Hypervitaminosis D - Does sunscreen block UVB 100%?

Mar 10, 2021
“SPF 15 sunscreens filter out about 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 sunscreens filter out about 97%, SPF 50 sunscreens about 98%, and SPF 100 about 99%. The higher you go, the smaller the difference becomes. No sunscreen protects you completely.”



Feb 20, 2021
You presume sunlight causes hyper-D levels? What other factors in play? What are your symptoms?
Magnesium supplement can prevent excess Vitamin D blood levels.
A lawyer friend gave me good general advice. Don't try to answer questions without full context.
Mar 10, 2021
You presume sunlight causes hyper-D levels? What other factors in play? What are your symptoms?
Magnesium supplement can prevent excess Vitamin D blood levels.
A lawyer friend gave me good general advice. Don't try to answer questions without full context.
Good advice. I try not to give out advice at all, just share my experience and information I come across.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
@youngsinatra I don’t know, but probably very high.

I think I may have figured out one reason melanotan II is bad.

The last week in July I was in Spain for a week. UVI at 11 at it’s highest.
Tanned for 3 hours every day without sunscreen.
Made 50.000 UI according to the Dminder app.

Prior to this I had used melanotan for a month.

I had used melanotan one time prior. And I have taken blood work every second week for three years. Then I got 194 nmol/l after just 2 minutes of UVB therapy each week over 2-3 weeks. Edit: i first remembered incorrectly that my levels were 178.

Down in Spain I started having problems I have never had before. Extreme bloating and my skin started to swell. Extreme water retention around my waist. Back pain. Every thing got even worse every time I ate dairy. Probably hypercalcemia.

I’m back in Spain now. And I feel worse every time I’m out in the sun. So now I haven’t been in the sun for 7 days and I feel so much better. Also because I have eaten around 200 g of beef liver every day. But that only gives me 10.000-30.000 IU retinol. I need 3-8 times as much retinol as vitamin D. Retinil is on its way.
Skjermbilde 2023-09-18 kl. 10.23.30.png
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Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
I bet if you tested you ll find out you don't have

Hypervitaminosis D​



Dec 1, 2022
@youngsinatra I don’t know, but probably very high.

I think I may have figured out one reason melanotan II is bad.

The last week in July I was in Spain for a week. UVI at 11 at it’s highest.
Tanned for 3 hours every day without sunscreen.
Made 50.000 UI according to the Dminder app.

Prior to this I had used melanotan for a month.

I had used melanotan one time prior. And I have taken blood work every second week for three years. Then I got 178 nmol/l after just 2 minutes of UVB therapy each week over 2-3 weeks.

Down in Spain I started having problems I have never had before. Extreme bloating and my skin started to swell. Extreme water retention around my waist. Back pain. Every thing got even worse every time I ate dairy. Probably hypercalcemia.

I’m back in Spain now. And I feel worse every time I’m out in the sun. So now I haven’t been in the sun for 7 days and I feel so much better. Also because I have eaten around 200 g of beef liver every day. But that only gives me 10.000-30.000 IU retinol. I need 3-8 times as much retinol as vitamin D. Retinil is on its way.
Chris Masterjohn typically recommends no more than about 250 grams of ruminant liver per week. His reason for this, if I recall correctly, is that given liver is very high in Vitamin A, you put yourself at risk of Vitamin A toxicity. You might like to consider sticking to 200 grams of beef liver per week, rather than per day.


Feb 3, 2020
Don’t make yourself toxic in retinol on top of that, please. That’s what I did (took 50K IUs per day for 1 year) and it’s way way more difficult to fix than hypervitaminosis D.

Focus on potassium and magnesium as those are heavily depleted from vitamin D. Wear long clothes. Stay out the sun. Vitamin D levels come down relatively quickly. Retinol does not. I am 2 years on a zero vitamin A diet and my serum retinol is still way above the reference range. This stuff ****88 up my whole life, my thyroid, my liver my testosterone, my overall health..

