I'm Looking For An Exact Name To This Disease


Aug 12, 2018
Insane bowel reactivity. I get insane muscle jerks in my bottom abdominal area. It happens so fast, there is only about one or two second delay. It happens when I think something 'deeply' or 'emotionally'. The problem increases 10x fold at late nights and early mornings, when I wake up. I have this problem for more than a year and there is no single day I got a temporary remission, so it's getting progressively worse.

Garlic juice, amoxicillin, cypro didn't worked. Actually Cypro worked but it only made it more controllable.
It's not from food, but eating meat makes it a lot worse for a short time.

Backstory..., All these started after short-term antidepressant treatment, then PSSD. Seemingly, I have metabolic syndrome and some neurological deteroiration. But I couldn't figure out its connection with my bowel. Why does it happen? What's the term of it? How can I search this on Google, I don't even know this.


Oct 3, 2016
Insane bowel reactivity. I get insane muscle jerks in my bottom abdominal area. It happens so fast, there is only about one or two second delay. It happens when I think something 'deeply' or 'emotionally'. The problem increases 10x fold at late nights and early mornings, when I wake up. I have this problem for more than a year and there is no single day I got a temporary remission, so it's getting progressively worse.

Garlic juice, amoxicillin, cypro didn't worked. Actually Cypro worked but it only made it more controllable.
It's not from food, but eating meat makes it a lot worse for a short time.

Backstory..., All these started after short-term antidepressant treatment, then PSSD. Seemingly, I have metabolic syndrome and some neurological deteroiration. But I couldn't figure out its connection with my bowel. Why does it happen? What's the term of it? How can I search this on Google, I don't even know this.
i have very similar issues, basically on a liquid diet, horrible gut issues essentially wasting away, one thing that turned eveything around for me was supplementing with progesterone and DHEA, this allowed me to gain muscle again and start working out at the gym again, along with reversing my basically fibrotic bowels and liver, honestly at times it feels like im gonna die like i have colon cancer or in the liver because its so brutal, sometimes i spend weeks basically lying in bed, but those two hormones changed everything for me, and they also made me feel energetic and confident, it completely destroyed my anxiety and cortisol issues, when i ran out of this stuff, my symptoms started slowly creeping back, and as soon as i got a flare up, ***t hit the fan again and here i am got extremely sick again felt like i was gonna faint a few times just completely out of it neurologically, brain function is so bad i feel demented,

my corti-non from Georgi's website idealabs just came in today (thank god) i was honestly really stressing out because things were getting so bad felt like i was going to be incapacitated, as soon as i had a few drops of it, things already started improving, this sense of calm and stability started returning, and swelling and fibrotic feelings in my gut started receeding, this is just one day too so keep that in mind,

this stuff is literally life changing for anyone with chronic degenerative problems, i strongly recommend considering using progesterone or DHEA for those issues, but because of laws etc. i can't technically tell anyone to do or take anything but just wanted to share my amazing results with this in case it can maybe help you or others


Mar 24, 2014
It sounds like some sort of seizure. Pro GABA approaches maybe?


Mar 29, 2014
I don't know, but some thoughts one might consider:
- a little aged cascara to see if it helps to reduce inflammation and calm things down? It tends to laxative effect, so with caution.
- Buteyko exercises or similar to see if raising CO2 can calm overexcitable nerves?
- investigating whether there could be any pinching of nerve due to spinal issues?

Could be that strong stuff like garlic (if raw) could be irritating. (I eat it sometimes, but I don't have those symptoms.)

Does it happen more on empty stomach/hungry or when replete?
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Aug 12, 2018
I don't know, but some thoughts one might consider:
- a little aged cascara to see if it helps to reduce inflammation and calm things down? It tends to laxative effect, so with caution.
- Buteyko exercises or similar to see if raising CO2 can calm overexcitable nerves?
- investigating whether there could be any pinching of nerve due to spinal issues?

Could be that strong stuff like garlic (if raw) could be irritating. (I eat it sometimes, but I don't have those symptoms.)

Does it happen more on empty stomach/hungry or when replete?

I'm going to try buteyko method. Unfortunately i couldn't find anywhere to get cascara.

Garlic doesn't affect it. I believe it's caused directly from my brain. I believe it so because my gut contracts "instantly" whenever i have a little bit of mental activity or stress. The threshold of it gradually decreasrd over time and even cypro doesn't help anymore. The only thing i found it helped was BCAA but i stopped it for unrelated reasons.

I have pssd and since a year ago i got progressively deteoriated. Cognitive impairment, myoclonus, random muscle contractions (especially at my fingers) etc..

Also i have metabolic problems. I get hunger soo frequently. If i don't eat anythig i get angry and lightheaded.

Could be excitatoxicity have destroyed my neurons enough to cause metabolic and bowel problems?


Mar 29, 2014
Unfortunately i couldn't find anywhere to get cascara.
I've used NOW aged cascara sagrada capsules - usually make a little weak tea out of 1/2 capsule at a time or less. There's this source, but I've not used it - you might find comments from others on the forum:
Cascara Sagrada powder 50g
I think others have other sources.

Also i have metabolic problems. I get hunger soo frequently. If i don't eat anythig i get angry and lightheaded.
I've experienced that too. My experience has been that trying to avoid severe hunger is helpful. By eating enough, and by finding foods that sustain you personally, and eating often enough. I would guess that if you are trying to recover from anything, including the effects of past drug use, that good nutrition and avoiding severe stress is likely to be a significant part of providing your body with the means to recover. Severe or chronic hunger itself adds to stress.

Could be excitatoxicity have destroyed my neurons enough to cause metabolic and bowel problems?

I don't know what's happening in your system. I would guess that while it's possible there's some physical degradation, it's more likely non-structural functional dysregulation. Either way, for rebalancing function or for repair or whatever, providing good healing conditions is probably important.
Undereating can result in demyelination of nerves. Myelin is largely made of fats. Stress conditions can make nerves oversensitive. CO2 (can be lowered in stress) helps calm nerves.


Feb 21, 2017
Possibly unfavourable microbiome?

Maybe test 2 weeks of including whole grains, greens and other fibrous whole foods to craving to see if it helps.

Try to have food combos you genuinely enjoy and forget all the things you think you know about health.
Aug 21, 2018
10 days water fasting out of desperation. Should help with underlying GI tract issues.

I know it's anti-peat. Again, it's a desperation act. Hard times hard measures.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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