Potassium Ascorbate With Ribose For Cancer (With Cell Level Explanation Inside) Possible Treatment



Jul 3, 2016
I would only do the suggested dose on the bottle:

A rounded teaspoon Of our Potassium Ascorbate into just an ounce to ½ cup of water gives you a fine tasting, effervescent Potassium Vitamin C drink containing 700 mg of potassium and 4 grams of Vitamin C. 100% pure USP, GMO free.

Click To View Supplement Facts
Potassium Ascorbate
Product #: KASC Size: 8 oz = 227 grams Strength: 4000 mg Serving Size: 1 teaspoon


I thought these pieces by "Ted'' on potassium ascorbate, millivolts and ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) in cancer treatment were very interesting:

Ted's Remedies

Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/08/2010 384 posts

Dear Deirdre:

I have been keeping quiet for the last few weeks from earthclinic because of a super busy things from both serious health of my clients, domestic things that you just have to do, and intensive research. Which will answer a lot of things why somethings causes cancer and the very thing that causes cancer can actually cause cancer to go into remission. Something as innocuous as a vitamin C can actually have both properties, depending on the circumstances. This should resolve a lot of paradoxes and contradiction when finding the cancer cure.

The most significant issues in cancer appears that came over from my research these past couple of weeks appears to be the mysterious switching mechanism that switches a person to cancer, and what is needed to neutralize or reverse that switch. Perhaps the most important issue is three things that you need to be aware of, concerning the issue of cancer on these electrical switches:

1. Cancer cells have -15 millivolts registered on the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential)
2. Healing cells have -50 millivolts
3. Healthy cells range from -70 to -100 millivolts.

The way I used to measure this is to use an ORP meter. The food or drinks we take should provide the readings to answer them properly. This issue is a huge topic, but because I am severely limited with time, I will briefly overview these issues.

The issue is really simple: If we can consume a product whose millivolts to allow all cells to -70 millivolts, the cancer cells could not survive. A lot of other people have already tried, this approach. One is Dr. Nordenstrom, who use weak electricity necessary to create an electrical voltage necessary at volts in the healthy millivolts range between -70 to -100. He did by getting electricity one lead into the cancer cells and one lead outside. In case if you want to know whether it was anode or cathode, all you need to remember is one of the leads where there is more air, is 2 parts hydrogen gas, and on another lead it is 1 part oxygen. it is the hydrogen, end which creates most of the hydrogen gas that actually generates an Oxidation Reduction potential measurement of something in the order of -300 millivolts. More then enough to kill cancer cells by electrocution.

Then there is another way to do it, the use of sodium ascorbate or potassium ascorbate. Cancer cells loves sodium and that is why cancer becomes an edema, but to use sodium ascorbate won't protect healthy cells from getting the cancer, while the potassium ascorbate may protect weak cells whose voltages is really close to negative -15 millivolts such as -17 millivolts into cancer cells a possibility. In that case potassium ascorbate is an intracellular fluids, the fluid inside the cells and the potassium itself is toxic to cancer cells as they need sodium to do the job. A cancer cells are fermentation inorder for them to get glucose into their system, it needs to take in sodium, through the sodium pump mechanism. So if they uptake the sodium with sugar, the ascorbate actually change their charges. However sodium doesn't block the food of glucose into the cells. Ascorbate kills them with the -200 or -100 millivolts depending on the dose. A potassium ascorbate does two more things. The potassium blocks glucose metabolism since cancer needs sodium for glucose uptake. Remember, the major source of food for cancer cells is the sugar (either from glucose for normal respiration or the fructose corn syrup for their cancer metastasis). As for the ascorbate, which is an alkaline form of vitamin C, it kills them again by their negative millivolts. An even more toxic combination is to use the electronegative DIRECTLY the opposite of fluorides and chlorine, which are the elements on the periodic table, which are cesium and rubidium. Those have the exact opposite charges of cancer causing fluoride and chlorine. And cesium mimicks like a trojan horse as the potassium. So once it uptakes that the millivolts is changed to a more negative millivolts from both the ascorbate and the cesium. We can for convenient use the combination of potassium ascorbate with the cesium chloride due to their availability. A glucose trojan horse may also kill cancer cells that way, such as an "oxidized form" of glucose, such as gluconate. For instance, potassium gluconate, is one. The acetic acid in the Krebs cycle may help in away, so we use acetate form, such as potassium acetate, is one possible way. Apple cider vinegar in alkaline form when we mixed this with potassium carbonate, we get an alkaline form of apple cider vinegar with potassium. If the main component of vinegar is the acetic acid, a mix of potassium ascorbate will get you potassium acetate, with a twist: the apple cider vinegar in alkaline form has a millivolt charge of over -200 easy. I have developed other methods of attaining much higher millivolts for much longer period, but for a home remedy and first aid kit, this is sufficient.

In order to figure out if your negative millivolts are effecting you from consuming the things I mentioned, it is very easy to prove. Get a ORP meter and measure your first urine. Both the pH AND the ORP readings. For instance, I have this British friend of mine who reported a positive millivolts of around 100, with a urine pH of roughly 5.1. In other words he is both a potential chronic kidney failure (metabolic acidosis of the kidney whenever urine pH is BELOW 5.5). The acid of the urine itself can kill the kidney. The positive ORP is potentially deadly to all cells in the body because WE ARE A WALKING ALKALINE BATTERY body. Most living systems are actually walking alkaline battery, powered by the hydrogen (or negative hydrogen), through the process of converting NADP to NADPH. it's the NADPH that we are after as it is reflected in reduced form or negative millivolts.

