I NEED HELP : Struggling for two years, bad anxiety, terrible digestion and so on


Sep 30, 2022
Hello everyone, i hope you are all in good mental and physical health. Pardon my English in advance, it's not my mother tongue (I am French).
I am a young mom who desesperately need some help. I will try to explain it shortly.
Since 2020, I felt sick and I struggle to get my health back. I am only 29. I am a mom to two young boys of 4 and 2 years old.
Since 2020, a lot happened : I gave birth to my second son, one month later I had to remove my gallbladder (I already lost my appendix), I was breastfeeding, I was moving abroad (north africa) and it was a lot of stress and emotionnally I was weakened. Just two months after all of this, I lost a ton of weight and I started experiencing a lot of symptoms :
_ panic attacks EVERY SINGLE DAY
_ feeling of doom
_ palpitations
_ low blood pressure
_ extreme fatigue
_ loss of appetite
_ diarrhea
_ abdominal issues
_ lot a burping
_ dry hair and skin
_ tetany and spasmophilia attacks which lead me to the ER
The worst is whenever I feel something in my body or a symptom, I imagine the worst, I feel I am going to die. Out of the blue, I became hypocondriac.
It was a painful period of my life, really just thinking about it I want to cry. It was a nightmare. I lost so much money because doctors couldn't figure out what it was.
I had to go back in France and I paid private blood panel :
My homocysteine was slightly above
My pregnenolone was high
Dhea was normal
Cortisol was low
T3 was low in urine but TSH was under 1
Cholesterol was normal even slightly low
ferritin was 45 A LOT THE TIME since getting sick (normally it's so low)
Calcium was low

I started supplementing thyroid being advised by my doc (5 mcg of T3 in the morning and 13mcg of T4 at night) but it was hard as I couldn't eat without feel full, nausea and burping. I did an endoscopy and we discovered chronic gastritis and H pylori in the biopsy.
So it was it ! SICK FOR TWO YEARS BECAUSE OF THAT. I wondered if it didn't create malabsorption and all the deficiencies that lowered my thyroid and created all my sickness.
My doc gave me amoxiciline and clarythromycine with esomeprazole for 10 days. I still feel bad I think it may be because of the stomack inflammation. When I eat I have vertigo (feeling like being on a boat), I have anxiety, migraine, nausea, gerd and so on. I can't digest most of the things and I feel like supplements are not being absorbed. Please I need advices and help, I can't live like this, always going to the ER, being afraid to stay alone with my kids at home, feeling anxious. I lost my job, I lost my quality of life.

I need to understand, why am I feeling like this : I am depleted because of pregnancies and breastfeeding, is it the loss of my gallbladder, is it purely emotionnal stress, h pylori which is stealing my vitamins ?

Thanks in advance, desesperately needing hope...


Sep 30, 2022
Also I forgot to mention I have a little hiatal hernia. Any advices to reverse it ?
Jul 27, 2022
I am relatively new to this space, but perhaps you could speak about what your diet has been, and what it currently is, and what you are planning for it to be?

Have you experimented with carrot salads, similar gut-cleansing/less intense antibiotic foods? Avoiding much sugar while you are rebuilding your gut health? What is your soluble/nonsoluble fiber intake? What kind of sun exposure are you getting? How much of your diet is vegetative vs carnivorous? High fat, low fat? Dairy? Do you eat yoghurt or cultured butter?

I am sorry you are suffering and just now getting an idea of your circumstances.


Sep 30, 2022
I am relatively new to this space, but perhaps you could speak about what your diet has been, and what it currently is, and what you are planning for it to be?

Have you experimented with carrot salads, similar gut-cleansing/less intense antibiotic foods? Avoiding much sugar while you are rebuilding your gut health? What is your soluble/nonsoluble fiber intake? What kind of sun exposure are you getting? How much of your diet is vegetative vs carnivorous? High fat, low fat? Dairy? Do you eat yoghurt or cultured butter?

I am sorry you are suffering and just now getting an idea of your circumstances.
Thanks for you reply ! Actually, I try to eat what I feel like eating because I have a lack of appetite most of the time or I quickly feel full. I eat eggs, whites fishes, squash soups, porridge, milk, dairy, sometimes bread, pasta, rice. After two to three hours after eating, I feel bad, I have anxiety, stomach heavyness, nausea, vertigo. I do not know what to do, what to eat, what supplements to try. I feel so depressed. I am currently in France, it's cold, night comes early, no sun.
Jul 27, 2022
Thanks for you reply ! Actually, I try to eat what I feel like eating because I have a lack of appetite most of the time or I quickly feel full. I eat eggs, whites fishes, squash soups, porridge, milk, dairy, sometimes bread, pasta, rice. After two to three hours after eating, I feel bad, I have anxiety, stomach heavyness, nausea, vertigo. I do not know what to do, what to eat, what supplements to try. I feel so depressed. I am currently in France, it's cold, night comes early, no sun.

