INCREDIBLE Jack Kruse Interview


Sep 12, 2015
My son had two stents 6/20/18 and now they want to do CT scan and other tests. At the hospital they had said no more tests for 3 months until the stents were healed or seated. Do you suggest that normally? He has had so many xrays and tests....He should glow in the dark.
To answer well, it would help me to know some things: What kind of stents and for what purpose? What kind of CT and for what reason? What other tests? Did they explain why they wanted to wait?
For MRI, we no longer identify any cardiac stents, even if they are very new - even our 3T sequences meet their conditions. Other stents must be identified, especially iliac - they tend to be long enough to reach the resonant heating length.
For CT, it shouldn't matter. We even do CTA's soon after EVAR procedures.


Sep 25, 2016
I don't think so, and the reason is because they had used frequency-modulated microwaves in those studies.

Excellent, thanks for the reply. So the reason the results of cell phone harm are all over the place is because AM activates ODC/VGGC and FM does not? I wonder if we can be sure this is the only harmful mechanism. I will read through the studies you linked and have bookmarked this post. Thanks, again.


Jul 14, 2016
Excellent, thanks for the reply. So the reason the results of cell phone harm are all over the place is because AM activates ODC/VGGC and FM does not? I wonder if we can be sure this is the only harmful mechanism. I will read through the studies you linked and have bookmarked this post. Thanks, again.
Well FM microwaves still do activate heat shock proteins, yet they seem less harmful because they don't appear to resonate with cell membranes. I am not promoting the use of any technology, but I honestly feel our days of cell phone carcinogenesis are over lest Verizon™ and Sprint™ revert to using amplitude modulation schemes.


Jul 11, 2018
My friend is on her phone if she is awake. She puts her earbuds in and starts the car to go bluetooth and talks to her sister and friends on the 45 minute drive to and from work. She carries her phone in restaurants to play games and check facebook and messages.. She listens to music if the boss is out of the office and texts when no one is looking at work. If she does not have her purse she carries her phone in her hand or pocket if she has jeans on. Since this addiction she has signed up for many programs and now she is watching soaps from Australia, and catching up from the beginning and watching many years to catch up. She is very overweight since this addiction, although she eats like a canary. Her sister has a fitbit so that will be her next pedometer. I think she will have many problems soon. If her husband is in the car there are two cells .....cordless phones and WiFi in the house......She texts at red lights.......I fear she is going to have brain cancer like many other friends...


Sep 12, 2015
All electromagnetic radiation from radio to UV light, and further, has an associated frequency. This is the periodicity of the wave—or the photon quantum spin for particle theorists—and is defined as oscillations per unit time, or Hertz. The frequency is more universal than the term 'bandwidth,' and has been used by physicists and chemists for centuries. However, merely knowing the wavelength or energy allows easy conversion through the Plank–Einstein Relation.

Do you really work in medical imaging?
Our 3T operates at 128 MHz (specifically 127.73 MHz - 128.09 MHz). Because this is Google-able knowledge, because you closed with suspicion, and because you are subtil, I wonder if your question was ever sincere. To add: most 3T scanners that are less than seven years old are multi-transmit with adaptive shimming, broadcasting bilaterally; this will lessen the dielectric effect common to the 128 MHz frequency.

Below are some pictures of sequence parameters from our various 3T protocols: a T2 Sagittal from our Lumbar; an Axial Diffusion from our routine Brain; an Axial Diffusion from our Liver; a four-phase, Axial mDIXON for the liver: water sat, fat sat, in-phase, and out-of-phase; a T2 Axial from our Liver; a T2 Axial fat sat from our Liver. Note the right-hand area of each photo. These values will vary, depending upon the patient's body-habitus.

1.jpg 2 T2 lumbar.jpg 3 DWI.jpg 4 Diff liver.jpg 5 mDIXON 4-ph.jpg 6 T2 liver.jpg 7 T2fs liver.jpg


Jan 1, 2013
Here's an interesting story about our Dr John/Jack Kruse:

Apparently he was kicked off a cruise ship he was due to make a speech in 2012 due to terrorist investigation originating from a Tweet account.