Here is how the cancer switch is turned on: If I am a weak person, whose healthy cells are around -60 millivolts, and I take extra long shower with chlorinated water, whose millivolts is -300 and our body ABSORBS an average of 80% of the chlorine through our skin as chlorine is a gas. What you are doing in effect is to change your ALREADY low millivolts -60 into exactly -15 millivolts and suddenly the electrical energy now low, the mitochondrial now goes into anaerobic fermentation and becomes cancerous. This can happen if one were to be consuming an acid form of vitamin C, and other acid drinks. The only way to prove that is vitamin C in acid form is actually positive millivolts, usually 150 to 300, depending on various things.

I consider these millivolts to be qi in Chinese accupuncture, or lifeforce, as measured in millivolts. Our body begins to heal if we can attain these healthy cells millivolts range. You can do from something as simple as a parts per million to parts per billion hydrogen gas, as it is found in sacred healing water in Tlacote Mexico where Magic Johnson also go there to treat his HIV positive after retirement sometime in early 1990s, as well as in France, New Delhi, Germany, and Japan. They all have these healing properties, but because they are of gaseous nature it cannot retain hydrogen for any lenght of time and hence it's electrical properties are lost, but vitamin C in alkaline form are more stable ones also.

So if I happen to see many people taking their urine ORP and pH test, and find the ORP is positive, it means they are walking time bomb for cancer cells to be switched on anytime. Urine always have more acid pH then they do with plasma, and hence ORP positive means it is way off healthy cells range in plasma, but should their ORP of the urine is in a safe -50 millivolts at leas, with a urine pH above 6.5 to 7.35, the the likely hood of these "switches" in our mitochondria to be cancer cells is reduced. However if the ORP is positive or within very close range of the -15 millivolts we are potentially a walking time bombs for cancer cells.

Take for instance a few clients that recently died from lost of their life force as their urine pH goes from -50 millivolts, to -25 millivolts to +10 millivolts and to +100 millivolts. That means their life force of alkaline battery cells is already on LOW BATT and this means they could just die if their is not enough battery juice left. Did we ever take a consideration of filling up these battery cells and get them "filled up" with just an alkaline form of both sodium and potassium ascorbate, and make sure their urine pH remains at -70 millivolts. This could potentially save lives and it is what I have witnessed in ICU rooms where they die of a slow death allowing their life force to be lost and unchecked with the use of a simple ORP. You can predict them before they happen and perhaps reverse their demise if they only had known.


Replied by Self

The purest potassium ascorbate I can find is in pill form and mixed with ascorbic acid (700 milligrams of potassium with 4 grams of ascorbic acid). I hope crushing this to a powder and adding baking soda to make the ascorbic acid alkaline will be adequate. So one pill can be combined with apple cider vinegar and enough baking soda to get a pH of 8 and drank 1-3 times a day until the urine pH and millivolts are in the healthy range?

Instead of the potassium ascorbate, I could also use potassium bicarbonate or potassium carbonate or potassium gluconate or potassium citrate and add it to the apple cider vinegar (ACV) and until the pH of the mixture is 7 or 8 and drink 2-3 times a day or until urine pH and millivolts are in healthy range? Or I need baking soda to get it to pH of 7 or 8? What's the difference between potassium bicarbonate or potassium carbonate, does it matter which I use? These various potassium will give -200 millivolts range (or at least high engative millivolts)?

So what is dosage 1/4 teaspoon potassium carbonate and 2 tablespoons of ACV 2-3 times a day or until urine pH and millivolts are in healthy range (as well as switch to an alkaline diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, dechlorinated water, and some oral or transdermal magnesium chhloride for good measure)?

Cesium chloride is just too expensive. You wrote in the past methylene blue is a negative hydrogen carrier and has a -200 millivolts to -300 millivolts charge. Perhaps this can be used too but how (dosing)?

Reference for my question: Malaria Treatment

Thank you.

Source: Ted's Remedies, Natural Cures for Cancer

Ted's Remedies
Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/29/2010 384 posts

Dear Deirdre:

It's been hell for the last couple of weeks, my clients died (septicemia from hospital infection), and then another (fatty liver from hospital's giving too much vegetable oils, which kills the liver) and a computer that's simply not working (mouse needs a replacement and the USB is not working). In any case, sorry I haven't been answering emails. People here in Bangkok just wouldn't give me a chance for free time, now I have nuns and priests who need my health care and I ended up treating them!

However the death of my clients now teaches me the importance of liver and this lead me to the fact that before a person dies, if the stomach and liver shuts down, you die quickly. The cause is simple: the liver REDOX or ORP, is slowly being "oxidized", hence the ORP comes to an unealthy range of figures that is that does not reach -70 millivolts. Hence as the millivolts is in that range the energy levels is lower, to the point that liver shutdown occurs and you die. Hence, to reverse this death millivolts has to be in the -70 to -100 millivolts, through the use of potassium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, apple cider vinegar with baking soda, and other reducing compounds, that are also stable in a very oxidizing solution, is the simpler "home remedy" answer. The states of cancer and their mitosis occurs at -15 millivolts. Obviously oxidizing compounds such as the use of MMS can easily kill a cancer cachexia patients. This is one reason why hydrazine sulfate was used in cancer cachexia. It raises the millivolts quickly to normal healthy cells. In fact, if you can raise this millivolts, to healthy levels, cancer cells just simply don't have a chance to spread and grow. Hence an injection of any reducing compounds in the -200 millivolts range such as potassium ascorbate into the tumor itself could easily kill cancer cells as the simplest of all chemotherapy.