Again, I am not an expert Peater and am just coming to learn some of these things myself - so please take some of what I will say with a healthy pinch of salt.

It sounds to me that the H Pylori has led to some significant ulcers in your digestive tract. This would possibly account for the 2-3 hour timeline regarding the unwell feelings you are experiencing after eating. Gut ulcers can be complicated to resolve, especially if the underlying bacterial infection is not fully dealt with first. Peat forum users are generally divided on the use of antibiotics, but if the latent biopsies are showing that the H Pylori has subsided and is reduced, then you are in a better place to begin addressing the ulcers. It's possible that the starches you are eating, such as bread, pasta, rice, and any acidic foods you ingest are continuing to inflame the ulcers. The other component to consider would be that the antibiotics you took could have further disrupted and damaged your lower gut biome. From what I understand, there is a significant correlation between gut biome and general sense of wellbeing and emotional stress levels - beyond basic digestive concerns.

Another concept that is spoken of on this forum a lot is your mineral intake. You clearly have explored your hormones and blood levels already, so it might warrant another look after attempting to address the ulcer concept first - but do consider increasing your micronutrient/mineral intake with oysters, sardines, etc., if you can tolerate them. Normal mineral supplementation like zinc with appropriate counter mineral uptake is wise also. I would direct you to look at the forum posts regarding mineral intake values and what to take as a non-food supplement regimen.

I would suggest looking into a gut-biome regeneration protocol, using pre and probiotics that are typical of your ethnic/social group. So perhaps kefir, or a similar fermented french dairy product if there is one that you are familiar with. I would strongly suggest the carrot salad that Dr. Peat has described before, but perhaps minimizing the vinegar or acid base that you add to the salad. Otherwise simply eating a whole carrot on a daily basis will be useful for regulating your gut health.

If there is more bacteria in your gut that is negatively impacting your health, starches could be feeding them in a way that is not helpful for your particular case. I would consider restricting starch intake and perhaps upping your protein/fat/dairy intake, if it is tolerable and does not further inflame your stomach/digestion.

I would also look for french language or local historic ulcer remedies online, or even consult local old folks who have dealt with ulcers in the past. I know that is less helpful than direct dietary advice, but I am a believer in local health solutions as ancestors may have engaged in.

On a final note, it is possible that there are some unaddressed psychological stressors relating to both the birth of your children and the last several years of global mayhem. You would not be alone in suffering from long term post-partem symptoms, and related physiological stressors/bacterial imbalances from the births and hospital protocols. Birth can be a traumatic event, at least physiologically, and much of post-partem care does not address the balance of bodily and mental needs. I don't want to overstep in my assessment, but it is something to consider on top of the gut health concern.

Do please report back with any updates you have or if any of these concepts align with what you are experiencing! Would very much like to know how your diet may affect your possible ulcers, or if there are any other dietary deficiencies that may be contributing to your gut health situation. Blessings!
Jul 27, 2022
As an aside, I live in a very dark climate this time of year as well. I understand the depression this season brings. Get out and get sunlight, even when it is cloudy - it truly helps, even if just a bit.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Thanks for you reply ! Actually, I try to eat what I feel like eating because I have a lack of appetite most of the time or I quickly feel full. I eat eggs, whites fishes, squash soups, porridge, milk, dairy, sometimes bread, pasta, rice. After two to three hours after eating, I feel bad, I have anxiety, stomach heavyness, nausea, vertigo. I do not know what to do, what to eat, what supplements to try. I feel so depressed. I am currently in France, it's cold, night comes early, no sun.
Try to avoid pasta rice and bread, extend hypo (especially in that case) will cause leaky gut and due to your anxiety and so on, you must have serotonin overload in the intestin. You seem to have low CO2 as well. Regular bag breathing will help a lot. Eat eggs, meat, milk, raw carrot. Sent you a pm for more info, and if you can afford it get yourself a red light divice (real red waves). Progesterone will help a lot in your case, B1, methylene blue, cascara as well. Good brand BCAA is really powerfull to deplete excess serotonin in the gut. try to go out with friend even if its hard when you are anxious. Combine with diet and supplement you will feel better and break the vicious dark circle of stress.