The comments at Paleohack shed some more light about Kruse's animosity towards those who dare criticize him.

Comment no 33, by Carly:

"Omg, finally! Some sanity in this whole mess. Thank you! This 'episode' has gotten beyond ridiculous. I myself was even implicated by Kruse because I dared to say I thought the original tweet regarding this was obviously not meant with malace. According to Kruse I need to brush up on my knowledge of FED law, because I have been "feeding" the shitkrusesays twitter account and it was implied this could lead to a 20 year prison term. Come on! I am nearly 30 year old mother who frequents twitter and happens to have strong opinions, I live in the UK. So because I am not afraid to call bull**** on Kruse that makes me a 'suspect' with a potential prison sentence. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I am far from the only person not involved who has been accused. That is unacceptable. It is a shame he got kicked off the cruise, the sh** stirrer in this is the one who informed the boat. Not the person who sent the obviously paradoxical tweet. I just can not believe how far some people have ran with this one. Shocking."

This Kruse guy is fast becoming the David Icke of alternative health: everything he touches, he decredibilizes.

PS: Does anyone have a link to his TEDX talk presentation ? It contained many falsehoods, and it seems to have disappeared from the net.
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Nov 21, 2015
I think he is largely a quack. He discusses endlesssly with big words and nebulous ideas on quantum mechanics and it doesn’t seem like he understands any of it.


Jan 1, 2013
This sums up pretty well the personage:

Given Kruse’s documented record of lies, it’s amazing that anyone is willing to trust him. So why are some people in Paleoland still willing to associate with this guy, much less seek medical advice from him?

Kruse's TEDx Talk Missing
Sep 30, 2018
I think that using the night shift on my iPhone, and blocking white&blue light on the laptop makes me more able to focus. Obviously spending more time walking outside is a good healthy strategy.

I’m not sure anyone explained the rationale behind the fish lipids? I’d be interested in it


Jan 1, 2013
Dunno if you saw this discussion about it: Jack's TED talk

So, the YT video seems gone forever, but the Paleohacks site posted a critical article about his 2012 TEDX talk.
In the comments section, someone painfully wrote down the main points discussed by Kruse during his presentation.

Then another member who had access to the original talk pointed out the intro of the talk had been edited out from the Youtube version: Kruse was originally introduced to the TEDX audiance as being a "crazy man".

Shari_Bambino on April 29, 2012 at 06:22 PM

OMG. Well first of all they cut out his introduction. They cut the damn intro! Know why? Because the guy introduced him as crazy. No seriously. He was introduced as a crazy man by the emcee. I can't believe they cut that out! It was perfect really. Damn them. Second of all no kidding on the clothes. The original was VERY dark so you really couldn't see him well. Wow, tighty tightness twinkletoes. Jack either needs a new tailor (or a tailor period I'm thinking) or a new plastic surgeon who knows how to really suck stuff out. He's probably lying about everything. Wouldn't be surprised.

Here's the resume:

"WOW! Despite the fact that many have commented that Dr. Kruse speaks much better than he writes, I was still so very confused as to what the main take aways from this presentation should be. So, here are a few notes taken directly from the talk:

JK wanted to share an idea that will "change your life."

This whole thing started with knee tear. A friend shared books and papers with him as a result. The book was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (A FABLE About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny). In the book a lawyer left his law practice to live with Sherpas. When he came back everyone said he looked 25 years younger and was in great shape. Dr. JK wonders, what if this is possible?

The papers that were shared with him were about cytokines and leptin. Leptin controls everything so, he knew that the knee was tied to leptin.

In 2009, the Nobel prize went to telomoere biology. So he also got interesting in looking at that too.

