I'm screwed. :(


Sep 16, 2014
I feel so screwed...like I'll never improve to the stage where I want to be. Thinking back, I went thru a stage over about 2-3years where I was addicted to almond butter. And I mean jars upon jars, maybe 2-3 a week on and off. Can you imagine how much pufas that is!? Among the anti-nutrients.
I also think back to how little I consumed as a kid, mom would always tell me off for going to the pantry to eat more. my daily routine was 2-4 weet-bix with SOY MILK :eek: vegemite sandwich for lunch, yogurt after school & meat n veg for tea.. there were other things consumed as treats lol like sugar!
On top of this all the fermented products over the years; kombucha etc I definitely have bacterial overgrowth and do you think the stupid drs will give me penicillin to try!!?? hell no! :( feeling depressed off my face.
oh and one more thing I just discovered...the aspirin I was consuming (after carefully reading the packet several times to make sure it had no nasties) I somehow managed to find it has artificial sweetener in it! yay!!! not.


Dec 29, 2013
Try eating a solid meal with a good amount of animal protein. You'll probably rid yourself of that "learned helplessness" feeling you have right now within about 45min-hour after eating.

If you're going to go towards the deep end of interpreting Peat and worry about so many foods, you should also embrace the more positive side of his work in believing in the ability to dramatically change your physiology.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Not to dismiss your feelings or concerns but your not really screwed. You're alive and made the best choices you could at the time. Lots of people reflect back and see where they may have been better off if they had made different choices. I regret a lot of choices I made in the past but the important thing is to use our new found knowledge and insight to move forward in a positive direction.


Dec 21, 2014
Relevant quotes:

“‎The larger the quantity of “toxic fat” stored in the body, the more careful the person must be about increasing metabolic and physical activity. Using more vitamin E, short-chain saturated fats, and other anti-lipid-peroxidation agents is important.” Ray Peat

“People with a significant amount of fat in their body, who have in the past eaten foods containing vegetable oils, are likely to draw unsaturated fats out of storage, with toxic effects unless vitamin E, thyroid, and coconut oil are used protectively until tissue stores of unsaturated fats are depleted. Typically, body stores of fat take four years to completely reflect the change to a different type of dietary fat.” RP

"Keeping the stored unsaturated fats from circulating in the blood is helpful, since it takes years to eliminate them from the tissues after the diet has changed. Niacinamide inhibits lipolysis. Avoiding overproduction of lipolytic adrenaline requires adequate thyroid hormone, and the adjustment of the diet to minimize fluctuations of blood sugar.” RP

There's also been a lot of talk around the Peat-o-sphere about PUFA detox, which apparently can take up to 4 years if you've got a lot of PUFAs in you. I wish I had some sources for you but I can't find anything directly from Dr. Peat.


Jan 1, 2015
I ate like a pound of nuts, fish, nut oil, etc everyday for like 3 years. My entire diet consisted of pufas pretty much.

I felt pretty shitty on that diet but as soon as I switched I started feeling better instantly. And I'm alive and well today. It's not that big of a deal imo. Humans can survive on terrible diets.


Aug 24, 2013
cowgirl88 said:
Can you imagine how much pufas that is!?

While it's not ideal, it also isn't the worst offender as far as PUFAs go. At least it wasn't soy butter (they do actually make that).

Also... it does not take quite as long to rid the body of PUFAs to an effectual level. Say for instance it takes you six months to get rid of half the PUFAs in the body, it would be double the PUFA free levels you are now and the rate at which you get better would increase exponentially.

Also, yes, not to invalidate your feelings, which are totally valid, you are probably having a low-protein or low-sugar moment, and if you have some good nutrition you will feel much better about things. Our feelings are really just hormones and you can manually adjust them.


Nov 21, 2012
cout12 said:
I ate like a pound of nuts, fish, nut oil, etc everyday for like 3 years. My entire diet consisted of pufas pretty much.

I felt pretty s****y on that diet but as soon as I switched I started feeling better instantly. And I'm alive and well today. It's not that big of a deal imo. Humans can survive on terrible diets.

You know....I've been wondering if it'd make a difference if you only eat fatty fish and for rest use CO/Butter/Ghee and other Peatish protein? I'm thinking the high amount of O3's are processed&used in the body differently and that it's mainly the O6 that is being stored in the body?
(It's strange...the last 2months I've been thinking/craving fatty fish (herring,salmon) the closer I get to my period.)


Mar 29, 2014
Dutchie said:
cout12 said:
I ate like a pound of nuts, fish, nut oil, etc everyday for like 3 years. My entire diet consisted of pufas pretty much.

I felt pretty s****y on that diet but as soon as I switched I started feeling better instantly. And I'm alive and well today. It's not that big of a deal imo. Humans can survive on terrible diets.

You know....I've been wondering if it'd make a difference if you only eat fatty fish and for rest use CO/Butter/Ghee and other Peatish protein? I'm thinking the high amount of O3's are processed&used in the body differently and that it's mainly the O6 that is being stored in the body?
(It's strange...the last 2months I've been thinking/craving fatty fish (herring,salmon) the closer I get to my period.)

