HOW TO GET FLAT GALEA ???? (which cures male pattern baldness for 100%)


Jan 6, 2019
To me, the issue is definitely postural as nothing else should be able to result in such a predictable relationship between skeletal form and hair loss. I became aware of this phenomenon a few years ago too, there is a nice article series written about it here: More on Hair Loss: Part I

As for the cause, I think the SCM's are in a central role here. You observed how the bald men invariably have a high and narrow neurocranium, whereas the hairier men have lower and wider neurocraniums. It's as if something has pulled the halves of their skull apart downward to the sides, which is exactly what proper SCM activation does. SCM's overall are very pronounced in well developed people and invisible in less developed or poorly postured people. As the strongest neck muscles they are one of the predominant drivers of skull development and as such a good biomarker of proper head posture.

With your tongue, jaw and neck completely relaxed, try to drive your head upwards until your SMC's begin to activate. It may take a while, but eventually you will begin to feel a deep skeletal stretch that radiates from your cranial base to your forehead, face and the sides of your head. As you maintain this stretch throughout the day, your skull should begin to unwind into a better structure akin to that of the hairy men. You may notice that it quickly becomes your default head posture.


May 11, 2022
To me, the issue is definitely postural as nothing else should be able to result in such a predictable relationship between skeletal form and hair loss. I became aware of this phenomenon a few years ago too, there is a nice article series written about it here: More on Hair Loss: Part I

As for the cause, I think the SCM's are in a central role here. You observed how the bald men invariably have a high and narrow neurocranium, whereas the hairier men have lower and wider neurocraniums. It's as if something has pulled the halves of their skull apart downward to the sides, which is exactly what proper SCM activation does. SCM's overall are very pronounced in well developed people and invisible in less developed or poorly postured people. As the strongest neck muscles they are one of the predominant drivers of skull development and as such a good biomarker of proper head posture.

With your tongue, jaw and neck completely relaxed, try to drive your head upwards until your SMC's begin to activate. It may take a while, but eventually you will begin to feel a deep skeletal stretch that radiates from your cranial base to your forehead, face and the sides of your head. As you maintain this stretch throughout the day, your skull should begin to unwind into a better structure akin to that of the hairy men. You may notice that it quickly becomes your default head posture.
duuudee ur on point, i just do these things instinctively since a month but its hard to keep this posture. i noticed it cause i realized i can mew better when i do that also i could feel the force it put to my face forehead and sides exactly like u told me. ur on the right track. i also noticed if u press ur should down and back why stretching ur neck helps too. flexing ur midsection and lower back u can alos mew harder and apply this force more that corrects head shape. any other tips bro?


Jan 6, 2019
duuudee ur on point, i just do these things instinctively since a month but its hard to keep this posture. i noticed it cause i realized i can mew better when i do that also i could feel the force it put to my face forehead and sides exactly like u told me. ur on the right track. i also noticed if u press ur should down and back why stretching ur neck helps too. flexing ur midsection and lower back u can alos mew harder and apply this force more that corrects head shape. any other tips bro?
Yeah, the head posture kind of begins from the hips, perhaps even from the feet. Inversely, once you get your head into the right position the rest of the body is able to relax into proper posture nicely. Having practicing mewing religiously since 2016, I personally find tongue posture to work against the generation of the skull-wide forces, which is why I recommended to keep the tongue relaxed -- you may be different. Thus my tongue ends up in some kind of a half-mewing position, with the tip resting behind the lower incisors. I believe the vault of my palate will eventually descend downward to meet the tongue. Palatal flatness and galea flatness probably mirror each other.

Besides maintaining the stretch, I'm not sure what else to recommend. This was a very recent paradigm shift for me too. Keep us updated on how it works out for you.


May 11, 2022
Thus my tongue ends up in some kind of a half-mewing position, with the tip resting behind the lower incisors. I believe the vault of my palate will eventually descend downward to meet the tongue. Palatal flatness and galea flatness probably mirror each other.
i am at the same spot haha but i realized that my palatal gets wider/bigger when i do some thumb pulling before therefore i can rest my whole tongue on palate. éven without thumb pulling i can hard mew the lower 1/3 aswell but it only last seconds but it is way better, we just have to get a better feeling posture to do it better. also dont forget that posture is also hormonal influenced. but there are other factors that results on the galea to worsen. there are females that have bad posture aswell. but i generally notice females haveing straigther necks than males for sure

Normal Human

Dec 6, 2022
To me, the issue is definitely postural as nothing else should be able to result in such a predictable relationship between skeletal form and hair loss. I became aware of this phenomenon a few years ago too, there is a nice article series written about it here: More on Hair Loss: Part I

As for the cause, I think the SCM's are in a central role here. You observed how the bald men invariably have a high and narrow neurocranium, whereas the hairier men have lower and wider neurocraniums. It's as if something has pulled the halves of their skull apart downward to the sides, which is exactly what proper SCM activation does. SCM's overall are very pronounced in well developed people and invisible in less developed or poorly postured people. As the strongest neck muscles they are one of the predominant drivers of skull development and as such a good biomarker of proper head posture.