Is is possible that obesity is an inflammatory brain condition, asks JK? Could he fix himself via the Leptin reset which he says was a secret until last year? He says he used that diet and cold because sherpas live in the cold.

Colclear implants rewires the brain so people can hear again. This is like what JK claims he did, he rewired his vagal nerve to rewire his brain. So, this caused him to lose 157 lbs.

He showed a photo of his son (who didn't even know he was going to be there or that he did this surgery and MRSA thing) who was overweight in the photo. He used the Leptin Rx and CT on his son His kid lost 60 lbs in 6 weeks. He turned his nephew into a navy seal.

He wan't satisfied with this, he got into the whole longevity thing and ran tests to see if he got younger. According to him, his blood tests say that he did.

He says that our deep ancestors who came out of the water were cold adapted mammals. There was an evolutionary bottleneck so to get food they had to go back into the water to get omega 3 fish. To do that they had to get numb, and that was interesting to him. (Again, no citation or reference. This is all him here).

He refers to Wim Hof's Tedx presentation. Dr. Kruse says Wim injected himself with bacteria and didn't get sick. He also climbed Everest and ran a marathon - JK claims that he was able to do all of this because of the cold.

JK says that Lance Armstrong, Micheal Phelps, sherpas and astronauts use cold to do what they do. JK says that nobody know this, but Lance has freezers in his house and that's what helped him win. Phelps swims in 50 degree water and that made him a winner. Neil Armstrong lost 30 lbs and ate less while in space. JK says it's the sherpas that give us the answer to all of these things.

JK says that this is a pathway that no one knows about, but JK. But he goes on to say that it's in the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

He goes on to tell us a story of a surgeon he knows. who got acute spinal cord compression while performing surgery. He went to a hospital and had surgery that didn't go well, so he was sent to JK and JK told him the secrets and fixed him and in 6 weeks he was running and back at work as a completely new person.

He referrs to Terry Wahls' Tedx presentation. He says that presentation got him wanting to make a TED presentation himself.

He goes on to say that his idea was to do the first "Evolutionarily Directed" surgery. Nodoby would let him do this to someone else - inject bacteria and avoid anesthesia. The secret pathway tells us we have ultimate immunity.

He decided he had to "make" himself a surgical candidate. So, he had some sort of tummy tuck type surgery and "secretly" gained 25 lbs eating a SAD (PUFA + grains he says). It took 2 months to gain 25 lbs and nobody knew and he hid it.

On Jan 8th he told his wife about this. The next day he had surgery without anesthesia. Before the surgery he injected MRSA all over his torso (he says it's nasty stuff). He "woke up" and was in pain. His wife and daughter didn't know what was going on and even his son at the time of taping didn't know anything about this. His wife and daughter was ordered to get out a tub while he was sceaming and crying. He told her to get 120 lbs of ice from the freezer and in minutes the ice got rid of his pain. He even flaunted his incisions to his 11 year old daughter.

He avoided infection and never had pain.

He says that this proved to his that cold packs reduce pain. He decided that all these variables proved that this secret pathway exists in humans and that he should do this to his patients. Apparently an 80 year old patient he used diet and cold on recovered well from surgery and that it was remarkable.

He starts hiw wrapup saying that this clearly proves that the Paleo diet and CT are keys to human health.

His ending remark is that unconventional methods can lead to remarkable results that can help millions of people. He also says that the entire medical profession has lost its way and they need to use evolutionary biology.

*My takeaways:*

  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is not a true story. It is a fable. I have never read it, but the word fable is right in the title. I do not understand how a self-help, motivational fable proves that we are cold adapted mammals in any way.

  2. I think it's nice that Dr. Kruse took the time to read the books and papers his colleague gave him and learned all about leptin. It is also noteworthy that he successfully lost a tremendous amount of weight.

