I found structured (4th phase) water on my stove (pics)


Oct 29, 2022
Just got the Greenfield water hose device today and played with it briefly, it’s legit. The device is a little larger and heavier than I expected, but it produces structured water on demand from my exterior tap! Can’t wait to water my trees with it, (too bad it rained today, lol).
I am genuinely interested to hear your results. At this moment I can't imagine spending $355 on an outdoor hose fitting for structured water, but maybe your results will blow my mind and I won't be able to imagine life without it.


Mar 18, 2021
To second this, it's true, there's a noticeable difference between water from the same source depending on whether it's structured or not.

I've heard the same descriptive word from the 4 different people I've given the taste test to, which is "smooth." Structured water feels closer to oil on the tongue and throat with a velvet-y flow to it. Unstructured spring water from the same source will have a bitter taste and sharp mouthfeel in comparison.
Yes, that's a very accurate description of what it feels and tastes like.
Feb 15, 2018
Was simmering some zucchini and opened the lid to find these homogeneous bubbles:

View attachment 49948

It reminded me of the Pottenger cat studies because it was noted that the "raw," healthy cats all had a similar structure to each other. Their faces were similarly square and the proportions of their upper and lower halves were closer to an exact 50/50 distribution.

Later on in the book, when observing how navy beans grew on soil which used the feces from the varying groups of cats, the following was said about the beans of the "raw meat" group: "Uniformity of size and plumpness of the beans distinguishes them from the beans of all other groups."

View attachment 49949
Problem I see is that devices provide no data or means for measurement of efficacy for funnel device. Also, I suspect you have to drink the water immediately. Berkey may produce a weak vortex momentarily, but so does the funnel of your esophagus…
Apr 22, 2019
Problem I see is that devices provide no data or means for measurement of efficacy for funnel device. Also, I suspect you have to drink the water immediately. Berkey may produce a weak vortex momentarily, but so does the funnel of your esophagus…
Your body is a device that provides measurements. It's possible to test things with an open mind while simultaneously not letting your guard down. Don't oppose yourself to the receiving of fruit even if it seems utterly imaginary to your logical mind.

"Your own biology is the most supreme technology in the cosmos." - Ken Rohla


May 2, 2021
Problem I see is that devices provide no data or means for measurement of efficacy for funnel device. Also, I suspect you have to drink the water immediately. Berkey may produce a weak vortex momentarily, but so does the funnel of your esophagus…
My Berkey sits next to my somavedic. It keeps the water structured while it sits in the lower reservoir. When I used redlight to structure my water I noticed, (and have seen studies) that there was a biphasic effect where after too long, the water would become chaotic again. Somavedic has no such effect, and will maintain the structure of water so long as the water is within range of the scalar wave, (which I believe is 100ft radius, so decent).


May 2, 2021
Your body is a device that provides measurements. It's possible to test things with an open mind while simultaneously not letting your guard down. Don't oppose yourself to the receiving of fruit even if it seems utterly imaginary to your logical mind.

"Your own biology is the most supreme technology in the cosmos." - Ken Rohla
Yeah! But seriously, I have relatives who think I’m a total nut job, (which is fine by the way, I own it) who ask me to pass scotch and wine through the “magic funnel” when they come to visit. So… I think that’s worth something…
Apr 22, 2019
Yeah! But seriously, I have relatives who think I’m a total nut job, (which is fine by the way, I own it) who ask me to pass scotch and wine through the “magic funnel” when they come to visit. So… I think that’s worth something…
Badge of honor!


Mar 18, 2021
My Berkey sits next to my somavedic. It keeps the water structured while it sits in the lower reservoir. When I used redlight to structure my water I noticed, (and have seen studies) that there was a biphasic effect where after too long, the water would become chaotic again. Somavedic has no such effect, and will maintain the structure of water so long as the water is within range of the scalar wave, (which I believe is 100ft radius, so decent).
I never got good results with infrared. Any electric light will have an accompanying EMF of various frequencies which has detrimental effects on water as well not just on living organisms. If it's battery powered it will create a static EMF which also has unpredictable effects. I don't have a somavedic but I believe it is battery powered? However, the battery would be used only to amplify the scalar field and increase its range. There are many passive generators as well on the market that don't require any battery. You can also structure water or any drinks with a Q-link pendant if you place it under your glass. Same for fruits, vegetables and foods. I use a small 6cm passive device that you carry in your pocket anywhere. There are many ways to structure water, and the result will depend on the type of scalar field, if it's "left" type or "right" type depending on elementary particle spin.
For example it can also be done with magnets, someone posted a YouTube previously in this thread. A magnet has a right scalar field from the north pole, and a left one from the south pole. It is the "right" type of field that is beneficial and biocompatible and the "left" scalar fields are destructive, causing DNA damage and serious diseases over time. When used in therapy, usually magnets are placed with the north pole towards the body. In certain conditions the south pole is also used, depending on the desired effects, because "destructive" is not always bad.
North pole "structured" water is used to heal various diseases, and south pole magnetized water is known to accelerate plant growth by up to 40%.
Every electromagnetic field has a scalar component as well, and all manmade EMFs from devices have a "left" type of scalar field which is damaging.
The scalar field component cannot be shielded that's why I insisted in other threads to minimize exposure to EMF and devices as much as possible. These fields are made of subatomic particles that will pass through anything at 1000x the speed of light. But they can be counteracted or deflected by an opposing scalar field. That's what the "harmonizing" devices on the market do and most of them are based on 50 year old Russian research. Scalar field technology is the most fascinating discovery (or rediscovery) ever made and it will revolutionize every single aspect of life. Structuring water is not even .0000000000001% of what it can do.