With your tongue, jaw and neck completely relaxed, try to drive your head upwards until your SMC's begin to activate. It may take a while, but eventually you will begin to feel a deep skeletal stretch that radiates from your cranial base to your forehead, face and the sides of your head. As you maintain this stretch throughout the day, your skull should begin to unwind into a better structure akin to that of the hairy men. You may notice that it quickly becomes your default head posture.
Are you saying to drive the back of your head upward while the chin tilts down, and hold this position? When I do this, I feel activation in the SCMs, but then holding it feels somewhat tense and uncomfortable in that same region. Is that normal at the beginning if those muscles aren't used to being activated, or is this not the right technique?


Jun 22, 2022
does it say something about how to prevent calcification and remodel galea shape, cause i already know for 100% that this is the cause, i only need treatments now
Not directly, but it talks about moving cranial sutures and such
I’m having great results as we speak so I’d say it helps


May 11, 2022
Are you saying to drive the back of your head upward while the chin tilts down, and hold this position? When I do this, I feel activation in the SCMs, but then holding it feels somewhat tense and uncomfortable in that same region. Is that normal at the beginning if those muscles aren't used to being activated, or is this not the right technique?
thats exactly what i do, this way u can develop a strong muscle mind connection and strengthen the muscles.


Jan 6, 2019
Are you saying to drive the back of your head upward while the chin tilts down, and hold this position? When I do this, I feel activation in the SCMs, but then holding it feels somewhat tense and uncomfortable in that same region. Is that normal at the beginning if those muscles aren't used to being activated, or is this not the right technique?
Some preliminary stretching of the neck may be required, but it isn't a full chin tuck. The pull can be done gently.


Jun 22, 2022
what do you do?
Mewing + breath work while massaging the muscles
I didn’t have an hair loss problem before, just wanted to have a better posture
Thing is that hair loss is often given by skull calcification, but even with nutrients, if you don’t move your sutures they’re wasted
Think of it like a car, you can fill up your tank but it won’t be used if you don’t drive it, it’ll just stay full


May 11, 2022
i need to know everything that decalcify scalp. i know massage vit d k, magnesium, maybe acv and taurine, what else?


Apr 15, 2015
i need to know everything that decalcify scalp. i know massage vit d k, magnesium, maybe acv and taurine, what else?
Seriously , You better email to Khabib and Makhachev for advice.. :) We just go round in a circle here.
I would like to know about their daily routines too


Nov 29, 2017
Seriously , You better email to Khabib and Makhachev for advice.. :) We just go round in a circle here.
I would like to know about their daily routines too
Maybe their mothers shaped their skulls as babies and as they grew? Anybody have a new born they are willing to try this on? Results will come in about 20 years.... Please report back.
***Disclaimer - This was sarcasm. Please do not do this.


Jul 17, 2021
This comes down to the movement of the cranial bones as a part of craniosacral rhythm. During the inhale, the bones of the face and skull open up like a flower petal (widening the skull), the spine being the stem. Upon exhale they close, narrowing and elongating the skull.

This isn't the best video but it should give you somewhat of an idea as to what's happening.

In healthy individuals the movement will optimize the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the nervous system via this pumping mechanism. CSF nourishes and protects the central nervous system, which can be thought of as the foundation for our organism. The cranial bones also determine posture as they dictate the relationship between the skull and spine. If the skull bones are contorted or assymetric, the spine must compensate accordingly. This phenomenon is reffered to as "Bowling Ball Syndrome".

As mentioned by @TheSir the catalysts for the inhale and skull movement are the sternocleidomastoid SCM muscles along with the trapezius muscles. These two muscles were once one in our fish ancestors, a muscle known as the cuccularis. In fish, the cuccularis elevates the gills, flushing fresh water over them. In humans, the SCM and trapezius elevate the ribcage (bringing air into the lungs) and pull the temporal bones (SCM) and occiput (Trapezius) open.


If our own gills are weak and not properly stimulating cranial mvoment then the skull will begin to take on this narrow and elongated shape. Not only does this place more physical pressure on the tissues of the scalp (limiting blood flow) but also curbs the pumping action of CSF. A malnourished CNS will eventually translate to sympathetic dominance, further imparing metabolism as a whole.

I am going to put together a post on this topic as I think it is the missing link for a lot of bioenergetic subjects, not just hair loss, discussed on this forum.