  3. Obesity as an inflammatory brain condition has been widely talked about. So that is surely noteworthy.

  4. I take some issue with how he presents the Wim Hof LPS injection experiment. He keeps saying that WIM "injected himself with bacteria." I watched the video about this here. Wim had LPS endotoxin injected, yes. But it was under the direction of a team of doctors, in a hospital setting, while having many biomarkers tracked, and on camera. There were obviously many cooperative and willing witnesses to this. I get the impression that Dr. Kruse is trying to compare his secret smearing and injection of MRSA on his torso to Wim's experiment. The two seem very different to me. Totally different bacteria. Wim's experiment had but one variable and Dr. Kruse's had...a lot. Dr. Kruse had no tests or measures to show that CT or the Paleo diet or whatever caused his body to fight off the MRSA without becoming infected. Also, I have read that nearly all hospital staff have MRSA anyway, so perhaps this was not the best bacteria to prove superhuman immunity in him? I dunno.

  5. He does not say exactly what the surgery he went in for was, but it sounds like a tummy tuck. This is pure speculation. Assuming it was a tummy tuck, I believe that the surgeons want you to get to your goal weight before the surgery. There is no requirement that you weigh a certain amount above it. The only place I've read that is in regards to bariatric surgery (gastric bypass). So, the point about gaining 25 lbs seems pointless as well. It is likely that after losing 157 lbs he would have been able to buy his tummy tuck without gaining weight.

  6. He says he did not have anesthesia, and he admits in the YouTube comments that he had general but not local. There's a lot of doublespeak going on.

  7. I see that other's think that Dr. Kruse is leading "by example" and that we need to heed his words or reap the consequences. I don't like the example he lays out about keeping so many secrets from his family and sharing his son's story and photos in front of a live audience and on YouTube without his consent. I don't like that he traumatized his wife and 11 year old daughter.
Perhaps it's all a fable?"
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
So, the YT video seems gone forever, but the Paleohacks site posted a critical article about his 2012 TEDX talk.
In the comments section, someone painfully wrote down the main points discussed by Kruse during his presentation.

Then another member who had access to the original talk pointed out the intro of the talk had been edited out from the Youtube version: Kruse was originally introduced to the TEDX audiance as being a "crazy man".

Here's the resume:

"WOW! Despite the fact that many have commented that Dr. Kruse speaks much better than he writes, I was still so very confused as to what the main take aways from this presentation should be. So, here are a few notes taken directly from the talk:

JK wanted to share an idea that will "change your life."

This whole thing started with knee tear. A friend shared books and papers with him as a result. The book was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (A FABLE About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny). In the book a lawyer left his law practice to live with Sherpas. When he came back everyone said he looked 25 years younger and was in great shape. Dr. JK wonders, what if this is possible?

The papers that were shared with him were about cytokines and leptin. Leptin controls everything so, he knew that the knee was tied to leptin.

In 2009, the Nobel prize went to telomoere biology. So he also got interesting in looking at that too.

Is is possible that obesity is an inflammatory brain condition, asks JK? Could he fix himself via the Leptin reset which he says was a secret until last year? He says he used that diet and cold because sherpas live in the cold.

Colclear implants rewires the brain so people can hear again. This is like what JK claims he did, he rewired his vagal nerve to rewire his brain. So, this caused him to lose 157 lbs.

He showed a photo of his son (who didn't even know he was going to be there or that he did this surgery and MRSA thing) who was overweight in the photo. He used the Leptin Rx and CT on his son His kid lost 60 lbs in 6 weeks. He turned his nephew into a navy seal.

He wan't satisfied with this, he got into the whole longevity thing and ran tests to see if he got younger. According to him, his blood tests say that he did.

He says that our deep ancestors who came out of the water were cold adapted mammals. There was an evolutionary bottleneck so to get food they had to go back into the water to get omega 3 fish. To do that they had to get numb, and that was interesting to him. (Again, no citation or reference. This is all him here).

He refers to Wim Hof's Tedx presentation. Dr. Kruse says Wim injected himself with bacteria and didn't get sick. He also climbed Everest and ran a marathon - JK claims that he was able to do all of this because of the cold.

