introducing myself and a serotonin setback


Jan 3, 2014
Hi there! I’ve joined this forum after quite a lot of reading on it, to learn more and join discussions. If you’re reading this, please let me know if anything below chimes with your experience or happened to you or might be caused by something you know about! Thank you!

I’ve been following RP for about 6 months after reading everything I can get my hands on, and all his articles on his site. I’m eating this way because it makes me feel better, and I like the food! I’m 2.5 years into recovery from a long and damaging diet history starting as as child who thought she was fat and wasn’t, but made herself that way eventually thanks to dieting. The low points of which were low carb for 7 years then hcg on top of that. I’m 50 now, and I put on about 60 pounds to a total of around 200 (guessing) when I started eating again after finding Matt Stone. Although I realize that I had to go through some of the difficulties of recovery I really wonder whether I had to get as bad as I did in terms of weight gain (notably stomach), exhaustion, aching, and insomnia. I wish I had started with Peat, not found him 2 years down the line!

Initially I did clear up a few problems(‘hypoglycemia’, constipation, mood, regular migraines) but added in a bunch more, some of which were worse, and still with me. I am still kind of mystified as to why my strength and muscles vanished. It was and still kind of is, hard to get out of a chair. My voice went husky for a while which really sounds like an inflamed thryoid to me. I’ve rebuilt a lot of my lost strength, slowly and with difficulty and setbacks, over the past nearly 2 years.

In a nutshell, weight, sleep, strength and aching got worse on refeeding, and weight and sleep are still bad. Aching is much better thanks to aspirin, vitex, vit B etc. Strength better thanks to weights in the gym once or twice a week. Migraines are helped by BCAA. It’s been slow and with lots of setbacks and strange reactions, like a bad reaction to anything new, when on a second attempt it agrees well with me and becomes a pillar of my diet, eg sugar. Breakthroughs include understanding that a ‘protein food’ like steak is only 20% protein so I was not getting enough before. Normalizing BG about 18 months in. Then being told about BCAA and vitex which have helped me a lot. I think my thyroid was low but not according to the tests. I think it is now functioning much better. NDT had the reverse effect on me and I’m sort of keeping away from thyroid in its direct form. I’ve learned that serotonin is an issue for me, but prolactin and estrogen I’m doing better with (coffee, sugar, vitex)

On holiday over Christmas I had a big setback, inexplicably seeing as I was resting! For many years I’ve been prone to feeling ‘liverish’ which is why I no longer drink (never did, much – always felt so bad afterwards). I had a week of ‘bad hangover’ - nausea and migraine and ‘feeling like an old lady’ not helped this time by my usual measures (more BCAA for the serotonin, liver and eggs for choline, lots of B complex). Funnily enough, pacing the floor at midnight trying to keep the nausea down, the one thing that worked was a mixture of rice and tomato, no fat. Next morning I woke up feeling well again. Anybody know what that might have been?

Insomnia – I’ve read everything I can find, tried everything. I’m not stressing about it anymore. It’ll come. Weight – I dropped a bit recently but during that setback I can feel it all came back on.

I’ve learned to hold onto the good milestones and not let the setbacks get me down. I’ve got used to the slow progress but I’m happy it’s getting faster. I’m looking forward to learning more from some of the great commenters on this site!

I’d welcome any comments! Thank you!

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Hi Sueq, welcome to the forum.

sueq said:
Insomnia – I’ve read everything I can find, tried everything. I’m not stressing about it anymore. It’ll come.
Probably a good attitude to have! Maybe you've tried this, but I think having a bunch of gelatin before bed (in homemade gummy form for me) has helped my sleep. There's a study supporting the idea.


Jan 3, 2014
Thanks Dan! It's inconsistent, gelatin, like everything I've tried, but I suspect that I would do better on more. Currently I'm having about 3- 4 tablespoons a day usually in a hot sweetened drink at bedtime. All my 'markers' (like energy, sleep, digestion, aching, good and bad spells) are gradually calming down from a chaotic pattern into something more settled. Thanks for the reply!


