal ligament line a bit better:
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Feb 12, 2015
This is the continuation of this thread:

It seems like I have appendicitis. The location of the abdominal pain on the lower right abdomen and upon further inspection, it is definitely located around appendix area. I also notice that location is a bit "enlarged" than the left side abdomen area.

I'm experiencing several symptoms now in addition of sharp lower-right abdominal pain:
- Lack of appetite
- Feeling very weak as if I'm not absorbing the food nutrient
- Loose stool. They look like little sprinkles instead of the regular long ones (you know what I mean). Also
- Consipation.

The pain is so sharp I fear for my life that it's gonna rupture sometime soon in the future. That'd be an instant death for me.

I'm finally back in the states now so I took ionized magnesium and P5P and epsom salt bath. I slept great but then woke up with the pain. Some websites discourage using oral magnesium because it aggravates the appendicitis(?). I also sweated like crazy after epsom salt bath. Is that normal? I lost a lot of weight very quickly, too. Like 4lbs overnight.

Currently I eat these food:
- organ meat like liver cooked with coconut oil
- lots of boiled green vegetables. I also drink the broth
- sugar only before I sleep plus ionized magnesium, P5P and a teaspoon of canning salt.
- I minimized carb and milk since they seem to stimulate the pain much more (the microbes love that s**t)

I also tried raw garlic as antibiotics. Damn that thing is nasty! But I'm gonna have to take 3-6 cloves of these, smashed in pieces (Russian Penicillin) everyday. Many sites recommend garlic.

Is there a way to fix/cleanse the colon and remove the blockage/wards/infections that's causing this appendicitis? I don't wanna have it removed since I believe it has certain functions for our bodies. Plus surgery and the follow ups are so expensive. I'd rather go for the natural healing.

Any diet / supplement / herbs / antibiotic protocols? Maybe juice fasting, lots of water? I read online that people recommend stuff like castor oil, fenugreek and stuff. Not sure if that's Peaty...


Feb 12, 2015
Hi Strongbad....looking at the diagram on the link below, does this seem like the specific location where you feel the discomfort??? If so, PLEASE DON'T IGNORE IT like I did.'s_point

I do apologize for the hijack, but this issue is very important...near and dear to my heart for sure.

Well it turns out I do have pain around McBurney' point. I felt it last night and it's pretty intense. I moved the topic here since it's way off-tangent from OP's:
Jan 24, 2014
Well it turns out I do have pain around McBurney' point. I felt it last night and it's pretty intense. I moved the topic here since it's way off-tangent from OP's:
Hi Strongbad...I'm probably not the best person to take advice from as I ignored the lower abdominal pain and my appendix did in fact rupture. I didn't know anything about appendicitis or even WHERE my appendix was. I was really busy at the time, in the middle of moving and did not have access to a computer or even a thermometer as everything was packed in boxes. I was eating in restaurants for several days, all the dishes, pots & pans were packed. I just thought I had food poisoning and it would pass...not so.

I did end up in the hospital, but I did not have any surgery. Docs told me that after reviewing the CT scan they would need to remove several feet of my intestines to clear up the extensive damage and inflammation. I could NOT bring myself to do that and I was already feeling better, meaning I knew I wasn't gonna die. I felt better. So they put me on an anti-biotic I.V. drip and monitored me for a few days and sent me home with more anti-biotics. Needless to say, it's been a long recovery.

There is new evidence supporting the benefits of keeping your appendix. Please do research this, I feel it is FAR BETTER to do everything possible to support your body in healing. Your appendix is an important part of your immune system.
Nov 21, 2015
I really don't know what anyone should do. But I do feel that for whatever reason, apple cider vinegar seems to correlate with a lot of improvements in health. It's worth taking a couple of tablespoons in water, and just seeing how you feel. At least that's what I would do.
Jan 24, 2014
Other things I would have done differently had I known: I would have stopped eating ALL WHEAT, starch, grains and fiber. I believe that starch feeds the bad microbes and too much fiber can create a blockage in the colon trapping the bacteria. I would also cut cheese or anything that might contribute to constipation. I would immediately start massive doses of raw garlic and also coffee enemas to get the colon absolutely cleaned out.

