It's Just Bad



Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
I'm going to start taking all vits and minerals you've recommended, waiting for order. I want to try some vancomycin, as my digestion is pretty terrible, just want to be able to eat 'normal' stuff, more fruits, more potatoes, meats, organs and eliminate that bloody flatulence and bloating. It is def crucial thing for my body.
What dose is the best, also should I take it for a longer time, or bigger doses for a short time, or maybe "pulsating", e.x 7 days, then break-7 days, coming back, again, taking for a week etc etc. ?

Perhaps combinig it with charcoal few days a week and daily carrot(s) with some intestinal mucosa-healing substances, like a bit if urea, and there's interesting thing in my country, available in pharmacies called -Shostakovsky balsam( vinilin, vinilinum), it's been used since 1940, nice thing, very sticky and thick, really accelerates wound healing, It can be used orally. But I guess its only addition, I have to use some strong antibiotic, maybe antifungal?

So many question, so few answers :)

Also, what y'all think could help for damaged teeth? ( weak, especially the top), I have cavities near gum line( about >10 teeth to fill and painful, swollen gums, very sensitive to cold.
Its like often I got pain in my jaw( mandible).
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Dec 18, 2018
You should refrain from using the Vancomycine for the time being and first bring your Nutrition in order.
You seem to have an GI-tract disorder.What are the diagnoses exactly?
How often did you visited an gastroenterologist?What are they saying?


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
I visited gastro-logist like 5-6 years ago, I had a scan, he just state the obvious, that I have some gas in the intestines and this is probably IBS, just said that some herbal drops from pharmacy( expensive of course, not regular peppermint tincture) might be helpful...


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dec 18, 2018
If i were you, id pay attention what Tristan says about your nutrition.

That is a refreshing encouragement,reducing stress response,thank you =]

i know just not enough in his case,my knowledge of GI-conditions is low,this thread should be bumped
for visibility,so that experienced and knowledgeable members can have a say.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
And I'm quite worry about that nausea, I got it everyday, often i have to force eat.
Also my lymph nodes on neck are swollen and aching, because of gum inflammation.
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
That is a refreshing encouragement,reducing stress response,thank you =]

i know just not enough in his case,my knowledge of GI-conditions is low,this thread should be bumped
for visibility,so that experienced and knowledgeable members can have a say.
You,re welcome.
Yes, bumping the thread regularly might bring some new ideas.
It think he could try some very, VERY simple protocol, untill proven beneficial or otherwise, but i dont know what.


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Don't know why the muscle cramps didn't stop despite taking magnesium, I try to eat lots of potassium, though for few days I ate too little.. everything. Had hard time in the job, lifting heavy elements( stainless steel), still I work 'only' 8 hours, when for some blokes in my workplace its a norm to toil away for 10, even 11 hours a day...

I have cramps, often painful, mostly in thighs, legs, some eye twitchin, sometimes got kind of pressure in my head( in one place) or overall headache( like pressure headache).
I use 1- 2g of mg glicynate a day( 10% of elemental mg), I guess this might be too little.
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Don't know why the muscle cramps didn't stop despite taking magnesium, I try to eat lots of potassium, though for few days I ate too little.. everything. Had hard time in the job, lifting heavy elements( stainless steel), still I work 'only' 8 hours, when for some blokes in my workplace its a norm to toil away for 10, even 11 hours a day...

I have cramps, often painful, mostly in thighs, legs, some eye twitchin, sometimes got kind of pressure in my head( in one place) or overall headache( like pressure headache).
I use 1- 2g of mg glicynate a day( 10% of elemental mg), I guess this might be too little.
Lifting steel full time and undereating is a recepy for disaster, especially in the damp in Poland. No wonder nothing works. You,re an intelligent dude; consider seriously, and asap, change of employment!


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Yes, but I get used to it and it would be incredibly hard and stressful for me to change job, at least in that bloody horrible state.
I'm just so groggy, spaced out, 'dopey' like, and here, I know what to do, I learn new things too slowly, just don't 'get it' and I'm very forgetful, scatterbrained, kind of light in the head to work at new place...
If you know what I mean

I usually manage to eat properly, and quite high calorie, not so bad, but yesterday I had harder time and started eating chocolate bars, sweets, even rolls with cheese, butter, nutella... just every bad food and on the top of that yoghurts and fromages.

Also a recepy for disaster. Today my gut is very swollen and bloated, and I got painfull cramps, of course nausea is worse too.
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Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Well, I got all of these chelates, just afraid of taking it without measuring off a proper dose.
And the point is, I have the minerals in powder form, e.g selenium chelate- 0.2% selenium.