Mar 18, 2021
H. pylori prevalence ranges between 85% and 95% in developing countries and between 30 and 50% in developed countries.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
Hello everyone, i hope you are all in good mental and physical health. Pardon my English in advance, it's not my mother tongue (I am French).
I am a young mom who desesperately need some help. I will try to explain it shortly.
Since 2020, I felt sick and I struggle to get my health back. I am only 29. I am a mom to two young boys of 4 and 2 years old.
Since 2020, a lot happened : I gave birth to my second son, one month later I had to remove my gallbladder (I already lost my appendix), I was breastfeeding, I was moving abroad (north africa) and it was a lot of stress and emotionnally I was weakened. Just two months after all of this, I lost a ton of weight and I started experiencing a lot of symptoms :
_ panic attacks EVERY SINGLE DAY
_ feeling of doom
_ palpitations
_ low blood pressure
_ extreme fatigue
_ loss of appetite
_ diarrhea
_ abdominal issues
_ lot a burping
_ dry hair and skin
_ tetany and spasmophilia attacks which lead me to the ER
The worst is whenever I feel something in my body or a symptom, I imagine the worst, I feel I am going to die. Out of the blue, I became hypocondriac.
It was a painful period of my life, really just thinking about it I want to cry. It was a nightmare. I lost so much money because doctors couldn't figure out what it was.
I had to go back in France and I paid private blood panel :
My homocysteine was slightly above
My pregnenolone was high
Dhea was normal
Cortisol was low
T3 was low in urine but TSH was under 1
Cholesterol was normal even slightly low
ferritin was 45 A LOT THE TIME since getting sick (normally it's so low)
Calcium was low

I started supplementing thyroid being advised by my doc (5 mcg of T3 in the morning and 13mcg of T4 at night) but it was hard as I couldn't eat without feel full, nausea and burping. I did an endoscopy and we discovered chronic gastritis and H pylori in the biopsy.
So it was it ! SICK FOR TWO YEARS BECAUSE OF THAT. I wondered if it didn't create malabsorption and all the deficiencies that lowered my thyroid and created all my sickness.
My doc gave me amoxiciline and clarythromycine with esomeprazole for 10 days. I still feel bad I think it may be because of the stomack inflammation. When I eat I have vertigo (feeling like being on a boat), I have anxiety, migraine, nausea, gerd and so on. I can't digest most of the things and I feel like supplements are not being absorbed. Please I need advices and help, I can't live like this, always going to the ER, being afraid to stay alone with my kids at home, feeling anxious. I lost my job, I lost my quality of life.

I need to understand, why am I feeling like this : I am depleted because of pregnancies and breastfeeding, is it the loss of my gallbladder, is it purely emotionnal stress, h pylori which is stealing my vitamins ?

Thanks in advance, desesperately needing hope...
Get yourself some B2 (active version). Make sure you are getting plenty of magnesium calcium. Zinc copper B6 (go easy on the copper, sounds like a copper problem). And something that MIGHT really help is absorbic acid. That cleared up my skin immediately.


Sep 30, 2022
Again, I am not an expert Peater and am just coming to learn some of these things myself - so please take some of what I will say with a healthy pinch of salt.

It sounds to me that the H Pylori has led to some significant ulcers in your digestive tract. This would possibly account for the 2-3 hour timeline regarding the unwell feelings you are experiencing after eating. Gut ulcers can be complicated to resolve, especially if the underlying bacterial infection is not fully dealt with first. Peat forum users are generally divided on the use of antibiotics, but if the latent biopsies are showing that the H Pylori has subsided and is reduced, then you are in a better place to begin addressing the ulcers. It's possible that the starches you are eating, such as bread, pasta, rice, and any acidic foods you ingest are continuing to inflame the ulcers. The other component to consider would be that the antibiotics you took could have further disrupted and damaged your lower gut biome. From what I understand, there is a significant correlation between gut biome and general sense of wellbeing and emotional stress levels - beyond basic digestive concerns.

Another concept that is spoken of on this forum a lot is your mineral intake. You clearly have explored your hormones and blood levels already, so it might warrant another look after attempting to address the ulcer concept first - but do consider increasing your micronutrient/mineral intake with oysters, sardines, etc., if you can tolerate them. Normal mineral supplementation like zinc with appropriate counter mineral uptake is wise also. I would direct you to look at the forum posts regarding mineral intake values and what to take as a non-food supplement regimen.