Source: Ted's Remedies, Natural Cures for Cancer

*Note by TreasureVibe, once again IV potassium chloride is proven deadly. Therefore any kind of potassium IV could potentially be deadly. Injection into a tumor with potassium ascorbate is spoken of in this post, which resembles IV (Intravenous).

Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]

"What foods should I avoid if I have cancer?"

This is the single most frequently asked question I get from people with cancer. The answer, of course, is complicated, but controlling your cancer through diet comes down to two principles: controlling your body's oxidation levels to prevent cancer and limiting your sugar intake to prevent metastasizing of cancers.

How Cancer Gets Started

The big question is, what is the mysterious switching mechanism that switches a cancer on, and what is needed to neutralize or reverse that switch? There are three things you need to be aware of:

1. Cancer cells register -15 millivolts on the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) scale

2. Healing cells register -50 millivolts

3. Healthy cells register from -70 to -100 millivolts.

Here is how the cancer switch is turned on: If I am a weak person, whose healthy cells are around -60 millivolts, and for instance I take an extra long shower with chlorinated water, whose millivolts are -300, your body ABSORBS an average of 80% of the chlorine through your skin as chlorine gas. What you are doing in effect is to change your ALREADY low millivolts -60 into exactly -15 millivolts and suddenly the mitochondria go into anaerobic fermentation and those cells become cancerous.

Our body begins to heal if we can get the cells in the right millivolts range. You can do something as simple as soak in sacred healing water, as in Tlacote Mexico where Magic Johnson went to treat his HIV.

Food, of course, is the biggest factor.
If we can consume foods whose millivolts allow all cells to reach -70 millivolts, the cancer cells could not survive. Then there is another way to do it, the use of sodium ascorbate or potassium ascorbate. Cancer cells love sodium, and that is why cancer causes edema, but sodium ascorbate won't protect healthy cells from getting the cancer, while the potassium ascorbate may protect weak cells whose voltages are really close to negative -15 millivolts.

The acetic acid in the Krebs cycle may also help. Apple cider vinegar in alkaline form when mixed with potassium carbonate gives an alkaline form of apple cider vinegar with potassium. If the main component of vinegar is the acetic acid, a mix of potassium ascorbate will get you potassium acetate, with a twist: the apple cider vinegar in alkaline form has a millivolt charge of over -200 easy.

Are You at Risk for Cancer?
In order to figure out if your body's redox levels (oxidative reduction potential) are affecting you, get an ORP meter and measure your first urine of the day. Both the pH AND the ORP readings. If I see a person taking their urine ORP and pH test, and find the ORP is positive, it means they are a walking time bomb for cancer cells to be switched on anytime. Urine always has a more acid pH than plasma, and so a positive ORP means it is way off the healthy cells range in plasma. But should their urine ORP be in a safe range of -50 millivolts at least, with a urine pH above 6.5 to 7.35, the likelihood of these "switches" in our mitochondria turning on cancer cells is reduced.

Take for instance a few clients that recently died from loss of their life force, as their urine pH went from -50 millivolts, to -25 millivolts to +10 millivolts and to +100 millivolts. That means their life force was already on LOW BATT, and this means they could just die if there is not enough battery juice left. Treatment should be to fill up these battery cells with an alkaline form of both sodium and potassium ascorbate, and make sure their urine pH remains at -70 millivolts.

This could potentially save lives and it is what I have witnessed in ICU rooms where they die a slow death allowing their life force to be lost, unchecked with the use of a simple ORP tester. You can predict these deaths before they happen and perhaps reverse their demise.

Metastasizing Cancer

So when the ORP in the body is overly positive, cancer can first take hold, but if you already have cancer what will make it spread and get worse?

It's sugar.

Most people with cancer are diabetic. However, most do not know they have diabetes, even if they did measure their blood sugar. Now, cancerous tumors require sugar and glucose for them to persist, but they REQUIRE FRUCTOSE TO METASTASIZE.

The best way to stop the metastasis has got to be lysine, BUT WITHOUT THE CALCIUM. But the trigger for metastasis is fructose and sugar levels. The facts on this issue of cancer survival are based on a Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) report, that people who have more than 90 mg/dL of blood sugar have a 97% increased chance of dying. And those with blood sugar below or equal to 90 mg/dL have a 97% greater chance of survival. It's a key fact that people keep overlooking.

A cancer can reach general metastasis within 2 hours after consuming most fructose, especially in fruit juices of all kinds. Cancer here in Thailand exploded in the past 5 years here, right after national sales of fruit juices skyrocketed. So it's no coincidence that fruit juices, even without added sugar (called sucrose), do contain large amounts of sugars, such as the fructose found in fruits to begin with.

People tell me how healthy fruits are, and of course they are healthy, for healthy people. What we fail to realize is that research studies assume people with normal blood sugar find them beneficial, and also that in laboratory rats, we prepare fruit extracts, WITHOUT the sugar fructose. Fructose is more dangerous then sucrose, but sucrose is a double sugar that has fructose and glucose built in. The body's insulin merely controls your blood glucose, but has no control of fructose directly allowing fructose, as a Trojan horse to damage the system.

There are three causes of diabetes that trigger cancer growth when your blood sugar is uncontrolled:

1. Fruit juices and sweet drinks.

A soft drink contains 10% sugar. So in a 1-liter bottle you have just consumed 100 grams of sugar. If you do this three times a day, and do that for 4 days, you have actually consumed about 1.2 kilograms of sugar. That is more than 2 pounds of sugar. It is beyond what the body can metabolize. We are practically growing cancer farms.