JK says that Lance Armstrong, Micheal Phelps, sherpas and astronauts use cold to do what they do. JK says that nobody know this, but Lance has freezers in his house and that's what helped him win. Phelps swims in 50 degree water and that made him a winner. Neil Armstrong lost 30 lbs and ate less while in space. JK says it's the sherpas that give us the answer to all of these things.

JK says that this is a pathway that no one knows about, but JK. But he goes on to say that it's in the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

He goes on to tell us a story of a surgeon he knows. who got acute spinal cord compression while performing surgery. He went to a hospital and had surgery that didn't go well, so he was sent to JK and JK told him the secrets and fixed him and in 6 weeks he was running and back at work as a completely new person.

He referrs to Terry Wahls' Tedx presentation. He says that presentation got him wanting to make a TED presentation himself.

He goes on to say that his idea was to do the first "Evolutionarily Directed" surgery. Nodoby would let him do this to someone else - inject bacteria and avoid anesthesia. The secret pathway tells us we have ultimate immunity.

He decided he had to "make" himself a surgical candidate. So, he had some sort of tummy tuck type surgery and "secretly" gained 25 lbs eating a SAD (PUFA + grains he says). It took 2 months to gain 25 lbs and nobody knew and he hid it.

On Jan 8th he told his wife about this. The next day he had surgery without anesthesia. Before the surgery he injected MRSA all over his torso (he says it's nasty stuff). He "woke up" and was in pain. His wife and daughter didn't know what was going on and even his son at the time of taping didn't know anything about this. His wife and daughter was ordered to get out a tub while he was sceaming and crying. He told her to get 120 lbs of ice from the freezer and in minutes the ice got rid of his pain. He even flaunted his incisions to his 11 year old daughter.

He avoided infection and never had pain.

He says that this proved to his that cold packs reduce pain. He decided that all these variables proved that this secret pathway exists in humans and that he should do this to his patients. Apparently an 80 year old patient he used diet and cold on recovered well from surgery and that it was remarkable.

He starts hiw wrapup saying that this clearly proves that the Paleo diet and CT are keys to human health.

His ending remark is that unconventional methods can lead to remarkable results that can help millions of people. He also says that the entire medical profession has lost its way and they need to use evolutionary biology.

*My takeaways:*

  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is not a true story. It is a fable. I have never read it, but the word fable is right in the title. I do not understand how a self-help, motivational fable proves that we are cold adapted mammals in any way.

  2. I think it's nice that Dr. Kruse took the time to read the books and papers his colleague gave him and learned all about leptin. It is also noteworthy that he successfully lost a tremendous amount of weight.

  3. Obesity as an inflammatory brain condition has been widely talked about. So that is surely noteworthy.

  4. I take some issue with how he presents the Wim Hof LPS injection experiment. He keeps saying that WIM "injected himself with bacteria." I watched the video about this here. Wim had LPS endotoxin injected, yes. But it was under the direction of a team of doctors, in a hospital setting, while having many biomarkers tracked, and on camera. There were obviously many cooperative and willing witnesses to this. I get the impression that Dr. Kruse is trying to compare his secret smearing and injection of MRSA on his torso to Wim's experiment. The two seem very different to me. Totally different bacteria. Wim's experiment had but one variable and Dr. Kruse's had...a lot. Dr. Kruse had no tests or measures to show that CT or the Paleo diet or whatever caused his body to fight off the MRSA without becoming infected. Also, I have read that nearly all hospital staff have MRSA anyway, so perhaps this was not the best bacteria to prove superhuman immunity in him? I dunno.

  5. He does not say exactly what the surgery he went in for was, but it sounds like a tummy tuck. This is pure speculation. Assuming it was a tummy tuck, I believe that the surgeons want you to get to your goal weight before the surgery. There is no requirement that you weigh a certain amount above it. The only place I've read that is in regards to bariatric surgery (gastric bypass). So, the point about gaining 25 lbs seems pointless as well. It is likely that after losing 157 lbs he would have been able to buy his tummy tuck without gaining weight.