I recommend reading this, if you haven't.
And then if you are reallt craving fatty fish, eat a little just for the sake of not getting stuck in an overly restrictive frame, and see how you feel. But I don't recommend eating lots of it, or making it a major protein or oil source.
One of my holiday indulgences was some delicious salmon once at the main family celebration meal. I regretted going back for seconds - I'm pretty sure I could tell it was too much fish oil. But nice to have just a little, for a change/as a rare treat.
(On the positive side, I'd made a big fruit salad, and enjoyed it so much I've had fruit salad every day since. )


Nov 21, 2012
tara said:
Dutchie said:
cout12 said:
I ate like a pound of nuts, fish, nut oil, etc everyday for like 3 years. My entire diet consisted of pufas pretty much.

I felt pretty s****y on that diet but as soon as I switched I started feeling better instantly. And I'm alive and well today. It's not that big of a deal imo. Humans can survive on terrible diets.

You know....I've been wondering if it'd make a difference if you only eat fatty fish and for rest use CO/Butter/Ghee and other Peatish protein? I'm thinking the high amount of O3's are processed&used in the body differently and that it's mainly the O6 that is being stored in the body?
(It's strange...the last 2months I've been thinking/craving fatty fish (herring,salmon) the closer I get to my period.)

I recommend reading this, if you haven't.
And then if you are reallt craving fatty fish, eat a little just for the sake of not getting stuck in an overly restrictive frame, and see how you feel. But I don't recommend eating lots of it, or making it a major protein or oil source.
One of my holiday indulgences was some delicious salmon once at the main family celebration meal. I regretted going back for seconds - I'm pretty sure I could tell it was too much fish oil. But nice to have just a little, for a change/as a rare treat.
(On the positive side, I'd made a big fruit salad, and enjoyed it so much I've had fruit salad every day since. )

My guessing is that I crave it near the start of my period,bc the closer I get to it the less I can handle carbs well. So...without (much) carbs during that time,I find my memory&mood suffer and 'learned helplessness'effects start to arise,Omega 3's also function as dopamine in the brain. So,I suspect my body is telling me to switch over to that,in order to keep brain&mood functioning.
Also in that article he speaks about fish oils all the time,which doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's actual fatty fish itself but probably derived processed oils from the fish.

And out of curiosity....the salmon which you ate,was it really wildcaugth? Bc I find for myself that it's also an important factor. I once ate salmon at a restaurant and after my temps dropped/I had digestive issues,whereas when I eat herring or buy wildcaugth salmon I don't experience these problems. I mainly crave herring,I think it's bc one eats it with skin&flesh and the skin contains a lot of gelatin and fatty fish is a good source of Vitamin D(which I otherwise hardly get through diet bc I can't eat butter and don't have good eggs available)


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Dutchie said:
My guessing is that I crave it near the start of my period,bc the closer I get to it the less I can handle carbs well. So...without (much) carbs during that time,I find my memory&mood suffer and 'learned helplessness'effects start to arise,Omega 3's also function as dopamine in the brain. So,I suspect my body is telling me to switch over to that,in order to keep brain&mood functioning.
Also in that article he speaks about fish oils all the time,which doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's actual fatty fish itself but probably derived processed oils from the fish.

And out of curiosity....the salmon which you ate,was it really wildcaugth? Bc I find for myself that it's also an important factor. I once ate salmon at a restaurant and after my temps dropped/I had digestive issues,whereas when I eat herring or buy wildcaugth salmon I don't experience these problems. I mainly crave herring,I think it's bc one eats it with skin&flesh and the skin contains a lot of gelatin and fatty fish is a good source of Vitamin D(which I otherwise hardly get through diet bc I can't eat butter and don't have good eggs available)

I've been craving sushi a lot this past month - but really the rolls are what I want. I'm going to get some today actually. I find that I digest raw fish very well and quickly. And it really doesn't have THAT much fat in it - especially if you are someone who regularly consumes beef or other fat (which WILL have some PUFA). I also think raw fish is superior because you are not eating already oxidized fats and the amino acid profile will be pure. In general, the more raw the meat, the better I digest it - like rare roast beef, raw fish (although I tend to crave tuna and yellowtail over salmon), and cured meats. I'm beginning to explore this more and eat more raw fish (white fish is usually very lean) because it's better than not getting enough protein and I don't digest cooked meats as well.


Mar 29, 2014
Dutchie said:
My guessing is that I crave it near the start of my period,bc the closer I get to it the less I can handle carbs well. So...without (much) carbs during that time,I find my memory&mood suffer and 'learned helplessness'effects start to arise,Omega 3's also function as dopamine in the brain. So,I suspect my body is telling me to switch over to that,in order to keep brain&mood functioning.
Also in that article he speaks about fish oils all the time,which doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's actual fatty fish itself but probably derived processed oils from the fish.

