How To Remove Fluoride From Water With Plants


Sep 25, 2017
Fluoride is very bad, in my opinion is the worst thing to creativity. There are stuties showing that it weaken bones in high doses, low doses reduces qi and cause submissive acts. Calcium and magnesium reduce fluoride biodisponibility. Gelatin usually contain fluoride, so putting a bit of calcium and magnesium and using this plants may take care of it.

2.5 De-fluoridation of water using a combination of adsorbents - Chrysopogon zizaniodides roots and Ocimum tenuiflorum fresh leaves Experiments were conducted to investigate the defluoridation efficiency of the different combinations of Chrysopogon zizaniodides roots and Ocimum tenuiflorum fresh leaves (1:1, 2:1 and 1:2). Different concentrations of fluoride solution (1mg L-1 , 2mg L-1 , 3mg L-1 , 4mg L1 and 5mg L-1 ) were collected in 5 beakers. The combination of Chrysopogon zizaniodides roots (1 g) and fresh Ocimum tenuiflorum leaves (5g) were placed in beakers of respective fluoride concentrated water. These adsorbents were subjected to contact time of 24 h and 48 h. Water (5 mg L-1 fluoride solution) in the trays without the adsorbents was served as control. Water samples treated after respective time periods were collected for the concentration of fluoride degraded in treated as well as control water.

3.1Efficacy of Chrysopogon zizaniodides and Ocimum tenuiflourum plants as adsorbents Hydroponics system of defluoridation technique was used to study the efficacy of Chrysopogon zizaniodides and Ocimum tenuiflourum plants as bio-adsorbents. The samples treated with the plants of Chrysopogon zizaniodides and Ocimum tenuiflourum exhibited a varied degree of defluoridation concentration. The plants of Chrysopogon zizaniodides reduced 3.5 mg L-1 of fluoride after treatment when compared to 1.2 mg L-1 reductions by Ocimum tenuiflourum (Figure 1). It is evident that, the efficacy of defluoridation was high in the treatment by Chrysopogon zizaniodides indicates the significant capability of using this plant as a bio-adsorbent. Studies have been carried out on phytoremediation of Chrysopogon zizaniodides (Vetiveria zizanioides) to use as efficient bio-adsorbents to remove chromium [25], lead [26], tetracycline from aqueous media [27]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the use of hydroponics to study the defluoridation efficacy of Chrysopogon zizaniodides and Ocimum tenuiflourum in India

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
just add a little boron to your water ~3-5 mg/gallon. it will also detox your body as well


Sep 25, 2017
just add a little boron to your water ~3-5 mg/gallon. it will also detox your body as well
What about estrogen? If it is estrogenic maybe have some toxicity nop? (I dont know much about boron)
Trigo = Wheat Cenoura = Carrot Beterraba = Beet milho: Corn
Carrots seems have a good amount of it

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
What about estrogen? If it is estrogenic maybe have some toxicity nop? (I dont know much about boron)
Trigo = Wheat Cenoura = Carrot Beterraba = Beet milho: Corn
Carrots seems have a good amount of it
Im more worried about fluoride tbh says the effect on estrogen is mixed. some studies claim it raises testosterone.
here is a summary that talks about a lot of its benefits


Sep 25, 2017
Thanks! I will try but with 1 gram of caffeine to make sure that estrogen dont raise :coffee
What are you thougts about boron rich foods? 7,5 mg per 100g of carrot and 10 mg from beets seems very good. Do you think that the benefit is the same?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Thanks! I will try but with 1 gram of caffeine to make sure that estrogen dont raise :coffee
What are you thougts about boron rich foods? 7,5 mg per 100g of carrot and 10 mg from beets seems very good. Do you think that the benefit is the same?
I would think that would be fine to help detox the body but you want to do something to remove the fluoride at the source. Distillation or alumina filters are common choices. I actually drink distilled water so the boron Im adding may be overkill but I think it has other benefits and I havent noticed anything estrogenic.


Sep 25, 2017
I would think that would be fine to help detox the body but you want to do something to remove the fluoride at the source. Distillation or alumina filters are common choices. I actually drink distilled water so the boron Im adding may be overkill but I think it has other benefits and I havent noticed anything estrogenic.
I drink artesian well water, i use a activated carbon filter. Do you have used iodine?


Sep 25, 2017
How about chelating fluoride? I've read taurine helps with that.

Taurine is very protective, sure that i will use it. I know that magnesium and iodine detoxify it , someones say that calcium fat solubles vitamins and chloride too
Tumeric seems to protect you head and thyroid from it.


Oct 11, 2015
just add a little boron to your water ~3-5 mg/gallon. it will also detox your body as well
I did a borax enema. Seemed to help me more than ingesting it...maybe because its insurance against taking too much. Your bowels will just force it out. Although thats stressful in its own right.


Mar 15, 2014
I did a borax enema. Seemed to help me more than ingesting it...maybe because its insurance against taking too much. Your bowels will just force it out. Although thats stressful in its own right.

