It must be terrible to be a modern child...


Jan 17, 2023
I've often said that this world wages an all out war on innocence as it sets about messing you up as quickly as it can. Why? Because broken people spend more money on pointless solutions that don't address the root cause and they'll also never look within for solutions as that is where their fears are hidden.

Thing is those of us who came to Earth when it was still analog managed to keep our spark way longer than the raised by a screen generation who are fed all kinds of degradation disguised as entertainment plus loads of corrosive influence. No wonder the latest generations mental health is on the decline. What a life. Or is that "life sentence"? It certainly feels like the inmates long ago took over the asylum...

It really makes me wonder about the nature of all of this. This planet. This realm. Its intent and whats happening as its all so well orchestrated. A machine I call the System as it has many wings that are all based on the same thing:

The destruction of innocence.

Children these days face immense pressures to not just fit in but compete with the whole world as opposed to just their playmates, schoolfriends and rivals. Can you imagine? Either you're adored by millions globally or you're no one. Now think in turn what kind of parents they'll be and extrapolate another generation or three and you'll see a radically warped picture of humanity. Its all surface level. No depth, just appearances.

Like beggars with golden bowls, unaware of what they possess.

It really makes me wonder. What do you think?


Jul 8, 2014
It really makes me wonder. What do you think?

Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme…

Competition, corruption, power hunger, manipulation, greed etc. are nothing knew, they have just taken on different forms throughout time, which is what got us here in the first place. And there have been and will always be those of us who see beyond the veil, including the young who are wiser and more powerful than some give them credit for. When the eye is only focused on what is wrong in the world, it misses what is right in it and just because something wasn’t visible in the past, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Keep in mind that a big fish in a little pound and a little fish in a big pond are still fish in a pond. It is their world, it is all they know, so whether it’s a million likes we are trying to earn or just one, it’s still trying to earn love and validation.

We can talk until we’re blue in the face about all the horrors of the world, but how about discussing what is working—because there is actually a lot of good happening—and how we as individuals contribute to what isn’t working—because we all had a part in getting here—and can take steps in our lives to change it? I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I don’t understand why some people are so passionate about all the bad in the world and what others are doing wrong, but offer little solution on what we can do to change it. Where is their passion in that? We avoid vaccinations. Cool! We support local farmers. Great! We foster healthy relationships, including our relationship with ourselves. Fantastic! We limit not only our children’s screen time but also our own and make the effort to be involved in their lives. Beautiful! We defend those who are defenseless. Wonderful! What else?
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Aug 17, 2018
"If I were God, I would have made the world just so and no different." - The Man
I would make it completely different, haha.

Oftentimes, I find myself thinking what it would be to live in the world where everybody strives for perfection and beauty.


Sep 4, 2020
“Do you truly believe that something may be turned to nothing? Do you believe that the first Adam in paradise was able to destroy a single flower, a single blade of grass?”
“We are not in paradise,” the young man stubbornly replied. “Here, in the sublunary world, all things are mortal.”
Paracelsus had risen to his feet.
“Where are we, then, if not in paradise?” he asked. “Do you believe that the deity is able to create a place that is not paradise? Do you believe that the Fall is something other than not realizing that we are in paradise?”


Sep 9, 2019
I would make it completely different, haha.

Oftentimes, I find myself thinking what it would be to live in the world where everybody strives for perfection and beauty.
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World"

It depends how we look at it I guess. I'm going to make a declarative statement but obviously, I'm not qualified to do that. You're here to learn L_C. To know the difference and make your choices.

The Boss can give you a hand but you have to ditch pride, ego and ask for it. Alternatively the other guy has a bridge to sell you.
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