
Feb 26, 2018
So what now, are we taking our money out of bank and keep them at hand?
Yes, I will do so. It might not protect the currency from degenerating, but it's less risky than keeping it at the bank. As a matter of fact the money on your bank account doesn't exist, it's just a number ,so it can evaporate at any given moment. At least physical money exists and won't be subject to a cyber attack.

Deleted member 5487

Can anyone get access to the study below?
Forget it I got it.

This is in line with Event 201 Before Covid. The fractional reserve fiat banking empire is imploding. As we are seeing with Turkey and the Currency Disintegrating.

World leaders who take their orders from WEF in Davos will transition to a CBDC central bank digital currency to pay off the insolvent Pensions, Social Security. $130 Trillion unfunded liabilities.

People working 40 years for a fat pension, 401k, Social security will wake up and realize trusting a promise from Corporate elites and Government Bureaucrats was terrible idea and their entire life/future retirement was a lie. The Central Bank Digital currency created out of thin air on a computer used to pay off the Pension/UBI will buy you little more than Bill gates GMO bread and Soy protein fake meat from Walmart and Amazon.

Riots will be an understament. COVID was used as a transitioning into MUCH more draconian/authoritarian government, as the elites/oligarchs know what is coming.


Mar 30, 2020
This is in line with Event 201 Before Covid. The fractional reserve fiat banking empire is imploding. As we are seeing with Turkey and the Currency Disintegrating.

World leaders who take their orders from WEF in Davos will transition to a CBDC central bank digital currency to pay off the insolvent Pensions, Social Security. $130 Trillion unfunded liabilities.

People working 40 years for a fat pension, 401k, Social security will wake up and realize trusting a promise from Corporate elites and Government Bureaucrats was terrible idea and their entire life/future retirement was a lie. The Central Bank Digital currency created out of thin air on a computer used to pay off the Pension/UBI will buy you little more than Bill gates GMO bread and Soy protein fake meat from Walmart and Amazon.

Riots will be an understament. COVID was used as a transitioning into MUCH more draconian/authoritarian government, as the elites/oligarchs know what is coming.

Is there anything one can do, though? I doubt trying to convince anyone to cash in on their savings will work, and I myself am broke. Is there a way out, any solution, any way to even protect yourself from this kind of thing beyond fleeing to a country which might remain unaffected for a few years longer?

What even happens at that stage - surely many of those who are vaccinated at this point and lining up for boosters will have a blind ideological loyalty to the state however blatantly malevolent they are. They are willing supplicants, it's hard to see anyone mounting any kind of opposition, much less a riot.

And what would happen if there were riots, even? Are we to believe the plans of a meticulous global cabal of sinister opportunists can be adequately disrupted by smashing a few windows?

EDIT: I am asking sincerely! It is easy to feel quite hopeless and the insights on this forum can sometimes give me a little scrap of optimism here and there.


Feb 18, 2016
This is in line with Event 201 Before Covid. The fractional reserve fiat banking empire is imploding. As we are seeing with Turkey and the Currency Disintegrating.

World leaders who take their orders from WEF in Davos will transition to a CBDC central bank digital currency to pay off the insolvent Pensions, Social Security. $130 Trillion unfunded liabilities.

People working 40 years for a fat pension, 401k, Social security will wake up and realize trusting a promise from Corporate elites and Government Bureaucrats was terrible idea and their entire life/future retirement was a lie. The Central Bank Digital currency created out of thin air on a computer used to pay off the Pension/UBI will buy you little more than Bill gates GMO bread and Soy protein fake meat from Walmart and Amazon.

Riots will be an understament. COVID was used as a transitioning into MUCH more draconian/authoritarian government, as the elites/oligarchs know what is coming.
It’s hilarious that this is their plan, it really seems to be the case, they expect their NGO industrial complex can assist them in pushing it through via celebrating a UBI and a fake socialism for all, it’s equity and good for minorities, most people are going to go nuts including minorities, unmet expectations releases rage, the big media machine has spent decades propagating the message of success being financially linked, people have dreams of fame, private jets and billions in the bank, now they think telling joe public that living in a tiny cube with a shared kitchen cooking soya beans is the way forward, good luck with that.


Feb 18, 2016
ThIs is even more obvious. They're literally saying what's going to happen.

"...let's be better prepared for that one." That implies that it is going to happen, just when is the question .

" The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a covid-like cyber threat, is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet. All of this in a matter of days. (...)
Covid 19 was known as an anticipated risk, so is the digital equivalent, let's be better prepared for that one."


Videos like this are going to backfire, of course deleting the internet will stifle information flow so they gain full control of the narrative.
If these systems go down including the internet they must have a backup for ruling class communications, I doubt they will use ham radio or regular telephone, is there satellite connection available of some sort?

Who will they blame this time? Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, I mean they are all coordinating on this either way, maybe they will do the blame game, China will blame the USA and vice versa, this has worked for the covid narrative.

Even with the internet down no one is buying their narratives anymore.


Feb 18, 2016
Let’s not forget about stuxnet, Israel and Americas computer virus to attack Iran, the virus took on a life of its own and is still out there, this coming cyber attack for the great reset is highly likely being done by Israelis, it’s likely Iran get the blame, another war for Israel fought by America.



Jan 18, 2020
Can someone clarify how comes all fiat currencies are supposedly collapsing?


Jun 2, 2017
Can someone clarify how comes all fiat currencies are supposedly collapsing?
From a "conspiratorial" and pure layman's view point, I would say because the NWO can't take place without their centralized currency in place. They cannot allow for the power and freedom that the decentralization of currency would give to others. This is my view of the "why"; smarter minds will have to give the "how".

