Immunity Passport


Jan 15, 2016
I mentioned in another thread that the only difference I’m noticing from WW2 policies is the migrant fascination, I could be missing something because I’m not well versed in all aspect of the Nazis aspirations, it’s more the economic I’m interested in.
A lot of the tactics and marketing and everything just fits a lot with things Goebbel's said. If you look up his quotes its kind of interesting; and horrifying...


Feb 18, 2016
The EU released their "recommendation" for a vaccine passport today.

You can get the covid passport if you take a vaccine, test negative or have immunity.

Immunity test it is then, the question is if they are lowering the PCR amplification cycle to 35 or is it still 45, you would think this info would be easy to access.
Also what kind of immunity, do Tcells count? They say this test is expensive but it would be worth it, better than getting the blood clot vaccine.



Jun 5, 2019
Ohh boy the world is going into the wrong dystopia, I wanted William Gibson , but instead we seem to be going into a twisted version of brave new world at best.


Feb 18, 2016
Ohh boy the world is going into the wrong dystopia, I wanted William Gibson , but instead we seem to be going into a twisted version of brave new world at best.
It’s more fascism bizarrely supported by the left and anti-fascists via wokism, the left and greens have been hijacked by the fascists under the guise of Humanitarianism.


Jun 5, 2019
It’s more fascism bizarrely supported by the left and anti-fascists via wokism, the left and greens have been hijacked by the fascists under the guise of Humanitarianism.
The way I see it is more like chaos without anyone in particular being the "fascist protagonist" the world is just ****88 all over, authoritarianism reigns supreme in any shape and form, intelligence is decreasing every year, ignorance is increasing, fear is taking over, people sink in learned helplessness, pretty sad actually.


Feb 18, 2016
The way I see it is more like chaos without anyone in particular being the "fascist protagonist" the world is just ****88 all over, authoritarianism reigns supreme in any shape and form, intelligence is decreasing every year, ignorance is increasing, fear is taking over, people sink in learned helplessness, pretty sad actually.

Big government and big business/banks in cahoots will make a fortune from it all, "humanitarianism" makes billionaires these days.


Jun 5, 2019
Big government and big business/banks in cahoots will make a fortune from it all, "humanitarianism" makes billionaires these days.
Why do you think that the new age SJW play such a big role? This people are nowhere to be found in real life, they mainly appear on social media, not to mention the world is huge, this people only exist in the US, it's the whole world that's shitty not just the US so I don't see why you think SJW or wokists or whatever you call these people, play such a big role.


Feb 18, 2016
Why do you think that the new age SJW play such a big role? This people are nowhere to be found in real life, they mainly appear on social media, not to mention the world is huge, this people only exist in the US, it's the whole world that's shitty not just the US so I don't see why you think SJW or wokists or whatever you call these people, play such a big role.

They are the propaganda arm of big banks and big corporate groups, everything they push assist‘s the profit of corporations and authoritarian’s, NGO’s,academics, and professional activists are all involved.
They are pushing for stake holder capitalism under the guise of it being socialism which it isn’t, it’s fascism, the anti-fascists are pushing for fascism, some know but many are woke useful idiots.


Feb 18, 2016
Vaccine passports not working so well in Israel. Folks at the door can’t be bothered checking, it’s like a dodgy nightclub just leaving punters in for the revenue.

"Last week, we were finally back in the stands after a year’s absence. Fans were allowed in, at quarter of the arena’s capacity. After showing my season ticket, I was then asked for my ‘green pass’, which proves I have been vaccinated. My son, too young for vaccination, had to queue outside for a quick Covid test before joining me. In the month since I downloaded my vaccination passport to my smartphone, this was only the second time I’d been asked to present it.
Everything seemed organised when we arrived at the stadium but it quickly transformed into regular chaos. The announcer reminded the fans to maintain a two-metre distance from each other, but no one paid attention and the stewards weren’t enforcing it either. In the three-quarters empty stadium, everyone gravitated to the courtside seats we can’t normally afford.
This is a disorientating time to be in -Israel. More than 90 per cent of Israeli adults are now either vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus. It is a world-beating achievement. Restaurants and bars, as well as sports and music venues, reopened a month ago, after nearly a year of lockdowns and strict social distancing. Some restrictions remain in place, such as the unnecessary requirement for face masks to be worn in open spaces. All activities are officially subject to those attending having a green pass. But the reality is that you barely ever, if at all, get asked to show your pass. At one restaurant in Jerusalem, I noticed that they started asking for green passes, but have now given up".


Feb 18, 2016
What’s this! The USA say no to vaccine passports? Is this the end?
The end of covid, the psychotics will find another way down the line.

Next up, the climate hysterics to justify more authoritarianism.

The White House has ruled out introducing mandatory federal Covid-19 vaccination passports, saying citizens' privacy and rights should be protected.
Schemes to introduce such passports have been touted around the world as a way to enable safe circulation of people while fighting the pandemic.
But critics say such documents could be discriminatory.
The US said it did not and would not support a "system that requires Americans to carry a credential".

The oligarchs behind Biden are backing down on the vaccine passports. According to The Hill:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday ruled out the Biden administration playing any role in a “vaccine passport” system as Republican governors in particular balk at the concept.
“The government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential. There will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential,” Psaki told reporters at a briefing.
The White House has been clear that it would defer to private companies if they wanted to implement some type of vaccine passport system in which individuals would have to provide proof that they received one of the coronavirus shots.
“Our interest is very simple from the federal government, which is American’s privacy and rights should be protected so that these systems are not used against people unfairly,” Psaki said.


