If PUFA's Are One Of The Main Causes Of Aging, Why Don't Fruitarians Look Younger Than Other People


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Ah yes. Mr. Phineas seeks out the red light on his own. These snaps were during the winter in Chicago.
How wonderful! I've noticed all my dogs and and cats over the years love to hang out by me when I'm using my red light and they also tend to bask in the sun coming through windows. They seem to instinctively seek out the light. My fawn colored boxers in particular loved to sunbathe. My darker furred dogs would tend to stay in the shade more-probably because they would get too hot if they were in direct sunlight for too long.


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Yeah, I wonder too. Vegan or not, I hope he's the kind of guy who has enough love for himself and life to treat his body right.

Ooh...yeah, that's rough! Micromanagers make for a frustrating road trip, for sure. I find duct tape a useful tool to have on hand for these types of situations. JK It's great that he was getting fitter over the 3 days there. It must be frustrating for him to not be able to walk without struggling. You guys seem good for him. :)

Oh, how cool to have a van like that right outside the market! I'm thinking it's like a food truck? I've see some really nice ones on the Food Network that offer gourmet type dishes made from fresh, locally sourced and organic ingredients. Definitely not your standard food truck.

I think it's a good thing to be optimistic. If it means anything, Ray mentioned in an interview that he thought a diet made up of the foods you mentioned was very healthy. A friend had sent me the interview and quote after I had been struggling to tolerate dairy for a while.

Haha! Yeah, butter makes everything taste better! I believe that's one of the reasons why I can't give up avocados. They should never have called it the butter fruit. lol Mmm...sweet potatoes and butter are a delicious couple!

That's great that all your dairy is grass-fed. It's so much healthier for the animals and I believe for people, too. Thankfully, most of the farms around me are grass-based, but I did find one local brand at the store that actually advertises on their website that the cows' diet includes old vegetable oil from restaurants. I can't think of why they would be proud of this enough to advertise it other than they think customers will look at it like a form of recycling?

Okay, I was already sold on Lorne, but I'm even more so now that you've mentioned a swing bridge, the falls and a walk along a river. One of my favorite hikes my brother and I did has a 168ft long, asymmetrical cable bridge suspended over a river. A shallow part of the river starts near the trailhead so after the hike, we cooled off in it. The water was crystal clear and the rocks so smooth underfoot and children were laughing and splashing all around us. It was just one of those perfect summer days.

That's crazy that people have to take shelter in the ocean like that due to bushfires. Good thing it doesn't happen often. I looked up sweet pittosporum. It's quite the resilient tree and its flowers and orange berries are really pretty. So the council poisons the pittosporum because it has become invasive?

Here we have honeysuckle which has become so invasive that garden nurseries aren't allowed to sell certain varieties of it. It grows wild all around our property and I love how its fragrance perfumes the air. While traveling through Virginia, I noticed wisteria growing wild. I recall it being invasive also, but boy is it beautiful!

Yeah, I discovered my filtering is tempromental. I've been experimenting again with cooked food (steamed veggies) for the last two weeks and on the days I have the steamed veggies, the following morning my urine is crystal clear and on the days I don't have them, the following morning I have a ton of sediment.

I know that we use cooked veggies as a tool in detox to slow it down, but I didn't think it was stopping my filtering completely. I honestly would rather have avocados and coconut as my tool instead of steamed veggies, but I wanted to test Dr. Morse's theory for myself, you know?

Bye for now, Richie!
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Jul 8, 2014
Ah yes. Mr. Phineas seeks out the red light on his own. These snaps were during the winter in Chicago.
Aww...that's the one! Phineas is such a great name, Regina. He looks so cute lying on that pillow. Haha!


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

I had written the start of my reply some time ago. It usually saves unpublished when I press "Preview...", but maybe after a week of not publishing or editing it tends to disappear!

We do have food vans in Melbourne but they are usually arranged in council-approved settings like Sunday markets or festivals! I am not sure if it is legal to set up just anywhere by the side of the road. That would probably encourage too much free market activity!