Frank Tufano ate 1 pound of liver each day for 3 months and completely messed up his liver and health. I think he’s been on a specific detox diet for 3 years now. Careful with this stuff!
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Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
Chris Masterjohn typically recommends no more than about 250 grams of ruminant liver per week. His reason for this, if I recall correctly, is that given liver is very high in Vitamin A, you put yourself at risk of Vitamin A toxicity. You might like to consider sticking to 200 grams of beef liver per week, rather than per day.
This is horseshit.

Reports Of Vitamin A Toxicity Are Greatly Exaggerated

I've taken blood works in cooperation with my GP every 2 weeks for 3 years. When i ate lots of liver we also tested retinol. I have tried out eating tons of liver over a short amount of time and measuring my retinol at the same time. I never exceeded 3 µmol/L, even when i ate a kilo a week. I got to 3,1 once, and that was after only eating 200 g of beef liver per week (which is what i do on a regular basis) in November when there is no sun and vitamin D in Norway. Also, when i eat the highest amount of liver per week, i do it during summer. That helps balance the vitamin A.

Skjermbilde 2023-09-18 kl. 10.17.23.png

What we see here is 2 periods where i tested eating liver and measuring my retinol.
In the first period i ate more liver in the summer, and less in the fall and winter months. Still, the retinol levels were similar.
In the second period I ate the same amount of liver throughout the whole year (around 200g a week), and my levels were lower in the summer, and higher in the winter.

When i had 3,1 in retinol i had 69 in vitamin D levels. The lowest vitamin D levels i have ever measured. See attached vitamin D blood results further down.
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Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
Don’t make yourself toxic in retinol on top of that, please. That’s what I did (took 50K IUs per day for 1 year) and it’s way way more difficult to fix than hypervitaminosis D.

Focus on potassium and magnesium as those are heavily depleted from vitamin D. Wear long clothes. Stay out the sun. Vitamin D levels come down relatively quickly. Retinol does not. I am 2 years on a zero vitamin A diet and my serum retinol is still way above the reference range. This stuff ****88 up my whole life, my thyroid, my liver my testosterone, my overall health..

Frank Tufano ate 1 pound of liver each day for 3 months and completely messed up his liver and health. I think he’s been on a specific detox diet for 3 years now. Careful with this stuff!
You probably got deficient in vitamin E and/or vitamin D. You can get vitamin A toxicity if you take 50.000 IU every day and not at the same time getting enough vitamin D, K or E to balance the ratio. You want 3-8 times as much vitamin A compared to your vitamin D. And also, vitamin A supplements is not the same as pure retinol from beef liver. And also. Vitamin E is needed to store vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A toxicity can just be vitamin E deficiency. With vitamin E the liver can store 4 times as much retinol.
The only issue of vitamin A that I know of is that taken without sufficient vitamin E it can oxidize and damage cells. I think combined with a decent dose vitamin E (200+ IU) you can take 200,000 IU daily for a long time. There is a drug sold in Europe called Eavit which has 200,000 IU retinol and 200 IU vitamin E per pill and is often taken for up to 12 months without issues. People with liver issues should probably be more careful but even in them it is the oxidation of stored vitamin A in the liver that is the problem. So, taking vitamin E should help them too.

My potassium and Magnesium levels are great. I use 600mg of magnesium orally every day. And use magnesium oil on top of that. Whenever the magnesium oil doesn't absorb and just dries up on my skin, i know i have saturated my levels. Because of this i probably increased my vitamin D generating when i was in the sun, since magnesium is needed for the conversion of D3 to 25(OH)D, and 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)D. I also use potassium bicarbonate some days, but according to my cronometer i get around 5000mg of potassium every day through food alone, so i don't use it that much.