May 2, 2021
I never got good results with infrared. Any electric light will have an accompanying EMF of various frequencies which has detrimental effects on water as well not just on living organisms. If it's battery powered it will create a static EMF which also has unpredictable effects. I don't have a somavedic but I believe it is battery powered? However, the battery would be used only to amplify the scalar field and increase its range. There are many passive generators as well on the market that don't require any battery. You can also structure water or any drinks with a Q-link pendant if you place it under your glass. Same for fruits, vegetables and foods. I use a small 6cm passive device that you carry in your pocket anywhere. There are many ways to structure water, and the result will depend on the type of scalar field, if it's "left" type or "right" type depending on elementary particle spin.
For example it can also be done with magnets, someone posted a YouTube previously in this thread. A magnet has a right scalar field from the north pole, and a left one from the south pole. It is the "right" type of field that is beneficial and biocompatible and the "left" scalar fields are destructive, causing DNA damage and serious diseases over time. When used in therapy, usually magnets are placed with the north pole towards the body. In certain conditions the south pole is also used, depending on the desired effects, because "destructive" is not always bad.
North pole "structured" water is used to heal various diseases, and south pole magnetized water is known to accelerate plant growth by up to 40%.
Every electromagnetic field has a scalar component as well, and all manmade EMFs from devices have a "left" type of scalar field which is damaging.
The scalar field component cannot be shielded that's why I insisted in other threads to minimize exposure to EMF and devices as much as possible. These fields are made of subatomic particles that will pass through anything at 1000x the speed of light. But they can be counteracted or deflected by an opposing scalar field. That's what the "harmonizing" devices on the market do and most of them are based on 50 year old Russian research. Scalar field technology is the most fascinating discovery (or rediscovery) ever made and it will revolutionize every single aspect of life. Structuring water is not even .0000000000001% of what it can do.
Any recommendation on reading to learn more about just about everything you just wrote? I’m incredibly fascinated in scalar technology, and especially as it related to healing and increasing crop yields.

Also, FYI, the somavedic I have is plugged into the wall, (no battery, and I have a smaller device that is not powered for carrying on one’s body) that charges in the field of the plug-in device.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Does this look like 4th phase/structured water?


Oct 29, 2022
Wondering if @EvanHinkle can provide an update on the structured water fitting he purchased for his outdoor watering back in May of this year. Has it improved your garden, lawn, trees, or other plants in the yard?


May 2, 2021
Wondering if @EvanHinkle can provide an update on the structured water fitting he purchased for his outdoor watering back in May of this year. Has it improved your garden, lawn, trees, or other plants in the yard?
Yes, to the point that I’ve ordered a whole home unit for a house I just purchased and am in the process of renovating.

My orange trees were unfortunately attacked by a roaming horde of crickets this year, so my yield is very little, (a total bummer, but should be fixed when I move to the new home in November). The foliage on the trees is outstanding however, (they’re all small trees, about 4’ each-just over a meter).

My potato crop has never been so good, (though I got smart to the crickets and built them a little screened-in box to live under). I’m probably about a month or so out from harvest still and the potatoes look pretty big, (bigger than I’ve been able to grow yet).

My apple trees are a new addition this year, so I don’t have a lot to judge them against. The pink lady caught a blight because we had an enormous amount of rain this spring. I fought the blight back and the tree is fine, but only has two apples on it this year.

The plants are thriving and growing. Fruit yields are down due to pests I didn’t catch early enough.


Jul 7, 2020
I believe this is what happens when water is stored in clay pots (from, for example, Miriam's Earthen Cookware). A natural process of evaporation and condensation. It makes the water taste amazing, at least.


Aug 1, 2023
Smooth is a great descriptor.
I also feel a viscosity and smoothness.

I tried to dissolve the aspirin in the structured water and very little settles out on the bottom compared to water from my straight filter tap. I also feel ‘fuller’ when drinking it and cannot drink the same amount as ‘regular’ water. I cannot tell if it is helping me but I tend to believe it has beneficial properties.
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