I would suggest looking into a gut-biome regeneration protocol, using pre and probiotics that are typical of your ethnic/social group. So perhaps kefir, or a similar fermented french dairy product if there is one that you are familiar with. I would strongly suggest the carrot salad that Dr. Peat has described before, but perhaps minimizing the vinegar or acid base that you add to the salad. Otherwise simply eating a whole carrot on a daily basis will be useful for regulating your gut health.

If there is more bacteria in your gut that is negatively impacting your health, starches could be feeding them in a way that is not helpful for your particular case. I would consider restricting starch intake and perhaps upping your protein/fat/dairy intake, if it is tolerable and does not further inflame your stomach/digestion.

I would also look for french language or local historic ulcer remedies online, or even consult local old folks who have dealt with ulcers in the past. I know that is less helpful than direct dietary advice, but I am a believer in local health solutions as ancestors may have engaged in.

On a final note, it is possible that there are some unaddressed psychological stressors relating to both the birth of your children and the last several years of global mayhem. You would not be alone in suffering from long term post-partem symptoms, and related physiological stressors/bacterial imbalances from the births and hospital protocols. Birth can be a traumatic event, at least physiologically, and much of post-partem care does not address the balance of bodily and mental needs. I don't want to overstep in my assessment, but it is something to consider on top of the gut health concern.

Do please report back with any updates you have or if any of these concepts align with what you are experiencing! Would very much like to know how your diet may affect your possible ulcers, or if there are any other dietary deficiencies that may be contributing to your gut health situation. Blessings!
Thanks a lot for this interesting insight ! Indeed, I feel like starch make feel so bad but I do not know what I crave them like crazy ! For antibiotics, I feel the same. My stomach is heavier. I wonder if I should take probiotics. I know Ray peat talked favorably about s boulardii and L reuteri. I still have gastritis and indeed I must be careful to avoid acidic foods in order to heal the lining. I am so sad because I really want to drink coffee with milk but coffee is acidic. I might not be a good idea.
I will first try to pay attention to my food intake, trying to optimize mineral rich foods and try helpful supplements.

Thanks again and regarding psychological side, you are right. I did a post partum depression and with all the stressfull period it was with covid, being away from family, I need to heal my self from all this mayhem.

I'll keep you informed with what I implemented and how I feel gradually

take care


Sep 30, 2022
Try to avoid pasta rice and bread, extend hypo (especially in that case) will cause leaky gut and due to your anxiety and so on, you must have serotonin overload in the intestin. You seem to have low CO2 as well. Regular bag breathing will help a lot. Eat eggs, meat, milk, raw carrot. Sent you a pm for more info, and if you can afford it get yourself a red light divice (real red waves). Progesterone will help a lot in your case, B1, methylene blue, cascara as well. Good brand BCAA is really powerfull to deplete excess serotonin in the gut. try to go out with friend even if its hard when you are anxious. Combine with diet and supplement you will feel better and break the vicious dark circle of stress.
Thanks a lot !!! Your insight was so helpful and full of good advices. I'll try to implement those things and improve gradually my lifestyle
Building resilience is key


Sep 30, 2022
H. pylori prevalence ranges between 85% and 95% in developing countries and between 30 and 50% in developed countries.
True !!!!!! Just two months in north africa was enough for me to get it
that's crazy. Any advices if I come back there ? What should I pay attention to ? I am so afraid to get ill again


Sep 30, 2022
Get yourself some B2 (active version). Make sure you are getting plenty of magnesium calcium. Zinc copper B6 (go easy on the copper, sounds like a copper problem). And something that MIGHT really help is absorbic acid. That cleared up my skin immediately.
A doc gave me a mix of b vitamins to normalize homocysteine. There are b2 and b6 in it. I am sure that I lack zinc. That would explain why I have stomach issues as zinc helps with stomach acid and digestion


Jun 15, 2022
United States
A doc gave me a mix of b vitamins to normalize homocysteine. There are b2 and b6 in it. I am sure that I lack zinc. That would explain why I have stomach issues as zinc helps with stomach acid and digestion
B complex vitamins are garbage imo. You need b2 to be able to use all the other b vitamins. If you are taking a complex you are just depleting your b2 even more. And making your histamine problems worse. But yea it sounds like copper overload for sure. I would take B6, b9, and of course b2. All in active form. And definitely calcium and magnesium


Mar 18, 2021
True !!!!!! Just two months in north africa was enough for me to get it
that's crazy. Any advices if I come back there ? What should I pay attention to ? I am so afraid to get ill again
My point was that H. Pylori is largely a scam.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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