Is Pramipexole, Or Other Dopamine Agonists Are Safe In Short Term?


Aug 12, 2018
I’m planning to experiment with pramipexole. I hadn’t seen pretty well things about dopamine agonists. I read that especially the DAWS is a serious problem.

I think I will take pramipexole at 0.25 mg dosage for about one month. If you consider my age, which is 16, is it possible to get a damage from it?

And the most important, that musn’t be harmful for the parkinson’s patients, idk if it’s.


Jan 25, 2014
Why are you even thinking of experimenting with something like this drug at the age of sixteen? That's really young.

It's possible to get damage and side effects from ANY drug. And drugs aren't tested on people under 18, generally. Especially considering the main use cases are for parkinsons, which affect much older people, like sixty plus. It would be especially risky to experiment with this if you aren't being monitored by a doctor.

Beyond the age concerns, the risks of Pramipexole (also known as Mirapex) have been discussed on the forum before- Has Anyone Used Pramipexole?

Being that it's one of the newer dopamine agonists, that means fewer detrimental of it are known than older Dopamine Agonists like Bromocriptine.

You might want to rethink experimenting with this, it doesn't sound like a good idea.


Aug 12, 2018
Why are you even thinking of experimenting with something like this drug at the age of sixteen? That's really young.

It's possible to get damage and side effects from ANY drug. And drugs aren't tested on people under 18, generally. Especially considering the main use cases are for parkinsons, which affect much older people, like sixty plus. It would be especially risky to experiment with this if you aren't being monitored by a doctor.

Beyond the age concerns, the risks of Pramipexole (also known as Mirapex) have been discussed on the forum before- Has Anyone Used Pramipexole?

Being that it's one of the newer dopamine agonists, that means fewer detrimental of it are known than older Dopamine Agonists like Bromocriptine.

You might want to rethink experimenting with this, it doesn't sound like a good idea.

If you read my other posts, you can understand that I'm in a terrible situation. I don't want to type why. cause I had explained it in my earlier posts.

If that's that much risky, could you suggest me a safe dopamine "D3" agonist? Much better if it's only D3 agonist.

And I'll try pramipexol anyway cuz I'm in a very bad situation, as I have said. If you don't know any D3 agonist, could you suggest another dopamine agonist which effective on D3?

Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
I don't know if dopaminergics at your age are safe, but diamant seems to be safer and less likely to cause DAWS(from what I've read). I think it's one of haidut's comments that explains the mechanism.


Mar 6, 2022
Why are you even thinking of experimenting with something like this drug at the age of sixteen? That's really young.

It's possible to get damage and side effects from ANY drug. And drugs aren't tested on people under 18, generally. Especially considering the main use cases are for parkinsons, which affect much older people, like sixty plus. It would be especially risky to experiment with this if you aren't being monitored by a doctor.

Beyond the age concerns, the risks of Pramipexole (also known as Mirapex) have been discussed on the forum before- Has Anyone Used Pramipexole?

Being that it's one of the newer dopamine agonists, that means fewer detrimental of it are known than older Dopamine Agonists like Bromocriptine.

You might want to rethink experimenting with this, it doesn't sound like a good idea.
It is very important to understand that dopamine agonists have the opposite effect than expected at the beginning of treatment. The reason for this is that ALL dopamine agonists primarily activate presynaptic dopamine receptors, which causes a decrease in dopamine levels and, in general, all the symptoms of dopamine deficiency, which should have been dealt with in a good way. BUT, after a period of slow titration, the presynaptic receptors must desensitize and only then dopamine agonists begin to work correctly
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