The mussel van is set up permanently within the Prahran market close to the fish market! They serve some interesting mussel soups, including some with coconut milk! Notice the cute mussel shell side flaps:

The Mussel Pot - Prahran Market

That is shocking that people advertise vegetable oil fed animals! Perhaps it sounds like eco-diesel powered cows!

I was amazed that one of the brands of dried dog food proudly advertises broccoli, apple, carrot and beetroot on their webpage with a little image and spiel about the health benefits of each. However when you check the ingredients, these 4 are at the end, after salt! This means they are adding mere pinches of these foods as if they were supplements!

Yes sweet pittosporum is lovely, and invasive but I think it should be allowed to take over in its native lands!

There is a strange favouritism here in Victoria for fireforest trees like eucalypts and melaleucas (tea-tree) over rain forest plants!

Much of Victoria is covered in grey, ghostly eucalypts like Southern Blue Gum! I guess it is interesting for a while, but driving for hours on country roads with nothing else to look at can get me down! I much prefer the lush green trees like our native blackwood (acacia melanoxylon) and sweet pittosporum!

That is interesting that cooked food, even steamed food, is stopping your kidney filtration.

I wonder if a raw prawn or an oyster would allow your filtration to keep going or if it would shut down sediment for a year?

I have been avoiding cheese and other dairy except for that little bit of butter on my white potatoes and sweet potatoes!

My eye twitch has gone even though I am eating about 60g of 70% chocolate each day. Sometimes I even eat "espresso" chocolate with coffee added!

Also I am no longer getting flakes in my ears from orange juice!

It could be both of these occur due solely to dairy but at this stage I believe it is the combination of dairy protein or dairy solids with chocolate &/or OJ! (Dairy fat from butter only seems to cause a sore tummy if I overdo it!). Maybe the magnesium in the chocolate creates a healing response to the dairy. Similarly with the healing components of OJ?

Anyway I am continuing with my mega banana smoothies in the morning, chocolate during the day, potatoes and butter in the early evening and then raw (usually defrosted) fish, prawns or molluscs later on. This is so that if the animal food needs an acid digestion, then the fruit and carbs will not interfere with that!

I have regained a lot of the weight I lost trying to be vegan and am now swimming very spritely in the pool!

My tonsils seem less inflamed too! The soles of my feet and nails remain clear which I have found since I began avoiding bread and other seeds a few years ago!

I did get a little mouth ulcer problems from trying 2 pumpkin seeds a day for hair regrowth a few weeks ago so I gave that away!

I sent an email to Jinti Fell on Saturday. She has been unwell for a while so I suggested she try some molluscs as per our monkey and ape friends. She hasn't written back as of now. I guess she would prefer to heal by remaining vegan if possible.

Have you been watching any of Sv3rige's youtube clips? He has interviewed a large number of ex-vegans. The latest interviewee was vegan for 12 years and a Morse-fan fruitarian for the last of those years.

While she has abandoned veganism like me, I think she is going a bit far by saying that fruit and fructose are unhealthy like heroin! I am thinking that maybe 98% fruit and 2% raw meat is ideal, though we can obviously survive on many variations.

Of course no one should listen to me until I have overcome all of my health issues!

All the best!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Woo-hoo! That's awesome! I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well! :D Your body obviously does better with some animal protein in your diet.

Huh, I didn't even know it saves our replies if we press preview. It stinks that you had to start over. I often feel like it would be so much easier to just say what we want to say instead of having to type it all out. Of course, I may just be lazy. lol

That mussel van is way too cute! It sort of reminds me of a TAB a.k.a teardrop trailer. I'm thinking my fruit truck should be a fruit van instead. I can have a paw paw over the top just like the mussel on the mussel van.

Ooh...I know! I could get someone to dress up in a fruit costume and dance out front to attract (or deter hehe!) customers like in one of those SNL skits with Justin Timberlake...