If that doesn't have you feeling better within an hour or two, then get to a doctor for mega doses of anti-biotics immediately.

You need to trust your own judgement here. Only YOU know how you are feeling. If you feel like you're dying then get to a doctor PRONTO!!! if you feel that you can handle this yourself and have some time then start some protocols right now.
Jan 24, 2014
Strongbad, one more thought...Do you have rebound pain? I had to hold my lower right abdomen all the time to stop the pain, when I would let go for any length of time the pain got much worse. In other words, putting pressure on the area brought relief and letting go hurt...this is a major indication that it's your appendix.

And I agree with ecstatichamster, Raw ACV is great for the intestines, but if you're in a crisis you need more powerful stuff. If you don't think it's your appendix then I would look into parasites.

Best of luck to you and KEEP ME POSTED!!!


Nov 1, 2012
From this thread:

Rayser said:
The only well tested conservative treatment is antibiotics. I think that makes sense since people wouldn't end up in hospital if the symptoms were not acute. Antibiotics work fast. They have the same effect as surgical removal of the appendix but the recurrence rate is high. I guess that's not a surprise either - there can't be a recurrence if the organ was removed. Like most inflammatory diseases I am sure appendicitis can be avoided if PUFA are. ... ated=false
"Antibiotic treatment in patients with acute appendicitis was as effective as surgery. The patients had less pain and required less analgesia, but the recurrence rate was high."

"Appendicitis can best be treated with a third-generation cephalosporin and an imidazole derivative (2 days intravenously and 10 days orally)."

"Acute appendicitis can be treated successfully with conservative (antibiotics) treatment with a short hospital stay. Though there is a risk of recurrence in some cases, all the complications after appendectomy can be eliminated with the conservative treatment."

"Our conclusion is that antibiotic treatment in the patients with acute appendicitis is quite effective, and these patients may not need surgery. The patients managed conservatively with antibiotics alone experience less pain and require less analgesia but have high recurrent rate."

"It is possible that uncomplicated appendicitis is a self limiting illness, the natural course of which would not include progression to perforation without prompt surgical intervention. Uncomplicated appendicitis could perhaps be compared with uncomplicated diverticulitis."

"Antibiotics are both effective and safe as primary treatment for patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Initial antibiotic treatment merits consideration as a primary treatment option for early uncomplicated appendicitis."
Jul 10, 2013


Mar 29, 2014
I agree with TBP - if you think you are dying, get to a dr fast.

If it's appendicitis, I guess antibiotics would have some effect quite quickly, even if it doesn't totally fix the problem.

Another possible issue in that area might be inguinal hernia?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Strongbad, this is what I would do in your case:

Yogurt with papaya and acerolas
Cheese with honey
White rice flavored with your fat of choice, raw garlic (crush, let sit, pour while still hot) and acv
Plenty of vit D from sun, not supplements
Homemade broths that are rich in connective tissue, as much as you like/tolerate
Egg yolk-based desserts
Organ meats occasionally
The classic carrot salad
Constant light movement
Targeted light therapy
Moderate plant fibers
Shellfish and shrimp