  6. He says he did not have anesthesia, and he admits in the YouTube comments that he had general but not local. There's a lot of doublespeak going on.

  7. I see that other's think that Dr. Kruse is leading "by example" and that we need to heed his words or reap the consequences. I don't like the example he lays out about keeping so many secrets from his family and sharing his son's story and photos in front of a live audience and on YouTube without his consent. I don't like that he traumatized his wife and 11 year old daughter.
Perhaps it's all a fable?"
oh man- thanks for sharing.. a good laugh at the end of the day is excellent! :joyful:


Jan 1, 2013
oh man- thanks for sharing.. a good laugh at the end of the day is excellent! :joyful:


Now we know why this TEDX talk disappeared from the net. :grin


Sep 7, 2018
So, the YT video seems gone forever, but the Paleohacks site posted a critical article about his 2012 TEDX talk.
In the comments section, someone painfully wrote down the main points discussed by Kruse during his presentation.

Then another member who had access to the original talk pointed out the intro of the talk had been edited out from the Youtube version: Kruse was originally introduced to the TEDX audiance as being a "crazy man".

Here's the resume:

"WOW! Despite the fact that many have commented that Dr. Kruse speaks much better than he writes, I was still so very confused as to what the main take aways from this presentation should be. So, here are a few notes taken directly from the talk:

JK wanted to share an idea that will "change your life."

This whole thing started with knee tear. A friend shared books and papers with him as a result. The book was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (A FABLE About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny). In the book a lawyer left his law practice to live with Sherpas. When he came back everyone said he looked 25 years younger and was in great shape. Dr. JK wonders, what if this is possible?

The papers that were shared with him were about cytokines and leptin. Leptin controls everything so, he knew that the knee was tied to leptin.

In 2009, the Nobel prize went to telomoere biology. So he also got interesting in looking at that too.

Is is possible that obesity is an inflammatory brain condition, asks JK? Could he fix himself via the Leptin reset which he says was a secret until last year? He says he used that diet and cold because sherpas live in the cold.

Colclear implants rewires the brain so people can hear again. This is like what JK claims he did, he rewired his vagal nerve to rewire his brain. So, this caused him to lose 157 lbs.

He showed a photo of his son (who didn't even know he was going to be there or that he did this surgery and MRSA thing) who was overweight in the photo. He used the Leptin Rx and CT on his son His kid lost 60 lbs in 6 weeks. He turned his nephew into a navy seal.

He wan't satisfied with this, he got into the whole longevity thing and ran tests to see if he got younger. According to him, his blood tests say that he did.

He says that our deep ancestors who came out of the water were cold adapted mammals. There was an evolutionary bottleneck so to get food they had to go back into the water to get omega 3 fish. To do that they had to get numb, and that was interesting to him. (Again, no citation or reference. This is all him here).

He refers to Wim Hof's Tedx presentation. Dr. Kruse says Wim injected himself with bacteria and didn't get sick. He also climbed Everest and ran a marathon - JK claims that he was able to do all of this because of the cold.

JK says that Lance Armstrong, Micheal Phelps, sherpas and astronauts use cold to do what they do. JK says that nobody know this, but Lance has freezers in his house and that's what helped him win. Phelps swims in 50 degree water and that made him a winner. Neil Armstrong lost 30 lbs and ate less while in space. JK says it's the sherpas that give us the answer to all of these things.

JK says that this is a pathway that no one knows about, but JK. But he goes on to say that it's in the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

He goes on to tell us a story of a surgeon he knows. who got acute spinal cord compression while performing surgery. He went to a hospital and had surgery that didn't go well, so he was sent to JK and JK told him the secrets and fixed him and in 6 weeks he was running and back at work as a completely new person.

He referrs to Terry Wahls' Tedx presentation. He says that presentation got him wanting to make a TED presentation himself.

