How to enter the Smart Peat-ple Club? How to be among the liked, high status winners?


Feb 26, 2018
What you're describing is literally just social status.
Its mostly influenced by serotonin and dopamine . Also androgens .
Lowering serotonin effectively will proably get you there and ironically at this point you might not even care about it anymore .

I posted a study about dopamin D2 and d3 receptors correlating with social status. Testosterone increases social status by activating those receptors and by beeing converted to DHT.


Jun 23, 2017
Attempting to gain popularity amongst the morally fluid is kind of a rediculous endeavor. Jesus didn't bother with it and why ought anyone else to. People are terrible targets of persistent affection. Caring about Jesus is a much more reliable litmus for what ought to supplant desire of critical acclaim. If you're offended at this statement then I suggest introspection for the cause. Right choices are much more subtle than at first glance and so most crowds aren't worth fitting into. Jesus didn't save the world. God so loved the world that He sent Jesus to save people out of it.
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May 10, 2018
I’ve also felt like this my whole life, and even behind the pixels of this forum. Depending on my state of health I read into the tone of posts from people like TheBeard ranging from terse and insightful, to passive-aggressive alpha emulating arsehole. The real truth is that he’s probably neither of these things. The only way that I’ve found to boost my self esteem is to keep learning, keep experimenting, keep helping.

Remember...what Peter tells you about Paul, tells you far more about Peter than it does about Paul.
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Apr 9, 2018
I think the Jesus comparison is more on point than trying to be liked by a "high status" persons or becoming one. Sure, dopamine, serotonin, testosterone etc. are crucial, but for social status alone it's more about going your way and not caring about others perceptions.

No need to be rude, just not caring if you're alpha, high status, low status etc. Because the paradox is: if you try to emulate high status/confidence or other persons, you can never be high status, you're just a joiner.

As Marlon Brando said: Only the one who walks his own way can't be overtaken.


Feb 13, 2016
I agree that you shouldn't lose sight of what's really important in order to Keep Up With The Joneses, but at the same time not caring what others think like Jesus only works if you have a perfect character like Jesus, and by definition the majority of people have average characters. Unless you have real confidence in yourself within your heart, as a result of a life lived without hypocrisy, then not caring what others think simply becomes something you tell yourself to feel better about yourself and not a beneficial attitude to have.


Jun 23, 2017
I agree that you shouldn't lose sight of what's really important in order to Keep Up With The Joneses, but at the same time not caring what others think like Jesus only works if you have a perfect character like Jesus, and by definition the majority of people have average characters. Unless you have real confidence in yourself within your heart, as a result of a life lived without hypocrisy, then not caring what others think simply becomes something you tell yourself to feel better about yourself and not a beneficial attitude to have.
To walk like Jesus it takes a perfect God walking along side you ordering your steps, operating from the premise. We are imperfect so the best we can do is be obedient to God and let Him cover the rest
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Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
It's also a shame that this is behind a computer -- imagine the intensity if this was all face-to-face where some good punches can be thrown, sex to be had, and serotonin to continue rising.
The digital world isn't real, onine social status is meaningless. Lead an analogue life like you yourself seem to suggest. Come here for information and opinion if you wish, but don't stake your sense of reality or self-worth on what you read.


Mar 12, 2017
Humans are heirchical creatures by nature, at least as we exist now. It's hard to get away from it. I find myself feeling like one of the disregarded posters as well. I usually chalk it up to a difference in vibration. I may not be at the same level (neither better or worse, mind you) as most other people on this forum. I just post and if someone finds what I say interesting then that's great. If people ignore me, that's ok too. I think I've changed a lot in the past few years and as a result, don't really fit in here anymore. I keep coming back mostly out of habit.


Jun 10, 2020
Humans are heirchical creatures by nature, at least as we exist now. It's hard to get away from it. I find myself feeling like one of the disregarded posters as well. I usually chalk it up to a difference in vibration. I may not be at the same level (neither better or worse, mind you) as most other people on this forum. I just post and if someone finds what I say interesting then that's great. If people ignore me, that's ok too. I think I've changed a lot in the past few years and as a result, don't really fit in here anymore. I keep coming back mostly out of habit.
I like your posts.


Sep 6, 2020
Interesting. As I became more myself I notice I attract less people to me. Incl. bad ones. I used to sometimes get people in my life who would be bad. It does not happen. Now I attract and am attracted to specific people. Kind of interesting. While other people are not even on my radar. They are like invisible to me.

Bad people seem to be more intimidated by me to try and push my buttons. So they avoid me. I like that because I used to get sick of pieces of shits coming in my life.

I do not think it is all about hierarchy. I think similar people like similar people. An inherent narcissism so to speak. You see something in these people that you are similar to. So if you are outside of Peats ideas the people here will not like you. This is an example.


Mar 12, 2017
Interesting. As I became more myself I notice I attract less people to me. Incl. bad ones. I used to sometimes get people in my life who would be bad. It does not happen. Now I attract and am attracted to specific people. Kind of interesting. While other people are not even on my radar. They are like invisible to me.

Bad people seem to be more intimidated by me to try and push my buttons. So they avoid me. I like that because I used to get sick of pieces of shits coming in my life.

I do not think it is all about hierarchy. I think similar people like similar people. An inherent narcissism so to speak. You see something in these people that you are similar to. So if you are outside of Peats ideas the people here will not like you. This is an example.
I relate to this a lot. It's easy to assume you're somehow unlikable but I've come to the conclusion I simply don't have the fakness needed to fit in with most of society anymore. Not to say I'm any better or worse than them. I just don't need or want to pretend to be something I'm not anymore and for that, only people who are authentic seem to be drawn to me. Your vibe attracts your tribe.