You probably tried a lot of those already, but I urge you to try them in combination.
So, in other words: fermented dairy because they are much easier to digest paired with easily digested sugars, especially those that are high in vit C.
Avoiding starches for a while, except for white rice with some butter or coconut oil.
Don't overdo antimicrobials because they tend to worsen any infection in the long-term, instead of assiting your immune system.
Fat-soluble vitamins are crucial for immunity, they are safer and better derived from quality foods.
I've exchanged a brief message with jyb regarding vit D supplements and they tend to impair vit D receptors and worsen infections. Turns out that vit D derived from your skin difuses throughout the body much easier, and any infection intra or extra will have much more control over it if it comes from supplements.
Taurine from cheeses with glycine from homemade broths will work together not only at repairing gut mucosal integrity but conjugating bile, which is very important for upper intestinal bacterial overgrowths. Excess acid is problematic for the gut mucosal and lack of acid is not desirable because you not only won't be digesting your food properly but it creates an environment that favors excess microbes. Vit C from those fruits will help with that too, you can add some green vegetables that are also rich in them and rotate. Egg yolks, the same. Bile, choline, b vits, etc. I would eat them just as a small dessert with easily digested sugars, as in a dessert called Kogel Mogel, but you need to pay some taxes to Giraffe in case you prepare it.
A lot of light movement throughout the day, please don't dismiss this one. Our lord, pboy; brian; West; cantstoppeating; all of them reported benefits from exercise. Right now strenuous exercise will probably stress too much your body, which is why light and constant is desirable for now.
Carrot salad, there's no need to discuss it.
Shellfish and shrimp for minerals. Zinc, selenium especially.
Supplement wise, I would leave them aside for a while. You can use a bit of the Energin transdermally but not much. It's worth noting that bacterial overgrowth often leads to abnormally altered levels of vits b5, b9, b12 and sometimes iron; with b5, b12 and iron being low and folic acid elevated if I recall correctly.
Don't stare at screens at night as that mess up with your circadian rhythm and greatly affect immunity and repair that occurs at night. The exception is opening a naked pic of pboy that leaked online. That will boost your circulating levels of pboysterone; decrease brain levels of dumbesterone; decrease uglyonenone in the skin and increase sixpackiol in your skeletal muscle.
Hope this helps you in some way..


Mar 29, 2014
Am I right in thinking that appendicitis usually or always involves a mechanical blockage at the opening between the intestinal lumen and the appendix lumen? Often a bit of fibre or a small seed or similar. If so, dislodging the blockage would presumably be important? I wonder which remedies might assist that?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
If so, dislodging the blockage would presumably be important? I wonder which remedies might assist that?
My first thought is things that increase bile. Cascara Sagrada and Taurine come to mind.


Feb 12, 2015
Other things I would have done differently had I known: I would have stopped eating ALL WHEAT, starch, grains and fiber. I believe that starch feeds the bad microbes and too much fiber can create a blockage in the colon trapping the bacteria. I would also cut cheese or anything that might contribute to constipation. I would immediately start massive doses of raw garlic and also coffee enemas to get the colon absolutely cleaned out.

If that doesn't have you feeling better within an hour or two, then get to a doctor for mega doses of anti-biotics immediately.

You need to trust your own judgement here. Only YOU know how you are feeling. If you feel like you're dying then get to a doctor PRONTO!!! if you feel that you can handle this yourself and have some time then start some protocols right now.

At this point, even a cup of orange juice aggravates the stomach. Crazy that if I eat purely meat or vegetables the pain isn't that bad, but the moment I eat either rice or drink OJ the pain magnifies tenfold!

It seems that I have to go to keto diet: high meat, high vegetables, no carb.

I've been taking 6 cloves of raw garlic per day. Since it's antibiotic, would there be time when I need to stop taking it since it kills all the good and bad microbes? Maybe I can only take it for a week then stop?

Strongbad, one more thought...Do you have rebound pain? I had to hold my lower right abdomen all the time to stop the pain, when I would let go for any length of time the pain got much worse. In other words, putting pressure on the area brought relief and letting go hurt...this is a major indication that it's your appendix.

And I agree with ecstatichamster, Raw ACV is great for the intestines, but if you're in a crisis you need more powerful stuff. If you don't think it's your appendix then I would look into parasites.

Best of luck to you and KEEP ME POSTED!!!

I don't think so. Whenever I press the pain location then let go the pain returned but at the same level as before. It doesn't get worse.

So you think it's parasites? How about candida? yeast? Maybe that's why the skin around my eyebrows, left and right chicks is dry and flakey all the time? Or that's just unrelated?


Strongbad how are you feeling today?

Still surviving but currently suffering major constipation. Completely disrupts my sleep.

I agree with TBP - if you think you are dying, get to a dr fast.

If it's appendicitis, I guess antibiotics would have some effect quite quickly, even if it doesn't totally fix the problem.

Another possible issue in that area might be inguinal hernia?

