Isn’t pleasure an illusion after all ?

Oct 27, 2020
Madrid and Paris
If we remove the reflex, is sexual enjoyment anything other than just an electric shock triggering spasms for a few seconds?
Is the feeling of love fundamentally anything other than a state of physiological over-excitement (a kind of amphetamine)?
Do you also think that the pleasure is real or is simply an illusion which results in the REFLEX to direct oneself, at least in certain situations, in these states?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
If we remove the reflex, is sexual enjoyment anything other than just an electric shock triggering spasms for a few seconds?
Is the feeling of love fundamentally anything other than a state of physiological over-excitement (a kind of amphetamine)?
Do you also think that the pleasure is real or is simply an illusion which results in the REFLEX to direct oneself, at least in certain situations, in these states?
hi,it doesnt matter what cause it,and any of these claims whever trigger by electricity or fire or soul would be an association.what matter is if it feel good and isnt detrimental to you long term,nothing more concret that feelings
Oct 27, 2020
Madrid and Paris
hi,it doesnt matter what cause it,and any of these claims whever trigger by electricity or fire or soul would be an association.what matter is if it feel good and isnt detrimental to you long term,nothing more concret that feelings
Exactly, it doesn't really feel good anymore, I think I've crossed a point of no return and I can't see all this as "pleasure" anymore, I just say to myself "okey I feel that" but this is neither good nor bad.


Jun 7, 2016
Everything in this world is an illusion, nothing really matters, doesn’t matter if you destroy your body or look after it, doesn’t matter if we destroy the flora and fauna, we are here in these body’s to experience and learn, pain and pleasure are merely teachers and guide us. Only temporary.

If we didn’t get all the pleasure from the orgasm and fake love men wouldn’t go near a women, We would be extinct.

Men fall in love and want to possess the women which is impossible because there is nothing to possess but the women end up possessing the man. The whole love/lust thing is coming from within the spirit of men and being projected onto the women.

We are all prisoners and slaves in a big penal colony which we cannot leave.
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Mar 12, 2016
Illusion: an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

So, are you misperceiving pleasure as something it shouldn't be?

The biological role of pleasure is to guide us to things that are good.
Oct 27, 2020
Madrid and Paris
Illusion: an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

So, are you misperceiving pleasure as something it shouldn't be?

The biological role of pleasure is to guide us to things that are good.
Yes, the point is that if you focus enough on what you consider to be pleasure, you realize that it is just a random sensation (spasm after orgasm, for example), or even comedy (saying humm by thinking something "good") and that the fact of wanting to move towards this feeling is only a reflex.
Once you see things that way everything seems a little bland.
I expect opposition from idealists, mainly religious
Oct 27, 2020
Madrid and Paris
Everything in this world is an illusion, nothing really matters, doesn’t matter if you destroy your body or look after it, doesn’t matter if we destroy the flora and fauna, we are here in these body’s to experience and learn, pain and pleasure are merely teachers and guide us. Only temporary.

If we didn’t get all the pleasure from the orgasm and fake love men wouldn’t go near a women, We would be extinct.

Men fall in love and want to possess the women which is impossible because there is nothing to possess but the women end up possessing the man. The whole love/lust thing is coming from within the spirit of men and being projected onto the women.

We are all prisoners and slaves in a big penal colony which we cannot leave.
are you buddhist ?


Mar 12, 2016
Yes, the point is that if you focus enough on what you consider to be pleasure, you realize that it is just a random sensation (spasm after orgasm, for example), or even comedy (saying humm by thinking something "good") and that the fact of wanting to move towards this feeling is only a reflex.
Once you see things that way everything seems a little bland.
I expect opposition from idealists, mainly religious
But it's not random at all. It's pleasurable because it's good, not without reason.


Oct 6, 2020
If we remove the reflex, is sexual enjoyment anything other than just an electric shock triggering spasms for a few seconds?
Is the feeling of love fundamentally anything other than a state of physiological over-excitement (a kind of amphetamine)?
Do you also think that the pleasure is real or is simply an illusion which results in the REFLEX to direct oneself, at least in certain situations, in these states?