LOL I can just image the exhaust from these eco-diesel powered cows. I have a farm not too far from me that feeds their cows expired bread from supermarkets. The smell is something fierce, especially on humid days.

Sadly, that's typical with a lot of the kibble on the market. I spent a fair amount of time researching dog food since Cricket had chronic diarrhea when we first got her, which I now suspect was due to the mold, and the dogs always ate whole food based kibble like the brand Orijen.

However, Bee would eventually stop eating them. Before switching him to his homemade raw diet, we tried a raw freeze-dried dog food by Bravo and he would always leave behind the meat and organs. He was more than eager to eat the scallops and eggs on the homemade diet, though.

Yeah, I can understand that. I love our native plants, too. Purple lilacs, white birch trees, wild orchids called lady's slippers (also known as moccasin flower).

I have to redo my cooked veggie experiment. I discovered yesterday that I was sent the wrong kidney formula on my last order so instead of taking the cleanser like I had been just prior to the experiment, I've been taking the diuretic. This means I may still have a good amount of sediment even with cooked veggies in my diet.

If a prawn or oyster did stop my filtration, I'm thinking it wouldn't take long for me to get it back since it comes back within a day of not having any of the steamed broccoli.

I watched one of Sv3rige's videos a while back where he ate year old rotten meat from a jar and I just couldn't stomach watching his other videos, but I just looked at his interview with the ex-vegan/fruitarian you mentioned. Her extreme response is so common, especially with ex-fruitarians and ex-vegans. Some even swear off plants entirely. I noticed Sv3rige interviewed Victor. Victor was part of the 80/10/10 community around the time I was.

Take care!


May 3, 2015
Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for the Justin Timberlake sketch! Is he dressed as a piece of tofu? How estrogenic! There may be a lot of soy boys in the Entertainment Industry! Or maybe he is a piece of dried mango?

Perhaps your van could represent your favourite melons. It could be known as the Melon Camp!

I just looked up paw paw! Here in Australia it is used to mean a yellow skinned papaya, but up your way it looks like a yummy custard apple!

Have you eaten them? They might grow well down in Georgia. How are things progressing with the move?

Yes it's funny that some people go from one extreme to another... fruitarian to 100% raw meat is in some ways a big jump, but then again they are both abnormal compared with SAD, so maybe they are sister diets after all!

I bought some beef liver pate made by our local delicatessen on Tuesday. I thought it was quite tasty (on rye biscuits! I probably should have used celery or carrot sticks) but Matt and his sister and her family thought it was gross and too strong! Maybe there was something in it that I needed, whereas they already had enough of it...? It is high in B12, retinol and copper... I'm sure I get enough copper from all the fruit I eat though!

The pate also contained onion which I have avoided for a few months. Maybe I needed the sulfur compounds! Then again the rye biscuits were tasty too! I will wait a few days for it to clear my system before trying some more!

I watched an interesting video on a girl who regained the curly hair she had from childhood. She did this by avoiding shampoo and using a special conditioner which was free from sulfates, parabens and silicons! The product was called Devacurl. I'm not sure if it would help me though. I could become curly but no one would know because of the baldness :) !

Vegetable Police is back on to high fat low carb veganism. This time is with One Meal A Day. He seems to be cycling through his favourite ways of eating faster and faster! Maybe the pressure of making a video every day or 2 is confusing him. Then again I am searching for Shangri La also!

Have your irises changed since your filtration started?

All the best!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

You're welcome! Yep, he's a block of tofu. I wish he would of been a piece of dried mango. The vegan=tofu and kale stereotype has got to go. It's about time us fruity vegans are represented. lol

Haha! The Melon Camp — brilliant idea! The dancing fruit can entice customers with fruitarianized versions of Pink Houses and Cherry Bomb. I see a real money maker in my future. :D

I haven't tried paw paw yet, but I'm dying to. It's such a cool fruit — tropical-like but zoned for most of the US so it even thrives in New Hampshire. I planned on starting them off here like I did with the Caribbean avocados. The avo plants are doing awesome!