Wouldn't this logic apply to the other end, vis-a-vis hurling, barfing, upchucking, etc?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
How about chelating fluoride? I've read taurine helps with that.
That too is a good idea. Its probably best to use a little of each rather than a lot of one. Magnesium, calcium, selenium, tamarind, sauna are also good for fluoride detox
I drink artesian well water, i use a activated carbon filter. Do you have used iodine?
I have used iodine in the past. Never felt any change from it and since then learned from RPF that it can be anti-thyroid.
I did a borax enema. Seemed to help me more than ingesting it...maybe because its insurance against taking too much. Your bowels will just force it out. Although thats stressful in its own right.
What made you do that? Maybe we should start a thread of different things people have put in their enema and why. :)
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Sep 25, 2017
That too is a good idea. Its probably best to use a little of each rather than a lot of one. Magnesium, calcium, selenium, tamarind, sauna are also good for fluoride detox

I have used iodine in the past. Never felt any change from it and since then learned from RPF that it can be anti-thyroid.
What made you do that? Maybe we should start a thread of different things people have put in their enema and why. :)
Iodine seems have mixed effects to me.
When I took Lugol 5 5% iodine 10% potassium iodide my temperature was from 36 to 37 that I measured after 2 months of use. I already got to take more than 20 drops in a day. After stopping I went to the beach and then in a river, in both cases I felt very cold when I was wet, and also when there was gale, the average room temperature 20 degrees on the beach and the river 25. After 2 months that passed, I believe my thyroid is fine, I feel a bit of a urge to use it again.
During the period that was in iodine I used magnesium chloride, 50mg of zinc, 200 of selenium, 500mg of vitamin C all in one capsule, containing as excipients only dye and gelatin.
Most days i used 1 capsule, but I got to take 5 capsules of these per day, but that was all for only about 20 days with exception of magnesium because it make me feel good. When I took 5 capsules I felt sick and the next day I did it again and vomited.
At the time this happened my diet was not very peaty, because I cooked it with pork fat (today i use butter or ruminant fat). People on the forum report that their iodine levels reduce in peaty.
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Dec 7, 2015
How sad it is that there is the need for this discussion. It's hard enough to avoid natural toxins, but we also need to avoid the intentional mass poisons of misguided health zealots, corrupt businesspeople, and/or authoritarians.


Sep 25, 2017
How sad it is that there is the need for this discussion. It's hard enough to avoid natural toxins, but we also need to avoid the intentional mass poisons of misguided health zealots, corrupt businesspeople, and/or authoritarians.
Some say that one of hitler's goals was to add fluoride to water from the places where he dominated because he believed that it made people sweet and submissive.

Here is a part of of the book The Metal Magic of Milie Uyldert *translated with google.
Book page: 152
Aluminum and Fluorination

One of the problems of the manufacture of this extremely useful metal lies in what to do with the poisonous gas called fluorine, a byproduct. No one knew what would be the best way to give him a destination; therefore, research teams were convened. They found that fluoride is present in the tooth enamel. Therefore, America's aluminum industry has spent several million dollars promoting the fluoridation of water intended to be drink, supposedly for the good of children's teeth. Many state and county governments have been so impressed by reports signed by respected scientists who have spent a lot of money installing water fluoridation equipment. The fluoride used (and we can choose from various combinations) is so poisonous that men in charge of mixing it with water do their work wearing masks and protective gloves. The concentration of fluoride in drinking water is much higher than anything else ever found in nature.
After several years of fluoridation, when
sufficient for an evaluation of the effects, it was found that during the first two years the deterioration was actually retarded by the more hardened tooth enamel layer. However, after that period the enamel became brittle and the deterioration worsened rapidly, becoming more difficult to control than before the period of fluorination. As a result, many states and cities in the United States have abandoned this practice. The propaganda was then extended to Europe, where some countries - France, for example - banned fluoridation once and for all. Others, like England and the Netherlands, have banned it in certain cities. However, there is a faction of the Dutch parliament trying to make fluoridation mandatory by law, and many people, using evidence from American cities that have abolished its use, have protested against this practice. This led to an exchange of correspondence between chemists, revealing a plan by Hitler to introduce fluoridation in all the countries he conquered, for he believed that a daily dose of this water left people submissive, docile and indifferent. These effects are caused by the action of fluoride on the lobe of the brain that controls the spirit of freedom.
Although this fact is now widely known and has alarmed the public, the aluminum industry is still finding opportunities for fluoridation of drinking water in some cities - even in whole districts - and also for the installation of new factories, despite protest of assemblies and local residents.
In the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, the Pecheney aluminum factory vomits a fluorine gas so poisonous that cows and sheep that feed on the nearby pastures have died because of it and the milk of the remaining cattle is not good for sale. Many people who live in the neighborhood are now suffering from bronchial diseases. The involved farmers received compensation; but this, of course, will not prevent pollution.

