I'm suffering with major health problems. Nothing I've done has worked, and need your precious advice on where to go from here.


Oct 13, 2022
it's weird but doing a colon prep for an exam eliminated a ton of my long-standing autoimmune, dysautonomic and more recent long covid symptoms and reopened my eyes to the idea some of this stuff was fixable. I could suddenly metabolize simple sugar instead of crashing miserably

They say that Max Gerson was very successful in treating cancer with frequent coffee enemas. He would also give people thyroid hormones. If they were in a very bad state, he would sometimes give them a coffee enema every hour. They would wake out and wash their intestines again.

also have you tried anything to facilitate the citric acid cycle, maybe pyrucet or MB? or maybe a serotonin antagonist? even if you don't want to use them long term maybe it could help pinpoint the pathology

Good idea. I would also check for cholinergic issues. Methylene blue for fixing respiration, diphenhydramine (Benedryl) primarily as an anticholinergic substance (also antiserotonergic), and cyproheptadine primarily as an antiserotonergic substance (also anticholinergic).


Feb 6, 2016
maryland, USA
Generally i feel like diet is only 50% of health. Stress mitigation is the other half. It can be very challenging to pinpoint the source of stress. It's possible that you're being exposed to some combination of things either at home or work, which is causing you problems. It could be air or water quality related, EMF exposure, some kind of toxic ***t somewhere. For example I moved into a new residence and started having an array of health issues- achey joints, respiratory congestion.. I thought about respiratory stressors and considered radon. Landlord had never had the home tested for radon. I bought a handheld device for $200 or so and found out the radon was 5-10 times the actionable limit. Got it mitigated, problem resolved. I also purchased a handheld EMF meter to detect electromagnetic stressors and have learned a good deal about things i might do to mitigate exposure in the future. I work with power tools a lot and had always had a feeling that using certain power tools left my hands feeling incredibly inflamed and achy after a day of use.. The pain and inflammation did not align with the actual physical stress so i thought there was possibly a high level of exposure from the motors in the power tools.. Sure enough the meter confirmed those tools produce incredibly strong fields within 8-12" of the tool.
Tools like these or perhaps a water quality test are things to ponder.


Mar 20, 2021
Generally i feel like diet is only 50% of health. Stress mitigation is the other half. It can be very challenging to pinpoint the source of stress. It's possible that you're being exposed to some combination of things either at home or work, which is causing you problems. It could be air or water quality related, EMF exposure, some kind of toxic ***t somewhere. For example I moved into a new residence and started having an array of health issues- achey joints, respiratory congestion.. I thought about respiratory stressors and considered radon. Landlord had never had the home tested for radon. I bought a handheld device for $200 or so and found out the radon was 5-10 times the actionable limit. Got it mitigated, problem resolved. I also purchased a handheld EMF meter to detect electromagnetic stressors and have learned a good deal about things i might do to mitigate exposure in the future. I work with power tools a lot and had always had a feeling that using certain power tools left my hands feeling incredibly inflamed and achy after a day of use.. The pain and inflammation did not align with the actual physical stress so i thought there was possibly a high level of exposure from the motors in the power tools.. Sure enough the meter confirmed those tools produce incredibly strong fields within 8-12" of the tool.
Tools like these or perhaps a water quality test are things to ponder.
I hear you. My life is pretty low stress, great diet, but the best I felt all year was 3.5 weeks last August when I was backpacking through the North Cascades. Phone was off, no service anyway....lots of hiking, sleeping on the ground. Pure bliss


Feb 3, 2020
I hear you. My life is pretty low stress, great diet, but the best I felt all year was 3.5 weeks last August when I was backpacking through the North Cascades. Phone was off, no service anyway....lots of hiking, sleeping on the ground. Pure bliss
I think media addiction / excessive usage is a very significant health problem. I remember when I gave up my smartphone (switched out for a dumbphone) for a month that life felt much more slowed down, settled, calm and blissfull. I think the human brain evolved from a time where it only needed to process the activities of your small town / community, your daily activities, reading books and so on. The life was simpler and more comprehensive.

Today, we get bombarded with unlimited information so that our brain gets extremely overwhelmed with handling all that. The brain automatically tries to organize all input into a framework of interpretation and order and when it‘s doing that 24/7, it gets very tiring.

The problem is, that at the same time, this infinite loop of novelty through media keeps the brain wanting more of this. So it‘s „bad“ and „wanted“ at the same time.