I started them off in glass jars filled with water. I inserted skewers on either side of the seeds and suspended them over the mouths of the jars. They had already sprouted in the fruit prior to this, which I've noticed is quite common for the Caribbean variety.

The house we were looking at was removed from the listings without explanation so as of now, the only other option on Tybee is to buy some land and build. We've also been looking at St. Simons, Georgia, Hilton Head, South Carolina and Jacksonville, Florida.

Yeah, That's for sure! Fruitarianism and raw meat diets are definitely abnormal compared to the SAD.

Hmm...good question. Do you like liver, in general? I think its flavor is hard for some to stomach. I was buying mine from the farm and soaking it in raw milk overnight and even then I was gagging it down.

Sure, it could be the nutrients in the liver your body was wanting, or the sulfur from the onions. I think one way to tell is if you're drawn to other sulfurous foods like garlic and eggs?

Oh, yeah! I've seen Devacurl. The herbal shampoo I use is technically no poo, but my hair hasn't gone back to curly. However, it did turn curly when I was following 80/10/10. My hair also turned copper. My hair was light auburn as a child, but never copper. So strange!

Yeah, poor Veggie Police and his not so merry-go-round of diets. I can empathize, too. It seems to me he did best on the raw diet he was eating right before moving to Thailand where he was consuming celery juice every morning. It seemed to help his digestion greatly.

My mum says my eyes have gotten greener but I honestly don't see it. Iridology has been the one area of Dr. Morse's work I've been on the fence about. Despite my eyes lightening, I still find it hard to believe they'll turn blue. Given I'm essentially half Celtic/Welsh and half Iberian I figure it could go either way, but no one in my family has blue eyes only green, hazel and various shades of brown, with mine being the darkest.

Bye for now!
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Your healthy melon cocktails may be the perfect drinks for visitors to the Atlantic coast!

I found this handy map of the sea islands! I wonder if some states are better than others for retirees / small businesses. Some islands had tolls to pay for access! So many decisions!

File:Sea Islands map.png - Wikipedia

In Australia most of the land between the coastal roads and the beach is public land, so this gives people more access to the coast and provides space for sand dunes and native trees to flourish.

It looks like a lot of the land in the towns along the coast in Florida and Georgia is private land.

I wonder if California is more like Australia in this regard. Maybe it was a 19th century trend to set aside land along the coast.

Anyway, it appears that Tybee Island has a few access points for the public to get to the beach!

This video seems to come from near Tybee Island! It might provide some inspiration for a DIY home! You could have the shipping containers prepared in a factory (or at your current home) and then bring them to your block on a standard container truck!

Containers also should be pretty rugged in stormy weather! You could leave the outside looking like shipping containers or disguise the outside to look like a timber shack or a sleek modern home! I recall you loved the dark timber homes prefabricated in Bali!

I think I prefer 2 containers placed side by side for a living / dining room as in the video, and then you could have a couple of single containers coming off these for bedrooms and bathrooms!

I find these ideas alluring, but they can be a nightmare in practice! A ready-built home has a lot going for it!

Several people might put their properties up for sale after the summer holidays are over! (The property you were interested in may be on airbnb or weekly lease for a couple of months and then go back up for sale!)


I like the taste of chicken liver pate, and this recent beef liver pate, but I once ordered "lambs fry" thinking it was diced lamb on skewers! I remember being disgusted. The first mouthful was bearable but there was way too much on the plate! As Mies van der Rohe said, "Less is more"!

That is interesting how all the greens from your 80 10 10 days made your hair curly and coppery!

It sounds like a good thing, but then too much bitter oxalate-ridden food might have been a bad idea in other areas! I am just eating about 30g greens a day for the vitamin K. (The Germans called it vitamin K because it is needed for Koagulation!)

Maybe a few mixed herbs is a safer source than spinach, particularly if they also can help kidneys to function etc!


We have been getting some cold winds from the direction of Antarctica. We don't get snow here but the gentle gusts of wind are quite cooling.

