Is it Crazy to take Ivermectin Every Day?


May 31, 2018
I DO know that I need to sweep all possible critters out....I am DONE with hosting them.

All of my research tells me that a healthy body doesn't host parasites, it kills them and only leaves behind the amount we need as normal functioning humans (everything has parasites). This is achieved with proper vitamin and mineral levels. Past year I have been focusing on amino acids, vit and mins. My latest addition is B12 and it has not only helped with inflammation, but it has helped digestion a lot. My gut is gurgling again after being dead silent for years along with my digestion being paralyzed a lot of times. Each vitamin I have slowly added to my arsenal has helped. My next one will be non-flush Niacin/B3. Just got it from Amazon yesterday. I am taking everything properly, avoiding combinations that make them cancel each other out, etc.

I've been completely nutrient deficient due to Salicylates being a massive issue, making me not tolerate too many foods, esp the healthy ones (Salicylates are very high in the healthiest foods, how ironic is that crap!!). So I've been mostly eating nutrient deficient foods like sandwiches and fast food my whole adult life. I always said, I get the least reaction from the worst fast foods. But now things are slowly easing up... we'll see.. amazing that I can take vitamins now. Every time I tried in the past 30 years I would react way too hard, massive hives all down thighs, etc.

Also, if you want to get rid of bacteria/parasites et al, you need to kill the slimy biofilm they live in that's protecting them. This is key.


May 4, 2019

Hey Tarmander, is that part of the Marshall Protocol or are you using olmesartan as BP medicine? I am intrigued by the Marshall protocol and the idea that anti-inflammatories like vitamin D are not always a great idea.


Mar 20, 2021
Thanks for your 'IVM testimonial' ;)

My issues are likely a cummulation of things and 'critters' (parasites,bacteria...about 2 months ago treated for Lyme) and I suspect MCAS, so who knows all of what I'm hosting inside... (Too broke to test everything and we don't even have certain tests).
I've already been on (increasing) restricted foods, but around Summer it suddenly all turned very bad (afraid to leave the house bc of sudden uncontrolable 'poop attacks' while I've mostly dealt with constipation. On top of generally feeling bad in sunlight).
Anyway, bc of all this I've now been eating (low histamine) carnivorish for a couple of months. While it is somewhat of a relief, I still need to take a ton of supplements in order to function/have a BM.
This week I decided to eat some goatcheese again (which is moderate histamine) and since my calves broke out in a rash with painful blisters.

Like I said, I suspect mcas (going by several 'peculiar issues' according to the docs I saw at the time) are on a rampage....BUT mcas can be triggered by underlying infection(s).
(I've been wanting to make a thread for help/possible insights,but it's such a long detailed story, that I just can't make a coherent short story out).
So, it's a case of chicken and the egg...which came first and is the actual rootcause.
I DO know that I need to sweep all possible critters out....I am DONE with hosting them. you also use some kind of binder with the IVM.
Well don't be afraid to make a long post, I think everyone reading in this form appreciates lots of information. There are so many very knowledgeable people here that could help you and I'm sure that there would be lots of interesting comments...

I do use activated charcoal loose powder a couple times a week. About a Tablespoon or so in warm water, taken away from food by several hours..

Carrot salad every day...

Focus on more small meals spaced out...

For what it's worth- all dairy wrecks me and has since I was a kid. And no, non of this bull-@#$& about how my thyroid is messed up/or a compromised gut, from so many on this forum, thus inhibiting me from digesting it.


Nov 21, 2012
Well don't be afraid to make a long post, I think everyone reading in this form appreciates lots of information. There are so many very knowledgeable people here that could help you and I'm sure that there would be lots of interesting comments...

I do use activated charcoal loose powder a couple times a week. About a Tablespoon or so in warm water, taken away from food by several hours..

Carrot salad every day...

Focus on more small meals spaced out...

