How to FINALLY eliminate Candida overgrowth?


Sep 3, 2016
For me, anti-fungals and probiotics never seemed to do anything. Neither did avoiding carbs. Do whatever you can to help your system as a whole. Help out your digestion, make sure your intestines are clear. Vagus nerve is important. Work on brain problems. Brain and gut interplay with each other. No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to digest food very well so I tended towards an elemental diet. Candida also worsens with histamine but anti-histamines can worsen the situation. So look into alternative anti-histamines and test for food allergies. Also, try to keep air your breathing clean and check for mold in the environment. Also, boulardii is supposed to be really effective (but not for me). A strict elemental diet is considered the last stop if anti-fungals don't work.


Jan 27, 2021
For me, anti-fungals and probiotics never seemed to do anything. Neither did avoiding carbs. Do whatever you can to help your system as a whole. Help out your digestion, make sure your intestines are clear. Vagus nerve is important. Work on brain problems. Brain and gut interplay with each other. No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to digest food very well so I tended towards an elemental diet. Candida also worsens with histamine but anti-histamines can worsen the situation. So look into alternative anti-histamines and test for food allergies. Also, try to keep air your breathing clean and check for mold in the environment. Also, boulardii is supposed to be really effective (but not for me). A strict elemental diet is considered the last stop if anti-fungals don't work.
Stay away from sacro b.
If it goes pathogenic, yer dead.


Dec 6, 2016
For me, anti-fungals and probiotics never seemed to do anything. Neither did avoiding carbs. Do whatever you can to help your system as a whole. Help out your digestion, make sure your intestines are clear. Vagus nerve is important. Work on brain problems. Brain and gut interplay with each other. No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to digest food very well so I tended towards an elemental diet. Candida also worsens with histamine but anti-histamines can worsen the situation. So look into alternative anti-histamines and test for food allergies. Also, try to keep air your breathing clean and check for mold in the environment. Also, boulardii is supposed to be really effective (but not for me). A strict elemental diet is considered the last stop if anti-fungals don't work.
Great point. I did notice that during detox protocols it increases, after them it often reduces. Or if I digest my food very good, eat an early dinner and even with digestive enzymes, the morning coating of tongue is lesser. Also oral microbiome probably plays a role, however that probably interplays with gut microbiome and vice versa.
Interestingly also, coffee days (I don't drink it always) seem to reduce it. But chronic coffee consumption drains me out.



I've been having Candida overgrowth for probably ~ 5 years.
During this time did A LOT of protocols:
Intermittent fasting, Fasting, Candida Diet,
Herbal antibiotics - berberine, olive leaf extract, pau d arco, greek wild oregano oil, garlic's allicin, cloves-berberine-tansey mixtures, coconut oil loading, grapeseed extract & more
Ketogenic Diet, Low carb, Low fodmap Diet
Various detoxification programs - as mentioned Anti-fungal , Anti-SIBO diets, colon cleanses & etc. Did some Heavy metal detoxification for some time too.
Probiotic & Prebiotics loading.
Parasite cleanses

And I still do have the white tongue coating every morning. I still have some level of gut problems & digestive issues and some other complaints, like skin issues and hormonal disturbances.
I think in my case this is what has been called a deep fungal infection . Where the fungus gets used to your body and spreads more than just little. It's probably not systemic - as that would be deadly in many cases. But I do think it could be systemic at some points , in the sense that I also experience some endocrinal problems , skin issues, my joints are cracking a lot, I have neck stiffness, I'm prone to joint/structural problems

I am asking those who SUCCESFULLY overcame Candida overgrowth and solved their general health / gut health problems related to Candida overgrowth? What were the most important golden gems to ultimately solve this issue ? ? ?


The single, unique and definitive root cause of candida is heavy metals.
Chelate heavy metals with Emeramide and candida will leave.

While you do that, make sure you perform liver flushes every 2 weeks.
They clear my white tongue everytime for at least 4 days.


Dec 6, 2016
The single, unique and definitive root cause of candida is heavy metals.
Chelate heavy metals with Emeramide and candida will leave.

While you do that, make sure you perform liver flushes every 2 weeks.
They clear my white tongue everytime for at least 4 days.
Aha, yes I've identified heavy metals as one of the main causes of the infection. However eliminating them from the body is freaking hard as sometimes they're deep in the tissues and for effective detox a lot of small details, bodily systems have to be in check.

What is Emeramide? And what specific tips for heavy metal detox would you recommend? How does your liver flush protocol look like ?
Thank you, brother.


Aha, yes I've identified heavy metals as one of the main causes of the infection. However eliminating them from the body is freaking hard as sometimes they're deep in the tissues and for effective detox a lot of small details, bodily systems have to be in check.

What is Emeramide? And what specific tips for heavy metal detox would you recommend? How does your liver flush protocol look like ?
Thank you, brother.

Emeramide is the only chelator that will go deep enough and hold onto metals strong enough to chelate them.

Take it for 6 months continuously and you will make great progress.

Liver flush:
1) fast for a full day
2) evening of that day drink 125ml freshly pressed grapefruit + 125ml olive oil
3) go lie down on your right side
4) morning of the following day take a fullspoon of epsom salts


Dec 6, 2016
Emeramide is the only chelator that will go deep enough and hold onto metals strong enough to chelate them.

Take it for 6 months continuously and you will make great progress.

Liver flush:
1) fast for a full day
2) evening of that day drink 125ml freshly pressed grapefruit + 125ml olive oil
3) go lie down on your right side
4) morning of the following day take a fullspoon of epsom salts
Will research Emeramide a bit more.

The Liver flush seems very similar to mine. The only difference that I fast a bit less and 3 days prior to that eat more apples and drink apple juice for that malic acid to open up the bile ducts and thin the toxic*stagnated bile further. Good stuff.


