Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate Shots Caused My Wife's Breast Cancer?


Feb 17, 2016
During my wife's pregnancy she partook of progesterone in order to prevent pre-term labor. She was originally taking progesterone pills without any issue. At about 20 weeks she switched to a Progesterone shot. Within a few weeks a lump was felt in her breast, which quickly grew, requiring ultrasound, biopsy, and now chemotherapy.

I could not find much information on Progesterone shots causing cancer, but it seems that Ray Peat had information about it which seems to indicate that it may actually be somewhat protective.

My wife was perfectly healthy, had no family history, and was the lowest risk factor on all the scales. So it is odd that the cancer developed after receiving the Progesterone shot. Her cancer was positive for estrogen, her2, and progesterone.

The Oncologists refused to comment on it, as did her OBGYN and GP, as they all seem afraid to, just beating around the bush when asked.

My question is, does anyone have any information on this? Any research or papers? about the only thing I could find was here:

Estrogen, progesterone, and cancer: Conflicts of interest in regulation and product promotion.

I attempted to find a way to contact Ray Peat directly, but could not locate any information, but it did lead me to this forum.

Thanks in advance!
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Feb 20, 2013
Did she got natural progesterone shot or the synthetic progestin?
In that article, RP mentioned that Progestin is highly estrogenic and
it is widely accepted that estrogen is a major cause of breast cancer.


It was either not true progesterone or some toxic cocktail with more part estrogen.

Edit: actually, most of what you are wondering is answered in that article by ray.


Feb 17, 2016
Did she got natural progesterone shot or the synthetic progestin?
In that article, RP mentioned that Progestin is highly estrogenic and
it is widely accepted that estrogen is a major cause of breast cancer.

I've read through the article and I honestly am not sure, in some parts it says progesterone causes cancer, in others it says it protects against it, and in others it says it is estrogen.

So is the synthetic progesterone worse than natural?

She was on synthetic.


Feb 17, 2016
It was either not true progesterone or some toxic cocktail with more part estrogen.

Edit: actually, most of what you are wondering is answered in that article by ray.

Is there a decent summary of the article? I read through it and I came to the conclusion that Estrogen is bad, Progesterone is protective, and synthetic progesterone is bad. Is that about right?


Nov 16, 2015
Is there a decent summary of the article? I read through it and I came to the conclusion that Estrogen is bad, Progesterone is protective, and synthetic progesterone is bad. Is that about right?

Gosh. I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Can I conclude that she was receiving the shots bc she produced low amounts of progesterone on her own? And therefore was at risk of pre term labor? This would mean that she was estrogen dominant before getting pregnant.

Progestin is no good. I think you can search this forum for more info, but essentially the synthetic progesterones might be worse than estrogen itself.


Feb 20, 2013
I've read through the article and I honestly am not sure, in some parts it says progesterone causes cancer, in others it says it protects against it, and in others it says it is estrogen.

So is the synthetic progesterone worse than natural?

She was on synthetic.

He is saying synthetic progesterone, progestin causes breast cancer. You can check sources listed
in RP's article on progestin and there are tons of articles on google " progestin cancer risk".


Feb 17, 2016
He is saying synthetic progesterone, progestin causes breast cancer. You can check sources listed
in RP's article on progestin and there are tons of articles on google " progestin cancer risk".

Thanks for that, I thought that is what it said. I am actually printing the article now so I can go through, highlight the areas and research the sources. This is what she was on.

Hydroxyprogesterone caproate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They call it a "Progestin" in the wikipedia link, so I guess that is bad?


Feb 17, 2016
Gosh. I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Can I conclude that she was receiving the shots bc she produced low amounts of progesterone on her own? And therefore was at risk of pre term labor? This would mean that she was estrogen dominant before getting pregnant.

Progestin is no good. I think you can search this forum for more info, but essentially the synthetic progesterones might be worse than estrogen itself.

Not sure, will have to talk to her OBGYN, but she was at high risk for pre-term labor from a previous pregnancy and miscarriage. She was on a synthetic progestin, which, if what the article and you're saying is accurate, is actually worse than estrogen for causing cancer.

I find it frustrating that there seems to be real evidence suggesting this but it is completely being suppressed and doctors seem afraid to even discuss it. Are they afraid of liability or perhaps pharmaceutical blow back?