For what it's worth- all dairy wrecks me and has since I was a kid. And no, non of this bull-@#$& about how my thyroid is messed up/or a compromised gut, from so many on this forum, thus inhibiting me from digesting it.

It's not so much that I'm afraid to post, it's more that I can't get a coherent story formulated in my mind....and that I currently have a low tolerabillity for some of the dogmatic replies I sometimes see on this forum (you need to eat 'x' carbs/sugars, you need to drink milk/coffee/juice,you thyroid will fix it all etc. In all fairness, dogma is a thing in every 'dietary' circle)

Ah....AC, clay, DE,zeolite....tried it all, but all these (powdered ) binders cause horrible constipation (no matter how much or little my fluidintake). So, I'm kind of clueless what's a non-destructive-constipating binder.
I've heard of silicagel or enterosgel but have no clue how effective they are and if they're non-destructive.

Small meals throughout the day don't work for me. It's actually advocated by some Sibo docs that it's best to at least have 4-5 hours inbetween eating anything, so you allow for the mmc (migrating motor complex) to do its job....not to mention that it makes me feel like a grazing cow who has food on her mind the entire day.
Intuitively I've never been one to go from snack to snack throughout the day. ...I don't know if that subconsciously happened to give my gut and liver a break.

All of my research tells me that a healthy body doesn't host parasites, it kills them and only leaves behind the amount we need as normal functioning humans (everything has parasites). This is achieved with proper vitamin and mineral levels. Past year I have been focusing on amino acids, vit and mins. My latest addition is B12 and it has not only helped with inflammation, but it has helped digestion a lot. My gut is gurgling again after being dead silent for years along with my digestion being paralyzed a lot of times. Each vitamin I have slowly added to my arsenal has helped. My next one will be non-flush Niacin/B3. Just got it from Amazon yesterday. I am taking everything properly, avoiding combinations that make them cancel each other out, etc.

I've been completely nutrient deficient due to Salicylates being a massive issue, making me not tolerate too many foods, esp the healthy ones (Salicylates are very high in the healthiest foods, how ironic is that crap!!). So I've been mostly eating nutrient deficient foods like sandwiches and fast food my whole adult life. I always said, I get the least reaction from the worst fast foods. But now things are slowly easing up... we'll see.. amazing that I can take vitamins now. Every time I tried in the past 30 years I would react way too hard, massive hives all down thighs, etc.

Also, if you want to get rid of bacteria/parasites et al, you need to kill the slimy biofilm they live in that's protecting them. This is key.

I agree...a healthy strong immunesystem should be able to keep out unwanted 'guests'
However I think after 15+ years my body (immunesystem, digestive system,organs) has been burdened so much that just vitamin/mineral supplements and diet alone, aren't going to be enough anymore.
Besides, I already take an array of supplements daily, so doing even more or higher doses along with good food isn't financially feasable anymore.
(Not to mention The EU having all their ***hole measures)
Money in itself can't buy health or happiness, but it surely can provide shortcuts to better health.

Ugh...yeah, salicylates and all these other (plant)toxins, tell me about it...
I've suffered from severe salicylates intolerance years ago, which over time turned to oxalates and now also includes histamine/mcas. (It could've already been an issue back then).

Right....the biofilm disruptors, forgot about those for a moment. Do you happen to know or have experience with some good ones?
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Apr 30, 2015
Hey Tarmander, is that part of the Marshall Protocol or are you using olmesartan as BP medicine? I am intrigued by the Marshall protocol and the idea that anti-inflammatories like vitamin D are not always a great idea.
marshall protocol

Been doing it now for years. I avoid the sun too. It has really helped my immune system not over react. Allergies have all gone way down.


Oct 5, 2014
I currently have a low tolerabillity for some of the dogmatic replies I sometimes see on this forum (you need to eat 'x' carbs/sugars, you need to drink milk/coffee/juice,you thyroid will fix it all etc. In all fairness, dogma is a thing in every 'dietary' circle)
Precisely because of this you have to keep posting. Dogmatism of any kind sucks and openness to new ideas is what makes us advance. So please keep posting.