2. Oily foods, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Perhaps the only known oils that do not damage the liver are coconut oil and lard. They are both saturated fats and in chemistry are not subjected to free radical attacks. Put a vegetable oil in the sun, side to side with coconut oil, and in one month the coconut oil remains the same but the vegetable oil will turn to glue. Imagine what happens if this occurs in the body as fats and oil tend to accumulate and stay in your body for a long time. Once the liver is damaged, it can't handle the body's sugars as well.

3. Wheat products.

Wheat contains a protein that destroys your pancreas, and studies show that this alone can initiate type 1 diabetes. Now in a cancer patient, if the pancreas doesn't work the blood sugar gets high, but as the pancreas gets destroyed, it can't produce pancreatic enzymes. Without enough enzymes in your system, the body cannot digest the food and we end up having cancer cachexia.

What Not to Eat
As for a short list of what not to eat, here is an excerpt from one of my private emails:

  • NO fruit or fruit juices.
  • NO sweet drinks or sodas.
  • NO sugar or artificial sugars.
  • NO corn syrup or fructose.
  • NO carbonated water. Plain water is always ok.
  • NO vegetable oils except coconut oil used in cooking.
  • NO fried foods.
  • NO calcium.
  • NO large meals consisting largely of meats.
On the positive side, do drink plenty of water during meals. Do not eat before sleep and no large meals at dinner. Dinnertime is best before 5 p.m. No meals after this. Obviously, no snacks and bakery products. Supplements that reduce blood sugar are helpful, as in glucophage (metformin) twice a day, B3 250 mg three times a day, and B1 100 mg three times a day. White tea is also important in flushing out excess sugar, while lysine, threonine, glutamine, Vitamin C, proline, tannic acid and perhaps green tea extract can stop a cancer's progression.

It is MOST important, though, to get blood sugar below or equal to 90 mg/dL. You have a 97% better survival rate from cancer if you do.

Controlling Your Blood Sugar When You Have Cancer

My method for checking blood sugar is to do so 1 HOUR AFTER eating food. Most medical practitioners today measure blood sugar based on 12-hour fasting blood sugar, which is the wrong way to measure with cancer. The reason why they are wrong is cancer becomes metastatic after a blood sugar spike ONE HOUR AFTER A MEAL. The cancer becomes metastatic in the second hour.

Obviously you have to find a cure for diabetes to cure cancer, but in more reasonable terms, if you can CONTROL BLOOD SUGAR not to exceed 110 the cancer simply can't go into metastasis.

I have found three substances that get blood sugar down, namely:

  • N acetyl Cystiene
  • Beta carotene (mostly found in carrots)
  • Bitter cucumber.
The N acetyl cysteine has a long-term effect (which takes about a week) to get blood sugar down, but the quickest is freshly squeezed carrot juice alone or with bitter cucumber. That gets blood sugar down fairly quickly, always less than 110.

Research circles surmise that diabetes is due to a deficiency in beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin (the yellow pigments in carrot, pumpkins and orange rinds). Beta-carotene is a provitamin of Vitamin A. From my own observation I have found provitamins, or percursors of vitamins, to be far more effective than the vitamins themselves in a few cases, such as panthenol, which is a vitamin B5 of pantothenic acid or beta-carotene for example. These get blood sugar down very quickly and also have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure (in some cases there is no need to take blood pressure medicine if carrot juice is consumed).

Can You Reverse Cancer?
The second point and perhaps the most important point is DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) turns cancer cells into normal cells. The mechanism is fairly straightforward. Basically DMSO can enter cancer cells, but the DMSO takes WATER OUT from the cells and reduces their sodium content. When this is done, the cells are no longer waterlogged and normal respiration proceeds. Hence cells are no longer fermentative.

From my observation of cancer cells, they become cancerous if the oxygen is low and cellular respiration is restricted by too much sugar, oil, and water inside the cells. Sugar promotes fermentation and supports anaerobic respiration. Healthy cells support aerobic respiration. Hence if sugars are low, cells can't revert to anaerobic respiration.

The one major sore thumb about using DMSO is that it causes itchiness when applied to the skin. Of course we can get around the problem by thinly applying lavender oil then DMSO. Putting on too much DMSO and leaving it too long tends to cause burning of the skin, but if it is applied thinly to the tumor area, the problem won't happen. DMSO actually converts more than 50% of a skin cancer tumor to normal cells (usually averages 80%) within 2 days. If it is deep in the body, then it takes a bit longer such as 3 to 5 days to get 50% reduction.

Reduce Cancer Pain

The above is just the results of a few clients, but for certain DMSO is EXCELLENT in reducing cancer pain. The secret to getting rid of the cancer pain is simple. Lactic acid production in the cancer cells is what causes pain, but that pain is much more IF THE CANCER CELLS ARE VERY ANAEROBIC. The DMSO is a good oxygen and nutrient carrier. By applying it to the tumor cells externally on the skin, the cancer cells become more aerobic and hence the pain reduces. And this is NOT only theoretical knowledge, since I have tested it on several people and all reported SIGNIFICANT reduction in cancer pain.

Even with me having liver pain, or kidney pain, and I don't even have cancer, the pain simply vanishes away when DMSO is applied to the area. The reason why this pain is reduced is simple, if there is cellular congestion of various toxins and lack of nutrients to neutralize them, it CAUSES PAIN. When DMSO goes into that area, the toxins get neutralized and are removed from the body.