Whatever your reasons for craving it, adding more PUFAs, including fish oil, is likely to worsen your aility to handle sugar. I get dodgy sugar handling premenstrually, too, with increased cravings - mostly for more carbs, and I haven't really got a handle on it yet, other than than to go with the desire for more carbs for a day or two. I'm wondering whether paying extra attention to magnesium, calcium, vit-E for a few days there would help.
The oils that are in the whole fish, which are also extracted and sold as supplements, are what cause the problems, according to Peat. There are no doubt some positive components in the whole fish too, like the collagen in the skin as you say, but you get quite a bit of the harmful oil from a serving of oily fish. I think Peat has also talked about the aging effects of some traditional Inuit diets, which don't consist of bottles of fish oil supplements.

Dutchie said:
And out of curiosity....the salmon which you ate,was it really wildcaugth? Bc I find for myself that it's also an important factor. I once ate salmon at a restaurant and after my temps dropped/I had digestive issues,whereas when I eat herring or buy wildcaugth salmon I don't experience these problems. I mainly crave herring,I think it's bc one eats it with skin&flesh and the skin contains a lot of gelatin and fatty fish is a good source of Vitamin D(which I otherwise hardly get through diet bc I can't eat butter and don't have good eggs available)
May well have been farmed, which may not be the best, but I'm still fairly sure my negative reaction was to the fish oil. Personally, I'd pick ordinary supermarket eggs over regular (even wild-caught) oily fish if I had to make that choice.
I know it's hard in winter, but getting sunlight is important, not just as a source of vit-D synthesis.


Nov 21, 2012
tara said:
Dutchie said:
My guessing is that I crave it near the start of my period,bc the closer I get to it the less I can handle carbs well. So...without (much) carbs during that time,I find my memory&mood suffer and 'learned helplessness'effects start to arise,Omega 3's also function as dopamine in the brain. So,I suspect my body is telling me to switch over to that,in order to keep brain&mood functioning.
Also in that article he speaks about fish oils all the time,which doesn't necessarily have to mean that it's actual fatty fish itself but probably derived processed oils from the fish.

Whatever your reasons for craving it, adding more PUFAs, including fish oil, is likely to worsen your aility to handle sugar. I get dodgy sugar handling premenstrually, too, with increased cravings - mostly for more carbs, and I haven't really got a handle on it yet, other than than to go with the desire for more carbs for a day or two. I'm wondering whether paying extra attention to magnesium, calcium, vit-E for a few days there would help.
The oils that are in the whole fish, which are also extracted and sold as supplements, are what cause the problems, according to Peat. There are no doubt some positive components in the whole fish too, like the collagen in the skin as you say, but you get quite a bit of the harmful oil from a serving of oily fish. I think Peat has also talked about the aging effects of some traditional Inuit diets, which don't consist of bottles of fish oil supplements.

Dutchie said:
And out of curiosity....the salmon which you ate,was it really wildcaugth? Bc I find for myself that it's also an important factor. I once ate salmon at a restaurant and after my temps dropped/I had digestive issues,whereas when I eat herring or buy wildcaugth salmon I don't experience these problems. I mainly crave herring,I think it's bc one eats it with skin&flesh and the skin contains a lot of gelatin and fatty fish is a good source of Vitamin D(which I otherwise hardly get through diet bc I can't eat butter and don't have good eggs available)
May well have been farmed, which may not be the best, but I'm still fairly sure my negative reaction was to the fish oil. Personally, I'd pick ordinary supermarket eggs over regular (even wild-caught) oily fish if I had to make that choice.
I know it's hard in winter, but getting sunlight is important, not just as a source of vit-D synthesis.

That's the thing,I (used to) eat more carbs rigth before menstruation and it would actually cause malabsorptive problems/estrogen dominance/high androgenic hormones which made it difficult to obtain those minerals&vitamins you mentioned.

Yes,I very much would love to be outside in the sunshine but in this time of year there's not much sun to be seen here.
I think it all comes down to what you digest well and what your bodies efficient at handling&eliminating....you migth be better off with regular eggs,but I know I'm not. I've come to experience that it's very important for me that the animal hasn't eaten grains/corn/soy regardless whether something is organic. At least herring isn't fed grains (not the ones here anyway,they're all wild caugth).

@Lindsay Easy digestibillity migth be one of the reasons why I like herring,who knows,bc you eat it raw.
By liking the outer part do you mean the seaweed wrap? Lately I've really grown to love Kelp Noodles in stirfries.


Nov 30, 2012
I ate a bunch of nuts and nut butter in 2011 plus tons of salmon and olive oil throughout the 2000s. It's been 2.5 years PUFA restricted, and I feel almost as good as I did in my 20s (I'm 44). Don't despair! Keep taking aspirin. Coconut oil is good and I've used a lot of full fat dairy the last 6 months. I was tired up until about 2 years and now I'm up at dawn without an alarm. That might be due to others things like vitamin A (pro thyroid b/c it opposes estrogen), but I think there is a lot of hope and you will feel better within a year or so for sure.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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