If you remove the reflex that inititates the arousal then there is no electric shock triggering spasms ... or am i missunderstanding your question?
By a chemical/biological point of view as you said it love, motivation, pride or w/e is all just a "physiological" action/mechanism.

But why would this make it a "illusion"? You still need thoose neurotransmitters, hormones etc. to "experience it. All the mechanisms that even to this day and age are eluding us, working in concert to make us and keeping us alive. The experience is real. The phsyiological reaction required is real, even if what triggered it isn't. If whats used to give you pleasure doesn't anymore the way it used to or the way it should i would point this at some issue with the body i would want to fix.


Feb 20, 2021
The more practical question, is it within your control?
Isak Dinesen wrote, there are 3 kinds of perfect pleasure.
To feel in yourself an excess of strength
To know you are fulfilling your destiny
The remission of pain.
There's a viral video online, a Ukrainian military band in downtown Odessa playing Don't Worry, Be Happy.


Jan 29, 2014
The more practical question, is it within your control?
Isak Dinesen wrote, there are 3 kinds of perfect pleasure.
To feel in yourself an excess of strength
To know you are fulfilling your destiny
The remission of pain.
There's a viral video online, a Ukrainian military band in downtown Odessa playing Don't Worry, Be Happy.
I like it!
Regarding OP, I think our culture overemphasizes fleeting pleasures coming from libidinal sources. Their nature is to be fleeting and they even can cause certain shame, because they are low pleasures.
Whereas pleasure that comes from fulfilling your destiny is much deeper and more satisfying. Also, pleasure comes from doing good, especially if it requires effort and/or sacrifice.


Aug 17, 2018
If we remove the reflex, is sexual enjoyment anything other than just an electric shock triggering spasms for a few seconds?
Is the feeling of love fundamentally anything other than a state of physiological over-excitement (a kind of amphetamine)?
Do you also think that the pleasure is real or is simply an illusion which results in the REFLEX to direct oneself, at least in certain situations, in these states?
Personnaly, I believe the whole point of having sex/love making is to experience pleasure and surrender yourself to it. In other words, during sex you want to please a woman, give her pleasure and help her to surrender to her own pleasure (not to you as a man). And vice versa, she wants to give you the same so you can experience the same. It’s the surrendering to your own pleasure that puts you into a heightened state of awareness during which a higher knowledge/wisdom should be acquired.


May 2, 2021
If you remove the reflex that inititates the arousal then there is no electric shock triggering spasms ... or am i missunderstanding your question?
By a chemical/biological point of view as you said it love, motivation, pride or w/e is all just a "physiological" action/mechanism.

But why would this make it a "illusion"? You still need thoose neurotransmitters, hormones etc. to "experience it. All the mechanisms that even to this day and age are eluding us, working in concert to make us and keeping us alive. The experience is real. The phsyiological reaction required is real, even if what triggered it isn't. If whats used to give you pleasure doesn't anymore the way it used to or the way it should i would point this at some issue with the body i would want to fix.
Hmmm.... Maybe an infinitely wise Creator God designed the human body, made in his image, complete with all of it's incredible complexity with such integrated function that we will never be able to fully comprehend and understand, that when a man and his wife come together as one flesh - not only to the end of filling the earth and subduing if but also for the sake of building a deeper and more loving relationship through an incredibly pleasurably intimate bond - they would fulfill not only the will of God through the covenant of marriage but that He would have them experience enjoyment because he is a loving and good Creator .... Or maybe life is just pointless, electrical charges, spasms and existence is worthless....


Dec 8, 2016
If we remove the reflex, is sexual enjoyment anything other than just an electric shock triggering spasms for a few seconds?
Is the feeling of love fundamentally anything other than a state of physiological over-excitement (a kind of amphetamine)?
Do you also think that the pleasure is real or is simply an illusion which results in the REFLEX to direct oneself, at least in certain situations, in these states?
Pleasure is an illusion, yes.

But joy is real.


Mar 12, 2017
Love is more of a state of being than it is a feeling that comes and goes. If it's a feeling, it's more likely you're experiencing infatuation or lust and not love. Chasing these temporary highs will only lead to disappointment in my experience. Love is something we share with others, not something we gain externally, though when you're in the state of love, finding it externally is almost inevitable.
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