So if a person feels the need for a painkiller, DMSO works far better than morphine for cancer pain, mostly from the fact that DMSO doesn't kill you, as does morphine, and without the addiction of using morphine.

Fighting Cancer

So by controlling sugar, checking ORP, and with the use of a few supplements we can keep cancer cells under control. I consider the ORP millivolts to be the qi in Chinese acupuncture, or lifeforce, as measured in millivolts. Cancer and other diseases can take hold when this qi or lifeforce is run down, traditional medicines have long known that, but foods and supplements can bring it back up. Low sugar intake can keep the qi in balance. Testing your ORP can tell you whether your body has the qi to keep itself healthy, and then we can take all of these steps to keep cancers from starting or spreading.


Source: Qi Gung, Ted's Cancer Remedies, Chiaca Piedra: Earth Clinic's February Newsletter

Ted seems to be a health expert who answers alot of people with health questions on his own page on Earthclinic.com: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand Also see his about page: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand

Ted even acknowledges that PUFA are bad for the liver and also dangerous, and speaks of coconut oil being the only oil not harmful besides lard, back in 2011. I'm not sure if he's right on lard but that he speaks about coconut oil in 2011 is impressive to me. The fact that he talked about methylene blue around 2010 or before that is also impressive. He might not be right on everything, but he does write some interesting thesis on cancer, electricity and potassium ascorbate, definitely worth reading.

Is the K : Asc ratio of that product in accordance with the Pantellini Foundation's literature?

Also please be aware that vitamin C released serotonin in the blood from a tumor in a mice study, and that it can increase serotonin production as well. Serotonin is possibly not positive in cancer, as can be seen in this discussion: Nsaid (aspirin) May Prevent Cancer Cachexia (wasting)

It can also release copper into the bloodstream and copper is also associated negatively with cancer. It also chelates copper, which can theoretically negatively affect venous integrity, which could be implied in prostate cancer theoretically, as it could be caused by venous problems with the prostate venous plexus. Reference: Dr L. Wilson and What Would You Suggest For BPH Prostate Trouble?

Vitamin C also increases iron absorption, so best to make sure you take it away from meals. Iron is bad when it comes to cancer and is bad for health overall.

I would still inquire Dr. Peat and the Pantellini Foundation to make sure all is well, as it is a relatively unknown substance. Its effects and possible side effects in androgen deprivation therapy and prostate cancer treatment in general haven't been studied. A question doesn't cost you anything.

Also, check this out:

Thousands of men to benefit from new prostate therapy | Daily Mail Online (2017)
Pioneering prostate treatment for tens of thousands of men gets NHS green light (2018)
Nonsurgical treatment for enlarged prostate remains effective for years (2017)

Topic for it: A New Prostate Cancer Treatment Successfully Finished 1000 Patients Trial, Artery Embolization
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Mar 16, 2017
Magnoil from IdeaLabs has DMSO. I rub it on my neck (I have problems there)...Maybe will do this first then take potassium ascorbate...


Jul 3, 2016
Magnoil from IdeaLabs has DMSO. I rub it on my neck (I have problems there)...Maybe will do this first then take potassium ascorbate...
I don't endorse DMSO and I have no knowledge on it, and I think Ray Peat used to like it but not anymore and now is against it, or discourages it. (uncertain about his position on DMSO currently, but I recall reading that he doesn't like it anymore)

Ray Peat on DMSO

@burtlancast post on it from sep 28, 2013:

There are some people able to use regularly DMSO that never smell, others that do.
It depends on the person.

DMSO is a very safe and effective substance, used to open the skin's pores, but must not be in contact with some plastics, or it will leech them, and must be mixed 70-30 or 50-50 with water or glycerin when used on the skin ( otherwise it will dehydrate it, causing scratching)

It has a myriad of applications when used with various drugs, or even alone.

You can put some on your toenail, wait 20 min, then pour some MMS or colloidal silver ( MMS works best) and you will kill the fungus.

For more info on DMSO, there's many books on Amazon.

Source: DMSO ?

More sources:
Safety Of Long-term Use Of DMSO As A Solvent
RP Email Advice Comment: Androsterone-Associated Joint Pain
Effect of DMSO and DFMO on rat prostate tumor growth. - PubMed - NCBI
DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) DMSO - The magic bullet for cancer

I would research DMSO more first if I were you, before deciding to use it. It has not been ruled out officially that it can mess with your cancer, especially when for example it is not applied directly on the cancer but somewhere else on the body. What if it can aggravate cancer when applied that way? What if it has metabolites which can aggravate cancer?

I can simply not endorse it before you or me have fully researched this compound and its safety with prostate cancer and prostate cancer therapy that you are currently undergoing.

Here's a showcase for example that shows how few we know about DMSO currently:
DMSO Increased G6PDH In This Study
It was described as antitumor effective in that study, but who knows what the implications of G6PDH are in prostate cancer for example? Once again, nuance and specificity are important.

For each compound you use that is out of the ordinary, you should inquire an expert, atleast I would do that if I were you. There's alot of experts on this forum fortunately.
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Mar 16, 2017
It works with the magnesium that's in it. Definitely helps stop muscle cramps. Just started getting a bicep cramp due to progesterone. Applied 10 drops and it immediately went away. Not afraid to use it. If it helps get potassium ascorbate into the cell I'm all for it...would like to hear more regarding methylene blue and electron chain transport...plus the 10 drops of Magnoil just made me very relaxed...