Jan 3, 2014
Oh I forgot to mention, I also take 2 antihistamine pills at night - allergex - to help fall asleep plus the estrogen lowering thing. Quite effective - my insomnia is the second type, the wake up a few hours later and sleep lightly, unsatisfying sleep type, but I go to sleep in the first place reasonably fine.


Nov 1, 2012
sueq said:
Oh I forgot to mention, I also take 2 antihistamine pills at night - allergex - to help fall asleep plus the estrogen lowering thing. Quite effective - my insomnia is the second type, the wake up a few hours later and sleep lightly, unsatisfying sleep type, but I go to sleep in the first place reasonably fine.

Welcome, sueq!

I was going to suggest Benadryl to you. The active ingredient is different than allergex. . Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient. It is used in some sleep aid products. IIRC , Unisom is one. I use 25 mg almost every night. This gives me a very good nights sleep. I feel very rested the next day with no grogginess unless I sleep too long. The questionable thing about Benadryl is the excipients used to make it. It would be great if we could obtain a pure form of the active ingredient.

I also take a small amount of cynoplus, drops of Profest-e, turn a loud fan on,and drink warm milk with honey.., and sometimes aspirin. I no longer use a sleep mask. Lol.


Jan 3, 2014
Thank you! So helpful - I'll look for it tomorrow!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
sueq, :welcome

It sounds like you are doing great in learning and understanding what is going on with your body! Keep at it and the results will keep on coming!

About the nausea thing. This is only a guess......your liver ran out of glycogen and was stressing out. Eating rice was a whole lot of sugar and it was able to get your liver going again and get your body out of hypoglycemia. People who are hypometabolic are more prone to hypoglycemia.


Jan 3, 2014
Very likely. I know my liver needs lots of care. interesting how rice is sometimes all one can face when nauseous. By the way, being of an inquisitive nature I would love some feedback on the weight gain and muscle loss mentioned in my first post. Also I am very keen to get going on some weight loss now that there has been lots of healing - this morning I took my temp after breakfast for the first time in months and had a great new year's gift - it was 37! It had stubbornly stuck at 36.4 or so for years. Aside from pride, shame, health and aesthetics, being about 60 pounds overweight feels awful. I'm lowering starch to one slice of homemade bread a day, and fat to a little coconut oil, butter , and the 3 g fat per litre of skim milk (1-2l a day). My calories seem to be spontaneously around 2300 - 2400 and have been for months. Really appreciate the feedback, would love some on the above.. Thanks!


Jan 3, 2014
Continuing the thought... if one could raise metabolism and heal from dieting without also triggering hormonal mayhem - rather than getting fat and also sicker, clearly raising estrogen cortisol and serotonin and only then following peat's approach and getting those hormones back under control - then one might succeed in having better health and a reasonable body weight.wouldn't that be amazing?!!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In regard to benedryl with minimal additives I had a couple thoughts. I've considered taking it again and planned on checking at the compounding pharmacy. They will usually mix the medication with rice starch or calcium carbonate for me. It is pricey but I do notice the purity seems above average. I've only done asprin compounded as far as over the counter meds go. Another possible place to look would be where pet bendryl. I remember reading in RP email depository that pet asprin has less additives so maybe pet benedryl too. It's worth a shot. DanWich may have already looked into this but just incase I thought I'd bring it up. I always hated the additives even in the dye free Benedryl.


Jan 3, 2014
Since posting this I discovered cypropetadine available without prescription here in south Africa, called cipla actin. Works much better for me than the benedryl one I was taking. I'm a bit groggy today after taking too much last night though. I 'm also looking into vet stuff - quite interesting! A few years ago I tried some horse vitamins in powder form, thus sealing my reputation as a complete eccentric once and for all. Unfortunately, though cheap they tasted awful so i gave them to my horse :D and capsules are expensive so that's not really an option. I'm still interested in this route and will carry on experimenting. I see my feed merchant has biotin but with methionine unfortunately. It might have improved the strength of my hooves ... ;) Currently I'm rediscovering classic old over the counter cold remedies - there's one with 800 mg aspirin, about 60 mg caffeine and some vit c. Seems to have less residue than my usual aspirin. You drink it hot. Seems quite peaty. This may be a productive route
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