Mar 15, 2022
While researching the mode of action of ivermectin against Demodex mites, which are associated with rosacea, apparently there are many bacteria that live alongside parasites. Ivermectin works by inhibiting proteins in their structure so they can't reproduce. Of course this is a crude explanation so, someone else may be able to elaborate...

Ray Peat and others have commented on the anti-inflammatory actions of ivermectin and I'd like to know more about this mode of action...

@Tarmander has a lot of experience with regular use of ivermectin and there is an interesting thread that he started. He mentions the general feel of euphoria after taking it and I have to agree that I get this as well. My body and my face feel warm and cozy and I feel relaxed and calm. Bowel movements are increased but not in a flushing type of manner LOL. Every day I make sure to have a large carrot salad around 11:00 a.m. away from my breakfast and lunch.

Honestly I have never felt better. My skin is super smooth and glowy. My sleep is deep and refreshing.

You mentioned sibo. Four or five years ago I was vegan for a while and eating lots and lots of fibrous high volume foods. Along with some intermittent fasting and my belly started to bloat really bad after meals. It took years to deal with this issue, bringing back animals sources of food helped and smaller meals throughout the day helped... I did take a round of bactrim back then which I think helped me out a lot. But just cutting way back on fibrous vegetables and toning down my exercise and getting enough sleep has really helped.

That said, and I'm not trying to brag or anything, but in the six months or so since I have been taking Ivermectin intermittently, my stomach is so incredibly flat. I am a 45 year old mother of four and I actually have visible veins on my lower abs! No gas or bloating anymore. It's really a relief and I definitely think that pharmaceutical drugs have a place now and then even in the "cleanest" lifestyles.
Have you stopped taking other substances? Or continued with other supps/medications if you take any, the whole time you are on ivm?


Sep 22, 2013
While researching the mode of action of ivermectin against Demodex mites, which are associated with rosacea, apparently there are many bacteria that live alongside parasites. Ivermectin works by inhibiting proteins in their structure so they can't reproduce. Of course this is a crude explanation so, someone else may be able to elaborate...



Apr 21, 2014
Won't really be about diet, but a new drug I have been testing.

Diet I am doing lots of meat/raw meat. Still on the low vitamin A train, just not as strict.

This is a normal day for me View attachment 45837
View attachment 45838
Thanks for the detailed list! I noticed you had some posts on Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity and your food list that youre currently eating have low beta carotene. I recently started doing the carrot salad and noticed a huge increase in energy levels but i have become severely constipated. Ive been dealing with a lot of fatigue issues for a long time and it was really nice to get a boost in energy after i started incorporating carrots. I was wondering if you had any incite on this. Im wondering if the beta carotene is giving me issues in the long run and should quit. Im having other issues pop up i think because of the constipation(or maybe its the beta carotene). Is there anything that youre doing or something you could suggest that would give me the same benefit that carrots do in regards to energy levels?


Apr 30, 2015
Thanks for the detailed list! I noticed you had some posts on Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity and your food list that youre currently eating have low beta carotene. I recently started doing the carrot salad and noticed a huge increase in energy levels but i have become severely constipated. Ive been dealing with a lot of fatigue issues for a long time and it was really nice to get a boost in energy after i started incorporating carrots. I was wondering if you had any incite on this. Im wondering if the beta carotene is giving me issues in the long run and should quit. Im having other issues pop up i think because of the constipation(or maybe its the beta carotene). Is there anything that youre doing or something you could suggest that would give me the same benefit that carrots do in regards to energy levels?
Carrot never really worked for me. Tried to make it work for months. I think it has a lot to do with your specific microbiome. If you are getting energy and want to keep them, I don't think they are too unhealthy. Just find a way to speed up transit time. Tons of stuff out there for that, even Peat recommended like cascara


