I Took 100mg Pregnenolone ED For Years - Please Help Me


Jul 10, 2016
I think the low libido from Prog comes from a too high unnecessary dose. I love libido on Prog it's so grounded yet ready to go anytime.
Definite anti-estrogen effect. Veiny unit aswell!

Couldn't agree more - I take it any day over the irresistible but more anxious hornyness of higher E2, as long as its not high enough to make me numb.


Jul 10, 2016
I wouldn't forget about the 5-Ar reduced Neuro-Steroids if the enzyme has been "downregulated" somehow... Thank God I never touched that sh"t even while shedding excessively at 24 and 25.

Imbalances between Allopregnanolone and Isopregnanolone, less dhdoc activity - a messed up gaba feedback system no wonder so many ex Fin/DuT users end up falling for the Benzo+SSRI trap as I did... But for different reason.


Jan 25, 2016
Hi What dosage are you taking. I got a 15 cc scoop with my order. Thanks so much.

I ordered from HealthNatura and if you got further questions about it ask me .


Feb 26, 2018
I thought pregnenolone was one of the few supplements everybody, at every age could take without side effects... There seems to be a few bad responders on this forum .
Just gave my dad a pregenolone cream , hope it treats him well .

On The other hand here is the confirmation that (higher) doses of pregnenolone can cause a rise in stress hormones.
This study shows that after a175mg dose of pregnenolone, estrogen and cortisol rise as much as testosterone and DHEA, etc...
That was only for 24h hours though. But I f you took preg daily, it's definitely relevant , especially since it was a high dose as well.
The only thing that stayed elevated longer was pregnenolone sulfate . Which might not be optimal , as it's a GABA antagonist. I'd guess that with continuous, daily dosing especially pregnenolone sulfate would stay elevated ,as it's the storage form of pregnenolone.

I cycle pregenolone topically, as I get best androgenic results from it and hope to avoid pregenolone sulfate piling up this way . Plus I do see diminishing benefits when i dose every day .


Oct 15, 2019
I"m in Germany and work as small enterpreneur.
I order pregnenolon from UK, product is Swanson 50 mg 60 capsules, as it seems fairly good quality.
Last year some of my orders have been confiscated by German DHL, One month after delivery I usually received a letter from Customs Office, I must visit them, however before it I may pay 28 Euro to DHL, as confiscation was a hard job :): I let the parcels, whether they sent them back or take them.... Seller paid me back full refund by paypal.
This January I sent them a letter, that they must label it not as private person, but add e.K., Einzelkaufmann, small enterpreuneur.
Since that all parcels have arrived without any extra payments.

I use pregnenolon with MCT oil, in DMSO solution with urea pulver and divided 50 mgs into 2 or 3 parts.
I take it evening, together with cascara and I sleep all night without break. I am in my 63th year.

I see German law is very strict, they do not allow importing pregnenolon Ultra 10 mg. I think 10 mg is better in quality.
However, I can order 50 mg 60 caps without any problems. Delivery is free within EU and they know the price limits.
If you order 200 units, they send you in 50 parcels, so no VAT, no customs for private persons.
I order preg in 12pc/packets, price is very competitive. If one order only 1 pc, it costs more.
If you need more info, check healthmonthly co uk. After brexit is may it be a bit more expensive (Ust 7%).
After I log in prices are about half than browsing without registration.

I requested last year my own import license for outside of EU, as I order some of my products from Asia, from reputable firms.
In Germany 1 liter wintergreen oil costs 130-150 Euro, I bought (together with courier price, German tax and local costs of curier) at 36 Euro / lit.
However, I did not order cacao butter from there, as its price was more than in UK.
I ordered Virgin Cacao Butter 100% pure from UK, althought I know Spanish company and a Belgian warehouse where it is much more cheaper, but I did not want to buy a pallet.
Just order it from Poland. It's cheap and you can buy it in any amount in polish internet shops.


Jan 28, 2019
Just order it from Poland. It's cheap and you can buy it in any amount in polish internet shops.
haidut wrote earlier, Swanson Pregnenolon is weak, I ordered MRM pregnenolon.


Feb 26, 2018

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
It seems easy to get prescription anti-depressants where I'm located but I'm looking for something to cure me, not a temporary band-aid. I started reading a bit about 5-HTP and it does seem good but again I seems like it will only last temporarily.
If there is any way to avoid it, DO NOT use antidepressants, esp any of those that affect serotonin.

I find that one can have anxiety about getting anxious, and so a vicious circle starts. I therefore keep some Xanax or Valium around - easy to get a scrip for small amounts just tell the doc you have flight anxiety and have to fly soon. Often, just knowing i have it if absolutely needed is suffiicient to relieve the attack without popping the pill.
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