Feb 25, 2021
If you have something bigger than yourself that you do in your life (volunteer at or start a charity, get married and raise kids, work at a job that helps others), then status won't matter as much.

If you're feeling like you're always wishing you had a different status then focus on helping and giving to others. Make your life about others, not yourself.

That being said, even though this is a simple idea, I 100% admit it's so much easier said than done and something I'm working on myself! Start small :)


Oct 5, 2014
Why is it important? You don't need any kind of status to be happy. I know many high status (inside their circles) people and some of them are very unhappy. And the other way around. If you spend time de-conditioning yourself about that you will have done a great thing for yourself.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Why is it important? You don't need any kind of status to be happy. I know many high status (inside their circles) people and some of them are very unhappy. And the other way around. If you spend time de-conditioning yourself about that you will have done a great thing for yourself.

Yeah, but the problem is I've come "full circle" in life (seen the spiritual side and then the tyrannical one) and I've decided it's best for me to have some form of status.

While I still have some spiritual side in me I can't help but lie in telling myself or others that not having status is bad for me, because I can't feel wanted and liked without it. Even in the most sedated, carefree state I'll just bounce back to "normal" and want status, power, purpose, stance and high regard of others toward me -- it can't be fought.

I've basically been "shaped" in to this as a way of living/need/purpose -- and although you can argue that some Cypro or something would "help" think about it this way....

Will it? Up until this point I'm still financially unsuccessful from even my earliest of posts here -- and that's after trying MANY protocols here, so maybe insanity is needed -- a little "unbalance." If you see that structure still has failed you, perhaps the only way to reach nirvana is with disturbances/brokenness in some form, not just "good flow."

Although some believe you need "good flow" to achieve in life, my experience/anecdote is that -- for me -- "good flow" or "structure" hasn't helped me in life really. Temporarily it had its benefits, but over time nothing "big" changes -- still are stuck in that rung you don't want to be in anymore. So others use health to "move forward" -- I might need poorer health to "change" as structure isn't optimal for me given the many issues I still haven't resolved yet in life. Many people have shown that sometimes "temporary pain" is the only way to reach true comfort/goals/enlightenment/etc. -- in fact I'd say most people subject themselves to this but TOO harshly in many ways.

People work their whole lives & stress themselves VERY BADLY for little money -- this is even with education, training, personal "demons" or etc. factored in as well. They do this because it's their own "thing" or "way" in life to keep on ship -- without it they'd lose traction, purpose. I can't even maintain this at all -- imagine my whole existence....
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May 21, 2015


Feb 18, 2018
Yeah, but the problem is I've come "full circle" in life (seen the spiritual side and then the tyrannical one) and I've decided it's best for me to have some form of status.

While I still have some spiritual side in me I can't help but lie in telling myself or others that not having status is bad for me, because I can't feel wanted and liked without it. Even in the most sedated, carefree state I'll just bounce back to "normal" and want status, power, purpose, stance and high regard of others toward me -- it can't be fought.

I've basically been "shaped" in to this as a way of living/need/purpose -- and although you can argue that some Cypro or something would "help" think about it this way....

Will it? Up until this point I'm still financially unsuccessful from even my earliest of posts here -- and that's after trying MANY protocols here, so maybe insanity is needed -- a little "unbalance." If you see that structure still has failed you, perhaps the only way to reach nirvana is with disturbances/brokenness in some form, not just "good flow."

Although some believe you need "good flow" to achieve in life, my experience/anecdote is that -- for me -- "good flow" or "structure" hasn't helped me in life really. Temporarily it had its benefits, but over time nothing "big" changes -- still are stuck in that rung you don't want to be in anymore. So others use health to "move forward" -- I might need poorer health to "change" as structure isn't optimal for me given the many issues I still haven't resolved yet in life. Many people have shown that sometimes "temporary pain" is the only way to reach true comfort/goals/enlightenment/etc. -- in fact I'd say most people subject themselves to this but TOO harshly in many ways.

People work their whole lives & stress themselves VERY BADLY for little money -- this is even with education, training, personal "demons" or etc. factored in as well. They do this because it's their own "thing" or "way" in life to keep on ship -- without it they'd lose traction, purpose. I can't even maintain this at all -- imagine my whole existence....
Have you studied existentialism?

I kind of understand where you’re coming from. On days when I feel like I’m more attracting of people I have a higher self-perception, and I feel better about myself as a result.

I would disregard any movement towards status as a means of empowerment at the expense of the other (“I’m better than them and that makes me feel good”) towards a movement of status in the sense that others respect you as an authentic individual.

If we move past the overly-saturated significance of physical attraction and self-worth, we can find that there are many ways in which people respect us, and at the core of it I would hold that it is the beliefs that we embody and then live out that influence ourselves and others the most.

I am not the wealthiest man, but I value the importance and necessity of work.

I am not the most physically attractive man, but I value the importance of hygiene, grooming, personal appearance.

I am not the most talented man, but I value my creative pursuits

I am not the most intelligent man, but I value my mind and what it is capable of doing.

I am not the most social butterfly, but I value the importance of relationships with others.

I am not the most tactful man, but I value making others feel welcomed by my presence and not put-off.

The list goes on and on, these are some of the things that just came to my mind.
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