Jun 13, 2021
A lot of these suggestions are a bit intimidating. The effects of SIBO+SIFO are so bad. Breathing compromised from all the belching and chest pressure.


May 13, 2019
A lot of these suggestions are a bit intimidating. The effects of SIBO+SIFO are so bad. Breathing compromised from all the belching and chest pressure.
I have taken SF722, pau darco capsules, and Candex for 15 days now and it has completely eliminated the belching and taken away a lot of bloating


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
agar+potatoe / rice water is a good culture medium for mycelium/fungi in petri dishes
Fruits contain antimicrobials, starches that are cooked will have theirs partially degraded, but people rarely consume them plain and isolated. Seasoning would compensate for the loss and a practical comparison considers the meal effect. If a person reacts poorly to seasoned starches, we can find those with negative reactions to fruit meals as well.


Oct 18, 2021
I'm 50 years old and have had candida overgrowth eating me alive since I was in 1st grade. It has been gone for 2 years now. I can't say for sure, but it seemed to go away when I started coffee enemas.


Jun 10, 2020
I'm 50 years old and have had candida overgrowth eating me alive since I was in 1st grade. It has been gone for 2 years now. I can't say for sure, but it seemed to go away when I started coffee enemas.
Do you still do coffee enemas? Could you talk a little more about how often you do them, and what symptoms you’ve overcome?


Oct 18, 2021
Do you still do coffee enemas? Could you talk a little more about how often you do them, and what symptoms you’ve overcome?
Initially I did them every day. Retaining a quart for 30 minutes. Evacuating. Then retaining a second quart for 30 minutes. Now I do them once or twice per week. A couple months ago I went a few weeks without and my candida symptoms started back up. Clearly I still have an underlying issue, but I really see NO symptoms from it on a daily basis now days. Symptoms include painfully raw itchy skin across the entire genitoanal area.


Jun 10, 2020
Initially I did them every day. Retaining a quart for 30 minutes. Evacuating. Then retaining a second quart for 30 minutes. Now I do them once or twice per week. A couple months ago I went a few weeks without and my candida symptoms started back up. Clearly I still have an underlying issue, but I really see NO symptoms from it on a daily basis now days. Symptoms include painfully raw itchy skin across the entire genitoanal area.
It’s great they give you such positive results. Thanks for the elaboration!


Apr 19, 2020
@Doludolu Yes OP, had it bad years ago. Only eating org and no energy, was in my 20s, doing everything I could to improve. Finally I saw an ND (Oregon) and he prescribed Nystatin to clear it up, and had a prototype liquid mixture of gut bacteria to repopulate the intestines. Worked a treat, along with obvious Diet protocol. (No bread/yeast/white sugar for some months.
Maybe even no fruit for at least a few weeks.

I also did some fasting a year later w enemas every 3 rd day. That probably polished up my system! I did a few cleansings too top to bottom w salt water(yogic Shankaprakshalana) in the following decades but... by Changing my Nervous system over to more parasympathic rather than sympathetic- Less Serotonin - And only eating good stuff 99% of the time, my system stays stable.

So do check your “tension” levels out as what we deem bormal and relaxed may be too charged for your system. My 2 cents.


Apr 19, 2020
Addendum: My Doc eventually made a commercial product, then that was bought by another company, then that was also bought by another Bigger Co. (This started in the 80s). So I cannot recommend a product, also I am now living in Australia. Depending on your circumstances you might consider a colonic and or do the enema at home to at least clear the lower section of your Large Instestines. For the record I just used one 8oz cup of coffee in 1 litre (quart) of water when I did the coffee enema. Normal one was slightly salted slightly warm water. Then if you can do vacuum exercises or Nauli Kriya. Look it up on u tobe or etc. . You can conquer this. Your system just got so weak that candida which is everywhere, like in the air, and it took over. Reclaim it!


May 10, 2018
Addendum: My Doc eventually made a commercial product, then that was bought by another company, then that was also bought by another Bigger Co. (This started in the 80s). So I cannot recommend a product, also I am now living in Australia. Depending on your circumstances you might consider a colonic and or do the enema at home to at least clear the lower section of your Large Instestines. For the record I just used one 8oz cup of coffee in 1 litre (quart) of water when I did the coffee enema. Normal one was slightly salted slightly warm water. Then if you can do vacuum exercises or Nauli Kriya. Look it up on u tobe or etc. . You can conquer this. Your system just got so weak that candida which is everywhere, like in the air, and it took over. Reclaim it!
You’ve given me hope to conquer my candidas. Thank you.
I’ve got my hands on a bottle of oral Nystatin. Can you remember your dosage, was it one capsule per day taken in the morning?
I’m going to take this alongside a daily coffee enema. Really hoping to make some improvement. Is it worth adding any additional antibacterial/antifungal ingredients to the coffee enema at the same time?


Apr 19, 2020
You’ve given me hope to conquer my candidas. Thank you.
I’ve got my hands on a bottle of oral Nystatin. Can you remember your dosage, was it one capsule per day taken in the morning?
I’m going to take this alongside a daily coffee enema. Really hoping to make some improvement. Is it worth adding any additional antibacterial/antifungal ingredients to the coffee enema at the same time?
No worries mate. Totally cannot remember as that was 30 years ago. Just checked online and 500,000 iu 2 or 3x day. Enema will help eliminate the dead ones + gunk or biofilm. Coffee and the caffeine actually makes a jolt to the intestines and can help crack the biofilm off. Also a slightly salty warm water enema is also recommended on days you do not do the coffee. With the right protocol for you it can be resolved in just a few months. Some colonic therapists are good in that they do not keep recommending you come in regularly after the initial one or two or 5 cleanings. I never did one but spoke with many over the years.
Cheers, and good luck.
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