So, correct me if I'm wrong,
I want to take 200 mcg of selenium a day, I take 0.1g of powder, 0.2% of 0.1 is 0,0002g, which is 200mcg??

I know it seems really simple, but my brains are quite groggy and a bit dazed.


Dec 9, 2019
Hi Jacob,
Your post,well thought out replies and lack of success have encouraged me to register in order to post. I think it would be best to start a new thread, maybe two (my introduction, and what I know now), but I would like to encourage you to dig even deeper into some new information. (I have your same symptoms, just many more years dealing with them.)
This information is new to me also, but it makes so much sense. To bring it down to basics, why are some of us so sick with invisible illnesses and others not?
I think this doctor has some answers, and some amazing insight.
This is a link to her podcast, and also a link to the transcript if you'd rather read it. I believe you can go to her store and ask for a pdf copy of her book for free (I'm not sure though). I received her book with a purchase. I've spent a fortune on supplements in my life and less than 10 have helped. Her Parasym plus helped immediately. This just tells me that it is what I needed.
A Little-Known Secret To Fix Your Vagus Nerve, Banish Constipation, Use Nicotine As A Biohack & Much More! - Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice
[Transcript] - A Little-Known Secret To Fix Your Vagus Nerve, Banish Constipation, Use Nicotine As A Biohack & Much More! - Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Thats very promising.
Have you really managed to get well, only by boosting your acetylocholine?
Or it was just stimulus which 'accelerated' everything and helped you sort things out.
I really wonder it it might heal your gut and helps absorb nutrients.

I take b compl. quite lots of magnesium but it seems to do nothing, of course I still got muscle cramps, headaches and bloody awful fatigue.
I have dry eyes and sometimes little salive secretion, which now is quite obvious to me, I suppose I have poor acetylocholine production.

I use lots of tobacco, snorting it into the nose( quite popular in Poland), it certainly helps me with constipation, but I would have to snuff it so much that it would make me jittery and high adrenaline.
It works only in some degree.

Also, I don't things I can find Parasym in Polish stores. I might order it to me country but it would be very expensive. It may pay off though.

Things for answer and 'livening up' my thread :)


Dec 9, 2019
Hi Jacob,
My health crashed about 10 years ago, many of your same symptoms, but back then I didn't have any gastro issues. Overwhelming fatigue, crushing headache, slurred/stuttered speech, partial left side paralysis, tingling all over body (paresthesia), joint, bone, fascia, muscle pain, insomnia, tremors, amnesia, body temperature dis-regulation to extremes, chemical sensitivities, can read more in my introduction.

I was diagnosed with MS (though I don't think that was accurate), Fibro, Chronic Fatigue, Hashi's and Sjogrens. A few years later, Lyme. So my focus became on Lyme for the last 8 years or so. When I stay on bug killing protocols I absolutely feel better. Interestingly, when I do things like deep tissue massage or foam rolling - I start to get neurological (Lyme) symptoms. This is well documented in regards to "stirring" up Lyme.

I just came across Driscoll's work 2-3 weeks ago and it makes so much sense to me as to why some people get very sick and other's don't. The last year or so I've been having more and more gastro issues; lots of gurgling, rumbling and pain. Much of this pain I thought was coming from my appendix and radiating out. What was strange was that Zantac and other acid blockers seemed to help. Well, come to find out they are histamine 2 blockers. That's why they stopped the gastro issues. And after listening to Driscoll's podcast and reading her book, I now know that it isn't my appendix it's the ileocecal valve. OMG - I've had pain there off and on my entire life. I can literally feel it pulsing at times.

As I said, I ordered her supplement and it worked immediately. It's patented formulation so the ingredient amounts aren't disclosed, but they are listed. You may want to try a combination of them and guess the amounts.

Basically, her theory is that these horrific symptoms that destroy many lives, are due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome (that is highly under diagnosed), POTS (which is caused by EDS), and Idiopathic Intracranial Hyperpressure (also caused by vascular EDS), MCAS (which to me is the same as chemical sensitivity) and all of these cause huge problems with the vagus nerve which then also causes a cascade of problems.

This all makes so much sense when I looked up each one. I can trace EDS symptoms back to my childhood (I'm in my 50's now). It also makes sense when I look back to each protocol and how they have worked or haven't worked in my life. It also makes sense that people are misdiagnosed with so many different "syndromes".

So now I am putting together a protocol based on what I'm learning from Driscoll and what has and hasn't worked in the past for me. Hoping to gain some insight on this forum. Keep in touch!


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
So you say that almost every person with health problems, especially chronically fatigued, with IBS, chronic headaches, overall inflammation, body pain, fibromyalgia etc. etc. have EDS?