I have bought a polypropylene thermal top with long sleeves which I will wear with my cotton skivvy, a woollen jumper and my single layer nylon jacket!

I prefer lots of thin layers so that all my clothes fit into my bag when I go swimming!

The nylon jacket seems to absorb water on moist days. Apparently polyester is a better outer layer plastic for dryness, but a waxy surface is probably best!

I hope you are enjoying some warmer weather and sunbathing times!

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May 17, 2018
Fruitarians don't age well for many reasons but the major cause is due to insulin spikes.


May 3, 2015
Hi @olive. Ray Peat suggests that insulin is more of an issue with quick absorbing starch than with fruit and sucrose.

Maybe the aging comes from elsewhere!

Some studies suggest that fructose and protein react to form damaging AGEs = Advanced Glycation Endproducts.

If so, it may be better eating fruit in the morning and saving protein until the end of the day.

(Whether broccoli counts as an AGE creating source of protein may require a future study).

Orally absorbed reactive glycation products (glycotoxins): An environmental risk factor in diabetic nephropathy
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May 7, 2018
Portland, OR
Hi @olive. Ray Peat suggests that insulin is more of an issue with quick absorbing starch than with fruit and sucrose.

Maybe the aging comes from elsewhere!

Some studies suggest that fructose and protein react to form damaging AGEs = Advanced Glycation Endproducts.

If so, it may be better eating fruit in the morning and saving protein until the end of the day.

(Whether broccoli counts as an AGE creating source of protein may require a future study).

Orally absorbed reactive glycation products (glycotoxins): An environmental risk factor in diabetic nephropathy

Wait, really? My basic protein meals are a big bowl of greek yogurt with fruit and honey on top, or a whey shake followed by an apple or some orange juice. Should I ditch these if I'm concerned about aging?


May 3, 2015
Hi @Aaron

On further inspection, the study mentions that cooked meat high in carbs like chicken skin is the highest dietary source of AGEs.

From the study:
Sprite soft drink 475 units AGE / cup
OJ 600 units AGE / cup
Coffee 2200 units AGE / cup
Cake 838,400 units AGE / 100g
Raw Duck Skin 61,970 units AGE / 100g
Cooked Duck Skin 6,259,000 units AGE / 100g

Raw fish and raw oysters are probably fine with fruit, fruit juice and sugar - at least as far as ingested AGEs go!

The study also said egg white and fructose cooked for an hour is high in AGE compared with egg white alone. Egg whites were used in the study to test AGE elimination.

However meringue is usually prepared with sucrose (fructose and glucose pairs)! I wonder how much AGE is in standard meringue, compared with the test meringue?
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Oct 29, 2016
Wait, really? My basic protein meals are a big bowl of greek yogurt with fruit and honey on top, or a whey shake followed by an apple or some orange juice. Should I ditch these if I'm concerned about aging?
Re yogurt, you should see how much your liver can handle, due to the lactic acid, which is bad.


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Thanks for the map! It is handy! Florida is known as a state for retirees, but I think even Tybee has quite a few retired residents.

I'm not too familiar with California's public/private land but if it weren't so expensive, the Laguna Beach area would be my first choice on the mainland. My mum's too.

Australia seems so amazing! I've been looking at coastal drives in search of a place I once dreamt about (yes, I'm crazy but it was one of those amazing, vivid dreams you never forget haha!) and I came across a pic of the Great Ocean Road that looks identical to my dream.

Those are all great ideas! And how cool! I like the home's loft feel but then how it's tucked away in a jungle-like setting. It doesn't even seem like Savannah. I prefer the two shipping containers side by side, also. I'd probably add more windows, too.

I can definitely see the appeal of buying an already built home — less headaches, but the idea of designing a place and seeing it come to life thrills me. Plus, the kind of home I want, which is essentially a fancy tree house with a view of the stars, isn't easy to find. lol

Speaking of unconventional living, I was looking at a video of a raw vegan YouTuber I follow and she stayed at this place in Zion National Park, Utah:

Zion National Park Glamping Utah - A Unique Lodging Experience

How cool would it be to sleep out there and then wake up in the morning and go hiking/exploring?