Jan 21, 2021
What’s this! The USA say no to vaccine passports? Is this the end?
The end of covid, the psychotics will find another way down the line.

Next up, the climate hysterics to justify more authoritarianism.

The White House has ruled out introducing mandatory federal Covid-19 vaccination passports, saying citizens' privacy and rights should be protected.
Schemes to introduce such passports have been touted around the world as a way to enable safe circulation of people while fighting the pandemic.
But critics say such documents could be discriminatory.
The US said it did not and would not support a "system that requires Americans to carry a credential".

The oligarchs behind Biden are backing down on the vaccine passports. According to The Hill:
Government has to act like they don't want it. It is unconstitutional and will be fought tooth and nail. However....they have a way around it by providing incentives and encouraging private sector to do their dirty work. Just like they did with big tech and censorship. Get the private sector to enforce and take the heat. Get what you want and come out smelling like roses.


Feb 18, 2016
Government has to act like they don't want it. It is unconstitutional and will be fought tooth and nail. However....they have a way around it by providing incentives and encouraging private sector to do their dirty work. Just like they did with big tech and censorship. Get the private sector to enforce and take the heat. Get what you want and come out smelling like roses.

Let’s see how it goes.


Jan 21, 2021
That is terrifying to wait and see what happens.

I am 68 yr old female and did my share of anti war protests and such in the 70's. Took it as far as we could without being arrested....I had immigrant parent/grandparents and they would have died if I had gone to jail. But I felt I had to do "something".

We went from my father's The Great Generation (where they could not enlist fast enough) to my generation of protests and being forced draft to serve. To now....where the only warriors are online. They give their typed rant and think they have done their civic duty and go back to their comfortable lives.

It is going to take much much more to stop this. It is truly terrifying.
Mar 10, 2021
The tourism ministers of the European Union member states discussed a "covid-19 passport" and some sort of tracking system.

We reached several conclusions, particularly in the organization of the joint European approach to emerging from the crisis. It will include the creation of joint protocols and measures in the spheres of health and security. The ministers agreed that the common document under provision name Covid-passport should be created and it will work all over the EU.

EU Mulls ‘COVID-19 Passports’ to Restore Tourism Industry

Many countries are now discussing immunity passports. So if you can prove that you can neither fetch nor distribute SARS-CoV-2 some of the restrictions may be lifted from you. The snag however is, that in order to prove it, you must have antibodies, and you only get those if you have been infected. So they fear that "corona parties" will take place (which is the opposite of "social distancing"). In addition there are doubts raised whether previous infection causes immunity, and the antibody tests are deemed not reliable enough.

This is all bogus: Once there is a vaccine available you will not be allowed to enter a supermarket or to use public transport if you have not been vaccinated. And this is because Bill Gates thinks it's necessary, and he's an health expert and he has only our best in mind as we all know. The vaccine will not be tested properly, and Bill Gates feels that "a 60 percent effective vaccine is useable".

The Race to Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine

In Germany the plans to introduce mandatory vaccination through the backdoor has met opposition, and the health minister Jens Spahn allegedly has backed off for the moment. We know that he will be making a new attempt, so we stay vigilant.

The mainstream media in Germany have started to report neutral once in a while. Now views that differ from the narrative of the government and the Robert Koch Institute get heard, too (sometimes). Among those who make it into newspapers and the TV are professors of medicine who say that that SARS-CoV-2 is not the killer virus, that the wave is over, the situation has never been critical, and you never know how long it takes to create a vaccine or if you succeed at all. For the government it's getting more and more difficult to explain that this nonsense is justified. Pubs are closed, but people are partying on the streets and in parks, and each week more people protest against the restrictions.
How is this even possible or reasonable? My girlfriend got her first shot and had such a horrible reaction that she had to cancel her second shot. How would anyone be expected to put their health or life in danger to be able to do anything? It has to be a scare tactic. What are they gonna eventually euthanize people that are allergic to these vaccines?


Jun 20, 2015
How is this even possible or reasonable? My girlfriend got her first shot and had such a horrible reaction that she had to cancel her second shot. How would anyone be expected to put their health or life in danger to be able to do anything? It has to be a scare tactic. What are they gonna eventually euthanize people that are allergic to these vaccines?
They want control. That's all they are interested in. The article in the original thread was from Aprll 2020 long before any so-called vaccine was available.
Mar 10, 2021
They want control. That's all they are interested in. The article in the original thread was from Aprll 2020 long before any so-called vaccine was available.
Well I agree with you on that, but we will be on the brink of the rapture or something because they would have to start killing people that can't (not wont) take it. We either have to think this silly or the earth wont be worth living on anymore.
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Jun 20, 2015
Well I agree with you on that, but we will be on the brink of the rapture or something because they would have to start killing people that can't (not wont) take it. We either have to think this silly or the earth wont be worth living on anymore.
They want everyone to have an immunity passport. If you are not vaccinated you need to get tested regularly. Once the infrastructure for the passport is in place they will try to add more functionalities to it. More centralized data. More control. Bank account coupled to immunity passport. You didn't behave well, oops, something happened to your bank account. Next step social scoring system Chinese style.

They have done so much evil already: traumatized a whole generation of children, forced the old to die alone and in disgrace, destroyed the livelihood of so many, tricked and coerced healthy people to get the shot with many of them injured ... They are evil, insane and destructive. They don't care if people die because of the shots or as a result of a huge power outage or because of a disrupted food chain.
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