Oct 5, 2014
Anyone else taking ivermectin regularly?
I can't yet because alldaychemist doesn't ship to Europe temporarily (maybe permanent) but I would take it regularly as a try. I had only taken it for a few days before I ran out of it. Bummer.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I purchased a 3-pack of the horse paste after I got covid (untested diagnosed but the friend who I suspect gave it to me was tested) in March 2020. I used some of it just at the time. After reading this thread, I decided to use the remaining ivermcetin that I had sitting on the shelf. I use it once or twice a week. I have not noticed any changes.
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Mar 15, 2022
My experiences with Ivermectin have been overwhelmingly positive.

To me, it feels very similar to Idealabs Defibron which also blocks endotoxin signalling.
The most noticable thing is being totally unaffected by my surroundings.
One time I was walking in a busy market, and I felt like if I was there by myself I would have felt exactly the same.
This allows great focus. Normally I'm very sensitive to my surroundings.
I also seemed to feel better in every way I could think of. Mood, drive, libido, clarity of thought.

*However, I'm wary of taking Ivermectin again since my last experience.
One day I took it in the morning (3mg). In the afternoon, I had a strong coffee and did some light cardio.
After the exercise, I was noticably more fatigued than usual and felt very 'out of it'. I took a restless nap and my tongue felt hard and weird like it hadn't felt before.
I thought to my self, is this what it feels like when a seizure is coming on?
My hands were also slightly shaky for hours (although no one would have noticed except me)
I didn't really know what to do but took a small amount of aspirin and continued to rest. The next day I seemed to be normal.

I've read others on this forum talking about the blood brain barrier, DMSO and Ivermectin being harmful if it reaches the brain etc
Don't know how much truth there is to this. I didn't take any other supplements in the day prior. But do take TTFD and other DMSO supplements on and off.
My body doesn't do great with cardio activites in general as it is. It could be taking the Ivermectin + the cardio was a bad combo for the position my body is in.
Nov 21, 2015
My experiences with Ivermectin have been overwhelmingly positive.

To me, it feels very similar to Idealabs Defibron which also blocks endotoxin signalling.
The most noticable thing is being totally unaffected by my surroundings.
One time I was walking in a busy market, and I felt like if I was there by myself I would have felt exactly the same.
This allows great focus. Normally I'm very sensitive to my surroundings.
I also seemed to feel better in every way I could think of. Mood, drive, libido, clarity of thought.

*However, I'm wary of taking Ivermectin again since my last experience.
One day I took it in the morning (3mg). In the afternoon, I had a strong coffee and did some light cardio.
After the exercise, I was noticably more fatigued than usual and felt very 'out of it'. I took a restless nap and my tongue felt hard and weird like it hadn't felt before.
I thought to my self, is this what it feels like when a seizure is coming on?
My hands were also slightly shaky for hours (although no one would have noticed except me)
I didn't really know what to do but took a small amount of aspirin and continued to rest. The next day I seemed to be normal.

I've read others on this forum talking about the blood brain barrier, DMSO and Ivermectin being harmful if it reaches the brain etc
Don't know how much truth there is to this. I didn't take any other supplements in the day prior. But do take TTFD and other DMSO supplements on and off.
My body doesn't do great with cardio activites in general as it is. It could be taking the Ivermectin + the cardio was a bad combo for the position my body is in.

So after this experience is your plan to continue Ivermectin?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
@Smelly5 - thanks. I suspect that like so many other things it works until it doesn't. I do not abut the half-life of Ivermectin but I am hoping that limiting my intake to 1-2 times a week will keep me from accumulating a toxic level.
Nov 21, 2015
@Smelly5 - thanks. I suspect that like so many other things it works until it doesn't. I do not abut the half-life of Ivermectin but I am hoping that limiting my intake to 1-2 times a week will keep me from accumulating a toxic level.

Makes sense. I am trying one or two a week at 12mg. See what happens. So far nothing much but it may be helping in some odd ways.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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