Some ways to help restore craniosacral function include:

-Lateral eye movement-
While keeping your head still slow shift your gaze from one side to another. You can also synchronize your tongue with the eyes, moving it from side to side as well. This helps stimulate parasympathetic nerves along with the subocciptal muscles that act as sensory organs as to the position of the skull in relation to the spine.

-Gill breathing-
I like to think of breathing through my ears as this stimulates SCM activity. You should also feel your sternum and clavicle gently rise during this act.

-Red light on the neck-
SCM and trapezius are chronically weak, red light can help restore metabolism allowing them to become stronger.


May 11, 2022
This comes down to the movement of the cranial bones as a part of craniosacral rhythm. During the inhale, the bones of the face and skull open up like a flower petal (widening the skull), the spine being the stem. Upon exhale they close, narrowing and elongating the skull.

This isn't the best video but it should give you somewhat of an idea as to what's happening.

In healthy individuals the movement will optimize the flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the nervous system via this pumping mechanism. CSF nourishes and protects the central nervous system, which can be thought of as the foundation for our organism. The cranial bones also determine posture as they dictate the relationship between the skull and spine. If the skull bones are contorted or assymetric, the spine must compensate accordingly. This phenomenon is reffered to as "Bowling Ball Syndrome".

As mentioned by @TheSir the catalysts for the inhale and skull movement are the sternocleidomastoid SCM muscles along with the trapezius muscles. These two muscles were once one in our fish ancestors, a muscle known as the cuccularis. In fish, the cuccularis elevates the gills, flushing fresh water over them. In humans, the SCM and trapezius elevate the ribcage (bringing air into the lungs) and pull the temporal bones (SCM) and occiput (Trapezius) open.


If our own gills are weak and not properly stimulating cranial mvoment then the skull will begin to take on this narrow and elongated shape. Not only does this place more physical pressure on the tissues of the scalp (limiting blood flow) but also curbs the pumping action of CSF. A malnourished CNS will eventually translate to sympathetic dominance, further imparing metabolism as a whole.

I am going to put together a post on this topic as I think it is the missing link for a lot of bioenergetic subjects, not just hair loss, discussed on this forum.

Some ways to help restore craniosacral function include:

-Lateral eye movement-
While keeping your head still slow shift your gaze from one side to another. You can also synchronize your tongue with the eyes, moving it from side to side as well. This helps stimulate parasympathetic nerves along with the subocciptal muscles that act as sensory organs as to the position of the skull in relation to the spine.

-Gill breathing-
I like to think of breathing through my ears as this stimulates SCM activity. You should also feel your sternum and clavicle gently rise during this act.

-Red light on the neck-
SCM and trapezius are chronically weak, red light can help restore metabolism allowing them to become stronger.

really interesting insight!!! everything makes sense and i also experienced it myself when strengthening these muscles and mewing became more easy because of that. now when i stay straight and flex the scm, the traps(by stretching my neck upwards, as if u want to be taller, while simutaneously pressing my shoulders down and back a little), my entire core a little, the lower back included. press my pelvic forwards cause of anterior tilt. with all that i am fully straight and can feel it on my spine cause tension builds up there aswell. So then i hard mew and can literally feel every muscle on my face, scalp and sides activated and tightening my whole face towards the middle of my skull as a results my face gets more compact therefore smaller and also wider. the opposite is the face getting loose cause of weak muscles therefore getting bigger and lower cause gravity pulls down. While hardmewing and activated all muscles, i can feel and physically see on the mirror how my face becomes shorter and wider including my scalp getting flatter when i lay my hand on it while doing it. i feel how the muscles gets pulled to the cencer of my skull therefore, the lower half muscles of my face pull my face forward and upward (results in shorter face and better jaw angle towards 90degree, also zygo bones popping more cause of forwards growth and chin aswell) and the upperhalf of my face including the scalp gets pulled forwards and downward( results in flatter forehead and galea, also on a lower hairline while i hold the hard mew becuae the skin like i said gets pulled down resulting in smaller forehead). i am doing these since 2 month inconsistently but already have a shorter wider face for a fact with pictures included. and i got babyhairs all over my hairline which are at nw-1 territory which is insane. (i am nw1.5 right now), i also lost hairs on my hairline but they also regrwoth thick and feel spiky when i go over it with my fingers, i hope its a shedding like mionx where weak hairs fall out for healthier hairs. i will keep updating u guys what happens in 2 months to these regrowing hairs. i will be more consistent with my scalp massages and mewing technique and strengtheing all these supporting muscles for better posture. also hair is only a bonus i already feel the benefits of better posture on my hormones body (i am bodybuilding naturally) and face aesthetics including, better breathing etc.
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