I Don't Know How One Can Live With Missing Teeth


Apr 25, 2015
This is just my opinion about teeth and health, my thoughts may be controversial.

It's not natural to have tooth decay of any sort. I'm not accusing RP diet of being bad for teeth, according to him tooth decay happens due to more than just sugar acids eroding the enamel. I don't fully trust him so I take every precaution to protect my teeth regardless of what he says... But I still have cavities. I have had one years ago and now I have another one forming in a molar where It's hard to brush... If this keeps up, I'm going to lose my tooth.

What is a human without all their teeth? It's like a man walking around without a penis. I brush and floss after every meal, I make sure to only eat for 5 minutes, no more and I still notice a black spot on my tooth indicating an infection. I do everything to keep my mouth clean, why is this happening to me of all people? I go the extra mile and still lose.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm just devastated. Losing a tooth = losing my health, It's the teeth that predict how the rest of the body is standing. If they're not all straight, wide and strong then you won't fair well for the rest of your life. You're doing something very wrong.

It's true what Dr. Weston A. Price said, people with healthy teeth and wide smiles are hardy and optimistic, people with weak teeth are degenerates and prone to modern illnesses. It really depresses me writing this, but if I were to lose teeth I will feel less than a normal human. Don't trust dentists, I know I'm nothing but a source of income for them to capitalize on. There's no doctor in the world I can trust, they're all backwards. Nothing is how it should be, if I can't keep even one tooth healthy then I'm just not fit for life, maybe this is natural selection picking me off.

It's hard to survive these days believe it or not, if your parents didn't have a perfect diet then you're already on lower standings health-wise. You're lucky to have found Ray Peat otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't know how to take care of yourself - you'd develop severe health problems like 70% of the people I see walking about. The world is like a fish bowl, It was once clean and now everything is getting murky and polluted making it harder to keep your health.

Or maybe I'm exaggerating. This could be negative psychological effects of getting a cavity. I just found out a few hours ago, I'm still in shock.


Jan 22, 2013
the thing about teeth is that they don't heal like everything else in the body, so yea you have to be careful. Most people would have ***t teeth without densitry and orthodonists, but that doesn't mean theyre healthy they just look ok. a lot of people don't chew their food or mix anything they drink with saliva, which..might protect teeth, but will give digestion problems or feelings of heaviness. The only way to have really good teeth perpetually as a human with no work done is to like...never eat anything that stains and have very little to no acid fruits, or other acidic things, and have a good calcium balance...which would be a very limited diet when speaking of commonly available foods

health of teeth does not equal health of body though, because you could be showing tooth damage from 10 years ago, where as your whole body could be new and healthy since then. If you stain teeth or chip one or something, or say you had a bad diet as a kid and teeth came in crooked, even if you changed diet and lifestyle later on and ate a perfect diet, the teeth would look the same. Most people get either braces or something when younger then have their teeth bleached multiple times a year, and many have crowns and stuff. Im not saying those things are wrong or bad, but the fact people might have good teeth doesn't speak much about their internal health, and bad teeth and vice versa

its kind of a weird thing I haven't been able to understand...why teeth are not vascularized or cant repair themselves like everything else in the body. It makes me wonder if humans can grow new sets of teeth. Everything else in the body that has a similar matter like hair and nails, have a vascularized root that makes the thing, hair, nails, or outter tooth, then it falls off..and body doesn't mess with it once its past the root bed. Im not willing to experiement with that though, lol


Apr 17, 2013
welshwing said:
This is just my opinion about teeth and health, my thoughts may be controversial.

It's not natural to have tooth decay of any sort. I'm not accusing RP diet of being bad for teeth, according to him tooth decay happens due to more than just sugar acids eroding the enamel. I don't fully trust him so I take every precaution to protect my teeth regardless of what he says... But I still have cavities. I have had one years ago and now I have another one forming in a molar where It's hard to brush... If this keeps up, I'm going to lose my tooth.

What is a human without all their teeth? It's like a man walking around without a penis. I brush and floss after every meal, I make sure to only eat for 5 minutes, no more and I still notice a black spot on my tooth indicating an infection. I do everything to keep my mouth clean, why is this happening to me of all people? I go the extra mile and still lose.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm just devastated. Losing a tooth = losing my health, It's the teeth that predict how the rest of the body is standing. If they're not all straight, wide and strong then you won't fair well for the rest of your life. You're doing something very wrong.

