Im Curious- What Do You Eat?


Sep 29, 2016
Im new to this diet and im learning as much as i can but im getting a little discouraged, while i believe in Dr Peat's dietary principles and i find that the science behind it seems sound, I have many food sensitivities and a lot of the foods he advocates are foods I do not do well with. For example, i have had dairy and orange juice allergies since i was a child. I cant do seafood or eggs either due to sensitivities. This paints a bleak picture of what is then 'allowed'.
So, im curious for those who dont do dairy, oj, seafood, or eggs what do you replace those foods with?
And for you long time Peat-ers, can you successfully do this diet with these restrictions?
Also, i would love to see some samples of what a typical days food looks like for you- restrictions or not.


Aug 15, 2015
Almost everyday: milk, OJ, coffee, sugar, coconut oil, gelatin/glycine, lamb with some starch like white bread or rice, and of course salt to taste

Occasionally: liver, seafood, chocolate

I cannot see myself enjoy Peat diet without milk and coffee to be honest. I have days without OJ. That's ok. I don't bother with eggs as I am also sensitive to the soya inside them.


Mar 12, 2016
I eat apples, dates, coconuts, grapes, oranges, milk, cheese, coffee, liver and mussels daily. I feel great!


Aug 14, 2015
Root vegetable soups, meat stews, vegetables with coconut oil, cod, haddock, oysters, crab, prawns, chicken, honey, mango, pineapple. I'm also a sucker for oats - love oatmeal and oatcakes. Also, I have sardines now and again.
Oct 15, 2015
Just a couple thoughts. Peat suggests eggshell calcium if you can't do milk but I don't know if people who are allergic to eggs can do that. Otherwise a good calcium supplement.
And with milk if it is a true allergy there is not much you can do but if you have an intolerance that may be something that improves with a Peaty diet.

As for seafood, I think the main reasons to eat them is for minerals and taurine and both of those you could get from supplements.

Orange juice can be replaced with Guava juice(it is very similar nutritionally). I broke out in a rash from drinking too much OJ but I do great on guava.

Supplements may be useful for you. The Toxinless website is very helpful for finding clean supplements.


Aug 6, 2015
starch with coconut oil (sourdough bread, potatoes, white rice, corn tortilla chips) with salt
dairy, cheese etc

ice cream
meat (gelatin, flesh, liver)

kale broth (boiled 25 minutes)

coffee/ milk


Sep 30, 2016
Eggs, coconut oil, butter, chicken, gelatin, coffee and OJ, ice cream, dark chocolate, bunch of fruit , white rice

And just avoid pufa so like vegetables oils etc.


May 6, 2014
As someone above says he is sensitive to eggs, too, because of the soy they contain, I have a suggestion. Perhaps try eggs from pasture-raised, grass-fed hens, if your supermarket has them. The ones I get are $6 a dozen (and there is one brand that is $8 a dozen!). The yolks look much different than ordinary ones—a deep orange and thick in texture. I remember someone on the board saying she raises chickens that forage, and the yolks were like this. Worth a try?

After a lot of sampling and observing, I recommend cheeses made with animal rennet, not enzymes. (These are often traditional European cheeses.) I find them much easier to digest. I like Jarlsberg Lite for cutting the fat.

Watermelon and cantaloupe are pluses for me. Cooked apples only, as Peat recommends. No raw peaches (I read they were goitrogenic, and observed this this summer).

Lamb is a plus for me, especially with its broth. But I don't eat it very often because I'm not wild about it.

Liver a few times a month, if not once a week.

Rice: only organic California rice (not GMO, lower arsenic supposedly). Lundberg has all kinds of varieties.

Butter: Kerrgy Gold from Irish grass-fed cows.


Sep 30, 2016
As someone above says he is sensitive to eggs, too, because of the soy they contain, I have a suggestion. Perhaps try eggs from pasture-raised, grass-fed hens, if your supermarket has them. The ones I get are $6 a dozen (and there is one brand that is $8 a dozen!). The yolks look much different than ordinary ones—a deep orange and thick in texture. I remember someone on the board saying she raises chickens that forage, and the yolks were like this. Worth a try?

After a lot of sampling and observing, I recommend cheeses made with animal rennet, not enzymes. (These are often traditional European cheeses.) I find them much easier to digest. I like Jarlsberg Lite for cutting the fat.

Watermelon and cantaloupe are pluses for me. Cooked apples only, as Peat recommends. No raw peaches (I read they were goitrogenic, and observed this this summer).

Lamb is a plus for me, especially with its broth. But I don't eat it very often because I'm not wild about it.

Liver a few times a month, if not once a week.

Rice: only organic California rice (not GMO, lower arsenic supposedly). Lundberg has all kinds of varieties.