Jul 3, 2016
It works with the magnesium that's in it. Definitely helps stop muscle cramps. Just started getting a bicep cramp due to progesterone. Applied 10 drops and it immediately went away. Not afraid to use it. If it helps get potassium into the cell I'm all for it...
Stijn Hommes, Experienced in specification/labeling of food and the biochemistry involved.
Answered Dec 6 2015 · Author has 4.7k answers and 3.8m answer views

When I did virology research, I used DMSO to lyse cells (break them open and kill them). It is not intended or even suitable for human consumption, so don't do it.

Source: https://www.quora.com/Does-using-DMSO-and-Vitamin-C-really-work

You gotta be sure what you're doing!


Mar 16, 2017
Been doing it transdermal for awhile and it is fine. Plus I already met with the Grim Reaper once...No Fear...


Jul 3, 2016
Been doing it transdermal for awhile and it is fine. Plus I already met with the Grim Reaper once...No Fear...
It's your prostate not mine. I think that my suspicion in safety lays in the fact that the guy named Ted, only spoke of DMSO when applied directly or near-directly to the tumor. He didn't speak of applying DMSO somewhere else than the tumor if I recall correctly. So I can't vouch for that. I can't vouch for DMSO in general, potassium ascorbate is naturally occuring so it has a small advantage of safety or so to say. But even potassium ascorbate is something I can't vouch for because I do not have all the knowledge on it in relation to prostate cancer and androgen deprivation therapy and any other medication you are currently using.

I can't vouch for this either, but it is interesting to say the least: Is PSA reliable? - Harvard Prostate Knowledge However I wouldn't do anything in regards to your prostate cancer therapy before consulting with your oncologist.
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Mar 16, 2017
It's your prostate not mine. I think that my suspicion in safety lays in the fact that the guy named Ted, only spoke of DMSO when applied directly or near-directly to the tumor. He didn't speak of applying DMSO somewhere else than the tumor if I recall correctly. So I can't vouch for that. I can't vouch for DMSO in general, potassium ascorbate is naturally occuring so it has a small advantage of safety or so to say. But even potassium ascorbate is something I can't vouch for because I do not have all the knowledge on it in relation to prostate cancer and androgen deprivation therapy and any other medication you are currently using.

I can't vouch for this either, but it is interesting to say the least: Is PSA reliable? - Harvard Prostate Knowledge



Jul 3, 2016
Hmm, check this out: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00107a049

  • Dimethyl sulfoxide (C2H6OS), or DMSO, is a sulfur-containing organic compound. DMSO occurs naturally in vegetables, fruits, grains, and animal products. DMSO is formed as a by-product of paper manufacturing and is used as an industrial solvent.
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) - The Source Natural Foods

I wasn't aware that DMSO is naturally occuring as well.

MSM is naturally occuring too, and is a metabolite of DMSO in the human body, source:


In summary, the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and its metabolites, dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS), were studied in five selected systems in rats and mice. DMSO enhanced the taurine excretion and the lethality produced by such aromatic hydrocarbons as benzene and chlorobenzene in rats. In mice, DMSO decreased the toxicity such cholinesterase inhibitors as paraoxon and octamethyl pyrophosphoramide. DMSO also lowered the body temperture of rats and reduced the motor activity of mice. Although DMSO2, the major metabolite of DMSO, was not effective in increasing the lethality of solvent hydrocarbons, it seemed to be quite as effective with respect to the other effects. DMS, although quite potent with respect to lowering body temperature and reducing motor activity, was relatively ineffective otherwise. Thus each of the metabolites has a spectrum of activity different from the parent compound; DMSO has the widest spectrum and DMS the narrowest. It remains to be determined whether the therapeutic effects of DMSO are related to the experimental effects reported above in animals, and whether DMSO2 and DMS may share any of the therapeutic effects of DMSO.

Biological effects of the metabolites of dimethyl sulfoxide. - PubMed - NCBI

I'd be cautious of MSM. It might be one of those things that works well until your body runs out of some other component it needs in order to be effective (think of like a vitamin or mineral that is the rate-limiting factor for an enzyme). There's a podcast or two from Matt Stone where his naturopathic Dr friend talks about the good and the bad experiences he and others had with MSM.

I'm not sure what the policies are on this forum for posting material that is supposed to be paid for. If I get a chance later on, I can grab the podcasts and share them with you.

Peat briefly discussed MSM in the last KMUD interview.
He said he was "very cautious" about it,
and was reluctant to recommend it.
Post from 2014

I know this is an old post, but I haven't found any such favourable view from Peat yet. (on DMSO)
Post from 2016

Source: Revisiting Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

DMSO produced brain damage in mice in this study:
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) produces widespread apoptosis in the developing central nervous system. - PubMed - NCBI

Also see this: Prostate Enlargement (BPH) May Be Due To Endotoxin

And this: https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1975.tb25349.x
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Mar 16, 2017
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), also known as gamma-seminoprotein or kallikrein-3 (KLK3), is a glycoprotein enzyme encoded in humans by the KLK3 gene. PSA is a member of the kallikrein-related peptidase family and is secreted by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland. PSA is produced for the ejaculate, where it liquefies semen in the seminal coagulum and allows sperm to swim freely.[5] It is also believed to be instrumental in dissolving cervical mucus, allowing the entry of sperm into the uterus.[6]

PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of men with healthy prostates, but is often elevated in the presence of prostate cancer or other prostate disorders.[7] PSA is not a unique indicator of prostate cancer, but may also detect prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia.[8