Aluminum in Food Preparation and Preservation We have seen that the aluminum industry causes poisoning, and this
should make us remember the fact that in astrology, aluminum is under the influence of Neptune, the planet responsible for all kinds of venom.
Therefore, the gradual poisonous effect of aluminum casseroles should not be viewed lightly. Aluminum will form direct compounds with anything that is cooked in it. This can be illustrated by the water boiling in a new pan. The water gets cloudy. Of course, it is not a good idea to cook sour things in these pots.
For scientific proof of this, see A. E. Powell's book Food and long life. This book has more than five pages dedicated to aluminum and a list of food products with the amount of aluminum they assimilate from an aluminum pan in a 24-hour period. In the case of acidic substances, this quantity reaches a very high level after only five minutes; however, alkaline substances will also readily match that metal. There are a number of articles written by 16
scientists who, after testing and doing medical experiments, came to the conclusion that cancer and other diseases were caused by the habit of cooking food in aluminum pans. In the laboratory of Prof. Tchijevsky, the incidence of cancer in mice whose food was served on aluminum dishes was 42 times higher than in other animals. He noted that colitis and liver and kidney diseases disappeared after the use of aluminum pots had been banned, only reappearing two days after the pots were put to use again.

Dr. Leon Spira, himself a victim of aluminum, described his afflictions over a period of ten years; flatulence, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gallstones, colitis, nausea and vomiting; various types of skin conditions - urticaria, pruritus, herpes and eczema; and also neuralgia, leg pains, excessive sweating, low blood pressure, depression and great exhaustion. All these symptoms disappeared when his patients stopped using aluminum pots and tap water. (For more details, see his book The Clinical Aspect of Chronic Poisoning by Aluminum Year Alloys), 1933 [The Clinical Aspect of Chronic Poisoning by Aluminum and its Alloys].
Dr. Le Hunte Cooper, an aluminum authority, has written articles in several publications blaming aluminum pots for irritations, inflammation, ulcers, and chronic neuralgia. Aluminum accumulates in the body. At a medical congress in Arnhem in 1934, he accused aluminum of being the leading cause of malignant diseases in our time.
A certain Mr. Averill, of the Federal Trade Commission of Washington D. C., brought together aluminum experts from all over the world to hear their verdicts against and in favor of aluminum. About a hundred experts, from industry and science, took part over a period of four years, producing over a thousand examples of evidence. The final conclusion was that aluminum poisoning can be considered to be responsible for many common diseases, with an emphasis on cancer. Representatives of the aluminum industry went to Washington, Mr. Averill's report was marked with the "Confidential" stamp and was filed, never again seeing the light of day. Apparently, the scientists who had

taken part in the surveys were persuaded to keep their mouths shut.
In addition to the casseroles, there are other uses of aluminum in
preservation of food. Take, for example, milk bottle caps and, after enormous publicity, aluminum foil to make certain products impermeable to air. Meat and chicken are first wrapped in fat and then wrapped in aluminum foil, so that none of the juices get lost and so that nothing escapes the aroma. The factories produce the so-called practical foods, which go into the oven in aluminum containers. After being cooked, they are transported and sold in the same containers.
For the packaging of cigarettes and cosmetics, only England uses 2,000 tons of aluminum foil per year. Also, there are the "silver foil" wrappers for chocolates, and so on. In England alone, 50,000 tonnes of aluminum foil are produced annually. In order to obtain the sheet, the aluminum is stretched by means of hot compressed cylinders up to a thickness of 10 millimeters and then by means of cold compressor cylinders up to a thickness of only 0.009 millimeter.
The influence of the planet Uranus brought to light the kaleidoscopic properties of this "prodigious metal," without limits to the rapid expansion of its use. His Neptunian side eluded the human mind, leading it to accept scientific rationalizations concerning the possibilities and plans for the use of aluminum. It would be unfair not to cite some of the treatises that provide fuel to feed these beliefs, such as a study by the Kettering Laboratory, University of Cincinnati, entitled Aluminum in the Environment of Man (1970) , or the research of Dr. C. van Dessel, expert in industrial medicine.
Aluminum manufacturing is not the only example of the industry's insistence on finding uses for its by-products with damaging results. In fact, industrial processing of many raw materials now creates major problems for the community and the environment. In the first case, it is the exaggerated desire for technological progress that leads to the exploitation and misuse of almost all metals.

Man himself is destroying, so to speak, the nest where he lives, not blaming the metals of Mother Earth and her powers. The nature of copper, tin, lead or aluminum is essentially intended to serve people, plants and animals in an impartial manner.


Dec 7, 2015
Thanks for posting this @André Luiz - difficult to face the truth, but important to see how these problems started.
I was not familiar with the symptoms of aluminum toxicity, but I had heard of fluoride "dumbing down" the public.
I think I remember hearing that silica can take aluminum out of the body. However I have also heard silicates are high in aluminum, so then it is not clear if you are removing or adding to Al stores. Also silica is concerning because of persorption - i think Dr Peat has mentioned this. I don't think he is a fan of boron either. I wonder what he would recommend to remove fluoride and Al other than coffee. I am afraid of pulling stuff into the bloodstream without getting rid of it. But like many people, I was given fluoride pills, and also i consume gelatin, so maybe i will try some borax after all.


Dec 7, 2015
Where can one obtain Chrysopogon zizaniodides roots and Ocimum tenuiflorum fresh leaves? I doubt my local stores carry these...
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