I Have Started And Stopped Starch Like 50 Times And The End Result Is Always The Same


Oct 19, 2019
When I quit starch I feel better for a few weeks, then start feeling worse. When I reintroduce starch, I feel better for a few weeks, then start feeling worse.
Story of my life.


i'm the same. usually no starch makes me feel really good and confident, and then the confidence makes me want to eat anything i crave which includes bread and potatoes because i don't have any worries because i feel good, then after a few days problems from starch to rise and then i'm not confident about food again. i always end up trying starch again because i just can't mentally accept that starch is bad, when so many humans around the world eat it and it being a large part of human social relations

Complete BS.
You can maintain just as much social interaction with even a carnivore diet.

I don't drink alcohol and I don't eat anything besides meat, eggs, cheese and milk, and I'm at my best socially.
Never been so eloquent with friends and liked by them, and go on a lot of successful dates with incredible confidence.
It's all in your head.


Jan 26, 2019
I also started to think perhaps my issues was only with potatoes so I tried white rice and started getting issues. So I stick to the starch free diet for optimal benefits (for me).

As a man who lifts heavy on the regular, do you find a starch-less diet impairs performance at all? Without starch, I start to lose strength and endurance whilst lifting extremely fast – even when calories are equated with carbs from fruit / dairy, and nothing else changes.

That said, I can't tolerate potatoes at all either. White rice is better for all of the above, but it can also give me a stress reaction which manifests as a pounding heart, anxiety and ectopic beats if I go above 150g in a single serving.


Nov 29, 2020
Complete BS.
You can maintain just as much social interaction with even a carnivore diet.

I don't drink alcohol and I don't eat anything besides meat, eggs, cheese and milk, and I'm at my best socially.
Never been so eloquent with friends and liked by them, and go on a lot of successful dates with incredible confidence.
It's all in your head.
I completely agree. The way I eat has no bearing on the people around me. If someone takes issue with my food choices my response is "You do you, I'll do me." A much better response is "Shut the F*** Up" . Not very diplomatic but it will shut them up. I think people use the whole "social" thing as an excuse as to why they can't stick with the plan they set out for themselves. People so easily bow to "group think" instead of standing in their own power. I'm very much an introvert and I don't give a s*** what people think of me. Please note I mean no disrespect to who mentioned the social aspect, I think it was commas.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
As a man who lifts heavy on the regular, do you find a starch-less diet impairs performance at all? Without starch, I start to lose strength and endurance whilst lifting extremely fast – even when calories are equated with carbs from fruit / dairy, and nothing else changes.

That said, I can't tolerate potatoes at all either. White rice is better for all of the above, but it can also give me a stress reaction which manifests as a pounding heart, anxiety and ectopic beats if I go above 150g in a single serving.
My strength and recovery are great. I'm doing about 3-4L of milk and about 250g of organ meat mix and it works for me. I don't even have to eat fruit to make it work.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
@Hans That's a lot of liquid, do you supplement salt?, sea salt and how much a day.


Jul 8, 2014
In my experience, I had a major Herxheimer response about 3 days after quitting starch. It was severe, would have gone to the ER but my boyfriend at the time said he it could be a 'healing crisis' and sure enough, I was better by morning and the stomach pain never came back until I attempted to reintroduce a small amount of starch (won't be doing that again). I have dealt with extreme and debilitating gut inflammation for most of my life though, and a bacterial overflowth infection that was unresponsive to antibiotics so I suppose I was an extreme case.
Basically, quitting starch was essential for me. I think for people like me it's easy to continue to keep it out of the diet because adding it back in would be so much more painful. Necessity sparks creativity and I've found lots of foods to replace the need for starch. Drawing upon my HCLF fat, I eat lots of over-ripe bananas and dates to calories up and dried carrot sticks for when I want a crunchy texture.
I share a similar experience. Prior to clearing my SIBO this past year, I’d get a “healing crisis”—stomach cramps, migraines, vomiting—whenever I had starch. I stopped having it in any appreciable amounts years ago not only because of my reaction to it, but because I no longer craved it after adding animal protein back into my diet and I was trying to clear the overgrowth, however, this past Thanksgiving, I decided to have some roasted sweet potatoes, winter squash, mashed potatoes and biscuits with my family. To my surprise, I had no reaction whatsoever but realized I’m over starch, which I was initially bummed about since I can finally have it without suffering, and used to crave all those foods when I was vegan and was looking forward to eating them this Thanksgiving. I now suspect my starch craving while vegan was mostly a craving for protein and dense calories and now that I’m getting all of that from dairy, fruit juice and honey, I’m satisfying my body’s needs.