Or I misunderstood you.

Actually I feel somewhat confused, does EDS also lead to hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue? Annd I have not those strange symptoms like loose joints, stretchy skin, joints dyslocation, etc...
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Dec 9, 2019
So you say that almost every person with health problems, especially chronically fatigued, with IBS, chronic headaches, overall inflammation, body pain, fibromyalgia etc. etc. have EDS?
Not necessarily that all have EDS, but vascular EDS is definitely something to look into. Driscoll goes into the EDS much more in her book, "The Driscoll Theory". Try emailing her supplement company and asking for a free copy.

When I first crashed with similar symptoms to yours, I took thyroid and 5 mg of prednisone. In about 4-6 weeks I felt better than I had in my entire life. But after a year, I started going backwards, and I knew it was not just thyroid and adrenal problems. But it did buy me time with a clear mind to study and learn more. (At first I was on 2.5 grains of Armour, then went to 75mcg of T3.) If you do have a thyroid issue, thyroid supplements won't help a whole lot if your cortisol is in the toilet or your adrenals are struggling. You also need iron - which usually isn't so much of an issue for men. has great info on thyroid and adrenals.

You do have some low thyroid issues; dry hair, fatigue - but what about low body temps, weight gain, fat on lower neck/upper back, thick skin that is hard to pinch? Your symptoms of hot flashes would seem to me to be more of a parasympathetic nervous system disorder. Which would go along with your gut issues. The nervous system disorder somehow can relate to a vagus nerve problem. Here's a quote from the transcript when she was talking about how nicotine helped her gut issue, "So, either it was a preganglionic vagus nerve problem, or it was a neurotransmitter problem. And that difference, Ben, is so critical because as it turned out, it wasn't a vagus nerve problem per se. It was a problem with the neurotransmitter, and you have to be able to figure out that difference to get as healthy as you can."

What about Lyme? Have you been properly tested or looked into it. Dr Deitrich Klinghardt believes that pretty much everyone is infected, but not everyone is sick. It just depends on their immune system.

As far as EDS goes, I hadn't even heard of it until recently. I don't have stretchy skin, and I don't dislocate joints, but it is a scale. And if I remember correctly, you can have vascular EDS without hypermobility. I do have some of the traits that go with the hypermobile form; long fingers and toes, high palate, born with a dislocated hip, a prolapse, longer arms than height, very flexible hips, can place palms to floor while standing. But I'm definitely not double jointed or some other things.

Do you have a horrible headache along with the brain fog?


Dec 9, 2019
Remember Lyme is a neuro toxin so it effects just about everything. And it is so hard to diagnose because most labs don't properly test, and it mimics so many diseases.
Up until recently I believed Lyme was the root of all my health issues. Now, I'm beginning to think that there possibly is a genetic component that makes it difficult for my body to fight and heal from Lyme.

I was just doing some quick research about the skull because I saw an older post from elephanto talking about increases his skull width. Modern people have an increasing problem with a narrow jaw/skull - this is a problem for proper blood flow and I would imagine for proper cerebral fluid flow as well. I have had a horrible headache most of my life. I have been researching Idiopathic Intracranial Pressure (as it was one of Driscoll's issues) and I have most symptoms (you have several too). Her answer is to take Diamox. After reading a post of Haidut, I'm thinking high dose thiamine. But my point here is that if we have a narrow skull/ jaw, reducing blood flow, oxygen and increasing intracranial pressure - than possibly widening the skull/jaw with mewing and mastic gum may eventually help. (I have a narrow skull/jaw, elongated face, high palate, and my tongue is never up on my palate.)

I'm really not sure, but I do feel like many pieces are falling together for me. And I've seen several people on this forum with similar issues.

Oh, do you also react to smells or chemicals?


Apr 9, 2019
Northern Poland
Yes, I have fat on my neck, despite of being only a bit overfat (( certainly a hypo symptoms, despite eating rather too little( constant nausea and indigestion does't helps)) Actually my appetite is recently very poor, same my digestion, my stomach is constantly bloated, have cramps and standing pain after meal too often.

My body temps are quite low, I check them very rarely, always forget,
But I think just feeling cold almost all the time, especially after waking up( terrible cold) is enough to know what goes on.

I often got low blood pressure and it's esp bad after standing for a longer periods of time, def got that orthosthatic something( forget the nose)
I don't have narrow face, its rather kind of square. But have problems with jaw( mandible) it aches from time to time, and it makes 'crunchy' sound.

I react to smells and esp chemicals too.

And I wonder about those dry eyes and kind too little saliva excretion...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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