If PUFA's Are One Of The Main Causes Of Aging, Why Don't Fruitarians Look Younger Than Other People


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Yeah, it's sad. Even though they probably assume it could happen anytime, I'm sure it's still shocking when it does. It helps to have an insurance policy that covers all risks, but I imagine they're quite expensive and hard to get for someone living in a high risk zone.

Aww...it's near Lorne?! I knew I liked it! I wouldn't mind driving slow in that area. :) I just looked at pics of Teddy's Lookout and it's sooo pretty. And being able to walk there, even better! That's why I like the idea of living in a beachside community. I could easily walk to the beach.

So Australia is like living over the rainbow too then? :) It makes sense why you burn easily there, especially those of you who are fair. I think you're right about it being related to the hole in the ozone layer. I can't comment on the shape of the earth being a factor until we all agree on its shape. :p:

WOW! You really have travelled all over the world! That's alarming that the car just toppled off the road, but thankfully you didn't. I looked at pictures of Muir Woods. You've got to love those trees!

Yikes! Garlic can be pretty rough on tissues. What was it Ray said about garlic — that it's as rough on the intestines as it is on the bacteria? It could be killing off bacteria in the lymph system, sure, but probably not to the extent that it's an issue for most people.

I'm glad you found a food to keep you warm during the winter. Too bad it causes you to have the eye twitching with chocolate and coffee. Do you think it's the fat in the cheese that keeps you warm and if so, have you ever tried cocoa butter as a main fat source?

Interesting! Well, if there's any credibility to proper food combining, I suppose if it was common for them to combine their meat/proteins with starch or fruit, that could have been a factor? I think in proper food combining, proteins digest best with non-starchy veggies.

Oh, yeah!! I've seen that sphere treehouse before in a book at the bookstore. There was also one that looked like a bird's nest. The only thing is I wish the builder would have made the top half of the sphere glass — a perfect glass dome just like the planetarium. That near the beach where there aren't many trees to obstruct the view of the stars...ahhhh!

I have the perfect vehicle to go with it...


Whenever I see this photo, I can't help but laugh at the guy peering through the window. I imagine him whispering "Help me!" Do you think Wonka trapped him in there? :nailbiting:

Oh, and the builder does sound like John Astin. Haha!

I can't believe how long this thread is now and very little of it has to do with fruitarians and aging. Haha! I've really enjoyed our conversations, Richie!
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Jul 8, 2014
Look what I just found, @Richiebogie!

Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort - Official website


I think I need to expand on the Melon Camp idea and include a resort of glass domed treehouses near the beach. What should I call it? Star Gazer Resort? Hmm...sort of sounds like the name of a My Little Pony. Under the Stars at Tybee? I think the Melon Camp will have to change. I could call it the Little Dipper and sell hand dipped fruit and coconut cream/fruit based sundaes? Oh, the possibilities! :lol:


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Those Lapland houses are like partially underground glass and aluminium igloos! I like your idea of putting them up a tree!

Wouldn't it be great to see the northern lights from your bed!

Talking of views, it reminds me of the observatory on the International Space Station! Or should that be called the International Special Effects Studio?


There's no reason you can't have your own cupola in your next bedroom, particularly if you have a few hundred million dollars to spare!

Here is a lower budget option from a Russian website:


This next house has a cosy star-gazing bedroom you might like! The house was not made from shipping containers but uses a similar ethos. Everything has been designed and built from scratch, by the people who seem to have invented the foot pedal bin, but I am sure a cheaper version could be made with a few shortcuts!

I made a mistake in my last post. Those spherical tree houses were on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, not in Washington. The business is called Free Spirit Spheres at Qualicum Beach. That is 189km from Victoria International Airport.

I love your green car. Is it made from old VW Combivan panels? I think the number plate is PEA which is quite apt!

The cowering man behind the window isn't the best marketing idea. Normally it would be an urbane self sufficient man in a bow tie or a skivvy!

There is now an interesting thread on the man who eats only beef! His name is Jordan Peterson and he is better known for his arguments for free speech!

A few people are suggesting the benefits he is getting will be short term and they are due to stress hormones! However it sounds like he was suffering from some severe stress before he went beef only!

Time will tell!

Creative things happening everywhere! Thanks for your great links and pics! They are inspiring!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Yeah, add some music to the northern lights' show and I'd be in heaven!

LOL at International Special Effects Studio. The view from the observatory does look similar!

Hmm...a few hundred million dollars? What do kidneys go for on the black market these days? I can afford to dump them since they aren't working well anyway. In all seriousness, I actually prefer the modern style and seamless view of the Russian loft.

Ooh...the Vipp Shelter has sliding glass walls! That's what I wanted! I love how they blend the indoors and outdoors seamlessly. I essentially wanted a glass conservatory, but that was when the plan was Hawaii. I'm not sure it would work so well on Tybee. lol

I just looked at Free Spirit Sphere's website and saw their model Luna — it looks like something the mothership left behind. Very cool!

The pea plate is fitting, yeah. I like to think of the car as a gumball, but it's actually a pea created for a Birds Eye peas commercial. Here's a description of it:

The Flying Tortoise: Very Cute Tiny Green Pea Car...

I had a good laugh at skivvy because my grandmother refers to undies as skivvies, but assumed that's not what you meant. I googled it and see it means a turtleneck, which makes a lot more sense. :lol:

Oh, okay. You were referring to Jordan Peterson and his daughter. I can see why he feels better on his current diet given his previous one. Whether or not it's ideal in the long run, as you said, time will tell. Hopefully, they dodge the trap many find themselves in and stay true their own experiences rather than theories.

Thank you for all the links, also! :): This has been fun!
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Sep 22, 2021
new york
Which fruitarians are you referring to? So many variables to consider.

Durianrider does a lot of cardio (cycling, marathons, etc). Excessive cardio raises all kinds of stress hormones. Cortisol will make you look old real fast. He lives in Australia, so perhaps out in the sun a lot whilst 'pushing for the burn'. Being out in the sun a lot will age your skin like nothing else.

Also. Last time I checked his videos, he was travelling a lot (not living solely off this fruitarian diet he was initially promoting). So was eating noodles, low fat cereals and other low nutrition (quick, easy & convenient) starch based foods.

His 801010 approach still should be fairly pro metabolic, though (despite the lack of protein).
What’s the 801010 approach?


Nov 6, 2022
I am struggling to find the exact email but i believe he told me it was mutagenic.
Yikes 😱
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# ray peat email 📧
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