Butter: Kerrgy Gold from Irish grass-fed cows.

Actually, yes x2 on the eggs suggestion. I used to use Egglands best for years until I found out they have soy and flax in their feed. Now I just get the pastured raises/free range ones at the grocery store..


Sep 29, 2016
This is so great! It really helps to see that there is some variations. Thank you all for the suggestions too!

Regarding the eggs, i have tried everything! Free range, local, organic amd even from different farmers and breeds of chickens. Ive tried duck eggs and quail too. But always have a reaction. I havent always had sensitivities to them, so i am hopeful that as mu health improves that i will be able to tolerate them again.


Mar 1, 2016
At the moment these are some of the things I eat:

-Lactose Free 1% Milk, Fruited Full Fat Greek Yogurt (Think Ice Cream + Protein), Cheese Sticks, Scrambled Eggs
-Coconut Water (Tastes good mixed with milk or juice too), Oranges, Lemonade, Orange Lemonade, Mango, Melon, Grapes, Dates, Cherry Juice
-Sugared Coffee
-Silverhills Sprouted Wheat Bread (No Vegetable Oil and Toasted with Butter and Jam or as a Sandwich), Oil Free Flat Pretzels (Good with cheese and pickles)
-Shrimp, Gelatinous Meats (Ribs, Shanks, Oxtail etc...)
-Coke or Fruit Gummies
-Mushrooms (boiled at least 45 minutes to get rid of hydrazine), Raw Carrot Salad, Cooked Broccoli/Cauliflower
-Refined Coconut Oil or Butter for frying

When i'm feeling adventurous I eat raw/frozen bison liver.
1. Cut it into pill sized pieces
2. Dunk into hot coffee to soften the edges and kill flavor
3. Swallow whole with swig of sugared coffee
4. $$$$

14-16grams per day of liver will get you to the amount ray recommends per week. It is a really good source of all the fat soluble vitamins. I see it as natures multivitamin. Taking a little per day is much easier then a big amount at once.

I have been experimenting with eating less/no starch because they might be causing brain fog and mood swings for me but I don't know yet. Refined starches seem to digest alright for me.

Peats main recommendation is really to avoid PUFA (vegetable oil, chicken/pork/fish fat, nuts and seeds, large amounts of avocado or olive oil). Beyond that there is a lot of flexibility and really depends on the individual.
Sep 3, 2016
Cleveland, Ohio
At the moment these are some of the things I eat:

When i'm feeling adventurous I eat raw/frozen bison liver.
1. Cut it into pill sized pieces
2. Dunk into hot coffee to soften the edges and kill flavor
3. Swallow whole with swig of sugared coffee
4. $$$$

14-16grams per day of liver will get you to the amount ray recommends per week. It is a really good source of all the fat soluble vitamins. I see it as natures multivitamin. Taking a little per day is much easier then a big amount at once.

This is what made me able to eat liver: I make a Pâté out of it and then add Hot-sauce. I've really started to like it. I eat it with Organic Matza because it doesn't have sunflower oil and it's not "fortified" (which means it has added folic acid, which can be hard on the body, I think.) Matza should be just wheat and water and you just need a bit to go with the Pâté.

I have been experimenting with eating less/no starch because they might be causing brain fog and mood swings for me but I don't know yet. Refined starches seem to digest alright for me.

The only starches I can tolerate at all are potatoes and rice. Well, I can have very small amounts of organic oatmeal or wheat but I rarely bother.

I eat a lot of fruit. I eat dried fruit, fruit juice, fresh fruit, and frozen fruit in different combinations everyday. Oh, and also fruit leather. To keep the orange juice cost down I get the condensed kind and mix it with water myself. Sometimes I drink cool-aid. I drink quite a bit of coffee. For protein I do very well with dairy: milk, cheese, butter, I even tolerate cottage cheese if it's not everyday. I eat ground beef, too, and of course Jello. When I get more energy I plan to make bone broth more often. Right now raw carrots seem a little harsh for me to eat everyday, but I eat cooked ones.
Another thing I do is I'll get a fruit salad and I'll pour coconut oil on top. I also eat coconut oil on ice cream. Smoothies and Ice-cream shakes are also delicious.


Mar 1, 2016
This is what made me able to eat liver: I make a Pâté out of it and then add Hot-sauce. I've really started to like it. I eat it with Organic Matza because it doesn't have sunflower oil and it's not "fortified" (which means it has added folic acid, which can be hard on the body, I think.) Matza should be just wheat and water and you just need a bit to go with the Pâté.

The only starches I can tolerate at all are potatoes and rice. Well, I can have very small amounts of organic oatmeal or wheat but I rarely bother.