I tried to get off social media by myself countless times, but at this point, I might consider even working with a consultant or therapist.


Mar 3, 2013
I think media addiction / excessive usage is a very significant health problem. I remember when I gave up my smartphone (switched out for a dumbphone) for a month that life felt much more slowed down, settled, calm and blissfull. I think the human brain evolved from a time where it only needed to process the activities of your small town / community, your daily activities, reading books and so on. The life was simpler and more comprehensive.

Today, we get bombarded with unlimited information so that our brain gets extremely overwhelmed with handling all that. The brain automatically tries to organize all input into a framework of interpretation and order and when it‘s doing that 24/7, it gets very tiring.

The problem is, that at the same time, this infinite loop of novelty through media keeps the brain wanting more of this. So it‘s „bad“ and „wanted“ at the same time.

I tried to get off social media by myself countless times, but at this point, I might consider even working with a consultant or therapist.
If you feel a lack of belonging or do not feel at home in the world (as many of us do), have these underlying insecurities, you are naturally vulnerable to predatory tech companies that sell you a digital identity and offer you digital relationships to serve as inferior substitutes for a real community or sense of belonging. This unfortunately is a powerful lure for millenials and generation Z as we grew up with technology and thus it has taken root in our lives and many people feel they cannot live without their slave tracking devices and don't know what they would do without it. They have forgotten the previous generations used maps to navigate instead of GPS, met people in person rather than off a computer program. I haven't had a cellphone for several years and I still waste a lot of time on the Internet. It is a powerful distraction and it's good that you recognize that.

The Internet was also developed as a surveillance tool by the military, and it remains that way. People often don't realize anti-social media companies (which all contract with the military, and are essentially owned by the military industrial complex, working in service to them as spies) are using these profiles people make in many nefarious ways. Not only selling that information to third party companies, but also building a lifelong profile on people which can and will be used against whoever dare questions Big Brother. There's a reason why I don't put my name or face anywhere on the Internet anymore. You can call that paranoid, I call that not giving The Enemy any extra ammo. Peter Thiel's data mining company Palantir was named after the searching crystal ball in Lord of The Rings which Saruman uses after he has fallen to The Dark Side. It is not a stretch to extend this reference they happily adopted and compare these digital tech overlords to the forces of Sauron, I would say they are Sauron's spies and the data gives them power to rule over the masses much like if it were the Ruling Ring.
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Dec 8, 2016
If you feel a lack of belonging or do not feel at home in the world (as many of us do), have these underlying insecurities, you are naturally vulnerable to predatory tech companies that sell you a digital identity and offer you digital relationships to serve as inferior substitutes for a real community or sense of belonging. This unfortunately is a powerful lure for millenials and generation Z as we grew up with technology and thus it has taken root in our lives and many people feel they cannot live without their slave tracking devices and don't know what they would do without it. They have forgotten the previous generations used maps to navigate instead of GPS, met people in person rather than off a computer program. I haven't had a cellphone for several years and I still waste a lot of time on the Internet. It is a powerful distraction and it's good that you recognize that.

The Internet was also developed as a surveillance tool by the military, and it remains that way. People often don't realize anti-social media companies (which all contract with the military, and are essentially owned by the military industrial complex, working in service to them as spies) are using these profiles people make in many nefarious ways. Not only selling that information to third party companies, but also building a lifelong profile on people which can and will be used against whoever dare questions Big Brother. There's a reason why I don't put my name or face anywhere on the Internet anymore. You can call that paranoid, I call that not giving The Enemy any extra ammo. Peter Thiel's data mining company Palantir was named after the searching crystal ball in Lord of The Rings which Saruman uses after he has fallen to The Dark Side. It is not a stretch to extend this reference they happily adopted and compare these digital tech overlords to the forces of Sauron, I would say they are Sauron's spies and the data gives them power to rule over the masses much like if it were the Ruling Ring.


Mar 22, 2022
Is it believable you have hidden rage? It's common for people to have all sorts of (lab negative) problems and then have them disappear basically overnight when the source is discovered.

Dr. John Sarno popularized this theory and treatment. Have a look around the free forum, tmswiki.org/forum

Do not confuse this with tms transcranial magnetic stimulation. This is another thing with same acronym.

Obtain the book "healing back pain" by said author. It's not just back issues which are originated from stress or rage.