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
From a "conspiratorial" and pure layman's view point, I would say because the NWO can't take place without their centralized currency in place. They cannot allow for the power and freedom that the decentralization of currency would give to others. This is my view of the "why"; smarter minds will have to give the "how".
isnt currency like the US dollar already centralized though

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I never realized the signs for a cyber attack on banks were so telling until now - it's a good thing my bank accounts are mainly empty in exchange for more physical goods - convincing my family to keep their bank accounts light is another hurdle though - they do have a lot invested into their retirement and bank accounts and unfortunately don't believe me when I tell them something like this
what should be done with money, i dont know if it should be kept as money, if theres massive deflation in goods then dollars would be best. or should it be put into some metals or stocks or what exactly? get a new car soon, before prices skyrocket, cuz youll own the car at least which is valuable.


Feb 26, 2018
The next step is already planned ahead. It's again the old lie: "safety" in exchange for freedom.
They will take away your passport and driver's license . Sure, it's only for drug dealers/consumers at first. But how much worse is a drug dealer considered to be compared to an unvaccinated person?

And btw: if they make progesterone, pregnenolone or DHEA illegal drugs on a level with opiates, you could loose your passport and driving license for trying to be healthy. That's the current state of the world.

“We need to look at new ways of penalising them. Things that will actually interfere with their lives,” Mr Johnson told the paper.

“So we will look at taking away their passports and driving licences.

“We’re keeping nothing off the table,” he added

(Passports to be removed from illegal drug users in Boris Johnson’s new crackdown)



Feb 18, 2016
Can someone clarify how comes all fiat currencies are supposedly collapsing?
What everyone really worships is money, we need markets for the money to be worth anything, the market is what we in our cultures value however delusional that value assumption may be, the market is now global creating similar values so why have competing currencies which creates a diverse potentiality of power, for more coherent control one currency is desired by the Epstein class, monopolize the valued market and what we value, reinforce the feedback loops of what is to be valued via media amplification.

Monet subtly comes before God for most major religions, if we observe their actions it becomes clear, even satan worshippers worship money first!

With Peat in mind we see it through a more nuanced lens, we need bioenergetic resources and when in excess a creative outlet to expand into, the money systems hinders this for the majority but amplifies it for the financial minority, the Epstein class.

Let’s start an NGO to represent the billionaires as a financial minority with minority human rights applied, the majority poor are privileged oppressors.


Feb 18, 2016
The next step is already planned ahead. It's again the old lie: "safety" in exchange for freedom.
They will take away your passport and driver's license . Sure, it's only for drug dealers/consumers at first. But how much worse is a drug dealer considered to be compared to an unvaccinated person?

And btw: if they make progesterone, pregnenolone or DHEA illegal drugs on a level with opiates, you could loose your passport and driving license for trying to be healthy. That's the current state of the world.

“We need to look at new ways of penalising them. Things that will actually interfere with their lives,” Mr Johnson told the paper.

“So we will look at taking away their passports and driving licences.

“We’re keeping nothing off the table,” he added

(Passports to be removed from illegal drug users in Boris Johnson’s new crackdown)


Not sure that will fly with the fake progressive agenda, they need drugs to create passive people, unless they want people passive via big pharma pills that have the added effect of sterilizing them, illegal drugs would probably have less side effects and promote pregnancies compared to Pfizer products.


Feb 26, 2018
Not sure that will fly with the fake progressive agenda, they need drugs to create passive people, unless they want people passive via big pharma pills that have the added effect of sterilizing them, illegal drugs would probably have less side effects and promote pregnancies compared to Pfizer products.
I think the main takeaway is their plan on removing people's passports and drivers license if we are not compliant. The drug story is just the entry point of this law.
As we saw in the last 2 years they like to pass a law and then progressively make it stricter and more far-reaching.


Jun 2, 2017
isnt currency like the US dollar already centralized though
I'd say to some degree, yes, the US dollar is centralized, but not to the extent that would allow for implementation of a NWO. There would need to be a singular one-world currency, or something similar, as well as the means to control all monies, electronically. Even if you didn't have a one-world currency, if all currencies were digital, the control could be centralized enough, allowing for liens on bank accounts, stoppage of certain purchases, etc.


Apr 9, 2018
This is in line with Event 201 Before Covid. The fractional reserve fiat banking empire is imploding. As we are seeing with Turkey and the Currency Disintegrating.

World leaders who take their orders from WEF in Davos will transition to a CBDC central bank digital currency to pay off the insolvent Pensions, Social Security. $130 Trillion unfunded liabilities.

People working 40 years for a fat pension, 401k, Social security will wake up and realize trusting a promise from Corporate elites and Government Bureaucrats was terrible idea and their entire life/future retirement was a lie. The Central Bank Digital currency created out of thin air on a computer used to pay off the Pension/UBI will buy you little more than Bill gates GMO bread and Soy protein fake meat from Walmart and Amazon.

Riots will be an understament. COVID was used as a transitioning into MUCH more draconian/authoritarian government, as the elites/oligarchs know what is coming.

So, what are the financial precautions to take? Precious Metals?
(Food, defense tools, energy generators etc. to survive are a given at this point.)


Feb 18, 2016
I think the main takeaway is their plan on removing people's passports and drivers license if we are not compliant. The drug story is just the entry point of this law.
As we saw in the last 2 years they like to pass a law and then progressively make it stricter and more far-reaching.
This seems to be the new strategy alright, hiding more controversial laws behind laws that seem ok, the trans movement are basically using this tactic and succeeding, this isn’t democracy, far from it.
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