Oct 26, 2020
I think having friends and eating only 75-85% perfect is way better then being a lonely dork who eats 85-100% healthy. I think counting calories can lead to digestive issues lol

yeah agreed, I’m out 2-3 nights a week and I couldn’t care less about PUFAs alcohol and whatnot on those nights. But strong extrovert here. Hot wings and tequila please.

The above doesn’t get in the way of buying meat fish eggs leafy greens and OJ tho.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
@Hans That's a lot of liquid, do you supplement salt?, sea salt and how much a day.
Just salt on my meat. In the past I had to eat my protein meal with salt early in the day, but recently I've found that I don't need salt under later in the day.
Yes, sea salt. I don't measure, but I salt to taste. I think it's close to a heaped tsp.


Oct 21, 2013
I've been doing no starch for about 3 months, primarily to solve sleep issues.
I had no digestive or elimination problems - 2-4 bm's a day.
since the 3 months - very small, hard bm's.
I've tried cascara, tryphla, ma zi ren, which only work after double amounts, then back to the same.
my diet: Red meat, liver, shellfish, lean fish, eggs, dairy and lots of (non-starchy) fruit,
oxtail, gelatin, home frown organic greens.
what's going on?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I've been doing no starch for about 3 months, primarily to solve sleep issues.
I had no digestive or elimination problems - 2-4 bm's a day.
since the 3 months - very small, hard bm's.
I've tried cascara, tryphla, ma zi ren, which only work after double amounts, then back to the same.
my diet: Red meat, liver, shellfish, lean fish, eggs, dairy and lots of (non-starchy) fruit,
oxtail, gelatin, home frown organic greens.
what's going on?
Has the starch free diet helped for the sleep issues?


Feb 12, 2020
Potatoes are problematic, you need to explore other things

I’ve been on an endless search for the perfect starch. So far it’s: parsnips, chestnuts, rice vermicelli. refined rice is a junk food so I restrict my intake

If I had access to white flesh sweet potatoes/yams I’d definitely try making those a staple


Jun 13, 2019
Complete BS.
You can maintain just as much social interaction with even a carnivore diet.

I don't drink alcohol and I don't eat anything besides meat, eggs, cheese and milk, and I'm at my best socially.
Never been so eloquent with friends and liked by them, and go on a lot of successful dates with incredible confidence.
It's all in your head.

I wasn't referring to my social skills or lack of being "liked" by my friends for not eating starch. Its mainly like when I'm out with friends and late at night they all want to go eat pizza, I'm not gonna order a pizza and only eat the cheese. having friends is not the problem, its going to restaurants and eating at friends houses and turning down the pasta that everyones eating for a "diet" that is the problem. Just not worth it. Sometimes you just have to say f it and enjoy the meal.


Jan 11, 2019
I wasn't referring to my social skills or lack of being "liked" by my friends for not eating starch. Its mainly like when I'm out with friends and late at night they all want to go eat pizza, I'm not gonna order a pizza and only eat the cheese. having friends is not the problem, its going to restaurants and eating at friends houses and turning down the pasta that everyones eating for a "diet" that is the problem. Just not worth it. Sometimes you just have to say f it and enjoy the meal.
100% life is short u cant be ocd all the time
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