Mechanism of action[edit]
The physiological function of KLK3 is the dissolution of the coagulum, the sperm entrapping gel composed of semenogelins and fibronectin. Its proteolytic action is effective in liquefying the coagulum so that the sperm can be liberated. The activity of PSA is well regulated. In the prostate it is present as an inactive pro-form which is activated through the action of KLK2, another kallikrein-related peptidase. In the prostate, zinc ion concentrations are ten times higher than in other bodily fluids. Zinc ions have a strong inhibitory effect on the activity of PSA and on that of KLK2, so that PSA is totally inactive. Further regulation is achieved through pH variations. Although its activity is increased by higher pH, the inhibitory effect of zinc also increases. The pH of semen is slightly alkaline and the concentrations of zinc are high. On ejaculation, semen is exposed to the acidic pH of the vagina, due to the presence of lactic acid. In fertile couples, the final vaginal pH after coitus approaches the 6-7 levels, which coincides well with reduced zinc inhibition of PSA. At these pH levels, the reduced PSA activity is countered by a decrease in zinc inhibition. Thus, the coagulum is slowly liquefied, releasing the sperm in a well regulated manner. -Wikipedia

So zinc lowers PSA...more oysters...


Jul 3, 2016
Ray Peat article on prostate cancer:

"...simultaneous treatment of intact...rats with testosterone and estradiol-17beta for 16 weeks consistenly induced a putative precancerous lesion, termed dysplasia, in the dorsolateral prostate of all animals. Since treatment of rats with androgen alone did not elicit the same response, we concluded that estrogen played a critical role in the genesis of this proliferative lesion." Shuk-mei Ho and M. Yu, in "Selective increase in type II estrogen-binding sites in the dysplastic dorsolateral prostates of Noble rats," Cancer Research 53, 528-532, 1993.


Thyroid supplementation, adequate animal protein, trace minerals, and vitamin A are the first things to consider in the prevention of prostate hypertrophy and cancer. Nutritional and endocrine support can be combined with rational anticancer treatments, since there is really no sharp line between different approaches that are aimed at achieving endocrine and immunological balance, without harming anything.

Avoiding tissue atrophy is very closely related to promoting healthy regeneration. These processes require efficient energy production, and an appropriate balance between stimulation and resources. Growth hormone is sometimes recommend to correct tissue atrophy, but the evidence seems reasonably clear that it is a factor in the promotion of tumefaction of the prostate. The only study I have seen suggesting that it might be beneficial in prostatic cancer was a 14 day experiment done in female rats. Numerous publications suggest that blocking growth hormone is beneficial in treating prostate cancer; in future newsletters I will be discussing the evidence that growth hormone, like estrogen, cortisol, and unsaturated fats, tends to promote degenerative changes of aging - Growth hormone: Hormone of Stress, Aging, and Death?

Full text: Prostate Cancer

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), also known as gamma-seminoprotein or kallikrein-3 (KLK3), is a glycoprotein enzyme encoded in humans by the KLK3 gene. PSA is a member of the kallikrein-related peptidase family and is secreted by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland. PSA is produced for the ejaculate, where it liquefies semen in the seminal coagulum and allows sperm to swim freely.[5] It is also believed to be instrumental in dissolving cervical mucus, allowing the entry of sperm into the uterus.[6]

PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of men with healthy prostates, but is often elevated in the presence of prostate cancer or other prostate disorders.[7] PSA is not a unique indicator of prostate cancer, but may also detect prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia.[8

Mechanism of action[edit]
The physiological function of KLK3 is the dissolution of the coagulum, the sperm entrapping gel composed of semenogelins and fibronectin. Its proteolytic action is effective in liquefying the coagulum so that the sperm can be liberated. The activity of PSA is well regulated. In the prostate it is present as an inactive pro-form which is activated through the action of KLK2, another kallikrein-related peptidase. In the prostate, zinc ion concentrations are ten times higher than in other bodily fluids. Zinc ions have a strong inhibitory effect on the activity of PSA and on that of KLK2, so that PSA is totally inactive. Further regulation is achieved through pH variations. Although its activity is increased by higher pH, the inhibitory effect of zinc also increases. The pH of semen is slightly alkaline and the concentrations of zinc are high. On ejaculation, semen is exposed to the acidic pH of the vagina, due to the presence of lactic acid. In fertile couples, the final vaginal pH after coitus approaches the 6-7 levels, which coincides well with reduced zinc inhibition of PSA. At these pH levels, the reduced PSA activity is countered by a decrease in zinc inhibition. Thus, the coagulum is slowly liquefied, releasing the sperm in a well regulated manner. -Wikipedia

So zinc lowers PSA...more oysters...
I am not knowledgeable on zinc in the context of prostate cancer and associated treatment. I do know that Ray Peat adviced, when supplementing trace minerals like zinc, it should be bound to an amino acid, because if it's not it can cause oxidation with foods during absorption. Zinc:copper ratio is also important. Supplemental copper is linked to cancer and Alzheimer's in some studies, and zinc supplements often contain copper too. Zinc when supplemented too high can disturb the zinc:copper ratio which is bad for health, supposedly at a max dose of around 30 mg (this may vary, you have to check that on the internet). Certain amino acids can also boost cancer growth in some studies, so one should be cautious with that too. All in all, I am uncertain about zinc supplementation. Zinc is known to be "good for androgens" in young sporters and athletes. If that is scientifically supported, is something I do not know. It could alter androgenic hormones, possibly.

Don't stop any conventional treatment without proper consult with your oncologist, it could be fatal if you quit it! I've read anecdotal reports of people who had high PSA and did not undergo conventional prostate cancer treatment like androgen deprivation therapy and died very fast shortly after.