Nov 18, 2020
I was in a similar situation for many years, with constant diarrhea, instatiable hunger and brain fog. The fix for me began with a diet of mostly bananas and milk, which stopped the endless cycle of diarrhea and gut inflammation. However, due to not wanting to have to eat 4-8 bananas a day to avoid gut inflammation, I began looking for other solutions. My first success began with a fiber free diet of milk, orange juice, and meat while using 1-4mg of cyproheptadine and 1-4mg Zofran with each meal to break the cycle of rising stress hormones every time I ate. I eventually dropped the Zofran as it was causing too much constipation, but I feel it was good for the beginning period. I then began using anti microbials(specifically undecylenic acid, borax, and a herb mix called Paraguard) while continuing to use cyproheptadine to avoid most of the “die off” symptoms(I hate that phrase but seems applicable). This however wasn’t getting to the root of the problem of bacterial overgrowth, which I now believe is excess iron. Since donating blood and starting a protocol with alpha lipoic acid, lactoferrin, sodium salicylate and nightly zeolite, my digestion has reached the best place in years and my tongue coating of many years has finally almost completely disappeared. Now whether my hypothesis of excess iron is correct is certainly up for debate. However, I cannot deny that my latest protocol has had profound effects related to my digestion and overall mood. Hope this helps you on your health journey.

Ben Gauthier

New Member
Nov 22, 2022
Tooele Utah
Please try a high quality emu oil. The best one that I can find is from Australia. Start slow and take 1/4 or 1/2 tsp 3 times per day.


Dec 28, 2021
How are you doing now? And as someone else wrote, sorry if I'm being trivial, but how are your bowel movements? You said you have IBS, do you notice any difference in overall well-being after a bowel movement? Or do you feel you have a loss of sensation in your abdomen? I never had thought I had gut issues until I linked it with my back pain, which made me investigate it further. I read one or two others on the forum who described their intestines almost paralyzed. I think that's maybe what happened to me, maybe relying too much and too long on serotonin to get my intestines going until they lose a lot of their previous contractile ability. Anyways, this is I think my scenario, and I might be entirely wrong, but it feels like the most apt explanation so far. This is of course pure speculation, but I think my symtoms, which sound a bit similar to yours, might have to do with ammonia and nitric oxide (ammonia leaking from the intestine?). Anyway, praying for your recovery. See this Ray Peat, PhD on Nitric Oxide – Functional Performance Systems (FPS) for some more general info about ammonia/NO.


Feb 24, 2019
Most anti-peat first comment ever!
Please try a high quality emu oil. The best one that I can find is from Australia. Start slow and take 1/4 or 1/2 tsp 3 times per day.

looking up emu oil fatty acid profile:

"Emu Oil comprises approximately 42% oleic acid (18:1 n-9), 21% linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), and 21% palmitic acid (16:0), with lower levels of other FAs, including 1% α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) "

screaming from the top of my lungs

Ben Gauthier

New Member
Nov 22, 2022
Tooele Utah
looking up emu oil fatty acid profile:

"Emu Oil comprises approximately 42% oleic acid (18:1 n-9), 21% linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), and 21% palmitic acid (16:0), with lower levels of other FAs, including 1% α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) "

screaming from the top of my lungs.
Thank you for correcting me about emu oil. I was mainly saying emu oil for a higher amount of natural Vitamin K2


Feb 24, 2019
Targeting the GPR119/incretin axis: a promising new therapy for metabolic-associated fatty liver disease - Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters

The G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily has many extensively studied members [13, 14]. GPR119 is a member of the GPCR superfamily. GPR119 activation has ligand-dependent dual effects: pancreatic secretion of insulin in a glucose-dependent manner and intestinal secretion of incretins (glucagon-like peptide-1 [GLP-1] and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide [GIP]) [15]. In addition, many studies have shown that the activation of GPR119 causes an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels and the release of incretins, including GLP-1, GIP, and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) [16]. GLP-1 is a peptide secreted by human small intestinal L cells. It has regulatory effects on the gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar regulation, and improvement of insulin resistance, such as reducing dietary intake, increasing satiety, increasing gastrointestinal motility and prolonging the time of gastric emptying [17].