It's true what Dr. Weston A. Price said, people with healthy teeth and wide smiles are hardy and optimistic, people with weak teeth are degenerates and prone to modern illnesses. It really depresses me writing this, but if I were to lose teeth I will feel less than a normal human. Don't trust dentists, I know I'm nothing but a source of income for them to capitalize on. There's no doctor in the world I can trust, they're all backwards. Nothing is how it should be, if I can't keep even one tooth healthy then I'm just not fit for life, maybe this is natural selection picking me off.

It's hard to survive these days believe it or not, if your parents didn't have a perfect diet then you're already on lower standings health-wise. You're lucky to have found Ray Peat otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't know how to take care of yourself - you'd develop severe health problems like 70% of the people I see walking about. The world is like a fish bowl, It was once clean and now everything is getting murky and polluted making it harder to keep your health.

Or maybe I'm exaggerating. This could be negative psychological effects of getting a cavity. I just found out a few hours ago, I'm still in shock.

Do you use a base (baking soda, milk) after acids? All you have to do is take a swig of milk after OJ, Coffee, etc to reduce acidity on the teeth. Also, are you brushing with baking soda, coconut oil and activated charcoal?
My teeth instantly start looking better when I do that.


Jun 24, 2015
My Aunt is 90 yrs old and had a life time of good health until last year. She has had false teeth since she was in her forties. She had bad teeth but good health. Other Aunts and Uncles (6) from same family, also my mother, all had false teeth at young ages. They lived til their late 80's with reasonable good to excellent health. My grandma (their mother) lived til 92....and yes, she too had false teeth. I never associated lack of teeth with bad health. I wish you all the luck and hope this doesn't scare you, all the false teeth talk...but gives you another perspective that might help you feel more calm about your health.


Sep 5, 2015
Please don't brush/floss after every time you eat! It's bad for your teeth. After you have eaten your teeth needs to remineralise for an hour, and brushing right after eating interrupts that process. Morning and night brushing is enough, and flossing at nighttime.


Sep 20, 2015
This is just my opinion about teeth and health, my thoughts may be controversial.

It's not natural to have tooth decay of any sort. I'm not accusing RP diet of being bad for teeth, according to him tooth decay happens due to more than just sugar acids eroding the enamel. I don't fully trust him so I take every precaution to protect my teeth regardless of what he says... But I still have cavities. I have had one years ago and now I have another one forming in a molar where It's hard to brush... If this keeps up, I'm going to lose my tooth.

What is a human without all their teeth? It's like a man walking around without a penis. I brush and floss after every meal, I make sure to only eat for 5 minutes, no more and I still notice a black spot on my tooth indicating an infection. I do everything to keep my mouth clean, why is this happening to me of all people? I go the extra mile and still lose.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm just devastated. Losing a tooth = losing my health, It's the teeth that predict how the rest of the body is standing. If they're not all straight, wide and strong then you won't fair well for the rest of your life. You're doing something very wrong.

It's true what Dr. Weston A. Price said, people with healthy teeth and wide smiles are hardy and optimistic, people with weak teeth are degenerates and prone to modern illnesses. It really depresses me writing this, but if I were to lose teeth I will feel less than a normal human. Don't trust dentists, I know I'm nothing but a source of income for them to capitalize on. There's no doctor in the world I can trust, they're all backwards. Nothing is how it should be, if I can't keep even one tooth healthy then I'm just not fit for life, maybe this is natural selection picking me off.

It's hard to survive these days believe it or not, if your parents didn't have a perfect diet then you're already on lower standings health-wise. You're lucky to have found Ray Peat otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't know how to take care of yourself - you'd develop severe health problems like 70% of the people I see walking about. The world is like a fish bowl, It was once clean and now everything is getting murky and polluted making it harder to keep your health.

Or maybe I'm exaggerating. This could be negative psychological effects of getting a cavity. I just found out a few hours ago, I'm still in shock.

Having a history of bad and missing teeth is a relatively minor defect one can largely overcome. A tooth is not a brain, a penis, an eyeball, or finger for that matter. Overdriven perfectionism may be a worse problem.
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