Yep, exactly! I had mentioned to my parents that more properties may pop up in the fall since a lot of the homes on the island are used as rental properties and the owners may be taking advantage of the busy summer season before selling.

I question if the hair change was mostly due to illness because even my eyelashes stopped growing and started turning copper whereas I naturally have long, dark lashes. Oddly, only my eyebrows stayed dark.

I had to look up Lamb's Fry because I had never heard of it before and saw that it's lamb liver in Australia and New Zealand and Wiki says "lamb fries" are the testicles in America. :meh:

What I love most about herbs is that they're extremely concentrated sources of beneficial compounds so much less is needed to get the same benefits you would from greens.

Ah, so you are getting some alkalizing winds! That's one good thing about the winter, though it doesn't exactly feel so good when combined with an alkalizing diet.

Very smart! You sound like you're all set for a hike. :D I have similar types of layers for hiking. I preferred thin layers for the same reason, plus they're great for stripping down or layering up as temps change.

Thanks! Yes, I've been getting outside for at least 40 minutes when it's sunny and I've built up a pretty good tan, for me anyway. lol

Talk with you later! :wavingyellow


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Laguna beach does look nice but I see they have sold off the land closest to the beach there too! There are a few places like this in Melbourne and Sydney but they are rare. Mostly that space is a nature reserve.

That is amazing about your vivid dream looking like the Great Ocean Road here in Victoria! I know the road well, but there are similar stretches in New South Wales and Tasmania. Do post a pic that resembles your dream! How long ago did you dream it?

Note that the beach house in the original Mad Max film "Road Warrior" was from a town called Aireys Inlet on the Great Ocean Road. Have you seen that film?

Perhaps a music video or documentary influenced your dream? Or maybe it was just a memory from a future holiday you will have!!!

That Zion Glamping isn't cheap, but something to keep in mind for when you win the lotto or marry a wealthy friend... or become a raw vegan youtube sensation in your own right!

The people in the Zion video you linked to looked like they were wearing winter jackets in one night scene. Those tents wouldn't provide much insulation in the desert, so the cool nights and the sunrise out the door would be invigorating!

Yes, the Savannah home is cute under the foliage. I realized later that the Savannah home has a new-build central hall separating the 2 containers to provide extra width. The owner also added new ceiling spans to help support the wide roof!

Here is a smaller, simpler design where the 2 40ft containers are placed side by side, but fancier interiors are installed:


The containers have low ceilings which may induce claustrophobia, so it may be better to assemble a home on-site from all new materials!

I found this video of a US timber built prefab home that does well in hurricanes! It is called the Deltec! One version looks a bit like a tree house!

Or maybe a lighthouse!

I really should mention fruit in this post!

Actually we are good! Laguna Beach is in Orange County!

Perhaps this article will provide more satisfaction:

Dried Plums, Prunes and Bone Health: A Comprehensive Review
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

This is a pic that resembles my dream:


I haven't seen Road Warrior, no. I was probably in my early twenties when I had the dream and up until that point, I can't recall having ever seen that place before. Yesterday, I came across a video of Highway 1 along the California coast and I think I found it, except the colors in my dream were vivid:

LOL I think my first vlog as a raw vegan YouTuber will be recreating the Zion Glamping experience on a budget.

Yep, camping out in the cold is invigorating, to say the least. I've camped out on a mountain in minus degree temps and even built an igloo so when I'm done, Zion Glamping will have nothing on my thrifty creation.:D

Yeah, the container home's low ceiling is kind of claustrophobia inducing but oh my gosh! The Deltec home looks like the first home in Hawaii that I had my eye on — the off-grid home. Of course, that home is in the area that is currently being devastated by lava. Even Champagne Ponds is gone. :(

I checked out Deltec's site and they have many different plans. They seem to be a quality builder. I still love the carved woodwork in the Mandala Eco Homes, but the basic feel I want is there. Add some large skylights to the roof so I can see the stars at night while lying in bed and I'd be happy. :)

I've been meaning to ask you, do you include garlic and onions in your diet now and if so, any change in body scent?