I eat a lot of fruit. I eat dried fruit, fruit juice, fresh fruit, and frozen fruit in different combinations everyday. Oh, and also fruit leather. To keep the orange juice cost down I get the condensed kind and mix it with water myself. Sometimes I drink cool-aid. I drink quite a bit of coffee. For protein I do very well with dairy: milk, cheese, butter, I even tolerate cottage cheese if it's not everyday. I eat ground beef, too, and of course Jello. When I get more energy I plan to make bone broth more often. Right now raw carrots seem a little harsh for me to eat everyday, but I eat cooked ones.
Another thing I do is I'll get a fruit salad and I'll pour coconut oil on top. I also eat coconut oil on ice cream. Smoothies and Ice-cream shakes are also delicious.

I have heard Pate is an easier way to eat it- maybe i'll give it a try! I think chicken livers have a milder taste too.

Lately I have been eating more of a Matt Stone style diet.
Only foods i've been restricting are: Vegetable Oil, Pork/Chicken/Fish Fat
also excess Olive Oil/Avocado/Nuts/Seeds

Other than that I just eat whatever I feel like- macaroni and cheese, chocolate milk, sandwiches, Rays coconut oil ice cream recipe, OJ, Cereal and Milk, Scrambled Eggs, etc


Mar 29, 2014
I'm not recommending my diet as any kind of ideal, but mostly I eat:

Commercial orange juice and apple juice, usu with a little baking soda added.
Potatoes (boiled, mashed, or chips baked in coconut oil), white rice, sometimes sweet potatoes and other roots, home-baked wheat bread (not sure this last one is wise).
Eggs - often 2 for breakfast.
Beef and lamb, often in stews with vegetables. Occasional fish, shellfish, lean chicken. Small serve of liver ~ 3/week.
Fresh fruit as affordable/in season, sometimes made into fruit salad and served with cream. Sometimes sweetened stewed fruit or sauces or jellies made from frozen fruit.
Cook with butter and coconut oil.
Soup made with stock and boiled veges.
Sometimes commercial sweets and chocolate (been keeping chocolate low lately).
Sometimes random things as requested by children or other for social reasons.

Have experimented with milk and homemade farmers' cheese and cheesecakes made from it, but doesn't seem to work for me at this time.

Deleted member 5487

Fruit Smoothies are 70% of my diet, blended greens, mushrooms, carrots, bamboo, eggs, half-half in fruit smoothie/coffee(for hormones, insulin blunt)

Some rice/meat/noodles take out for convince at work. Free birds(chipoltle), halah medertarian, Pho, Ramen
Nov 21, 2015
1% lactose free milk
Fresh squeezed oj
Gerolshteiner or pellegrino
Concord grape juice
Raw milk cheeses
Calves Liver occasionally
Cocoa powder
Popcorn with butter
Egg fried in butter
Lamb chops
Wild shrimp
Wild scallops
Lean wild fish

I eat pizza or burgers when I go out to restaurants


Mar 5, 2018
I eat apples, dates, coconuts, grapes, oranges, milk, cheese, coffee, liver and mussels daily. I feel great!
Tenacity hi, is your diet/food list more the less the same now ?
What % of calories are you getting from fruits and what from dairy (milk/cheese) ?


Mar 12, 2016
Tenacity hi, is your diet/food list more the less the same now ?
What % of calories are you getting from fruits and what from dairy (milk/cheese) ?
Hi Jet, my diet is completely different now. I stopped doing a high fruit diet because I'd experience hypoglycemia very quickly after meals, I'd have to eat every 3 hours or so just to feel functional. I only felt really good in short bursts between those periods. These days, I mostly consume milk, potatoes, fruit, meat, eggs and honey, in varying quantities depending on how I feel. Usually I get the bulk of my calories now from milk and potatoes. I make sure I eat a little fruit everyday, but I basically eat sugar as and when I crave it, rather than as a dietary staple. I think the starch from potatoes helps to prevent hypoglycemia, but I'm not sure why.


Mar 5, 2018
Hi Jet, my diet is completely different now. I stopped doing a high fruit diet because I'd experience hypoglycemia very quickly after meals, I'd have to eat every 3 hours or so just to feel functional. I only felt really good in short bursts between those periods. These days, I mostly consume milk, potatoes, fruit, meat, eggs and honey, in varying quantities depending on how I feel. Usually I get the bulk of my calories now from milk and potatoes. I make sure I eat a little fruit everyday, but I basically eat sugar as and when I crave it, rather than as a dietary staple. I think the starch from potatoes helps to prevent hypoglycemia, but I'm not sure why.

I have exactly same problem with fruits, on the one hand they energize me, but than I have to eat more of them, and after eating more comes the point when I am too anxious or have brain fog.

Do you eat potatoes through out the day or only for dinner ?
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