Israel Mainly To Blame For Palestine Conflict, Says UN report


Mar 21, 2021
I find it hilarious Jews and Muslims fighting on American soil about if Israel is committing apartheid, genocide and a illegal occupation when they are on illegally occupied native Americans land were genocide and apartheid has been going on for centuries. Go back to your own countries and protest it if your are against those things. And the truth of it all they don’t care about Muslim lives. There were none of these protests when America was selling Saudi Arabia weapons to use on Yemen Muslims which lead to 377,000 death through war and famine.

The truth is the Muslims only care about Muslims lives when a Israel is doing it, just like Black Lives Matter protests when a white cop kills a black man but do nothing when black men are dying in the streets by other black men and a don’t really say nothing at all when they are killed by a black cop.

There are forces controlling blm and there are forces controlling these Palestinian protests. It’s all about divide and conquer. So if all these protesters were in the streets these past 10 years when Yemen children were being starved to death by embargo’s by Saudi Arabia I would believe them. These protests are antisemitic.

And I understand the Jews have their own propaganda and do control most of the institutions around the world through the corrupt banking system and Wall Street and then go by off American politician to further their propaganda, change laws and regulations and create foreign policies that favor Israel.

There for they get backed by the American government, just the same as Saudi Arabia oil money and the petrodollar system allows Saudi Arabia to commit war crimes against Muslims ten time worse the Israel di but the Muslim world was silent.


Mar 21, 2021
Jewish people that fled to the United States fresh off the holocaust and did a lot for civil rights in the 50’s and 60’s , but American Jewish people realized that everywhere throughout history where Jews went they faced antisemitism. But in America many whites were so consumed with black and white relations they did not care about the jews and were seen more as white. So the whole woke movement was a collaboration with wealthy wasps and jews to distract Americans with culture wars so Americans would be distracted and then they could pass laws and end regulations that allowed corporations and Wall Street to skim all the wealth from the American middle and working class. They pushed the woke so far they had Americans fighting over parent and their trans kids getting surgery. But now all the woke college kids and groups like blm supporting Palestine and now this wokeness is biting them in the **** and now they are ending contributions to universities and corporations are stopping all the woke virtue signaling.

So it looks like not only did Hamas kill 1500 Israelis citizens, they killed the woke movement.


May 10, 2022
No wonder




Whitney Webb AI-Powered Tyranny 21 Oct 2023​


0:00 - Intro
1:26 - Clown world spirals closer to WWIII
12:13 - Divide and conquer through “pick a side”
19:25 - “Israel’s 9/11"
24:19 - Neocons trying to regain base
28:21 - Financial crisis
33:18 - CBDCs and financial cancelation
38:17 - Luongo’s theory
40:36 - Ending anonymity
43:18 - Big tech vs freedom tech
50:40 - AI
1:07:43 - Christian Zionism
1:21:36 - Keep your mind through the clown world
1:31:04 - AI religion
1:40:43 - Bitcoin is a revolution against the cyber/banking regime
1:46:47 - Wrapping




Aug 17, 2016


Aug 13, 2020
The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event

TLDR There is evidence suggesting that Israeli intelligence may have had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and may have been involved in organized intelligence gathering activities within the United States.

Key insights

- The men detained after cheering and videotaping the 9/11 attack were later revealed as Mossad assets, raising questions about their involvement.

- "A draft report from the DEA said it may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity."

- Fox News investigation revealed that some US investigators believe there are Israelis currently engaged in spying in and on the US, suggesting ongoing intelligence activities that may be controversial.

- The FBI investigation quickly unraveled to be the largest foreign spying operation ever uncovered inside the United States.

- The FBI had been quietly rounding up a spy ring of Israelis in the United States prior to 9/11, indicating a significant level of suspected espionage.

- The investigation reveals that Israeli art students may have been involved in organized intelligence gathering activities, targeting various government facilities and even the homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel.

- The General Accounting Office investigation referred to Israel as conducting the most aggressive espionage operation against the US, raising questions about their advanced knowledge of 9/11.

- The evidence suggests the existence of a large intelligence network within the United States, with teams on the ground recording the attack and gathering information through electronic surveillance.

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New Member
Nov 14, 2023
Loveland, Colorado
I have visited Palestine in 2017 and it is horrific how Israelis treat them at borders, especially women and kids going back from school. Just like potential criminals. Threatening them with weapons like ak47 is normal, checking their luggage etc.
I have been to Israel and Gaza many times as well.
Many of the Palestinians and their fearless leader HAMAS have no desire to improve their living conditions. It is easy to blame everything on Israel. That's what those with the victim mentality do...they blame and murder and blame and murder. But the Palestinians are indoctrinated in their schools, since the age of 3 or 4 to hate the Jews. Many Palestinians were given an opportunity to work in Israel. What did they do? Many - not all - spied for Hamas which enabled the massacre to happen on October 7th.

The brutality of HAMAS was so despicable that those who support this brutality have no moral compass.

People do not understand the history of Judea Samaria. I seem to recall that Joshua led the Jewish people back to this land in 1400 BC before there ever was 'The Palestinians' whom happen to be immigrants from other Middle Eastern countries, which was a name coined by Arafat. The Palestinians were given many opportunities to have their own state which they rejected. Why did they reject so many opportunities to have their own state? WHY? Because they just want to annihilate Israel and will never settle until that happens. Which is why a 2 state solution is an idiotic proposition. Why don't other Arab nations give them land so that they can have their own state? Because other Arab nations do not want the Palestinians.

In the history of the world there have always been millions of immigrants but the Palestinians are always the focus.
How ironic that milions of immigrants from other Arab nations, over the centuries, have just been conveniently forgotten. You never hear about those immigrants ONLY the Palestinian immigrants. Why is that? It's not about the land - it's about the hatred many in the Arab world have for the Jewish people. And they continue to spread the propaganda and the lies about Israel. And most do not know that the JEWS have been 'driven out' of most countries where they have lived even before Israel became it's own country. Even during WWII the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler to fight and kill the JEWS. The JEWS were always a displaced people before 1947. But no sympathy for them just POGRAMS. And that will continue into eternity. Maybe this hatred stems from the fact that the Jews rejected Allah & angered Mohammed in favor of the GOD of the bible - the one true GOD.
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