Thanks for the link on prunes and bone health!

Hmm...I need to mention fruit. Oh, I know! The other day I had melon with a raccoon. I've been putting my fruit scraps in the garden and a couple days ago, while eating a melon on the deck, I heard rustling in the woods just beyond me. All of a sudden I see a raccoon pop out of the bushes in the distance and make a beeline for me. He got about two feet from me before realizing I was there, did a double take, and scurried off passed the fruit scraps and into the woods. While trying to save a tiny bug that had flown into my melon, I see the raccoon feasting on melon out of the corner of my eye. I freed the bug and went back to eating my melon. So there I was slurping on melon while a raccoon three feet away from me did the same. Haha!
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Zion Glamping
I'm glad y'all mentioned this- I think we are going to go for our anniversary. We spent a day on our honeymoon at Zion so it seems fitting. It's so beautiful.


Jul 8, 2014
I'm glad y'all mentioned this- I think we are going to go for our anniversary. We spent a day on our honeymoon at Zion so it seems fitting. It's so beautiful.
Oh, wow! Wonderful! It looked so beautiful when I saw it in that YouTuber's vlog. A tent with a real bed under a blanket of stars....magic! If you do decide to stay there, I hope you both enjoy it! :):


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Poor Kapoho, Green Lake and Champagne Ponds being inundated by lava. Maybe that happens every 50 years or so in that part of the Island! It must be sad for the locals if they weren't expecting it!

That pic you provided of the Great Ocean Rd is near Lorne! You need to drive fairly slowly along that stretch of road!

I would often walk to Teddy's Lookout from my parent's holiday home up on the ridge at Lorne. That has a great view of the George River meeting the ocean, and the road cut into the hills!

The sky in Australia can be quite bright, so the colours can appear bright. We also tend to burn easily in the sun here, and it might be related to the hole in the ozone layer. I wonder if that is related to the shape of the Earth and the magnetic field...?

The Pacific Coast Highway video was fun. I once drove to Muir Woods and further north from San Francisco. That was a pretty drive, but there were strange cracks in the road at the bends. We learned the next day that someone's car had toppled off the road due to a roadslide! Probably good I was heading north and so was on the higher side of the road! Maybe the road had only just reopened after winter...?

I haven't been eating much garlic and onion but there is a little onion in the beef liver pate I buy! (I prefer chicken liver pate but all the commercial chicken pate I can find has preservatives that cause me to wheeze in the night!) I wonder if the garlic and onion kill the good bacteria in our lymphatic systems?

A friend gave me some very garlicky pumpkin soup and from that night I had an inflamed gum. That was a day after eating some beef so I am trying to avoid both garlic and excessive sources of iron!

I haven't been smelly lately so not sure what triggers that most of all. Maybe green herbs and lettuce are keeping me odour free!

I am finding that small pieces of Pecorino or Reggiano Parmigiano are keeping me warm during winter! Unfortunately that means the return of the eye twitch if I have chocolate or coffee!

Still, most of my calories come from OJ, Apple Juice and Bananas! They are always delicious!

A guy on the internet has gotten rid of his fatigue and depression by eating only beef and beef fat! Apparently his daughter found the fix first. It also helped her arthritis which she inherited from her mother!

There must have been some bad combinations in what they were eating before! Maybe red meat is best eaten alone!

While checking out some more container home designs, I found this extraordinary treehouse builder last night! Probably not suitable for a Georgian beach house but inspiring nonetheless!

He is like a Willy Wonka of the forest!

He sounds like John Astin who played the original Gomez Addams. John Astin is from Maryland, but the sphere guy grew up in Alberta and now lives in Washington!
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