I doubt it. I don't see pronounced bump near my groin area. Or so I hope...

Strongbad, this is what I would do in your case:

Yogurt with papaya and acerolas
Cheese with honey
White rice flavored with your fat of choice, raw garlic (crush, let sit, pour while still hot) and acv
Plenty of vit D from sun, not supplements
Homemade broths that are rich in connective tissue, as much as you like/tolerate
Egg yolk-based desserts
Organ meats occasionally
The classic carrot salad
Constant light movement
Targeted light therapy
Moderate plant fibers
Shellfish and shrimp

You probably tried a lot of those already, but I urge you to try them in combination.
So, in other words: fermented dairy because they are much easier to digest paired with easily digested sugars, especially those that are high in vit C.
Avoiding starches for a while, except for white rice with some butter or coconut oil.
Don't overdo antimicrobials because they tend to worsen any infection in the long-term, instead of assiting your immune system.
Fat-soluble vitamins are crucial for immunity, they are safer and better derived from quality foods.
I've exchanged a brief message with jyb regarding vit D supplements and they tend to impair vit D receptors and worsen infections. Turns out that vit D derived from your skin difuses throughout the body much easier, and any infection intra or extra will have much more control over it if it comes from supplements.
Taurine from cheeses with glycine from homemade broths will work together not only at repairing gut mucosal integrity but conjugating bile, which is very important for upper intestinal bacterial overgrowths. Excess acid is problematic for the gut mucosal and lack of acid is not desirable because you not only won't be digesting your food properly but it creates an environment that favors excess microbes. Vit C from those fruits will help with that too, you can add some green vegetables that are also rich in them and rotate. Egg yolks, the same. Bile, choline, b vits, etc. I would eat them just as a small dessert with easily digested sugars, as in a dessert called Kogel Mogel, but you need to pay some taxes to Giraffe in case you prepare it.
A lot of light movement throughout the day, please don't dismiss this one. Our lord, pboy; brian; West; cantstoppeating; all of them reported benefits from exercise. Right now strenuous exercise will probably stress too much your body, which is why light and constant is desirable for now.
Carrot salad, there's no need to discuss it.
Shellfish and shrimp for minerals. Zinc, selenium especially.
Supplement wise, I would leave them aside for a while. You can use a bit of the Energin transdermally but not much. It's worth noting that bacterial overgrowth often leads to abnormally altered levels of vits b5, b9, b12 and sometimes iron; with b5, b12 and iron being low and folic acid elevated if I recall correctly.
Don't stare at screens at night as that mess up with your circadian rhythm and greatly affect immunity and repair that occurs at night. The exception is opening a naked pic of pboy that leaked online. That will boost your circulating levels of pboysterone; decrease brain levels of dumbesterone; decrease uglyonenone in the skin and increase sixpackiol in your skeletal muscle.
Hope this helps you in some way..

Thanks, Amazoniac but the first thing many people on different forum suggest is to stop eating solid food and go for easily digestible food like vegetables, vegetable juices or liquid diet. Then I have to cleanse my colons out using high enema etc.

Have you tried oil of oregano?

No :-/

Am I right in thinking that appendicitis usually or always involves a mechanical blockage at the opening between the intestinal lumen and the appendix lumen? Often a bit of fibre or a small seed or similar. If so, dislodging the blockage would presumably be important? I wonder which remedies might assist that?

This seems to be a nice summary of how to heal appendix naturally:

So basically:
1) Stop eating and start juice fasting (I don't know if I can do that. That'd wreck my metabolism)
2) Do high enema
3) minimum 6 cloves of garlic daily
4) Echinacea tincture for immune system
5) Slippery Elm porridge to repair tissues
6) Castor oil pack (I don't think so... it's full of PUFA)
7) Hot-cold contrast therapy (in the shower) to increase circulation
8) Cayenne tincture
9) Massage (gently and carefully)
10) Liver flush (will skip this one...)
11) Foot reflexology


Jun 3, 2015
Why don't you go And get a ct?
I really hope you can heal yourself.
I experienced a perforated appendix and and it was the worst hell ever.
The resulting appy was a relief.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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