He goes on to say that his idea was to do the first "Evolutionarily Directed" surgery. Nodoby would let him do this to someone else - inject bacteria and avoid anesthesia. The secret pathway tells us we have ultimate immunity.

He decided he had to "make" himself a surgical candidate. So, he had some sort of tummy tuck type surgery and "secretly" gained 25 lbs eating a SAD (PUFA + grains he says). It took 2 months to gain 25 lbs and nobody knew and he hid it.

On Jan 8th he told his wife about this. The next day he had surgery without anesthesia. Before the surgery he injected MRSA all over his torso (he says it's nasty stuff). He "woke up" and was in pain. His wife and daughter didn't know what was going on and even his son at the time of taping didn't know anything about this. His wife and daughter was ordered to get out a tub while he was sceaming and crying. He told her to get 120 lbs of ice from the freezer and in minutes the ice got rid of his pain. He even flaunted his incisions to his 11 year old daughter.

He avoided infection and never had pain.

He says that this proved to his that cold packs reduce pain. He decided that all these variables proved that this secret pathway exists in humans and that he should do this to his patients. Apparently an 80 year old patient he used diet and cold on recovered well from surgery and that it was remarkable.

He starts hiw wrapup saying that this clearly proves that the Paleo diet and CT are keys to human health.

His ending remark is that unconventional methods can lead to remarkable results that can help millions of people. He also says that the entire medical profession has lost its way and they need to use evolutionary biology.

*My takeaways:*

  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is not a true story. It is a fable. I have never read it, but the word fable is right in the title. I do not understand how a self-help, motivational fable proves that we are cold adapted mammals in any way.

  2. I think it's nice that Dr. Kruse took the time to read the books and papers his colleague gave him and learned all about leptin. It is also noteworthy that he successfully lost a tremendous amount of weight.

  3. Obesity as an inflammatory brain condition has been widely talked about. So that is surely noteworthy.

  4. I take some issue with how he presents the Wim Hof LPS injection experiment. He keeps saying that WIM "injected himself with bacteria." I watched the video about this here. Wim had LPS endotoxin injected, yes. But it was under the direction of a team of doctors, in a hospital setting, while having many biomarkers tracked, and on camera. There were obviously many cooperative and willing witnesses to this. I get the impression that Dr. Kruse is trying to compare his secret smearing and injection of MRSA on his torso to Wim's experiment. The two seem very different to me. Totally different bacteria. Wim's experiment had but one variable and Dr. Kruse's had...a lot. Dr. Kruse had no tests or measures to show that CT or the Paleo diet or whatever caused his body to fight off the MRSA without becoming infected. Also, I have read that nearly all hospital staff have MRSA anyway, so perhaps this was not the best bacteria to prove superhuman immunity in him? I dunno.

  5. He does not say exactly what the surgery he went in for was, but it sounds like a tummy tuck. This is pure speculation. Assuming it was a tummy tuck, I believe that the surgeons want you to get to your goal weight before the surgery. There is no requirement that you weigh a certain amount above it. The only place I've read that is in regards to bariatric surgery (gastric bypass). So, the point about gaining 25 lbs seems pointless as well. It is likely that after losing 157 lbs he would have been able to buy his tummy tuck without gaining weight.

  6. He says he did not have anesthesia, and he admits in the YouTube comments that he had general but not local. There's a lot of doublespeak going on.

  7. I see that other's think that Dr. Kruse is leading "by example" and that we need to heed his words or reap the consequences. I don't like the example he lays out about keeping so many secrets from his family and sharing his son's story and photos in front of a live audience and on YouTube without his consent. I don't like that he traumatized his wife and 11 year old daughter.
Perhaps it's all a fable?"

A fair summation, Burtlancast. I've heard him mention much of this in other interviews over the years too, but not so much the family stuff. I've never been sure if he's as brilliant as he thinks he is, or the Emperor with no clothes. Most likely a combination of the 2 :)
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