Feb 20, 2013
Thanks for that, I thought that is what it said. I am actually printing the article now so I can go through, highlight the areas and research the sources. This is what she was on.

Hydroxyprogesterone caproate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They call it a "Progestin" in the wikipedia link, so I guess that is bad?

In that article RP mentioned some progestins are highly estrogenic and the wikipedia
link claims that Hydroxyprogesterone caproate is better than other progestin.
I think it would be better to read up on side effects of this particular progestin in
addition to others.


Did she got natural progesterone shot or the synthetic progestin?
In that article, RP mentioned that Progestin is highly estrogenic and
it is widely accepted that estrogen is a major cause of breast cancer.

This was my first thought as well.


Mar 29, 2014
Welcome Joe.
I'm very sorry your wife is having to deal with this. I hope she finds a way through this struggle to good health. I'm glad she's got you on here side there.

in some parts it says progesterone causes cancer
I did not read that in the article you linked?
The only bit I saw in that article that seemed to to indicate a possible problem with a progesterone injection was this:
In a letter he wrote to the committee before it met, Edgren said "Careful evaluation of data from a properly conducted oral study is a prerequisite before the carcinogenicity of any chemical can be adequately evaluated." The reason for that statement is that it had become clear in the 1970s and 1980s that the invasive introduction of anything into the body's tissues creates inflammation and a complex series of systemic stress reactions that affect the immune system, and that can lead to the development or promotion of cancer, no matter how inert and innocuous seeming the injected material might be.
I read that as saying that injections can cause harm, even if the substance being injected would be benign by other routes. There may also be an issue with whatever solvent was used for the progesterone injection. I don't know what is current practice, but Peat has mentioned that some years ago they typically used a very toxic solvent (but some people still benefitted because the progesterone was so protective).

Have you seen these?:
Progesterone Summaries - Progesterone Deceptions - Progesterone Supplementation - Dosage of Progesterone
Progesterone Summaries - Progesterone Deceptions - Progesterone Supplementation - Dosage of Progesterone
There are more there on estrogen, too.

I have had to read and reread Peat's articles to gradually build up my understandingof what he is saying. You may find reading or listening to his interviews easier going than his articles.

Is there a decent summary of the article? I read through it and I came to the conclusion that Estrogen is bad, Progesterone is protective, and synthetic progesterone is bad. Is that about right?

My understanding from Peat is that the problem is not with synthetic progesterone, but with non-progesterone. Much of the real bio-identical progesterone is synthesised from diosgenin from a kind of wild yam (by an industrial process - our bodies can't do it). The problem is with other (patentable) molecules, progestins and progestogens, which are not the same as the progesterone our bodies need and make, and can have harmful effects.

I think thegiantess' point about being given progesterone because she already had excessive estrogen could be part of the picture, too - excess estrogen could predispose to cancer.

It might be interesting to find out exactly what she was injected with - was it bio-identical progesterone, or was it some other molecule - eg one of the progestins or progestogens? What solvent was used? If it turns out that it was not progesterone, or it was a problematic solvent, it might influence how she wants to proceed. Some people have used large doses of progesterone against cancer. Peat's patent was for a way to deliver a good amount of progesterone without needing to use injections. Progest-e is one such product that many of us are using for various things (related to estrogen-excess).

There are other tactics she may want to use against cancer.
Top of the list is probably getting PUFA consumption down as low as possible - ie esp. no seed oils, margerine etc, which have been shown to promote cancer.
Peat has also recommended aspirin as a useful counter.
There are more ideas around too.

Good wishes to you and your wife.


Mar 29, 2014
This is what she was on @tara. It's a progestin, not a bioidentical progesterone like Progest-e.
Oops, didn't read thoroughly enough - thanks.
Not progesterone at all.
So actual progesterone might be helpful (though there are less distressing ways to get it than injection).


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Moderator note:
For clarification due to confusion related to the difference between bioidentical progesterone and progestins the title of this thread was changed from "Progesterone shots caused my wife's breast cancer?"
to "Synthetic Progesterone shots caused my wife's breast cancer?"
and then to "Hydroxyprogesterone caproate shots caused my wife's breast cancer?" to reflect the actual drug that was given in this situation.
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