Frank Tufano did the same mistake as you, i would guess. I followed him for some months 3-4 years ago, stopped when it came apparent that he just isn't as smart as he thinks he is. I even bought a 1 hour coaching session with him. His food products are excellent tho.
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Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
You presume sunlight causes hyper-D levels? What other factors in play? What are your symptoms?
Magnesium supplement can prevent excess Vitamin D blood levels.
A lawyer friend gave me good general advice. Don't try to answer questions without full context.
No. I presume sunlight + melanotan II + no sunscreen + UVI 11 for three hours a day over 7 days (50.000+ IU vitamin D a day, according to the Dminder app)= hyper-D levels.
When i tried melanotan for the first time 2 years ago, i got 194 nmol/l after just 3 weeks of three sessions of UVB light therapy a week. Total amount of UVB light a week was around 2 minutes. My levels now, after UVI 11 for three hours a day over 7 days must be insane.
My suspicion is that i have found a so far unknown side effect of melanotan. That it stops the body's ability to regulate vitamin D production. Instead it goes haywire.

My symptoms are extreme bloatedness the moment i eat any food containing any calcium, Parkinson's symptoms of trembling/shaking (which is a hypervitaminosis D symptom), the skin around my back/love handles expanding and gets tight and bouncy as a cooked german sausage, fatigue, stiffness in my body and back, and some more. Most of hypervitaminosis D symptoms is hypercalcemia symptoms. When i eat food that does not contain calcium, my symptoms dont get worse. When i eat beef liver, my symptoms get better. When i stay in the sun for just 10 minutes or more, my symptoms get worse. When i eat any dairy (calcium), my symptoms get worse. When i ate one whole eggshell as a test, my symptoms got much worse. Every time i eat liver, all my symptoms withdraws a little.

All of these symptoms are new to me. Never experienced them before. Except the fatigue and stiffness.

At the moment i haven't been in the sun for 7 days, i have eaten around 200 g of beef liver a day (between 10.000 to 30.000 IU), I don't get as bad symptoms when i try to eat some food containing calcium. And when retinil arrives in a day or two, i suspect my recovery will go even faster.

"Magnesium supplement can prevent excess Vitamin D blood levels."
It can just as well increase them. Magnesium is needed for the conversion of D3 to 25(OH)D, and 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)D.

Im not looking for help with my hypervitaminosis D. I know how to fix it. More retinol. Stay out of the sun.
My question was just about how much UVB sunscreen blocks. Im in Spain. Hard to avoid the sun 100%.

Skjermbilde 2023-09-18 kl. 10.23.30.png
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Feb 3, 2020
Not true. My vitamin D was 80-100ng/ml throughout that time. It did not prevent vitamin A toxicity and accumulation. At one point the liver stores are filled and everything spills over. I also took 800 IUs of tocopherols daily back then.

I had exactly the same line of reasoning as you back then. The forum and haiduts post mislead me.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
@youngsinatra I know nothing of your physiology and your diet. My only comment is i don't think you, who did 50.000 IU every day for a year, should warn others of vitamin A toxicity, when your scenario is extreme and not very relevant to others. Ive only done 10.000-30.000 IU every day for a week through beef liver. Why would i continue with this after i have gotten my vitamin D and vitamin A ratio under control? I wouldn't. And also, i listen to my body. When it wants liver, i crave it. When it doesn't want liver, i dont want it and it doesn't even taste good if i still eat it. Simple.

Its like warning people from drinking water, because you drank 15 liter of water per day for a year and got water poisoned. Yeah, but the reason for the water poison is 1) you should drink that much, and 2) you have depleted your body for minerals by peeing it out all day.

If your vitamin A came from supplementation, that is not even remotely similar to getting vitamin A through grass-fed beef liver with all its cofactors. The only multivitamin we humans need. And also, why did you have 80-100 ng/ml vitamin D levels for a year? Supplementation i presume? I don't think I've seen any Peat'ers recommend that. You deplete your body of other cofactors when you do that. Balance is key. Nothing IS poison. Not even cyanide. The dosage decides if it's poison.
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Dec 3, 2022
umm, aren’t those vitamin A levels way above the reference range? The lab doesn’t seem to give an upper limit, but I thought 2.09 umol/L was the cut off…
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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