Over 80% of patients with prostate cancer respond to androgen deprivation using drugs or surgery that marked reduce male sex hormone (testosterone) and related androgen levels from the body. Anti-androgens are a class of drugs that specifically block the entry of testosterone into cells of the body, thus preventing its biological effects. Examples of such drugs that are available on the U.S. market include flutamide (Eulexin®), bicalutamide (Casodex®) and nilutamide (Nilandron™). Cyproterone (Androcur) is another anti-androgen that is not available in the U.S.

In approximately 50% of patients whose cancer has started to grow again despite treatment that includes an antiandrogen, the cancer has been noted to regress by simply stopping the anti-androgen. This unusual response is referred to as the Anti-Androgen Withdrawal Response (AAWR). Scientists theorize that prostate cancer cells exposed to antiandrogens for a prolonged time may mutate(undergo genetic change) that paradoxically causes the anti-androgen to stimulate cancer growth.

Although more research is needed, we believe a trial of stopping the anti-androgen for a period of time is warranted in order to determine whether or not an AAWR may occur before considering other types of treatment. A review of the scientific studies that support this treatment approach follows below:

The anti-androgen withdrawal response (AAWR) may be seen, in up to 50% of patients who have PSA relapse while receiving androgen blockade. An AAWR response usually lasts 6 to 8 months, but for some patients, may last as long as 2 years.


The doctor was asked why the avodart prescription, and why "too much testosterone" is the problem when younger men have more. His answer, for the record, was that the swollen prostate provides more testosterone receptors due to its larger size, hence effectively more testosterone reaching and acting on the prostate. He is a leading urologist (spell predictor keeps wanting to say ufologist and maybe that's more accurate) so there's the official line for you. o_O

Source: Summary Of Prostate Improvements

Interesting information: Cortisol: A Hormone Associated With Prostate Cancer

This topic also provides alof of information: Androgens (DHT, T) Treat Prostate Cancer, Especially When Combined With Vitamin D

Maybe any hormone or blend of hormones can cause cancer in the prostate, when given enough through failing veins that cause backflow. Or more compounds, perhaps secreted from the prostate itself, flow back into it and accumulate there due to failing veins.

Perhaps these prostate secretions, in combination with aforementioned blend of hormones could even cause cancer.

Male sexual response[edit]

Main article: Prostate massage
During male seminal emission, sperm is transmitted from the vas deferens into the male urethra via the ejaculatory ducts, which lie within the prostate gland. Ejaculation is the expulsion of semen from the urethra. It is possible for some men to achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or anal intercourse.[18][19][20]

Prostatic secretions vary among species. They are generally composed of simple sugars and are often slightly alkaline.[21] In human prostatic secretions, the protein content is less than 1% and includes proteolytic enzymes, prostatic acid phosphatase, beta-microseminoprotein, and prostate-specific antigen. The secretions also contain zinc with a concentration 500–1,000 times the concentration in blood.

To function properly, the prostate needs male hormones (androgens), which are responsible for male sex characteristics. The main male hormone is testosterone, which is produced mainly by the testicles. It is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a metabolite of testosterone, that predominantly regulates the prostate.

Source: Prostate - Wikipedia

Also genes could still, as an exception perhaps, play a role in prostate cancer problems:

Gene and protein expression[edit]
Further information: Bioinformatics § Gene and protein expression
About 20,000 protein coding genes are expressed in human cells and almost 75% of these genes are expressed in the normal prostate.[22][23] About 150 of these genes are more specifically expressed in the prostate with about 20 genes being highly prostate specific.[24] The corresponding specific proteins are expressed in the glandular and secretory cells of the prostatic gland and have functions that are important for the characteristics of semen. Examples of some of the most prostate specific proteins are enzymes, such as the prostate specific antigen (PSA), and the ACPP protein.

At this point I would just pay Dr. Peat for an online consult.
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Sep 12, 2015
Is it impossible that Pantellini's patient received the greater benefit from potassium citrate, as lemon juice contains manifold more citric acid than ascorbic acid per gram? One hundred grams of lemon juice contains a paltry 46mg of ascorbic acid but at least three grams of citric acid.


Jul 3, 2016
Is it impossible that Pantellini's patient received the greater benefit from potassium citrate, as lemon juice contains manifold more citric acid than ascorbic acid per gram? One hundred grams of lemon juice contains a paltry 46mg of ascorbic acid but at least three grams of citric acid.
The citric acid could've contributed to the continuance of the Krebs cycle aka the citric acid cycle, which, if not broken, makes cancer impossible to occur (according to science):

Citric acid cycle - Wikipedia

It might've contributed to the voltage of the cells too, if that is a factor.

Ray Peat said once however that citric acid could wake up dormant cancer cells though... So it's complicated.


Jul 13, 2014
An excerpt on D-Ribose:

CAUTION: Do not take D-ribose if you are younger than 60, and then only if monitored by a medical practitioner knowing expected length of life, and assessment of risk/benefit which includes analysis of overall lifetime dietary sugars, animal proteins and fats, and family history for cancers and dementia. These might indicate damage already present from AGEs. Wow, now that is a real bombshell.

Why? Research out of China reveals that D-ribose participates in forming AGEs faster than any other form of sugar. AGEs are indicated in many degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's. ref Plus, cancer cells use more ribose than normal cells to grow faster. Thus, the under 60 should especially use with caution. Every little bit builds up and at some point, it may be too late to correct or mitigate these influences. ref
Wow this is worrying
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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