Endogenous ligands of GPR119​

Oleoylethanolamide (OEA), LPC, retinoic acid, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA), etc., are considered to be endogenous ligands that activate GPR119 on intestinal endocrine cells (ECCs) to activate adenylate cyclase (AC), thereby increasing the downstream cAMP and increasing the release of incretins, causing a series of physiological effects [47,48,49,50,51]. The rank order of the effectiveness of various ligands to activate GPR119 is first OEA, then LPC, PEA, stearoylethanolamide (SEA), and finally AEA [49].

constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.


Jan 1, 2013
eating "too" plant based, too much fiber, and too many fruits/vegetables do (trigger warning for the squeamish) increase my bowel movements to 5 a day. Eating a diet heavy in meat, dairy, and eggs gives me a far better (and manageable) two bowel movements a day, and not much stomach discomfort. I feel... Normal eating this way. IBS goes down 90%.

This, combined with the fact you get migraines is a red flag for pesticide allergy.

I know, as i've recently gone that route myself.

It's quite easy to find out if that's the case: spend a few days eating only bananas, kiwis, pinneaple, eggs, butter,, bread, sheep milk (or any A2 milk: avoid goat milk jugs as they sometimes add some little cow milk) and any other food you've grown yourself in your backyard (do you know some Amish people ?)

As far as supplements, i would immediately try iodine ( 3 to 8 drops a day) and add 20.000 IU Vit D and 3 gr magnesium chloride/ day divided in 3 doses. Some selenium and copper as well.

Nothing else , for a few days, and see it you get better.

It takes some discipline.

Pesticides are everywhere and it's almost impossible to escape them; even so called ORGANIC stuff doesn't cut it for me. It's so bad i'm learning to grow vegetables next year in my garden.
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Aug 10, 2014
If this person is still struggling and following the thread, my 2cents:

Insatiable appetite, IBS and mental problems all make me think of hypothyroidism. You said you got bloodwork, What is your TSH and what is your prolactin level? Forget what doctors tell you is a normal range. What is your pulse and temperature?

You mentioned you've tried thyroid. Can you give more details about your experience with it? For some people it's not so easy to implement and you may need to do things to get it working.

I would get rid of beans from the diet.


How are you doing now?
Same old. I have found working/being productive/busy for 14-16 hours a day has helped me cope with it all, however, there is absolutely no reduction in health issues.

It is possible that bacterial byproducts from IBS are causing symptoms which would require a stool test + lab work to confirm, though my bowel movements and abdominal pain don't really correlate to my other symptoms, but it's worth a try, too.

I appreciate your interesting thought on this.

The article linked is borderline pseudoscience, unfortunately...
For example, the article linked writes about the dangers of PUFA, as Ray often does, yet some East-Asian cultures (Japanese & Korean) eat copious amounts of PUFA, soybeans, fish, highly estrogenic plants, and supposedly non-ideal foods, yet are on average healthier, longer living, and in better health than most people in the West.
If Ray is 100% correct on this matter, then how is this humanely possible? Some of the healthiest cultures do the exact opposite of everything preached here, and thrive.

Genetics and biology is so mind numbingly complex that I don't know if sweeping generalizations about Nitric oxide are helpful by that author and website.

I appreciate your prayer, thank you. I'm trying my best.
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Dec 28, 2021
I appreciate your interesting thought on this.
No problem, if it is an ammonia problem, which it might well not be of course, but then you could try cinnamon which should be converted to benzoic acid in the liver - commonly used to lower ammonia levels. Other than that high dose zinc might be an option, something I'm trying out now with some success (fingers crossed). But to restate- I'm not even sure my own ammonia levels are elevated.

Genetics and biology is so mind numbingly complex that I don't know if sweeping generalizations about Nitric oxide are helpful by that author and website.
Yeah I know, I'm not an academic so I take most of what I read with a grain of salt - see if it fits my narrative and if it sort of does I try it out for a while.

I appreciate your prayer, thank you. I'm trying my best.
God bless, continued prayers you find the relief you need.


May 31, 2018
No problem, if it is an ammonia problem, which it might well not be of course, but then you could try cinnamon which should be converted to benzoic acid in the liver - commonly used to lower ammonia levels. Other than that high dose zinc might be an option, something I'm trying out now with some success (fingers crossed). But to restate- I'm not even sure my own ammonia levels are elevated.

Yeah I know, I'm not an academic so I take most of what I read with a grain of salt - see if it fits my narrative and if it sort of does I try it out for a while.

God bless, continued prayers you find the relief you need.

If it's ammonia, research ammonia and L-Ornithine
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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